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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Yeah, the trouble is separating 3L anxieties from perfectionist enneagram. Where does one end and the other begin

    I like this 3L description most. Also ouch.
    3L always sounds so Ti PolR.. or just bad Ti.

    LOL 1F masterrace

    1F love the feeling of possession “this is mine, and I can do whatever I want with it”. This attitude partially extends to the love partners of the First Physicists, to whom they show signs of the owner's attention: put your hand on your knee, cuddle, squeeze, etc. It is common for them to accumulate money without a specific purpose, because it is pleasant to own it. They are attached to the objects of their "possession" and with difficulty part with them. It can be argued that possessiveness is one of the main manifestations of 1F sensuality.

    In appearance, 1F is almost never small and fragile. Usually they are distinguished by a dense physique and an abundance of muscles on the body. Even if 1F has a thin body, it will still look athletic, not asthenic.

    The Second Logic, for example, provokes reflection and discussion. The owner of 2L can either ask tricky questions in a public speech, or initiate "srach" in the comments. Often, deservedly or not, he gives the impression of a troll who scoffs at someone else's stupidity. But in fact, 2L is not happy with stupidity, on the contrary, he wants an interesting discussion in which there are arguments and logical chains. The second logicians ask questions not in order to find out the answer, but in order to hear someone else's point of view and discuss it. They are disappointed by stubborn "square" interlocutors who do not experience the joy of thinking.

    @Chin Diaper 007 see this is why ppl think I'm ILE
    Last edited by SGF; 03-09-2021 at 09:39 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    3L always sounds so Ti PolR.. or just bad Ti.
    There may be something to that - if 3L were to flit between sources that contradict each other, for example.
    Poor understanding of what is inconsistent, and what could be discarded

    3L is hungry for knowledge but so scattered going about it. Dialogue with 2L or 1L (who confidently verify sources and structure their reasoning) brings assurance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    There may be something to that - if 3L were to flit between sources that contradict each other, for example.
    Poor understanding of what is inconsistent, and what could be discarded

    3L is hungry for knowledge but so scattered going about it. Dialogue with 2L or 1L (who confidently verify sources and structure their reasoning) brings assurance.
    By theory a dialogue between 1L and 3L is not going to go well for the 3L. I have similar experiences with 1E ppl.. can't get away fast enough. 1Ls are kinda like "I know better than you do, its pointless to even argue!" :

    "As you know, the owners of productive logics do not tend to enter into long discussions and prove anything (by the way, for this reason, one productive logic can be easily mistaken for another - in particular, 1L may seem like 4L). Since the carriers of these logics are valuable not in thought itself, but in knowledge, they no longer rely on their own conclusions, but on information obtained on the basis of their experience or provided by some professional in their field.

    In our case, for the carrier of 1L in any dispute, the typical answer will be that he does not have his own opinion on the issue under consideration, since he is incompetent in the area concerned. If the owner of the First Logic believes that he is sufficiently versed in the topic, then he will present his opinion not as a subjective vision, but as an indisputable fact that does not require special evidence. As a result, any dispute with 1L is doomed to never start, or, once it has begun, it ends immediately."


    q_q where is the fun in that tho?

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    As a side note I may be 1E

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    I feel so deflated when these so-called 1Ls won't entertain my curiosity because they're closed off to speculation on a topic.
    They're playing things too safe, guarding their credibility... or is my interest perverse or intrusive somehow.

    As a side note I may be 1E
    I'm leaning towards 1L for myself. The forer effect got to me I think when first reading descriptions, still considering tho, so take this pillar of salt to go with what follows: You know that interchange we had regarding Ne and openness? Yeah, I deleted my lecture I started to post, and just gave you information you could decide on for yourself instead. The way I look at it, you can assuage your own curiosity by looking for yourself. Like when I told you about Need for Cognition. If someone had mentioned that to me, I'd be off looking up all kinds of information on it. From my perspective, you looked closed, but I figured it was just a defensive reaction, and I didn't want to push. People tell me that I come across as attacking their ideas when that's not my intention at all. So, I find it's better sometimes just to drop the info and let them sort it out themselves. On the other hand, when someone asks me to explain something for them, I'm more than willing to do that. Dunno if my perspective helps here or not, but thought I'd add it anyway in case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I'm leaning towards 1L for myself. The forer effect got to me I think when first reading descriptions, still considering tho, so take this pillar of salt to go with what follows: You know that interchange we had regarding Ne and openness? Yeah, I deleted my lecture I started to post, and just gave you information you could decide on for yourself instead. The way I look at it, you can assuage your own curiosity by looking for yourself. Like when I told you about Need for Cognition. If someone had mentioned that to me, I'd be off looking up all kinds of information on it. From my perspective, you looked closed, but I figured it was just a defensive reaction, and I didn't want to push. People tell me that I come across as attacking their ideas when that's not my intention at all. So, I find it's better sometimes just to drop the info and let them sort it out themselves. On the other hand, when someone asks me to explain something for them, I'm more than willing to do that. Dunno if my perspective helps here or not, but thought I'd add it anyway in case.
    I don't really understand this 1L lack of openness. If something is not true it is not true. Eh. I tend to be more puncturing than just spewing things out in the wilderness which I practice on my own. Like it is said 1# is the egocentric position. Someone said something about the frequency and units and then I mentioned that time units are almost always universally applied here on Earth so when it comes to 1/s or 1/h etc probably does not matter in this case. I usually make sure it works in the end. It is bit funny though because to me it is like chasing my own tail. 3# is the most closed off because usually it denies allocentric and egocentric presentations with compensation.
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    The Second Logic, for example, provokes reflection and discussion. The owner of 2L can either ask tricky questions in a public speech, or initiate "srach" in the comments. Often, deservedly or not, he gives the impression of a troll who scoffs at someone else's stupidity. But in fact, 2L is not happy with stupidity, on the contrary, he wants an interesting discussion in which there are arguments and logical chains. The second logicians ask questions not in order to find out the answer, but in order to hear someone else's point of view and discuss it. They are disappointed by stubborn "square" interlocutors who do not experience the joy of thinking.

    @Chin Diaper 007 see this is why ppl think I'm ILE
    OK, I do not really provoke people to have logical arguments with me. I like to provoke reactions more than arguments tbh [oh, and I have gotten some sweet, nearly lethal reactions]. LOL. Neither Eric TwFP does it but he wants to show his balls of logic (through 2V). Banana King clearly has 2L.
    Some people have typed me as ethical creative. Little do the know.

    I think Bean Vasserlan (LII) typed himself as 3L, lol. I can see that. Was he 1V or 1F dunno? MB 1F.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chin Diaper 007 View Post
    OK, I do not really provoke people to have logical arguments with me. I like to provoke reactions more than arguments tbh [oh, and I have gotten some sweet, nearly lethal reactions]. LOL. Neither Eric TwFP does it but he wants to show his balls of logic (through 2V). Banana King clearly has 2L.
    that explains the 2E then. Btw you could have clearly omitted to quote the picture but you didn't, just left it

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    achievable natty?

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    achievable natty?
    yes if one is FLEV

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    Ambiguous results for a 200 questions test

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post

    Ambiguous results for a 200 questions test
    2L stands out, and based on those results E would not be unconscious. Where do the other tests, particularly bestsocionics, place your physics?

    I suspect one of my friends has 1F. If I'm correct, these people just *do*what works for them in terms of exercise routines and the cut of clothing they suit best (quick examples). What works for them does not have to be polished, it is more about adherence. They are pretty self assured/unhesitant in this area and can provide advice if prompted, but what you do is not their prerogative.

    Do certain habits relating to the "material" centre you, or do you view these as burdensome; keeping you from fields you'd rather spend your time on?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post

    Ambiguous results for a 200 questions test

    Your results are similar to mine. High 2L, At first I thought it wouldn't be possible to be 1F as ILE so I thought perhaps I was LFEV or something. But then as I read more descriptions and thought about it carefully I realized that my F is very result-oriented meanwhile my L is more democratic. So 1F and 2L made better sense.
    My scores were pretty strange though, my highlighted numbers were 2L, 2V, 2F and 4E. But in terms of highest possible number for each position, 1F was the largest at 0.6 or 0.7, (1L was 0.3 perhaps), 2L was >0.9, and then 3E was greater than 3V and 4E also slightly greater than 4V. I opted for 3E and 4V based on descriptions.

    The best way to type imo is to think in terms of process vs result. Which are your two strongest functions? Are they process oriented (do them for their own sake, fun, etc.) or results oriented (do them for results, then leave them aside)?
    Repeat this process with your two weakest functions. It's a lot harder since you don't use them as much but you can notice the difference between process and results. The third function is kind of a background function which is very receptive to information about the function albeit incompetent at applying the function effectively. So 3F is very physically perceptive, 3L is logically perceptive, etc. Meanwhile the fourth function is more like a switch that you turn on and off. It turns off automatically in times of stress.

    Something funny is that since the 1st and 4th function are both result oriented then they look quite similar. Especially 1L and 4L and 1E and 4E, which are exclusively verbal/emotional so there's no physical or 'attitude' difference that you see between 1F/4F and 1V/4V. So in order to differentiate the 1st and 4th function a good way to see it is in terms of stress: When people are stressed, they overuse the 1st function and shut down the 4th. So in your case you could figure out if you indulge your senses or start thinking a lot when stressed. I thought it was odd how I could be a 1F as an ILE with 1D Si and then I noticed that I eat a lot/exercise/etc. to relieve stress and so it all made sense lol.

    The LIE equivalent in PY is probably VLEF. It wouldn't be weird if you were FLEV since they're in the same sexta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    So in order to differentiate the 1st and 4th function a good way to see it is in terms of stress: When people are stressed, they overuse the 1st function and shut down the 4th. So in your case you could figure out if you indulge your senses or start thinking a lot when stressed. I thought it was odd how I could be a 1F as an ILE with 1D Si and then I noticed that I eat a lot/exercise/etc. to relieve stress and so it all made sense lol.
    Do you think the 3rd can become unhealthy, too? I overthink majorly when stressed. Enough to make me wonder if I'm 1L.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Do you think the 3rd can become unhealthy, too? I overthink majorly when stressed. Enough to make me wonder if I'm 1L.
    I don't think the third function is engaged that much during stress, but it is a great source of stress. But it kinda makes sense that a third-function problem requires a third-function solution. So a 3E would ideally engage in E whenever some E problem occurs (constructive) instead of using say 1F to punch a wall, 1L to overthink things and get nowhere, etc. (not constructive). I would say that when things are running smoothly then people use their 2nd and 3rd freely, then when a crisis occurs (usually due to 3rd or 4th incompetence), 1st function is engaged full throttle to deal with it (result-oriented) and finally when the crisis is settled they go back to the 2nd and 3rd function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    2L stands out, and based on those results E would not be unconscious. Where do the other tests, particularly bestsocionics, place your physics?

    I suspect one of my friends has 1F. If I'm correct, these people just *do*what works for them in terms of exercise routines and the cut of clothing they suit best (quick examples). What works for them does not have to be polished, it is more about adherence. They are pretty self assured/unhesitant in this area and can provide advice if prompted, but what you do is not their prerogative.

    Do certain habits relating to the "material" centre you, or do you view these as burdensome; keeping you from fields you'd rather spend your time on?
    -Where do the other tests, particularly bestsocionics, place your physics?



    -Do certain habits relating to the "material" centre you, or do you view these as burdensome; keeping you from fields you'd rather spend your time on?

    If meaning routines like shaving, toothbrushing, going to the hairdresser... then it's very burdensome. I might shave or go to the hairdresser from half a year to half a year (this is partly because I don't like to spend money or time there when I don't need to have short hair). In fact I've been trying haircuts with the specific goal of having one that looks decent when it grows more so I can go far less.
    If meaning taking care of the house, usually something or someone needs to force me to do it.
    If meaning physical labor, I can enjoy some forms of hard physical work specially when it's a little bit varied. Monotonous or detailed physical work is not for me. Even if that detailed work were to be far less hard I would vastly prefer the hard, general and varied work.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Your results are
    similar to mine. High 2L, At first I thought it wouldn't be possible to be 1F as ILE so I thought perhaps I was LFEV or something. But then as I read more descriptions and thought about it carefully I realized that my F is very result-oriented meanwhile my L is more democratic. So 1F and 2L made better sense.
    My scores were pretty strange though, my highlighted numbers were 2L, 2V, 2F and 4E. But in terms of highest possible number for each position, 1F was the largest at 0.6 or 0.7, (1L was 0.3 perhaps), 2L was >0.9, and then 3E was greater than 3V and 4E also slightly greater than 4V. I opted for 3E and 4V based on descriptions.

    The best way to type imo is to think in terms of process vs result. Which are your two strongest functions? Are they process oriented (do them for their own sake, fun, etc.) or results oriented (do them for results, then leave them aside)?
    Repeat this process with your two weakest functions. It's a lot harder since you don't use them as much but you can notice the difference between process and results. The third function is kind of a background function which is very receptive to information about the function albeit incompetent at applying the function effectively. So 3F is very physically perceptive, 3L is logically perceptive, etc. Meanwhile the fourth function is more like a switch that you turn on and off. It turns off automatically in times of stress.

    Something funny is that since the 1st and 4th function are both result oriented then they look quite similar. Especially 1L and 4L and 1E and 4E, which are exclusively verbal/emotional so there's no physical or 'attitude' difference that you see between 1F/4F and 1V/4V. So in order to differentiate the 1st and 4th function a good way to see it is in terms of stress: When people are stressed, they overuse the 1st function and shut down the 4th. So in your case you could figure out if you indulge your senses or start thinking a lot when stressed. I thought it was odd how I could be a 1F as an ILE with 1D Si and then I noticed that I eat a lot/exercise/etc. to relieve stress and so it all made sense lol.

    The LIE equivalent in PY is probably VLEF. It wouldn't be weird if you were FLEV since they're in the same sexta.
    -When people are stressed, they overuse the 1st function and shut down the 4th. So in your case you could figure out if you indulge your senses or start thinking a lot when stressed.

    It's quite hard for me to realize my own emotional states, although sometimes something is bugging me (which might be one of the reasons for insomnia) and my head goes on and around thinking about the same problem, and then forget or try to not remember it or think about it.
    I say this because I cannot recognize or remember moments of stress, and I cannot correlate what actions could be due to stress right now. I have a low EQ in these things.
    The times I have been hugely stressed I can recognize. These times I have reacted poorly to it, I tend to think worse, act more dumb and be harsher under stress. Do not take what I say for reacting violently, it's almost impossible to make me react with violence, I rather back up from anything (If I back up from something while knowing I am right because of circunstances, or because of tying to avoid a worse situation, the common thing for me is to get very angry inside).
    The few times I've done sports have been under a very calm mood, unstressed. When stressed the last thing I can think of is excersize.

    I might overeat if I get too bored, I have a liking for some aesthethic configurations, and I have a fairly "decent" dressing style.
    Last edited by RBRS; 03-13-2021 at 11:36 PM.

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    @Frddy what do you appreciate someone to do for you when you're stressed, like what would strike you as being not only thoughtful but genuinely helpful?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frddy View Post

    -Do certain habits relating to the "material" centre you, or do you view these as burdensome; keeping you from fields you'd rather spend your time on?

    If meaning routines like shaving, toothbrushing, going to the hairdresser... then it's very burdensome. I might shave or go to the hairdresser from half a year to half a year (this is partly because I don't like to spend money or time there when I don't need to have short hair). In fact I've been trying haircuts with the specific goal of having one that looks decent when it grows more so I can go far less.
    If meaning taking care of the house, usually something or someone needs to force me to do it.
    If meaning physical labor, I can enjoy some forms of hard physical work specially when it's a little bit varied. Monotonous or detailed physical work is not for me. Even if that detailed work were to be far less hard I would vastly prefer the hard, general and varied work.

    -When people are stressed, they overuse the 1st function and shut down the 4th. So in your case you could figure out if you indulge your senses or start thinking a lot when stressed.

    It's quite hard for me to realize my own emotional states, although sometimes something is bugging me (which might be one of the reasons for insomnia) and my head goes on and around thinking about the same problem, and then forget or try to not remember it or think about it.
    I say this because I cannot recognize or remember moments of stress, and I cannot correlate what actions could be due to stress right now. I have a low EQ in these things.
    The times I have been hugely stressed I can recognize. These times I have reacted poorly to it, I tend to think worse, act more dumb and be harsher under stress. Do not take what I say for reacting violently, it's almost impossible to make me react with violence, I rather back up from anything (If I back up from something while knowing I am right because of circunstances, or because of tying to avoid a worse situation, the common thing for me is to get very angry inside).
    The few times I've done sports have been under a very calm mood, unstressed. When stressed the last thing I can think of is excersize.

    I might overeat if I get too bored, I have a liking for some aesthethic configurations, and I have a fairly "decent" dressing style.
    Just adding my thoughts before they disappear again.

    I know the test didn't say so, but how you go about physics (acceptably, decently) does not rule out 4F - in my mind. The specific haircut goal made me smile because it is something I relate to; wanting to economise or be minimal in certain areas, so I don't have to keep tabs on their this manifests in me is that I don't devote time to beauty regime - I use three non irritating products, sunscreen included, and the aim is to look tidy enough that people leave me be.

    Returning to 1F, there is heightened awareness of the need to periodically stretch legs, to simply move. Staying curled over a laptop in a dark room is out of the question and they will feel the urge to go for a run for their own good, may even say things like "I need to sweat". Knowingness that the exertion will facilitate a good mood F>E. 1F types will not mind receiving compliments on their physique, which is a source of pride and pleasure. I'll guess that 4F types may find such evaluations uncomfortable (or wish to be complimented on other aspects of themselves).

    Anyway, it got me wondering whether you are closer to VLEF than FVLE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    For sake of comparison to AP (and fun in your free time), there are a couple more of these Psychosophy tests around: - 200 questions, result includes the oomph? of each function. Mine was a mixed bag for the 3rd - straightforward/easy to see through.

    or breezy with 20 questions:

    Each test gave me EVLF... few aspects of the "character" EVFL resonate, too
    Got ELVF in this test and this test
    An I got this result in the first test :
    I can see 3V 4F and I can somewhat see 2L but I don't really see how I could be 1E. I am often unsure of my emotions, of how I show my emotional states to people around me (apart from close family members).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sah Kel Plaisir View Post
    Got ELVF in this test and this test
    An I got this result in the first test :
    I can see 3V 4F and I can somewhat see 2L but I don't really see how I could be 1E. I am often unsure of my emotions, of how I show my emotional states to people around me (apart from close family members).
    To be honest I'm not sure what to make of your test result

    Would you agree that you ride your emotions out without questioning them, or are they something you look to others to channel/understand better?

    You mentioned that you're often unsure of own emotion - how about the emotions of others; are you sensitive to *vibes*, and will you adjust yourself in turn?

    Both 1E and 4E are unconscious, not up for discussion or reasoning. 4E can be imbued with intense emotion, and may even welcome people or media that help them "catch" the desired emotion that they are not aware of within themselves or have access to.

    It may be helpful to decide (or rule out) which two of your functions are the processional, or which two are extroverted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    To be honest I'm not sure what to make of your test result

    Would you agree that you ride your emotions out without questioning them, or are they something you look to others to channel/understand better?

    You mentioned that you're often unsure of own emotion - how about the emotions of others; are you sensitive to *vibes*, and will you adjust yourself in turn?

    Both 1E and 4E are unconscious, not up for discussion or reasoning. 4E can be imbued with intense emotion, and may even welcome people or media that help them "catch" the desired emotion that they are not aware of within themselves or have access to.

    It may be helpful to decide (or rule out) which two of your functions are the processional, or which two are extroverted.
    I relate to conscious/process emotions and will , unconscious/result physics . I take into consideration other emotions, I don't want to be mean to people and I can be self-conscious on what other people think of me.

    I can't say that I ride my emotions without questioning them...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chin Diaper 007 View Post
    How you carry yourself according to others? That is the best determinant of 1# position IMO.

    For example 1E ILI's are usually very much under the stress let others know it by being bit whiny.
    Most people say I'm nice / don't get mad at people / non-aggressive.

    I can be whiny, complaining about the difficulties I encounter for example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sah Kel Plaisir View Post
    Got ELVF in this test and this test
    An I got this result in the first test :
    I can see 3V 4F and I can somewhat see 2L but I don't really see how I could be 1E. I am often unsure of my emotions, of how I show my emotional states to people around me (apart from close family members).
    How you carry yourself according to others? That is the best determinant of 1# position IMO.

    For example 1E ILI's are usually very much under the stress let others know it by being bit whiny.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    For sake of comparison to AP (and fun in your free time), there are a couple more of these Psychosophy tests around: - 200 questions, result includes the oomph? of each function. Mine was a mixed bag for the 3rd - straightforward/easy to see through.

    or breezy with 20 questions:

    Each test gave me EVLF... few aspects of the "character" EVFL resonate, too

    -I think this means VELF but not sure I'm reading it right (200 question test):

    -"Breezy" test gave me EVLF.

    -bestsocionics site gave me VELF and VLEF as tied for first, then EVLF.

    Of course we all know the accuracy of internet tests...
    Last edited by Aria; 03-13-2021 at 03:12 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    -I think this means VELF but not sure I'm reading it right (200 question test):

    -"Breezy" test gave me EVLF.

    -bestsocionics site gave me VELF and VLEF as tied for first, then EVLF.

    Of course we all know the accuracy of internet tests...
    creative filling of blanks needed for the 200q test A couple of the questions in the F section were so unsubtle that I could not imagine someone answering positively to them, lol. Being a 4F, how did you find those questions?

    In your result neither E or V were close to 1 in the first position, which could be put down to the "abstract" translation...

    it got me wondering about how 1V could come across in this message board format. Is it possible?
    No one can really exert their will above yours here, where you can always have the final say - take it or leave it.

    You invite discussion, encourage input to decide your type - to me this is 2V, but in real life you may interact differently; may be in a constant state of striving that is unseen here. 1V seem to desire greatly, and once the path is decided ...good luck having an outsider change this course!

    1E matches how I present in real life. My speech is littered with exaggeration, inanities like wow and really?!". I'll frequently express adoration so eyeroll inducing for 3E types but I can't help it; the enthusiasm is sincere, so it must be. Be meaning "outside of me". Same goes for laughs; it is easy for me to burst into laughter despite silence all around and some find it amusing to push the button :-) E is visible in facial expression, which is missed when we communicate by text only.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    You invite discussion, encourage input to decide your type - to me this is 2V, but in real life you may interact differently; may be in a constant state of striving that is unseen here. 1V seem to desire greatly, and once the path is decided ...good luck having an outsider change this course!

    1E matches how I present in real life. My speech is littered with exaggeration, inanities like wow and really?!". I'll frequently express adoration so eyeroll inducing for 3E types but I can't help it; the enthusiasm is sincere, so it must be. Be meaning "outside of me". Same goes for laughs; it is easy for me to burst into laughter despite silence all around and some find it amusing to push the button :-) E is visible in facial expression, which is missed when we communicate by text only.
    Thanks thistle. Yeah, I'm generally diplomatic and democratic, and I think 2V fits pretty well. However I'm extremely driven towards certain goals, am an entrepreneur, and it's difficult to stop the striving.

    I've gone back and forth between accommodating other people and then being like "you know what?! I need to get this thing done for myself." A lot of my life has been a balancing act between what I want/how I feel and what others want and how they feel, but in the end I always go after my Ni goals even if it's not done immediately

    In regards to the potential of being 1E: are you Fi valuing? I'm trying to determine how a 1E Fi valuer would differ from a 1E Fe valuer.

    I'm honest about how I'm doing/feeling and am usually told that I'm "genuine," "passionate." I'm reserved and hold back if I don't trust the person, though. My creative Fe usually doesn't allow me to negatively impact other people with expression. I'm careful to avoid hurting people's feelings, causing offense, or letting negativity spill over onto them. Considering the emotional impact on others seems 2E, but maybe it's just my Fe. I also grew up with a 3E father and I think this caused me to be more constrained in my expression.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    In regards to the potential of being 1E: are you Fi valuing? I'm trying to determine how a 1E Fi valuer would differ from a 1E Fe valuer.
    Now I can't say for sure because I haven't met 1E types with good Socionics compatibility but I met 1E EIE and EII and the relationship can be pretty bad. Dated an 1E EIE, was originally attracted to her Fe but it became really annoying after a while. Not sure if it's because of Fe-lead or 1E or the combination of both lol. Now that I think about it, a few people in my family are/were EII with 1E and 2E. EII EVLF? mum can be a pain to deal with lol. EII FELV? aunt is really nice to me, EII LEVF? grandpa was also really nice to me. Could be coincidence though. But it seems that 2E on my 3E eases the supervision that EII exert over me lol.
    At any rate 1E seem quite selfish to me. However they won't ignore the fundamental principles of the underlying socionics function. So 1E Fi shouldn't be so selfish that they violate moral/decency principles, 1E Fe shouldn't be so selfish that they ruin the emotional atmosphere or restrict emotional expression. Just a guess though.

    On the other hand I suppose 2E boosts the good side of the function and softens the bad side. So 2E Fi won't sour the atmosphere by trying to lecture people on what's right or wrong, 2E Fe won't throw decency out the window when trying to raise the mood or express themselves, etc. My experience with 1E Fe at least is that they can say and do morally disagreeable things just for emotional expression. And also the few I met tried to emotionally manipulate me a lot. Things like making me jealous or mad all the time. Seriously it's like they were trying their hardest to piss me off every single day. With 1E Fi the problem I'd say is being morally meddlesome and subjecting EVERYTHING I do to moral judgement. But I grew up with EII mum so it doesn't bother me as much lol.

    Now that I recall, there was an SEI girl I met who was probably 2E in retrospect. We got along well but there was no spark or anything. All I can say is that she was pleasant to be around lol. She would donate half of her lunch to me every day which makes me think she was 4F and somehow noticed I'm 1F or maybe I'm imagining things lol. Perhaps the absence of conflict is the basis for good relations after all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Now that I recall, there was an SEI girl I met who was probably 2E in retrospect. We got along well but there was no spark or anything. All I can say is that she was pleasant to be around lol. She would donate half of her lunch to me every day which makes me think she was 4F and somehow noticed I'm 1F or maybe I'm imagining things lol. Perhaps the absence of conflict is the basis for good relations after all.
    Did you at least get her number?! Hehe, just teasing...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Thanks thistle. Yeah, I'm generally diplomatic and democratic, and I think 2V fits pretty well. However I'm extremely driven towards certain goals, am an entrepreneur, and it's difficult to stop the striving.

    I've gone back and forth between accommodating other people and then being like "you know what?! I need to get this thing done for myself." A lot of my life has been a balancing act between what I want/how I feel and what others want and how they feel, but in the end I always go after my Ni goals even if it's not done immediately

    In regards to the potential of being 1E: are you Fi valuing? I'm trying to determine how a 1E Fi valuer would differ from a 1E Fe valuer.

    I'm honest about how I'm doing/feeling and am usually told that I'm "genuine," "passionate." I'm reserved and hold back if I don't trust the person, though. My creative Fe usually doesn't allow me to negatively impact other people with expression. I'm careful to avoid hurting people's feelings, causing offense, or letting negativity spill over onto them. Considering the emotional impact on others seems 2E, but maybe it's just my Fe. I also grew up with a 3E father and I think this caused me to be more constrained in my expression.
    Is your experience with goal-setting that you are energised by obstacles? That's how the "you know what?!" came across to me. ha. I appreciate this attitude in others.

    2V for me is a loss of vitality when I can't get others onboard. At work I would be the first to suggest a meeting, to understand better everyone's preferences and needs. The idea that someone is doing their work begrudgingly or just because I said so, upsets me greatly. I tend to include myself in endeavours "Let's do this , let's do that" and if I note that a person is uncomfortable or resistant, I won't press further. My goals are centered around collaboration.

    In the cognitive tests I score high in both Fi and Fe, but the Fi activist stereotype is unlike my willfullness. I'm not out there broadcasting my is something more akin to influencing people as I meet them one-to-one. "passionate" as synonymous with 1E I do like.

    Being aware of your expression's effect on possible outcomes; the room mood, and choosing to influence that... skillful Fe :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Is your experience with goal-setting that you are energised by obstacles? That's how the "you know what?!" came across to me. ha. I appreciate this attitude in others.
    Sometimes I do feel like I need something to overcome, yes. Extremely self motivated. It's more like I need something to aim for--often obstacles are energizing, sometimes not. It gets tricky being Se inferior. I certainly don't have unlimited energy for my goals or always the greatest efficiency (poor Te).

    2V for me is a loss of vitality when I can't get others onboard. At work I would be the first to suggest a meeting, to understand better everyone's preferences and needs. The idea that someone is doing their work begrudgingly or just because I said so, upsets me greatly. I tend to include myself in endeavours "Let's do this , let's do that" and if I note that a person is uncomfortable or resistant, I won't press further. My goals are centered around collaboration.
    This was helpful. You sound like you'd be great to work for. Meetings and group endeavors are decidedly not my favorite, ha. There's a director at my conservatory who sounds like you. Periodic yet unobtrusive emails to check in and say "here are new opportunities, here's a poll/survey, here's a meeting to check in" and she very much leads by example and is involved in all those things herself.

    Being aware of your expression's effect on possible outcomes; the room mood, and choosing to influence that... skillful Fe :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisManInFluorescentSuit View Post
    This system was confusing at first, but the descriptions are clear.

    LEFV was my initial impression, and further reading confirms it for myself. I'm not sure how to apply this information, but it was enjoyable to read about.
    The system has its own intertype relations which I find kind of useful. Like this part on "Ideal Partner Through the Eyes of the Third Attitude":

    I've noticed some of my closest friends and people I turn to when I need help or to be talked off a ledge are 2L.

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