@YXPR, thank you. What you wrote is closer to the understanding I had originally before exploring other sites, but I think I'm getting hung up on some of the more fantastical and extreme descriptions. In many cases it's like they were written for specific sociotypes rather than as a general description of the function itself. One site portrayed 1V as power hungry, demanding obedience, fearlessly leading as though they had every right, and discarding morality, but I suppose there are shades of this depending on sociotype.

It's probably a case of being too close to myself and unable to see my own nose. Like you, I tend to always know what I want which is probably why I originally typed 1V, but I also think I'm pretty considerate of what others want. Perhaps that's a result of training/upbringing. When it comes to E I sometimes like processing my feelings and other times I want people to keep their nose out of it. I notice myself withdrawing from people when I'm going through a hard time emotionally, but reaching out when I'm doing well, so don't know if that's related to psychosophy type or just having issues, lol.

Perhaps I'm VELF after all, although EVLF seems a good alternative. I do seek Logical answers and help, it's one reason I value my ILE friend so much when I have a sticky problem. Then again, I didn't connect with this description of 4F at all: The Fourth Physics can be characterized by gloomy and even suicidal moods. The thought of suicide comes to her easily and without any disgust. The desire to commit suicide is a normal reaction for her to the problems and inconveniences of life. This also shows the ability of the Fourth function to switch off in crisis situations.