Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
You are EII.
Once or twice a decade, I may "snap" and get really hysterical, but that's the exception, not the norm.

I can take abuse for years without getting angry, but when I finally do get angry, I go from 0 to 100 really quickly and scare the hell out of everybody around me.

I'm consumed by righteous indignation right now at how poorly regular people are being treated, but my response to this righteous indignation is very controlled: I formed a socialist political action committee to put pressure on local politicians and create local positive change...and I made extra sure to vote this last election.

I'm aware of my anger, but I don't look angry from the outside, nor have I looked angry the last several months, despite having carried slowly smoldering rage inside of me the last few months.

I'm mostly Te and Si valuing, sure, but Se seems like something useful I'd like to borrow sometimes, too, especially when dealing with incorrigibly bad people.