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Thread: Attitudinal Psyche type system

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    I can't imagine what a 4V LIE is like hahaha. LIE strike me as the 1V type usually. Then I'm a 1F ILE so I guess anything is possible. I remember reading in a russian site about people who's PY type is their Socionics dual, in other words they are their own duals. So the ILE equivalent is LVEF (Because Einstein, who is an ILE in Socionics, is used as the LVEF poster child). A self-dualized ILE would have FEVL (Dumas) PY type. On the other hand, people who have the same POLR as their third function are said to have double POLR. So 3E for any xxTp type for instance.
    1F does seem unusual for ILE, but also cool because it's like a counter-balance to being all intuitive. The people I know who I suspect are 1F are mostly Si-doms, and maybe an ILI. And I could be wrong about the LIE! Talking about it more with my friend, maybe he's actually 2V and the EII is 3V. It's doubtful he's 4V.

    "I would never put my life dream on hold for anyone." Sounds either 1V or 3V haha. 3V because it devalues other people's will. So I could see a 3V in the "confident" state saying something like this to look like a 1V lol. 2V would find a way to compromise and fulfill both their goals and aspirations. 4V often don't even have any dreams to begin with. They take on the wishes of others instead.
    I don't know if I would say this to someone's face as I'm usually pretty diplomatic Usually pretty clear on the next step in life, so it's like I'm looking for people who are cool with that and will let me do my thing while they do theirs. Definitely do not devalue other's wills as I know how bad it feels when people try to undermine your confidence in your dreams and who you are.

    Hmmm, I dunno about patterns in terms of distancing. I could describe what 1E and 2E is like. 1E is extremely annoying to me lol. 1E is something like, overwhelming emotions all the time. Feels like 1E users have bipolar disorder or something. The tiniest little things they just overreact. Just like 1L overwhelms others with their closed-mindedness and 1F overwhelms with their body (often use brute force or even violence to solve problems), 1E overwhelms with emotions. 1E also feels very emotionally selfish. When they laugh they expect you to laugh along, when they cry they expect you to cry along. They don't care at all what you might be going through. Total opposite with 2E which attempts to liberate others in terms of emotional expression (and 3E appreciates this). 1E matches well with 4E, which is described as a 'mirror', they don't really have many feelings going on, but they enjoy watching and consuming drama and emotional expression and they often mimic emotions of their interlocutor. Funny enough the strong emotionality of 1E might be confused with Socionics Fe, but actually it's something different. Psyche Yoga E is more about HOW you use emotions rather than WHAT you are using. So 1E is selfish use of emotions, 2E is normative and helpful use. I'd say Fe/Fi leads often have 1E, and Fe/Fi creatives often have 2E but of course it's not a rule. At any rate, I get along better with Fi users with 2E than Fe users with 1E. Even though I value Fe myself.
    I'm starting to lean towards 2E for myself, and part of the journey has been to also honor my own feelings. Sometimes 3E people can be takers when they're immature, like they just expect you to always initiate or make them feel good, and it can be draining. So recognizing I also need to give to myself and am not just there to serve people emotionally or do all of the emotional work in the relationship has been helpful. I have seen most of my longtime 3E friends grow in this area as they mature with age.

    It's pretty amazing how Psyche Yoga predicts these things, it could seriously be used as a subtyping system for Socionics.
    Agreed!!! *looks around for someone to get right on that*
    Last edited by Aria; 02-23-2021 at 02:27 AM.

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