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Thread: Attitudinal Psyche type system

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    I can't imagine what a 4V LIE is like hahaha. LIE strike me as the 1V type usually. Then I'm a 1F ILE so I guess anything is possible. I remember reading in a russian site about people who's PY type is their Socionics dual, in other words they are their own duals. So the ILE equivalent is LVEF (Because Einstein, who is an ILE in Socionics, is used as the LVEF poster child). A self-dualized ILE would have FEVL (Dumas) PY type. On the other hand, people who have the same POLR as their third function are said to have double POLR. So 3E for any xxTp type for instance.
    1F does seem unusual for ILE, but also cool because it's like a counter-balance to being all intuitive. The people I know who I suspect are 1F are mostly Si-doms, and maybe an ILI. And I could be wrong about the LIE! Talking about it more with my friend, maybe he's actually 2V and the EII is 3V. It's doubtful he's 4V.

    "I would never put my life dream on hold for anyone." Sounds either 1V or 3V haha. 3V because it devalues other people's will. So I could see a 3V in the "confident" state saying something like this to look like a 1V lol. 2V would find a way to compromise and fulfill both their goals and aspirations. 4V often don't even have any dreams to begin with. They take on the wishes of others instead.
    I don't know if I would say this to someone's face as I'm usually pretty diplomatic Usually pretty clear on the next step in life, so it's like I'm looking for people who are cool with that and will let me do my thing while they do theirs. Definitely do not devalue other's wills as I know how bad it feels when people try to undermine your confidence in your dreams and who you are.

    Hmmm, I dunno about patterns in terms of distancing. I could describe what 1E and 2E is like. 1E is extremely annoying to me lol. 1E is something like, overwhelming emotions all the time. Feels like 1E users have bipolar disorder or something. The tiniest little things they just overreact. Just like 1L overwhelms others with their closed-mindedness and 1F overwhelms with their body (often use brute force or even violence to solve problems), 1E overwhelms with emotions. 1E also feels very emotionally selfish. When they laugh they expect you to laugh along, when they cry they expect you to cry along. They don't care at all what you might be going through. Total opposite with 2E which attempts to liberate others in terms of emotional expression (and 3E appreciates this). 1E matches well with 4E, which is described as a 'mirror', they don't really have many feelings going on, but they enjoy watching and consuming drama and emotional expression and they often mimic emotions of their interlocutor. Funny enough the strong emotionality of 1E might be confused with Socionics Fe, but actually it's something different. Psyche Yoga E is more about HOW you use emotions rather than WHAT you are using. So 1E is selfish use of emotions, 2E is normative and helpful use. I'd say Fe/Fi leads often have 1E, and Fe/Fi creatives often have 2E but of course it's not a rule. At any rate, I get along better with Fi users with 2E than Fe users with 1E. Even though I value Fe myself.
    I'm starting to lean towards 2E for myself, and part of the journey has been to also honor my own feelings. Sometimes 3E people can be takers when they're immature, like they just expect you to always initiate or make them feel good, and it can be draining. So recognizing I also need to give to myself and am not just there to serve people emotionally or do all of the emotional work in the relationship has been helpful. I have seen most of my longtime 3E friends grow in this area as they mature with age.

    It's pretty amazing how Psyche Yoga predicts these things, it could seriously be used as a subtyping system for Socionics.
    Agreed!!! *looks around for someone to get right on that*
    Last edited by Aria; 02-23-2021 at 02:27 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    The former.

    High V could explain it, then. Goals energize me. Even hardships, in a way, although I can do nothing for long stretches when the goal is done. When there's a truly inspiring goal I can easily get out of routine or neglect eating/sleeping (less so as I get older).

    That's hilarious about 3F people caring how you eat. Are they also the people to get annoyed by how others chew, or is that just most people? Ha. This does help clarify 3F vs 4F. I still am not completely sure of myself. I'm definitely an ectomorph/slender, was also notoriously squeamish as a child. Violence doesn't bother me as much as graphic close-ups of wounds, which I can't handle. I have insecurities about certain physical features, like most people, but I don't think I'm obsessive. I do have some sensory sensitives but maybe that's just introversion.

    Yup, chewing sounds too. I'm not sure if its the auditory thing or whether its that I'm 'eating wrong' but my 3F Dad used to get mad at me since I was little for walking around with a snack or whatever and chewing next to him. I have met a few new 3Fs recently which also told me to stop making so much noise when eating. Funny that in over 20 years my dad was the only one to ever complain hahah. For ladies I'd say both 3F and 4F are slender with some exceptions. 4F is described as having 'thin' features, thin eyebrows, thin lips, etc. Also 4F are said to look younger than their age.

    The 4th function in general is hard to type since it's usage is so low it feels like it isn't there. One thing to keep in mind is that in times of stress, the fourth function shuts down completely and the person soothes themself with the first function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    1F does seem unusual for ILE, but also cool because it's like a counter-balance to being all intuitive. The people I know who I suspect are 1F are mostly Si-doms, and maybe an ILI. And I could be wrong about the LIE! Talking about it more with my friend, maybe he's actually 2V and the EII is 3V. It's doubtful he's 4V.

    I don't know if I would say this to someone's face as I'm usually pretty diplomatic Usually pretty clear on the next step in life, so it's like I'm looking for people who are cool with that and will let me do my thing while they do theirs. Definitely do not devalue other's wills as I know how bad it feels when people try to undermine your confidence in your dreams and who you are.

    I'm starting to lean towards 2E for myself, and part of the journey has been to also honor my own feelings. Sometimes 3E people can be takers when they're immature, like they just expect you to always initiate or make them feel good, and it can be draining. So recognizing I also need to give to myself and am not just there to serve people emotionally or do all of the emotional work in the relationship has been helpful. I have seen most of my longtime 3E friends grow in this area as they mature with age.

    Agreed!!! *looks around for someone to get right on that*
    Well, 3E is really a mixed bag. Like any third function lol. The problem with many 3E people is taking offense over remarks even when the other person didn't mean to be rude. 1E are the worst culprits here since they kinda just say whatever they feel without thinking. But I suppose everything depends on the person and their maturity like you said. Mature 1E who can keep themselves from saying dumb crap and mature 3E who can keep themselves from getting mad at dumb crap.
    In my experience, 3E is something like... wanting to express myself emotionally but not being able to, maybe because I want to keep my image as a guy. Guess it's what they call fragile masculinity lol. I can express myself just fine with my friends but if there's someone I just met and trying to impress, there's no way I can express myself like usual. The other spot where 3E pops out is criticism about personal stuff, say, the things I like, or criticism about my personality. It's just about the only spot that can shake me into strong negative emotions. Say, one time, a person I cared about had a tantrum accusing me of being some kind of swindler because I like playing poker for money. Shook me up really bad, I just kinda sat there silently keeping my composure but inside I was full of this weird feeling of rage and disappointment. Of course it was a 1E who said it without really thinking lol. And I was seriously trying my hardest to hold back tears cause fuck, I'm not a bad guy, I just enjoy the game and making money while I'm at it! But I just held it all in instead of defending my point. Generally tantrums are hell on earth for 3E. 2E is not prone to throwing tantrums ime. For 1E on the other hand, it's an everyday thing lol.
    So 3E to me is more like a weakness to negative emotions. I'd say I'm pretty placid or even optimistic most of the time. Just that I can get mad if someone presses my buttons too much.
    Just trying to clear up a bit about 3E, I wouldn't say it's about being emotionally immature but... they need some understanding. Like all third functions.

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    Eh. I just try to make 1E look foolish when they say stupid sh!t like very subtle sort of way showing their twistedness so it sinks in bit by bit.
    LIE 3E's can be total cry babies when it comes to relations. (I almost begin to consider 1E but just me trolling online)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Well, 3E is really a mixed bag. Like any third function lol. The problem with many 3E people is taking offense over remarks even when the other person didn't mean to be rude. 1E are the worst culprits here since they kinda just say whatever they feel without thinking. But I suppose everything depends on the person and their maturity like you said. Mature 1E who can keep themselves from saying dumb crap and mature 3E who can keep themselves from getting mad at dumb crap.
    In my experience, 3E is something like... wanting to express myself emotionally but not being able to, maybe because I want to keep my image as a guy. Guess it's what they call fragile masculinity lol. I can express myself just fine with my friends but if there's someone I just met and trying to impress, there's no way I can express myself like usual. The other spot where 3E pops out is criticism about personal stuff, say, the things I like, or criticism about my personality. It's just about the only spot that can shake me into strong negative emotions. Say, one time, a person I cared about had a tantrum accusing me of being some kind of swindler because I like playing poker for money. Shook me up really bad, I just kinda sat there silently keeping my composure but inside I was full of this weird feeling of rage and disappointment. Of course it was a 1E who said it without really thinking lol. And I was seriously trying my hardest to hold back tears cause fuck, I'm not a bad guy, I just enjoy the game and making money while I'm at it! But I just held it all in instead of defending my point. Generally tantrums are hell on earth for 3E. 2E is not prone to throwing tantrums ime. For 1E on the other hand, it's an everyday thing lol.
    So 3E to me is more like a weakness to negative emotions. I'd say I'm pretty placid or even optimistic most of the time. Just that I can get mad if someone presses my buttons too much.
    Just trying to clear up a bit about 3E, I wouldn't say it's about being emotionally immature but... they need some understanding. Like all third functions.
    I can picture the scenario you're describing if I insert a couple of 1E people I know, ha. Yeah, emotional maturity helps quite a bit on both sides, so healthy E1 person will be more careful of feelings and not so much without a filter and 3E can learn to understand their triggers and cultivate healthy responses. (Also I don't think 3E = emotional immaturity. Only a couple of 3Es I've known have been "takers," but there were other things going on).

    The introverts I suspect are 1E aren't quite without a filter but they do say caustic things occasionally, like they just need to get the bitter thing off their chest but don't notice the collateral damage. When confronted it's like "yeah, okay, I'm sorry, but I was feeling 'x' way." Whereas I would have been wracked with guilt for days if I knew I made someone feel bad (also not a healthy response).

    Seems like mature E1s will always be kind of unaware of the impact of their emotions on others, but can accept feedback (probably at a later time) and incorporate that feedback into future responses if they know something they're saying offends you. I'm thinking of an EII roommate in college who said something snide about my career choice simply because she was having a bad day and also had bad associations with said career choice. I almost let it go, but later I sent her an email (lol) about it and she apologized. I don't think she would have thought about how it made me feel until I mentioned it, but she never spoke disparagingly about my career again. So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is we all need to be held accountable for our dominant function at times, but it takes a lot of patience from the person doing the confronting, and I would imagine it's really difficult to make that dynamic happen between a 1st function and 3rd function person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chin Diaper 007 View Post
    Eh. I just try to make 1E look foolish when they say stupid sh!t like very subtle sort of way showing their twistedness so it sinks in bit by bit.
    Lol. There's always this approach, too.

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    Yeah, 2# position is also about flexibility as it takes other things into consideration. Flexibility transfomation whatever it needs bit like a toy/tool depending on the context. LEXY... is sort of nerdy person with expressive undercurrent.

    I think I work with 1E ILI - the dramatic critic (lots of people might want to type him as ILE without knowing him).

    I tend to get along very well with 2V people somehow. 1V people (I think Donald Trump is clearly one) tend to be domineering. I don't like that. Yet they seem to get pleasure if I compromise (which I hesitate to do) taking it as sign of plausible 4V.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 02-23-2021 at 08:18 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chin Diaper 007 View Post
    Yeah, 2# position is also about flexibility as it takes other things into consideration. Flexibility transfomation whatever it needs bit like a toy/tool depending on the context. LEXY... is sort of nerdy person with expressive undercurrent.

    I think I work with 1E ILI - the dramatic critic (lots of people might want to type him as ILE without knowing him).

    I tend to get along very well with 2V people somehow. 1V people (I think Donald Trump is clearly one) tend to be domineering. I don't like that. Yet they seem to get pleasure if I compromise (which I hesitate to do) taking it as sign of plausible 4V.
    Thanks, saw that resource a while back. I could see 1V for Trump. I imagine 1V manifests very differently for different sociotypes in terms of wanting to control externally. I'm still not sure for myself if 1V or 1E, but it's definitely one of those two. Either way, I have a more introverted accentuation so am not as outwardly expressive with my first function.

    What do you like about your dynamic with 2V people?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    What do you like about your dynamic with 2V people?
    Designed/considered purpose. It has a meaning.
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    @shotgunfingers a while back you had a psyche type in your profile--are you leaning a certain way now, or any suspicions about your type?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    @shotgunfingers a while back you had a psyche type in your profile--are you leaning a certain way now, or any suspicions about your type?
    Idk, what does this logic sound like to you?

    1. Describe a time when you used your own reasoning and analytical skills to learn a new idea or system. How do you know the method(s) you chose were ideal? If you don't know, what hurdles do you think keep you from understanding this knowledge? Can you imagine how your insight has aided in further research related to the idea or system? Expand as much as needed.

    As with most things IF I am uninterested in the subject I will most likely procrastinate and fail to acquire the necessary knowledge even if I try to push myself. If I'm interested however, it means I will take almost every opportunity to "dabble" and "play" in a flow state with the idea or system and no hurdle is big enough to overcome eventually by sheer attrition until I understand it. I prefer to be hands on, in the process and learn best by understanding how everything connects into a wider system. Why? Because its fun. For this reason I enjoy talking about my interests with others, debating certain aspects. I enjoy feedback from other people amd need to know their thoughts, to compare and contrast them to mine. While I may seem like I'm confident in my understanding of things, and may dismiss other people's ideas or argue against them or just devil's advocate, the reality is that I doubt myself quite a lot & feedback is something I rely on and consequently value. It is one thing to casually enjoy a lively discussion with another layman and another thing to argue with someone who has in depth knowledge about his/her own field. Just reading reference material and thinking for myself isn't enough. It is how I go about learning socionics for example, but its not limited to that. For deep insight and advancement one would have to reach mastery in a given field and this hasn't happened to me yet, so I haven't contributed to advancements or research. I'm also not academically inclined at all and more at home with pragmatic applied knowledge or "realistic" Holland code cluster "R". Despite this I sometimes dabble in more abstract areas of interest, which is how I found socionics, proceeded to read reference material, look up examples, try to figure myself out and argue with other people possibly for months on obscure forums and video-chat going through sources of information which ranged from dubious to more legitimate as well as asking a specialist in the field to see what he thought about my own personality. The overall picture is still incomplete as I proceed from details to the whole, but I'm confident of my level of knowledge, less so in experience. Regardless it is highly interesting and that keeps fueling my desire to know more.

    2. Describe a time when you exchanged reasoning and analysis with another person to learn a new idea or system. How do you respond to someone who criticizes your knowledge while asserting their own? How do you decide which sources of information are best? Do you believe that most people have better reasoning skills than you? Why or why not?

    As stated in the previous question I enjoy arguing with people. Even if I'm wrong about something I can only gain / learn from it, plus it is fun and I do this regularly and other people may have information that is unknown to me. If someone criticizes my knowledge I will argue back and they will need to prove to me that I'm not understanding something correctly or that I have false information. This doesn't mean that I'm confident in my knowledge, far from it, I doubt myself a lot, but I doubt them as well. I will learn from the process regardless of me or them being right in the end. As far as information sources go, imo proven reliable authorities in their own areas of expertise are the best.. BUT it doesn't mean that they know absolutely everything, which makes all sources valuable, more or less. I seem to think a lot of ppl have worse reasoning skills then me, but I often doubt myself and it is reasonable to assume that there are many ppl with vastly better reasoning skills than me. To think I am always right would be idiotic. By default I defer to the knowledge of an expert, especially if I haven't fully understood something, but may eventually start arguing once I do understand. Imo this is just common sense or being realistic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Idk, what does this logic sound like to you?

    1. Describe a time when you used your own reasoning and analytical skills to learn a new idea or system. How do you know the method(s) you chose were ideal? If you don't know, what hurdles do you think keep you from understanding this knowledge? Can you imagine how your insight has aided in further research related to the idea or system? Expand as much as needed.

    As with most things IF I am uninterested in the subject I will most likely procrastinate and fail to acquire the necessary knowledge even if I try to push myself. If I'm interested however, it means I will take almost every opportunity to "dabble" and "play" in a flow state with the idea or system and no hurdle is big enough to overcome eventually by sheer attrition until I understand it. I prefer to be hands on, in the process and learn best by understanding how everything connects into a wider system. Why? Because its fun. For this reason I enjoy talking about my interests with others, debating certain aspects. I enjoy feedback from other people amd need to know their thoughts, to compare and contrast them to mine. While I may seem like I'm confident in my understanding of things, and may dismiss other people's ideas or argue against them or just devil's advocate, the reality is that I doubt myself quite a lot & feedback is something I rely on and consequently value. It is one thing to casually enjoy a lively discussion with another layman and another thing to argue with someone who has in depth knowledge about his/her own field. Just reading reference material and thinking for myself isn't enough. It is how I go about learning socionics for example, but its not limited to that. For deep insight and advancement one would have to reach mastery in a given field and this hasn't happened to me yet, so I haven't contributed to advancements or research. I'm also not academically inclined at all and more at home with pragmatic applied knowledge or "realistic" Holland code cluster "R". Despite this I sometimes dabble in more abstract areas of interest, which is how I found socionics, proceeded to read reference material, look up examples, try to figure myself out and argue with other people possibly for months on obscure forums and video-chat going through sources of information which ranged from dubious to more legitimate as well as asking a specialist in the field to see what he thought about my own personality. The overall picture is still incomplete as I proceed from details to the whole, but I'm confident of my level of knowledge, less so in experience. Regardless it is highly interesting and that keeps fueling my desire to know more.

    2. Describe a time when you exchanged reasoning and analysis with another person to learn a new idea or system. How do you respond to someone who criticizes your knowledge while asserting their own? How do you decide which sources of information are best? Do you believe that most people have better reasoning skills than you? Why or why not?

    As stated in the previous question I enjoy arguing with people. Even if I'm wrong about something I can only gain / learn from it, plus it is fun and I do this regularly and other people may have information that is unknown to me. If someone criticizes my knowledge I will argue back and they will need to prove to me that I'm not understanding something correctly or that I have false information. This doesn't mean that I'm confident in my knowledge, far from it, I doubt myself a lot, but I doubt them as well. I will learn from the process regardless of me or them being right in the end. As far as information sources go, imo proven reliable authorities in their own areas of expertise are the best.. BUT it doesn't mean that they know absolutely everything, which makes all sources valuable, more or less. I seem to think a lot of ppl have worse reasoning skills then me, but I often doubt myself and it is reasonable to assume that there are many ppl with vastly better reasoning skills than me. To think I am always right would be idiotic. [Probably not for a 1L person, lol] By default I defer to the knowledge of an expert, especially if I haven't fully understood something, but may eventually start arguing once I do understand. Imo this is just common sense or being realistic.
    Hmm, given what I know of the system so far it strikes me as very much 3L, especially the bolded. You seem to need to process L--engage back and forth with others--which would indicate 2nd or 3rd.

    The key point for 3L to me is speaking about distrust of your own logical process as well as doubting what others say. The third function mistrusts and devalues both the self and others, can swing to overconfidence/arrogance at times and then back down again. 1L people usually think they're right which can drive 3L people insane.

    Also the hesitancy to contribute to advancement and research until you have fully mastered something or have a fully formed opinion. I think 2L is more confident putting forth half-formed ideas or even misinformation because they don't personalize Logic so much. They're not so attached to their opinions and don't experience much doubt or anxiety in this area. (<--I'm less sure about this last part, would need a 2L person to confirm their perspective)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Hmm, given what I know of the system so far it strikes me as very much 3L, especially the bolded. You seem to need to process L--engage back and forth with others--which would indicate 2nd or 3rd.

    The key point for 3L to me is speaking about distrust of your own logical process as well as doubting what others say. The third function mistrusts and devalues both the self and others, can swing to overconfidence/arrogance at times and then back down again. 1L people usually think they're right which can drive 3L people insane.

    Also the hesitancy to contribute to advancement and research until you have fully mastered something or have a fully formed opinion. I think 2L is more confident putting forth half-formed ideas or even misinformation because they don't personalize Logic so much. They're not so attached to their opinions and don't experience much doubt or anxiety in this area. (<--I'm less sure about this last part, would need a 2L person to confirm their perspective)
    Yeah.. I thought it sounded 3L when I read it as well.
    1L always sounds stupid to me, kinda like "I'm always right! " ..disregarding external input is a critical mistake imo. I'm too skeptical to be 2L. I do think that 4L may be viable however as I did defer to Gulenko's expertise regarding my type, which means I'm accepting of external input. As a social 6 I also latch onto systems of thought outside of me

    from reading the new attitudinal psyche descriptions however 2L seems to fit the most.. I mean I do just post or say my thoughts even if I may consider myself to be potentially wrong and i do accpet external information no problem.. prefer the dynamic of exchange and love to argue philosophy.

    at any rate I sent in my answers to his 8 questions. We'll see what he comes up with.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-24-2021 at 10:55 AM.

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    it's going to most likely be LFVE, the only other option realistically is FLVE. Results soon! 3V and 4E seem solid at this point and make sense in terms of type 6 as well as LSI.

    My volition is kind of like this: Idk what I want or how much it takes to accomplish something.. but I sure as hell am not going to bend the knee to other people's ideas about what I should be doing or what they want. So its like a double negative... and I do agree that I have to really work on this to improve.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-28-2021 at 07:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    it's going to most likely be LFVE, the only other option realistically is FLVE. Results soon! 3V and 4E seem solid at this point and make sense in terms of type 6 as well as LSI.
    Cool. I see you have LFVE in your signature now, does it seem like a good fit?

    I think 3V does fit type 6 pretty well. My mom is 3V and a 6, and upon further thought I can easily see this placement in other Sixes I've known. If I'm actually VELF it might explain why Sixes and I can rub each other the wrong way after prolonged exposure, especially if we're from different socionics quadras.

    2F also seems like a good fit for LSI: helpful physics that takes care of self and others with that 4D Si and 3D Se. Covers your dual's insecurity pretty nicely.

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    I think the guy from Archetype Center said he's LFVE (can't remember where he said that):

    He seems LSI to me as well...or maybe LSE...
    Last edited by Aria; 02-28-2021 at 08:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    I think the guy from Archetype Center said he's LFVE (can't remember where he said that):

    He seems LSI to me as well...or maybe LSE...
    Timur Protsky (the one who typed me) is LSI, and his "co-worker" is EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post
    Timur Protsky (the one who typed me) is LSI, and his "co-worker" is EIE.
    Did it help you decide on 3V versus 3E for yourself like you were debating earlier?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Did it help you decide on 3V versus 3E for yourself like you were debating earlier?
    Socionics and psychosophic typings go separate, and money doesn't grow on trees so I prioritized socionics.

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    Psychosophy is about your attitude towards the 4 categories (logic, emotion, will/volition, physics) and this is the basic structural set up. You can be any sociotype with any psychosophy type.

    1 Strong, egoistic function. This is the function the person is inclined to identify with. Person feels the most confident and adept in this function.

    2 Strong but flexible function, directed towards outward things. Use function as a tool to achieve aims, support lead function. Person learns and gets better understanding of this function through discussion with other people.

    3 Weak function that wants to look strong so this is an area of pain. There can be deep understanding of the function but not much nuance. Area of a lot of ambition, but sometimes it doesn't have the right support or tools to become self-actualize properly.

    4 Weak but calm function. Area that is underestimated and not used in most cases. However when this area is utilized, it gives a feeling of relief and satisfaction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    4 Weak but calm function. Area that is underestimated and not used in most cases. However when this area is utilized, it gives a feeling of relief and satisfaction.
    Nice rundown. This last part is so true of me with Physics. Whenever I do something like book a massage or go for a run or upgrade my apartment I'm so proud of myself and relieved to be a real adult, haha. "Look at me go, Mom!"

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    When you said “run down” I think of Jim from The Office and Charles Miner

    The primary function is the one you’re most confident in and the last function is what you don’t feel confident in so you’re trying to avoid that area as much as you can. Psychosophy makes no mention of Jung or Socionics, and they’re not related. Psychosophy is its own holistic thing and is about your attitudes towards your cognition, how you feel about L/E/P/W, not necessarily how you are cognition-wise or what your motivations are (those aspects are covered in socionics). However, people wrongly conflate psychosophy with sociotype. You have to view it as separate systems and being one type in one system doesn’t effect being another type in another system. Essentially, all this does is build up a person’s psychological profile to being more personalized and gives a richer portrait of the individual.

    I feel the same way about E. I do take the attitude that “If you don’t like what I say, then fuck your feelings. You don’t like reality, then you’re delusional and no wonder you’re a failure.” SEE isn’t “cruel” like that, or so people stereotypically believe (eyes roll) but I do have a cruel streak that gets activated when I feel like people don’t take my logic seriously (1L). However, when I do “soften” up and try to be more accommodating to some person’s emotional reactions and then they thank me for being “patient” (I’m really not as patient I want to appear), I strangely feel good like I’ve become a “nicer” person momentarily. But my attitude is, I don’t think I’m a nice person. Most people would think I’m 1V/W because I’m SEE. But my attitude towards towards my logic is that it reigns supreme and I trust my logic above all else. So just because I’m an ethical type in socionics doesn’t mean that somehow that should make me doubt my L in psychosophy. I don’t. I actually doubt my W and how to handle E.

    It’s funny. I’ve translated some Russian texts on the psychosophy types and have analyzed them to give a sort of comparison. With my type, Plato LPWE/LFVE would be closest to LSI. This doesn’t mean I want to be LSI or that my cognition is LSI, (my cognition is SEE) but my attitude is essentially like LSI. So this goes back to my original premise that any sociotype can be any psychosophy type.

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    @Lolita I used to love The Office but didn't get as far as Charles Miner's appearance. Thanks for sending me down a new rabbit hole

    I liked hearing more about your type and process to get there, those anecdotes are always interesting. Yes, that's unique for an SEE. Itt was Banana King who said earlier in the thread that some people end up almost being their own dual, like having a socionics intuitive type who is 1F. It seems like some people's psyche type stereotypically lines up with their sociotype but it would be misleading to think that will always be the case.

    Now to watch Charles Miner clips....

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    More verbal processing, more for my own sake than anyone else's.

    I still go back and forth between VELF and EVLF. The problem is I'm extremely diplomatic in relationships (but independent) so don't know if that's more 2E or 2V. I've met people who are 1V and think "I'm really not like that," because they're all extraverts and very commanding people. They don't bother me, really, it's more amusing and I can hold my own although sometimes need to get away from the bossiness. I frankly have no idea what a 1V IEI would look like, although others have shared their opinions here.

    Someone told me a VELF was the "Tom Cruise" type--super personable and expressive but still The King, needing to sort of gather others around them almost like pawns. Which is very not me. I also use a lot of "I" and "me" statements, relating things back to how I experience them personally, which kind of seems more 1E.

    I just think that being an Fe creative I'm not as oblivious to others' feelings as the 1E portraits sound, so that's my sticking point relating to 1E. It's so easy to conflate 2E with Fe creative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Cool. I see you have LFVE in your signature now, does it seem like a good fit?

    I think 3V does fit type 6 pretty well. My mom is 3V and a 6, and upon further thought I can easily see this placement in other Sixes I've known. If I'm actually VELF it might explain why Sixes and I can rub each other the wrong way after prolonged exposure, especially if we're from different socionics quadras.

    2F also seems like a good fit for LSI: helpful physics that takes care of self and others with that 4D Si and 3D Se. Covers your dual's insecurity pretty nicely.
    Initially I didn't exactly know where to place V as it was not easy to answer the 2 questions related to it, but then I talked to Zeke and he pointed out that the doubts and unease I thought I was having regarding thinking L is actually V related.. :/ which made sense as 6. He posed a question and the way I answered it.. I was deflecting from V to 2F and then to 1L to cope lol.

    yeah, 2F makes more sense than 1F and my L could be 1 or 2. I sometimes do seem like an arrogant know-it-all, whereas F is something that just seems more flexible, especially something I seem to use for the sake of other ppl too.

    Overall imo Dio LFVE makes the most sense from initial brief talk with Zeke. He'll have my results as soon as he goes through the other ppl's questionnaire be4 me. 3V makes sense for a 6 as well as LSI, 1L makes sense for LSI, 2F as well and my dual is EIE.. so 4E is perfect fit in that regard as well.

    ... but as a sexta I seem to relate more to the Ena description and FLVE is also 3L and 4E.. so that gets me thinking. The 1F description from FLVE kinda hits home ngl.

    e_e idk.. either can work
    Last edited by SGF; 03-01-2021 at 04:24 AM.

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    Is Charles Miner 1V? Could psychosophy explain this dynamic?

    For science:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    @Lolita I used to love The Office but didn't get as far as Charles Miner's appearance. Thanks for sending me down a new rabbit hole

    I liked hearing more about your type and process to get there, those anecdotes are always interesting. Yes, that's unique for an SEE. Itt was Banana King who said earlier in the thread that some people end up almost being their own dual, like having a socionics intuitive type who is 1F. It seems like some people's psyche type stereotypically lines up with their sociotype but it would be misleading to think that will always be the case.

    Now to watch Charles Miner clips....
    Heh that’s Season 5 of the Office. Charles Miner is SLE, but I also think the actor is also SLE so the character he plays is natural to him.

    Yes. Banana King is correct. Depending on a person’s attitude towards certain parts of their cognition, that could make them develop those certain functions that on a holistic level, makes them appear as another type (such as dual).

    Keep in mind that Socionics doesn’t have anything to do with how you feel so it’s irrelevant how you assess your cognitive abilities. Whether you overestimate or underestimate your abilities doesn’t compute since Socionics gives a way to map out your cognition and outlines your psychological motivations that you are not even likely conscious to it. That’s just the type you are. Psychosophy is less known but it takes sole account of how you view the 4 areas of cognition and what you consciously believe you value. Everyone is in possession of logic, emotion, will, and physics. What changes is how one feels about it. So just because a person is 1L doesn’t mean that they’re smarter than everyone in the room. It just means they think they’re the smartest one in the room. And because they think they’re the smartest in the room, they’ll likely go out of their way to develop that area of their cognition. That’s an important factor to take into account. So like socionics, psychosophy doesn’t measure intellect nor intellectual abilities.

    I suppose SEE Plato combo would be viewed as odd since SEE is Ti PoLR. But being Ti PoLR doesn’t mean you can’t or don’t think logically. It means you don’t want rigid structures to be imposed on you (such as routines), you reject systematic thinking, and you want simplification over complexity. I’m normalizing subtype (Ti, Fi, Si; the only subtype with Ti accentuation) of SEE, which could be unusual given that it obscures the PoLR. I’m an EP with IJ rational temperament which makes me more detached, calculating, organized, and since the development is focused on introverted functions, I’m actually a quiet one. When it comes to information, I’m actually more systematic in thinking and the way I tackle information and present it is in a rational fashion. Very easy for me to simplify and condense large, complex bodies of information and submit it in a concise manner. Stereotypically, that’s not considered normal for SEE, or any ethical type. LPWE actually does makes sense for me since I’m N sub because it’s also one of the most silent psychosophy types, but I’m a bit more structured for SEE.

    When I told some people that I’m typed SEE, there’s still several who don’t believe it and still think I’m SLE. They can’t comprehend how an SEE could utilize Ti or value internal logics as much as I do. They think your PoLR is supposed to be your crytonite or some shit and it’s not possible to like your PoLR function. That’s their attitude on the matter, which is E and I know otherwise so I dismiss what they say as nonsense. But there it is. Any hoe beefin’ with me is beefin’ by her bitchass self. Not my problem.
    Last edited by Lolita; 03-01-2021 at 04:52 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Is Charles Miner 1V? Could psychosophy explain this dynamic?

    For science:

    I think Charles is SLE PWLE, Goethe.

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    @shotgunfingers I remember seeing the video you posted back in the day and I could see 1F as well. To me you had that comfortable-in-your-body vibe that I now associate with 1F. That's just a fleeting impression, though, maybe not even worth mentioning. Hmm, yes, so FLVE or possibly even FVLE, depending on if V or L is most insecure? That is interesting he pointed out your seeming issues with L were actually V related.

    Yeah, it gets tricky when you start trying to think "what would fit an LSI" since we're dealing with two completely different systems and as @Lolita pointed out it's not about the actual aptitude you have with the function, it's about your attitude towards that function (confidence, flexibility, insecurity, etc). I've been struggling not to mix the two.

    More interesting processing. We await your results!

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Yeah.. I thought it sounded 3L when I read it as well.
    1L always sounds stupid to me, kinda like "I'm always right! " ..disregarding external input is a critical mistake imo. I'm too skeptical to be 2L.
    Not necessarily. 1L relies primarily on their logic as being correct and use their logic as a model of what’s correct. However that doesn’t mean that they’re going to outright reject anyone else’s logic and don’t take other points into account. It’s more like, “My logic is superior and this is what I trust.”

    I feel like my L is strong and that I am smarter than everyone. I don’t trust others to analyze the situation for me and if they do, I’ll scrutinize what they say in accordance to what I think. So I’m not scrutinizing my logic, but critiquing other people’s logic to see if it matches up with mine because I believe my logic is correct. I also don’t press my logic on others and make little effort to influence others or tell others what to think or how to look at something. I already know what’s right and wrong, and maybe sometimes I’ll tell a person if they’re right or wrong but only if I think they would listen. But for most of the time, esp. irl, I am silent. When I speak it’s a matter of importance, I don’t say frivolous things. I don’t do tangents either and I don’t care to bounce ideas off others since I already rely on my logic, and anyone else’s logic is superfluous.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    I suppose SEE Plato combo would be viewed as odd since SEE is Ti PoLR. But being Ti PoLR doesn’t mean you can’t or don’t think logically. It means you don’t want rigid structures to be imposed on you (such as routines), you reject systematic thinking, and you want simplification over complexity.
    Hmm. I value simplification over complexity as well. For me it's more about getting to the point, though (Ni) and not giving me lots of information I don't need for said point (not too much Te, please! lol).

    I’m normalizing subtype (Ti, Fi, Si; the only subtype with Ti accentuation) of SEE, which could be unusual given that it obscures the PoLR. I’m an EP with IJ rational temperament which makes me more detached, calculating, organized, and since the development is focused on introverted functions, I’m actually a quiet one. When it comes to information, I’m actually more systematic in thinking and the way I tackle information and present it is in a rational fashion. Very easy for me to simplify and condense large, complex bodies of information and submit it in a concise manner. Stereotypically, that’s not considered normal for SEE, or any ethical type. LPWE actually does makes sense for me since I’m N sub because it’s also one of the most silent psychosophy types, but I’m a bit more structured for SEE.

    When I told some people that I’m typed SEE, there’s still several who don’t believe it and still think I’m SLE. They can’t comprehend how an SEE could utilize Ti or value internal logics as much as I do. They think your PoLR is supposed to be your crytonite or some shit and it’s not possible to like your PoLR function. That’s their attitude on the matter, which is E and I know otherwise so I dismiss what they say as nonsense. But there it is. Any hoe beefin’ with me is beefin’ by her bitchass self. Not my problem.
    The bolded does sound like what an SLE would do and would be especially appreciated by an IEI. I certainly wish I could take in and condense large amounts of info like that at a fast pace, but my processing is slower and I'm not as confident in my final analysis.

    However, you know yourself best and it's kind of frustrating to be told "you can't be x type in this system if you're x type in another system." That just immediately shuts down possibilities without fully listening to all the nuanced factors that make up a person. It's probably kind of insulting to a 1L person, too, like telling a 1E person they don't feel the way they feel.

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    Oh, one more thought for the night @shotgunfingers. They say in stress you "return to your basis," the first function, to sort of catch your bearings. So a 1F person would return to the things that make them physically comfy or stimulated--that would have to come first before anything else could be done.

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    Well I took the free attitudinal test and I scored LFEV. That’s basically the lazyass SLI of the psychosophy world

    I am right that I’m 1L 2P but it was determining whether W is more stressful than E. I realize I’m far more stressed out over E, not W, since I just do W whenever I find it necessary. Welp. I’m Bertier, not Plato.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Hmm. I value simplification over complexity as well. For me it's more about getting to the point, though (Ni) and not giving me lots of information I don't need for said point (not too much Te, please! lol).

    The bolded does sound like what an SLE would do and would be especially appreciated by an IEI. I certainly wish I could take in and condense large amounts of info like that at a fast pace, but my processing is slower and I'm not as confident in my final analysis.

    However, you know yourself best and it's kind of frustrating to be told "you can't be x type in this system if you're x type in another system." That just immediately shuts down possibilities without fully listening to all the nuanced factors that make up a person. It's probably kind of insulting to a 1L person, too, like telling a 1E person they don't feel the way they feel.
    SLE/IEI are results oriented and SLE will just give you the answer without explaining. I find that they’ll be more willing to explain their reasoning to people they feel would be important to explain to, but usually, they already know the answer and don’t care for all the little details. So SLE will just tell IEI the answer and move on because IEI needs help with the “what” and “how” and since SLE already told them the answer, the end.

    I find that with me and other SEEs, since we’re process oriented, we like to explain things whether asked or not The reasoning is just as important as the result. Plus, it’s the Te launcher/mob is what motivates the SEE to make their reasons more known and they’ll seek it out too, “What does it mean?” My dual ILI tells me if I’m on the right track, not necessarily that they have to explain to me what something means. Although, they often help me understand other aspects and we discuss “why” it’s that way, so we’ve moved beyond the “what.”

    I’m pretty sure that since I’m 1L that I do feel insulted and incensed when people bypass logical process and try to install their WRONG understanding of it. That’s where I’ll get into contentions when normally I’m rather avoidant of conflicts. I just can’t stand people being “flexible” with logic and act like their lack of understanding somehow invalidates the logical reality. Really pisses me off. So that’s why I often am dismissive.

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    This seems like the place to post this - the EVFL description sounds 100% like me. I feel like being SEE (probably Harmonising subtype) 2w3 and sp blind are all encompassed in that description, lol.

    I have a lot of trouble with F matters in the sense that I care for it but putting it in a system is very bothersome and I'd rather someone else make a meal/workout plan for me so I don't have to think about how it affects me in the long run etc. It's not so much also that I don't have a sense of aesthetics because I definitely do and what I do wear absolutely works for me, but I don't have an... aesthetic vision. E and V being the strongest make sense as well, and I just don't think about L much at all.

    Another possible contender is EVLF as sometimes I feel like L is a sore spot, Ti being my polr and all, but 4L seems to be more fitting as I'd rather accept verified sources of information and not think about it anymore rather than struggling with it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Oh, one more thought for the night @shotgunfingers. They say in stress you "return to your basis," the first function, to sort of catch your bearings. So a 1F person would return to the things that make them physically comfy or stimulated--that would have to come first before anything else could be done.
    The more I look at it the more Ena and 1F 2L 3V 4E makes sense :/.. I like arguing and debating and devil's advocating and brainstorming what ifs and could bes.. fuck that's so 2L. When it comes to F I tend to be more confident and stern, like "this is the best laptop for your needs"

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    Not necessarily. 1L relies primarily on their logic as being correct and use their logic as a model of what’s correct. However that doesn’t mean that they’re going to outright reject anyone else’s logic and don’t take other points into account. It’s more like, “My logic is superior and this is what I trust.”
    Hmm, yeah this is the problem.. its not the case for me.

    I feel like my L is strong and that I am smarter than everyone. I don’t trust others to analyze the situation for me and if they do, I’ll scrutinize what they say in accordance to what I think. So I’m not scrutinizing my logic, but critiquing other people’s logic to see if it matches up with mine because I believe my logic is correct. I also don’t press my logic on others and make little effort to influence others or tell others what to think or how to look at something. I already know what’s right and wrong, and maybe sometimes I’ll tell a person if they’re right or wrong but only if I think they would listen. But for most of the time, esp. irl, I am silent. When I speak it’s a matter of importance, I don’t say frivolous things. I don’t do tangents either and I don’t care to bounce ideas off others since I already rely on my logic, and anyone else’s logic is superfluous.
    I like debate and brainstorming and arguing, the process of information exchange (as long as ppl argue in good faith). Just me deciding on stuff is kind of boring tbh.

    I also don't really care about what Dios seem to care about. Ena stuff is much more interesting
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I also don't really care about what Dios seem to care about. Ena stuff is much more interesting
    I’m either Dio LFVE or Tessera LFEV. I’ve read their Quadra values and I agree with both of them but for different reasoning. Maybe after I get settled with my move, I’ll get typed by them. At this point I’m all scattered and trying to cover loose ends so I don’t know if that’ll skew the results since my mind is somewhere else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
    I’m either Dio LFVE or Tessera LFEV. I’ve read their Quadra values and I agree with both of them but for different reasoning. Maybe after I get settled with my move, I’ll get typed by them. At this point I’m all scattered and trying to cover loose ends so I don’t know if that’ll skew the results since my mind is somewhere else.
    o.o you have 3L and I will explain why in private (PM-ed it to you)

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    I don’t think I’m that willful to be 1V, not practical enough to be 1P (but I think 2P fits) and I don’t care about E stuff. So I guess what’s left for options? VFLE? FVLE?

    Ahhhhhh... well I hate not knowing where I fit into the system! $30 deal is only until end of March so I’ll do it with you.
    Last edited by Lolita; 03-02-2021 at 01:29 AM.

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    @Lolita, could you be Napoleon, the VFLE? The description of "First Will with Third Logic" (under the section "function combinations descriptions):

    In addition, Napoleon and Akhmatova also strive to master the knowledge to which they do not have a natural predisposition, for example, a person with a technical mindset seeks to understand psychology, and a humanist - in the exact sciences. 1B3L usually has a very broad outlook, they are distinguished by erudition: sometimes they are mistaken for 2L because of their apparent confidence and freedom in discussion and reflection. But it is worth starting to argue with them, giving convincing arguments, how their self-esteem is traumatized and they strive at all costs to prove their point of view.

    The bolded reminded me of how you said you utilize Ti things in a way most SEEs don't.

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