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Thread: STONKS:Testing how Deep this goes

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    Default STONKS:Testing how Deep this goes

    Economic threads not be happening it seems. So here's one: STONKS! Your collective opinions on the current drama in regards to WSB redditards and the Hedgies getting their panties in a wedgie and (I hope) causes many of them to jump from a top story ledgie and dies as I buy tendies sauce and fries!

    If I get banned for this know who did that was forced to do so to cover their own short positions before the algos bankrupted them in a "fair" manner. As opposed to my own approach of betting against naked market manipulation.

    Like how WSB fucked the Hedgies. See, the market was always vulnerable, but no "Institutional Investor" would kill the golden goose if ya catch my meaning. To fuck the entire market (and make a one time killer, "once here and never again" profit in doing so) you'd need to be a billionaire "institutional" investor to back that play as you'd need to throw a billion dollars at that gamble for it to even stand a chance of succeeding.

    However, while not one plebian tier citizen has a billion dollars to throw at something... A few ten thousand/hundred thousand/millions of them do. If, IF, they pooled their meager resources together. A stimulus check here, a pile of scrap metal's worth there, they'd have the billion+ dollars needed to become the one thing those Wall Street Bankster fucks fear the most: Competition.

    Competition that fits with the memes you're seeing now if you're paying attention. Joker memes. "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. Everything Burns!"

    And burn it shall. My question is whether or not you're happy about that. I for one am quite happy. Hell, it's a unifying cause. Filthy commies, death cultist SJW's, Christ haters, can we not all agree on this one fact? That the Hedge Funds, Bankers, and other such members of the PTB ought to get fucked by whatever and however means we can employ even if it means joining hands with our supposed enemies? Can not we put aside our differences until after this greater enemy has been ground beneath our collective boot?

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    feelsgoodman, fuckin bleed them hahahahahaha imagine for just a second, we have power, power we never knew we had.

    For ppl who don't know wtf is going on:

    Last edited by SGF; 01-29-2021 at 08:18 AM.

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    The people are exposing the system for what it is, we are seeing what they really think about the people, what they think about all of us. We're seeing what they're willing to do to fuck people over; these institutions, these governments, these banks are willing to put all stops to make sure people don't get rich. And to make sure they don't lose money.

    One day, hedge funds loses billions of dollars and the response: All trading gets halted to protect these billion dollar institutions. Robinhood has a class-action lawsuit filed against them but I don't think it will go through.

    Meanwhile, "insider" people like Nancy Pelosi buy tesla stock worth $500, totallying $500,000 - $1,000,000 4 weeks before Biden pushed a $2 trillion "Green New Deal." This kinds of stuff happens everyday.

    It's all corruption.

    It's kinda like playing monopoly, where someone is the banker, and they keep giving themselves money. The fed reserve has been printing mass sums of money, causing mass inflation, decreasing purchasing power, while inflating the stock market, making billionaires even richer. This has been happening while we've been told to lock down at home and shut down our businesses....6 months go by and the best they could do is give a bullshit $600 check that hasn't even arrived to some people. Lol

    We screwed them at their game and now they're trying to change the rules.

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    So apparently Elon Musk is trolling the SEC by tweeting companies and watching the price go up. I don't blame him though, short-sellers have been trying to manipulate Tesla stock for a long time now and yet the SEC does absolutely fucking nothing about it. That shit is illegal in many countries because it can destroy a company that would otherwise succeed. Sometimes the US just seems like a cesspool of people just trying to get rich by taking advantage of other people, rather than trying to be productive to society. For that, regardless of Musk's type, I have huge respect for him because he's clearly not trying to do that. And I love that about him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So apparently Elon Musk is trolling the SEC by tweeting companies and watching the price go up. I don't blame him though, short-sellers have been trying to manipulate Tesla stock for a long time now and yet the SEC does absolutely fucking nothing about it. That shit is illegal in many countries because it can destroy a company that would otherwise succeed. Sometimes the US just seems like a cesspool of people just trying to get rich by taking advantage of other people, rather than trying to be productive to society. For that, regardless of Musk's type, I have huge respect for him because he's clearly not trying to do that. And I love that about him.
    When your basic survival depends on doing anything you can to make money, you get a cesspool like America.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DrDonkeyBallz View Post
    The people are exposing the system for what it is, we are seeing what they really think about the people, what they think about all of us. We're seeing what they're willing to do to fuck people over; these institutions, these governments, these banks are willing to put all stops to make sure people don't get rich. And to make sure they don't lose money.

    One day, hedge funds loses billions of dollars and the response: All trading gets halted to protect these billion dollar institutions. Robinhood has a class-action lawsuit filed against them but I don't think it will go through.

    Meanwhile, "insider" people like Nancy Pelosi buy tesla stock worth $500, totallying $500,000 - $1,000,000 4 weeks before Biden pushed a $2 trillion "Green New Deal." This kinds of stuff happens everyday.

    It's all corruption.

    It's kinda like playing monopoly, where someone is the banker, and they keep giving themselves money. The fed reserve has been printing mass sums of money, causing mass inflation, decreasing purchasing power, while inflating the stock market, making billionaires even richer. This has been happening while we've been told to lock down at home and shut down our businesses....6 months go by and the best they could do is give a bullshit $600 check that hasn't even arrived to some people. Lol

    We screwed them at their game and now they're trying to change the rules.
    Mass inflation?

    Two things.

    One, I don't see mass inflation anywhere. Gas is cheap, food is cheap, rent is affordable, interest rates are close to zero. You should omit that part in your next rant. It's not accurate.

    Two, inflation is a debtor's friend. If you are up to your ears in debt and inflation is massive, you will end up paying back your loan in cheaper dollars. Most Americans should welcome inflation.
    But, as you pointed out, the country is not being run for the debtors so inflation is low. Those people who are in debt by hundreds of millions of dollars, like our Get-rich-by-inheriting-it last President, have incredible tax write-offs and depreciation to help even the most stupid among them be able to make money. You have to be monumentally stupid to lose money on real estate in the US.

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    Fuck em. Nice to see both sides of the aisle both have the correct opinion on something important.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Mass inflation?

    Two things.

    One, I don't see mass inflation anywhere. Gas is cheap, food is cheap, rent is affordable, interest rates are close to zero. You should omit that part in your next rant. It's not accurate.

    Two, inflation is a debtor's friend. If you are up to your ears in debt and inflation is massive, you will end up paying back your loan in cheaper dollars. Most Americans should welcome inflation.
    But, as you pointed out, the country is not being run for the debtors so inflation is low. Those people who are in debt by hundreds of millions of dollars, like our Get-rich-by-inheriting-it last President, have incredible tax write-offs and depreciation to help even the most stupid among them be able to make money. You have to be monumentally stupid to lose money on real estate in the US.
    First, "mass inflation" isn't a thing until it is. If the WSB crowd is following through on a long term plan they've got it right. After they've massively increased their resources with Diamond Hands in regards to the stocks they're doing a glorified version of pumping and dumping they will have nuked the Hedge Fundies.

    However, as anyone like me knows, financial institutions like Hedge Funds are the "minibosses" of the system. The "Final Boss" is... The Banks.

    What do banks all around the world short to the degree that makes the shorts of $GME look quaint? Precious Metals. Now, as banks have way more capital (due to their ability to print it out of thin air) than any individual hedge fund does. You're gonna need an order of magnitude more capital to force a short squeeze in those markets than you currently possess even as a crowd sourced rouge hedge fund (i.e. what WSB/the day traders are). The WSB boys seem to realize that though. They are currently "leveling up" fighting the hedgies. Once they cash out their $GSE positions for significant gains after they've crashed the hedgies they're gonna take said gains and move on to the final boss, the banks.

    I for one welcome this timeline. Andrew Jackson was one of the greatest statesmen of all time for but one reason, he killed the bank. Kill the bank folks, that was always the final boss. Everything after that is just a fun fight between equals .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Mass inflation?

    Two things.

    One, I don't see mass inflation anywhere. Gas is cheap, food is cheap, rent is affordable, interest rates are close to zero. You should omit that part in your next rant. It's not accurate.
    The USD has lost 96% of it's purchasing power since 1913.. e_e.. you still sound like some kind of ignorant boomer.. libshit.

    Two, inflation is a debtor's friend. If you are up to your ears in debt and inflation is massive, you will end up paying back your loan in cheaper dollars. Most Americans should welcome inflation.
    But, as you pointed out, the country is not being run for the debtors so inflation is low. Those people who are in debt by hundreds of millions of dollars, like our Get-rich-by-inheriting-it last President, have incredible tax write-offs and depreciation to help even the most stupid among them be able to make money. You have to be monumentally stupid to lose money on real estate in the US.
    I sincerely don't understand how ppl even go into debt.. bunch of idiots who don't know how to live within their means, save and invest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    When your basic survival depends on doing anything you can to make money, you get a cesspool like America.
    There are much worse places on this planet, like France, you just think the grass is greener on the other side.

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    > filthy commies

    Communism is about collectivistic humanistic philosophy which sets interests of a majority above interests of a minority.
    It's opposite to capitalism which is expressed in "banksters" which set egocentrism and linked with it interests of a minority above people in general, which such is based on hating people.

    Capitalism which is based on individualism/egocentrism is against the essence of Christianity.
    Communists in political practice supressed churches and irrationalism which was used by them as saw that those served to support older regimes based in antihumanism. It was political motivation. Also those churches were fallen as supported what was against main idea claimed by them - the idea of altruistic love to people, for example they supported capitalism and feudalism, supported lie and violence by which most people were enslaved.
    Idea of communism fits to Christianity much better than capitalism. While mystic, irrational part of Christianity, a work with unconscious methods, was outside of attention of communists as they were accented on common political views.
    After a time communists could research uncosciouse methods and create new religion similar to Christianity. When capitalism, being based on individualism, expresses satanistic ideology of antihumanism and moves the world to this side and to apocalypsis, what is more and more clear. Churches rituals mean lesser than what happens in peoples minds, while there you'll find satanistic egocentrism supported by capitalism, but not a love to other people. Communists resisted to this side world development. USSR was weakened and then gone and satanistic shit appeared more with this - people degrade in morality, in minds, social inequality arises, humans nature is openly perverted due to hate to the humanity, humans already are illegally forced to get genetic changes and are denied to get a food if do not follow to orders based on a lie about covid.

    To oppose to collectivism and to individualism in the same time means to be blind, do not understand what you are doing and such be manipulated. Being blinded by misunderstanding and a hate you'll serve to evil - to make the life of most people worse than it is now, against what you'll be thinking as opposing.
    Last edited by Sol; 01-30-2021 at 12:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    The USD has lost 96% of it's purchasing power since 1913.. e_e.. you still sound like some kind of ignorant boomer.. libshit.

    I sincerely don't understand how ppl even go into debt.. bunch of idiots who don't know how to live within their means, save and invest.

    There are much worse places on this planet, like France, you just think the grass is greener on the other side.
    You just think I think the grass is greener on the other side.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Mass inflation?

    Two things.

    One, I don't see mass inflation anywhere. Gas is cheap, food is cheap, rent is affordable, interest rates are close to zero. You should omit that part in your next rant. It's not accurate.

    Two, inflation is a debtor's friend. If you are up to your ears in debt and inflation is massive, you will end up paying back your loan in cheaper dollars. Most Americans should welcome inflation.
    But, as you pointed out, the country is not being run for the debtors so inflation is low. Those people who are in debt by hundreds of millions of dollars, like our Get-rich-by-inheriting-it last President, have incredible tax write-offs and depreciation to help even the most stupid among them be able to make money. You have to be monumentally stupid to lose money on real estate in the US.
    Rent is affordable?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    You just think I think the grass is greener on the other side.
    I doubt the metaphorical grass is greener in Romania. No offense to any Romanians.

    Western institutions may be "corrupt" by Western standards, but this is a different definition of corruption than what goes on in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Russia, Africa, China, Turkey, much of the Middle East - basically most of the world outside the "West" and Oceania. When a westerner says an institution is corrupt they basically mean it is holding power - by legal means. When people speak of corruption in other places it means there is no rule of law.
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    That being said, the banking and finance sector does escape rule of law, believe it or not. Perhaps not politicians, not Western ones at least, but they aeren't the ones with the power...

    Finance is an abstraction for most so they don't see how it benefits - and harms.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. Everything Burns!"
    And burn it shall. My question is whether or not you're happy about that. I for one am quite happy. Hell, it's a unifying cause. Filthy commies, death cultist SJW's, Christ haters, can we not all agree on this one fact? That the Hedge Funds, Bankers, and other such members of the PTB ought to get fucked by whatever and however means we can employ even if it means joining hands with our supposed enemies? Can not we put aside our differences until after this greater enemy has been ground beneath our collective boot?
    I don't give a fuck. This is just another story of greedy "poor" people taking advantage of richer greedy people. They are not revolting against anything or changing anything since they are the same; have the same vices. I have better things to care about or to be happy about.

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    thanks to "commies" you have:
    8 hours working day (1st for all appeared seems in USSR), 2 free days per a week, free _good_ mass education and medicine (in some places, not in USA), mass pensions, adequate minimal wages, lesser expressed hithlerists (which were made by capitalists as from USA and Britain for war against USSR and for supression of socialistic/humanistic reforms in the world), etc. "bad" in your life.
    Check how people lived before 1917 and after, what social changes were massively done in different countries, having the example of Russian socialistic revolution.

    Socionics appeared thanks to "commies" too - it was developed in USSR, a place with a collectivistic/communistic culture and political ideology. When USA did a single dichotomy test and added misleaded functions for introverted types. When Jung himself would be against duality pairs as thought that as bad following to individualistic ideas taken from capitalistic/satanistic culture. As so the duality was useful for you as a person (not just to be pleasant and help in deals where you are weak) you need to _love_ that human to introject and study his traits, while love state (where you perceive interests of other human same important as own) is not compatible with individualism. Socionics had higher chance to appear and to get a popularity in collectivistic culture, and same stays until now - primitive individualistic MBTI approach is more popular outside of USSR still, when in USSR dominates Socionics and its ideas that to make your life better are important other people and your friendship relations with them, not just surface cooperations of 2 wannabe-independent individualists.
    The get the most profit from a duality needs to have personally close friendship, altruistic joining with a mind and life of other human. The more of it - the better you'll feel and wiser may become, unlike with bad IR where to be personally closer more makes you to feel worse. And unlike with similar types which are boring to deal with and give much lesser in a friendship.

    I'm not sure that some of people which claim themselves as communists/socialists in USA are not rejected or perverted initial ideas of communism. May be those are some different than were in USSR. But communism in its main ideas is _opposite_ to capitalistic ideology and to worst what this ideology creates to harm the life and interests of a _majority_ of people. It's individualism and the lie by which it is propaganded in capitalistic regimes are the main source of problems for the humanity and for most of people anywhere. Following to that ideology that majority is needed to be hold as weakened and hence to live worse than could, and to be able to do lesser useful by those artificial restrictions. To allow that majority more of power and keep a safety you need to indoctrinate them with atruistic love attitude too. While capitalism does the opposite - it indoctrinates fear and hate among people to keep them separated and such lesser able to protect their interests, it harms their creative abbilities to control them by a minority and such do not allow them to do more useful to make the life better. Capitalism is supported by a lie, hate, violence, terror, stupidity, etc. All that shit which harms lifes of most people is supported artificially so capitalistic regimes existed further. Only to keep some minority at higher power, a minority with psychopathic psyche which betrayed the humanity.
    Last edited by Sol; 01-30-2021 at 03:55 PM.

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    D WTF is WSB doing, look at this cancer:

    What Is WallStreetBets (WSB)?
    WE SEEK ALPHA AND MASTER BETA!!!!11 La-li-lu-le-lo. Are funds SAFU or SNAFU? Is Bitcoin your safeword?

    Here is the tl;dr of the $GAMESTONK 2 STRONK SQUEEZE - When your broker is as reliable as a Cyberpunk 2077 launch day patch, does the GAME have to STOP? #cwutididthere

    R/wallstreetbets, also known as WallStreetBets or WSB, is a subreddit where participants discuss stock and option trading. It has become notable for its profane nature, aggressive trading strategies, and role in the 2021 GameStop short squeeze.

    The subreddit, describing itself through the tagline "Like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal",[2] is known for its aggressive trading strategies, which primarily revolve around highly speculative, leveraged options trading. Members of the subreddit are often young retail traders and investors who ignore fundamental investment practices and risk management techniques, so their activity is considered gambling. The growing popularity of no-commission brokers and mobile online trading has potentially contributed to the growth of such trading trends. Members of the communities often see high-risk day trading as an opportunity to quickly improve their financial conditions and obtain additional income. Some of the members tend to use borrowed capital, like student loans, to bet on certain "meme stocks" that show popularity within the community.[1][3][4][5][6]

    The subreddit is also known for its profane and juvenile nature, with members often referring to themselves as "autists" and "degenerates."[5][7]
    also noice XRP pump, my brother actually made 250$ on that in 1 h today by going wit a meme lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I doubt the metaphorical grass is greener in Romania. No offense to any Romanians.

    Western institutions may be "corrupt" by Western standards, but this is a different definition of corruption than what goes on in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Russia, Africa, China, Turkey, much of the Middle East - basically most of the world outside the "West" and Oceania. When a westerner says an institution is corrupt they basically mean it is holding power - by legal means. When people speak of corruption in other places it means there is no rule of law.
    Romanian politicians are basically plutocrats. Their relatives own businesses and they funnel money through government into their own pockets through these rackets they set up, such as buying bricks from a brick factory their cousin set up and other bs. This shit goes on in almost every town, city or backwater mud hut. anyone in Romania who still believes in democracy and all that liberal bullshit is just a basic bitch idiot at this point. Those fuckers sold this country out to western corporations a long time ago, the sold the people off as cheap labor and they will bleed this nation dry one 4 year term at a time. If that ain't treason idk what is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    I don't give a fuck. This is just another story of greedy "poor" people taking advantage of richer greedy people. They are not revolting against anything or changing anything since they are the same; have the same vices. I have better things to care about or to be happy about.
    Man, I don't know if you've seen "The Platform", but you'd probably enjoy the parallels with all of this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    The way the Globalists see it is like: "If we crash the current system through "the people", then we can lead towards the global reset."

    - If they have the minions thinking they're uniting for a good cause and the system goes down, they can be our scapegoats for when TSHTF.

    Is a 'global reset' really the thing we want right now? Especially if we all end up on a one-way system planned out by the Globalists, the way they're thinking.

    No, I'm not talking about "Communism", I'm talking about something much worse...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Man, I don't know if you've seen "The Platform", but you'd probably enjoy the parallels with all of this.
    I just watched it on your recommendation, and you're right, the parallels are salient. Should be a must-see for people on this thread.
    As a word of caution, I do not believe that society can be represented, let alone with such a crude structure as in the movie. Let me access my inner IEI:

    Our relationships with others are always based on images and defense mechanisms. The husband has an image of his wife, the poor of the rich, the soldier of his country. But life in the abstract is impossible, and if we base our lives on abstractions or speculative ideas, it always engenders violence, since we are not seeing things for what they are.
    People have admitted jealousy, greed and the desire to possess as a natural way of life and therefore have accepted the state of conflict is an integral part of daily life. But if one rejects these values, then one can be freed from the psychological structure of society, which is the essence in itself of these conflicts. 'The platform' will exist in our heads, and if we let it, destroy our hearts and our relationships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    I don't give a fuck. This is just another story of greedy "poor" people taking advantage of richer greedy people. They are not revolting against anything or changing anything since they are the same; have the same vices. I have better things to care about or to be happy about.
    I'm not of that same opinion. See, I saw somewhere a great take on all this. See, the Banksters/Hedgies/etc. are essentially playing a game of Chicken with a top of the line prototype car capable of some very impressive maneuverability. One fatal flaw in their approach towards their opponent driving a basic bitch car you can buy off the lot of your average car dealership (hence why they so eagerly agreed to said match of chicken). They think their opponent wants to "win" that game of Chicken somehow (and in their infinite arrogance assumed that we were serious when we challenged them). In truth, their opponent's top priority is ramming their car into theirs at top speed! Again, it's not about the money, it's about sending a message! It doesn't really matter how much better your car's specs are if the opponent has decided to say "fuck it" in regards to self-preservation.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    The way the Globalists see it is like: "If we crash the current system through "the people", then we can lead towards the global reset."

    - If they have the minions thinking they're uniting for a good cause and the system goes down, they can be our scapegoats for when TSHTF.

    Is a 'global reset' really the thing we want right now? Especially if we all end up on a one-way system planned out by the Globalists, the way they're thinking.

    No, I'm not talking about "Communism", I'm talking about something much worse...
    Given the levels of panic I'm viewing from these soy deluded sorry excuses for a ruling elite I'd say they're anything but the juggernauts of intelligence, preparation, and power you seem to think they are. Sin dims the intellect and that effect compounds over time. This all started around 300 years ago and really got seriously started around 100 years ago. Folks like J.P. Morgan and John Rockefeller were damn smart and fully evil, but it was all downhill from that zenith. The Devil has his hour, but the lord has his day.

    @Sol. Seems I struck a nerve. Even so, as a filthy and vile Anarcho-Capitalist in your eyes, can we not agree that we ought to fuck the bankster and hedgie elites that have screwed us all over so very much over the past century? We can both rant and rave at each other all day. The real question is this. Given that we have a greater enemy from an objective standpoint, can we not join hands just this once and crush our common foe instead of succumbing to their attempt to divide an thus conquer us both? We may "hate" each other, but surely, are not the PTB a more worthy and constructive target of our collective hatred and attempts to tear down?

    I'm willing to put aside our differences in the interest of taking down our mutual enemy. We can fight amongst ourselves after we've ensured that greater enemy is well and thoroughly dead. If this proposition is offensive or unacceptable to you please tell me why. Again, I am always and eternally thirsty for data .
    Last edited by End; 02-01-2021 at 05:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'm not of that same opinion. See, I saw somewhere a great take on all this. See, the Banksters/Hedgies/etc. are essentially playing a game of Chicken with a top of the line prototype car capable of some very impressive maneuverability. One fatal flaw in their approach towards their opponent driving a basic bitch car you can buy off the lot of your average car dealership (hence why they so eagerly agreed to said match of chicken). They think their opponent wants to "win" that game of Chicken somehow (and in their infinite arrogance assumed that we were serious when we challenged them). In truth, their opponent's top priority is ramming their car into theirs at top speed! Again, it's not about the money, it's about sending a message! It doesn't really matter how much better your car's specs are if the opponent has decided to say "fuck it" in regards to self-preservation.
    even Linus bought 50K worth of stonks for this. Fuckin diamond hands man.. his audience went all out and donated like crazy for it as well )

    EDIT: hehe Joe Rogan on this:

    Last edited by SGF; 02-01-2021 at 03:26 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post


    thanks to "commies" you have:
    8 hours working day (1st for all appeared seems in USSR), 2 free days per a week, free _good_ mass education and medicine (in some places, not in USA), mass pensions, adequate minimal wages, lesser expressed hithlerists (which were made by capitalists as from USA and Britain for war against USSR and for supression of socialistic/humanistic reforms in the world), etc. "bad" in your life.
    Check how people lived before 1917 and after, what social changes were massively done in different countries, having the example of Russian socialistic revolution.

    Socionics appeared thanks to "commies" too - it was developed in USSR, a place with a collectivistic/communistic culture and political ideology. When USA did a single dichotomy test and added misleaded functions for introverted types. When Jung himself would be against duality pairs as thought that as bad following to individualistic ideas taken from capitalistic/satanistic culture. As so the duality was useful for you as a person (not just to be pleasant and help in deals where you are weak) you need to _love_ that human to introject and study his traits, while love state (where you perceive interests of other human same important as own) is not compatible with individualism. Socionics had higher chance to appear and to get a popularity in collectivistic culture, and same stays until now - primitive individualistic MBTI approach is more popular outside of USSR still, when in USSR dominates Socionics and its ideas that to make your life better are important other people and your friendship relations with them, not just surface cooperations of 2 wannabe-independent individualists.
    The get the most profit from a duality needs to have personally close friendship, altruistic joining with a mind and life of other human. The more of it - the better you'll feel and wiser may become, unlike with bad IR where to be personally closer more makes you to feel worse. And unlike with similar types which are boring to deal with and give much lesser in a friendship.

    I'm not sure that some of people which claim themselves as communists/socialists in USA are not rejected or perverted initial ideas of communism. May be those are some different than were in USSR. But communism in its main ideas is _opposite_ to capitalistic ideology and to worst what this ideology creates to harm the life and interests of a _majority_ of people. It's individualism and the lie by which it is propaganded in capitalistic regimes are the main source of problems for the humanity and for most of people anywhere. Following to that ideology that majority is needed to be hold as weakened and hence to live worse than could, and to be able to do lesser useful by those artificial restrictions. To allow that majority more of power and keep a safety you need to indoctrinate them with atruistic love attitude too. While capitalism does the opposite - it indoctrinates fear and hate among people to keep them separated and such lesser able to protect their interests, it harms their creative abbilities to control them by a minority and such do not allow them to do more useful to make the life better. Capitalism is supported by a lie, hate, violence, terror, stupidity, etc. All that shit which harms lifes of most people is supported artificially so capitalistic regimes existed further. Only to keep some minority at higher power, a minority with psychopathic psyche which betrayed the humanity.
    e_e oh wow, see this is why I think you are beta quadra.. at any rate, unlike End I'd physically remove you based on this post alone lol..

    maybe one day you will understand the difference between communism and working class socialism e_e until then there is only physical removal..

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'm not of that same opinion. See, I saw somewhere a great take on all this. See, the Banksters/Hedgies/etc. are essentially playing a game of Chicken with a top of the line prototype car capable of some very impressive maneuverability. One fatal flaw in their approach towards their opponent driving a basic bitch car you can buy off the lot of your average car dealership (hence why they so eagerly agreed to said match of chicken). They think their opponent wants to "win" that game of Chicken somehow (and in their infinite arrogance assumed that we were serious when we challenged them). In truth, their opponent's top priority is ramming their car into theirs at top speed! Again, it's not about the money, it's about sending a message! It doesn't really matter how much better your car's specs are if the opponent has decided to say "fuck it" in regards to self-preservation.
    So who exactly are they helping with this then? This is the equivalent of a poor person selling their soul for a chance to hurt someone richer than them. Even though they take out that nice car, that rich person can afford many other things and opportunities and it's not really that big a deal to them, but the poor person has just lost a lifeline. It's going to potentially hurt the poor person more (and potentially anyone in their life as well) and in the end this isn't a great movement, it's just ill-will for the rich, the same as the rich have for the poor.

    And that's not greed per se, but it's still very negative and maliciously motivated; so from an observer standpoint, it still feels the same to me; and even you, as a supposed Christian, should understand how "though shall not covet" applies here. This is a self-destructive form of jealousy and envy. And I take no pleasure in pointing this out because obviously the people doing this are not in a good place, but I don't see how it's good to idolize this behavior either. I mean, does the thought of people destroying their finances and potentially "lives" to annoy some rich people make you happy in this analogy? Does it truly? Because I just see a lot of pain and destruction.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So who exactly are they helping with this then? This is the equivalent of a poor person selling their soul for a chance to hurt someone richer than them. Even though they take out that nice car, that rich person can afford many other things and opportunities and it's not really that big a deal to them, but the poor person has just lost a lifeline. It's going to potentially hurt the poor person more (and potentially anyone in their life as well) and in the end this isn't a great movement, it's just ill-will for the rich, the same as the rich have for the poor.

    And that's not greed per se, but it's still very negative and maliciously motivated; so from an observer standpoint, it still feels the same to me; and even you, as a supposed Christian, should understand how "though shall not covet" applies here. This is a self-destructive form of jealousy and envy. And I take no pleasure in pointing this out because obviously the people doing this are not in a good place, but I don't see how it's good to idolize this behavior either. I mean, does the thought of people destroying their finances and potentially "lives" to annoy some rich people make you happy in this analogy? Does it truly? Because I just see a lot of pain and destruction.
    I shall assume you're not a Political Science Major nor a believer in Christ so I'll spell out my logic and reference. Former first. Machiavelli got compared to the devil himself. "Old Nick" exists as a term because of that. The main takeaway from "The Prince" if you read it is that the foremost priority of any ruler/ruling class is that they must not be hated by those they rule over. Everything else is secondary in regards to that concern. Once you've become hated by those you presume to rule over you're categorically fucked.

    We'll give those we love a break (hell, several), and we'll back down in the face of those we fear. But when faced by those rulers we hate? No price is too great, no threat big enough to make us back down. Fuck em'! Kill my kid? Guess what, I'll stab you that much harder! Rape my daughter? I'm not gay but I can sure as shit get hard at the prospect of ramming a barbed wire dildo up the last orifice you'd like me to.

    I can go into so much more detail as to how and why our current ruling class has crossed the line. So many heart wrenching stories. So many poor souls posting their woes on social media. Yet that concludes my angle from the secular side. They have fucked up, they are now hated by pretty much everyone who hasn't sold their soul to become part of "the ruling class" as it were.

    As for the Christian angle, well, all evil only exists because God intends to bring about a greater good through it. Tons of men and women who ought to be married with with children are not ATM. They are crying out to heaven as to why. They are quickly discovering that "why" and targeting the fuckers who robbed them of literally years of happiness and joy. This ride has only just begun...

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    e_e oh wow, see this is why I think you are beta quadra.. at any rate, unlike End I'd physically remove you based on this post alone lol..

    maybe one day you will understand the difference between communism and working class socialism e_e until then there is only physical removal..
    I highly recommend his works. Hoppe was/is right on damn near everything. Commies must indeed be physically removed from any society that desires to function for any prolonged length of time. Let them starve in a commune up in the mountains far away from those of us with an IQ north of 75. Fire up the helicopters!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So who exactly are they helping with this then? This is the equivalent of a poor person selling their soul for a chance to hurt someone richer than them. Even though they take out that nice car, that rich person can afford many other things and opportunities and it's not really that big a deal to them, but the poor person has just lost a lifeline. It's going to potentially hurt the poor person more (and potentially anyone in their life as well) and in the end this isn't a great movement, it's just ill-will for the rich, the same as the rich have for the poor.

    And that's not greed per se, but it's still very negative and maliciously motivated; so from an observer standpoint, it still feels the same to me; and even you, as a supposed Christian, should understand how "though shall not covet" applies here. This is a self-destructive form of jealousy and envy. And I take no pleasure in pointing this out because obviously the people doing this are not in a good place, but I don't see how it's good to idolize this behavior either. I mean, does the thought of people destroying their finances and potentially "lives" to annoy some rich people make you happy in this analogy? Does it truly? Because I just see a lot of pain and destruction.
    Billions of dollars worth of damage to hedge funds is a BIG deal. Sleazebags will suicide after this. This isn't some minor loss, they have debt now they will never be able to repay, they are so beyond fucked it's scary >). As far as I understood GME is only the beginning.
    Melvin Capital for example lost over 53%. Absolute ruin. They engaged in criminal activity, now they pay the price. Estimated damage: 70 billion $ :

    Last edited by SGF; 02-02-2021 at 09:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I shall assume you're not a Political Science Major nor a believer in Christ so I'll spell out my logic and reference. Former first. Machiavelli got compared to the devil himself. "Old Nick" exists as a term because of that. The main takeaway from "The Prince" if you read it is that the foremost priority of any ruler/ruling class is that they must not be hated by those they rule over. Everything else is secondary in regards to that concern. Once you've become hated by those you presume to rule over you're categorically fucked.

    We'll give those we love a break (hell, several), and we'll back down in the face of those we fear. But when faced by those rulers we hate? No price is too great, no threat big enough to make us back down. Fuck em'! Kill my kid? Guess what, I'll stab you that much harder! Rape my daughter? I'm not gay but I can sure as shit get hard at the prospect of ramming a barbed wire dildo up the last orifice you'd like me to.

    I can go into so much more detail as to how and why our current ruling class has crossed the line. So many heart wrenching stories. So many poor souls posting their woes on social media. Yet that concludes my angle from the secular side. They have fucked up, they are now hated by pretty much everyone who hasn't sold their soul to become part of "the ruling class" as it were.

    As for the Christian angle, well, all evil only exists because God intends to bring about a greater good through it. Tons of men and women who ought to be married with with children are not ATM. They are crying out to heaven as to why. They are quickly discovering that "why" and targeting the fuckers who robbed them of literally years of happiness and joy. This ride has only just begun...
    I think you're analogy is wrong - see below. That's not apparently the point of this.

    Far as the rest of what you said, I'm not sure any of that follows from this now, if the analogy is wrong. You seem to be railing against society and the higher classes and I probably agree with you to an extent, but you're making comparisons between wealth and raping your daughter and making it seem like everyone's economic problems are because of rich people. Most people have food and shelter and clothes and entertainment and some nice things and some kind of life and can pursue various interests and opportunities, so I find it hard to justify all the angst and vengeance you seem to have about it. You're also kind of using your religion to justify and funnel that angst, which seems very scummy, so whatever. We clearly think very differently about this, so I'll just leave it at that.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Billions of dollars worth of damage to hedge funds is a BIG deal. Sleazebags will suicide after this. This isn't some minor loss, they have debt now they will never be able to repay, they are so beyond fucked it's scary >). As far as I understood GME is only the beginning.
    Melvin Capital for example lost over 53%. Absolute ruin. They engaged in criminal activity, now they pay the price. Estimated damage: 70 billion $ :

    Okay, I think I get it now. From what I understand, End's analogy is wrong.
    Somebody at work explained it to me like this. So short-sellers are invested in a company failing, not succeeding. To do this, short-sellers take a customer's money for the purchase of stock; but the short-sellers don't have to transfer the stock until a later date. So if the short-seller thinks a company is going to fail, they will buy the stock at a later date, then transfer the stock and split (and keep) the difference from the customer. Problem is, when they do this, they now are invested in the company failing and will do everything they can to make that happen. And that's pretty fucked up.

    So the redditors realized a bunch of shorter-sellers had to purchase their Gamestop stocks soon and they realized they could jack up the price and cause those shorters to have to pay more for the stock than what their customer has given them. Okay, that's interesting. So by piling money on and jacking up the price, then the shorters come along and bring the price up more, then the redditors can take advantage of that, sell, and make a profit, interesting. And they shouldn't lose anything, if they put a stop-loss and invest before the shorters have to buy back their stocks. I think I get it now. That's actually pretty genius. And they are stealing from criminals, so it's hard to see much wrong with it if anyone believes in some kind of justice for wrongdoing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Okay, I think I get it now. From what I understand, End's analogy is wrong.
    Somebody at work explained it to me like this. So short-sellers are invested in a company failing, not succeeding. To do this, short-sellers take a customer's money for the purchase of stock; but the short-sellers don't have to transfer the stock until a later date. So if the short-seller thinks a company is going to fail, they will buy the stock at a later date, then transfer the stock and split (and keep) the difference from the customer. Problem is, when they do this, they now are invested in the company failing and will do everything they can to make that happen. And that's pretty fucked up.

    So the redditors realized a bunch of shorter-sellers had to purchase their Gamestop stocks soon and they realized they could jack up the price and cause those shorters to have to pay more for the stock than what their customer has given them. Okay, that's interesting. So by piling money on and jacking up the price, then the shorters come along and bring the price up more, then the redditors can take advantage of that, sell, and make a profit, interesting. And they shouldn't lose anything, if they put a stop-loss and invest before the shorters have to buy back their stocks. I think I get it now. That's actually pretty genius. And they are stealing from criminals, so it's hard to see much wrong with it if anyone believes in some kind of justice for wrongdoing.
    It gets better. GME stock short interest is above 130% (it hit 140%). >) now ask yourself how that is even possible. This shit happens all the time and now that this is out, normal ppl are starting to see behind the curtain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    I think you're analogy is wrong - see below. That's not apparently the point of this.

    Far as the rest of what you said, I'm not sure any of that follows from this now, if the analogy is wrong. You seem to be railing against society and the higher classes and I probably agree with you to an extent, but you're making comparisons between wealth and raping your daughter and making it seem like everyone's economic problems are because of rich people. Most people have food and shelter and clothes and entertainment and some nice things and some kind of life and can pursue various interests and opportunities, so I find it hard to justify all the angst and vengeance you seem to have about it.
    I pruned your quotes in order to spell it out for you. This really and totally is about fucking the upper classes who hate us plebes. Look into a bit yourself. The stories of those who were ruined in '08-'10 are numerous and quite tear jerking if you have any capacity for empathy.

    There really is nothing else more to this. The WSB folks fucked the Hedgies, the glowies infiltrated them and told them all to not back the #silversqueeze while telling them to take profits from GME and laugh in fiat BS banknotes. That is, they attempted to do to them what they did to the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party.

    Small problem there, err, we all already know about the damned glowies now. Fun fact that apparently applies to the intel community in a way that they are thankfully newbs to: "The Generals are always fighting the last war".

    That fact will come around to bite them in the ass. As I've pointed out to anyone who asks. I am a short term pessimist, but a long term optimist. This is not an oxymoron. You will see this play out. It is always darkest before the dawn..
    Last edited by End; 02-04-2021 at 06:37 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I pruned your quotes in order to spell it out for you. This really and totally is about fucking the upper classes who hate us plebes. Look into a bit yourself. The stories of those who were ruined in '08-'10 are numerous and quite tear jerking if you have any capacity for empathy.

    There really is nothing else more to this. The WSB folks fucked the Hedgies, the glowies infiltrated them and told them all to not back the #silversqueeze while telling them to take profits from GME and laugh in fiat BS banknotes. That is, they attempted to do to them what they did to the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party.

    Small problem there, err, we all already know about the damned glowies now. Fun fact that apparently applies to the intel community in a way that they are thankfully newbs to: "The Generals are always fighting the last war".

    That fact will come around to bite them in the ass. As I've pointed out to anyone who asks. I am a short term pessimist, but a long term optimist. This is not an oxymoron. You will see this play out. It is always darkest before the dawn..
    So I looked around and maybe you're right. But this all seems kind of stupid then if people are hurting themselves to hurt others. I guess I'm skeptical that that's what's going on. I bet the reddit WSB aren't representative of the majority and most of them were looking to profit off the short-sellers and not screw themselves over too, but I don't know, that's a guess, maybe you're right.

    I found this pretty interesting. The guy the movie Wolf of Wallstreet was based on says what WSBs is doing is similar to what he used to do - So apparently this is illegal, despite the fact that stocks don't really have any inherent value other than what people are willing to buy and sell for. God, the more I learn about finance, the more sketchy it all seems. It's feeling more and more like owning real property and renting is the best way to make money; but I have moral objections to the way people overcharge on rent. I think if I go that route, I'd be more selective about who I rent to and how much I'm charging them based on their finances and not the market. And I'd probably add a stipulation that they have to do yard work or something for the lower price and be okay with me possibly sleeping at the house during work days. But I know sometimes that's untenable when property taxes or maintenance costs are too high. Sometimes I just wish I could cryofreeze myself and awake thousands of years from now to hopefully a human race advanced away from all this petty shit or convert my flesh into an AI that I can backup, modify, and reproduce at will. Then I wouldn't have to be constrained with all this depressing society that humans create for each other. It's old and boring always thinking about and worrying about money. I wish people could just be happy (including myself), but I know that's a complicated thing in the end.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So I looked around and maybe you're right. But this all seems kind of stupid then if people are hurting themselves to hurt others. I guess I'm skeptical that that's what's going on. I bet the reddit WSB aren't representative of the majority and most of them were looking to profit off the short-sellers and not screw themselves over too, but I don't know, that's a guess, maybe you're right.
    Very often, people will sacrifice their own good in order to punish someone who is not treating them right. This is well-documented in game theory.
    My mother created a very unhealthy environment for her kids, where we were expected to compete with each other for her affections. I was the oldest and endured this the longest, but I also had no healthy points of reference to understand that what I was being encouraged to do was wrong. I'd hit my younger sister when she's break my toys, and she was too little to hit back effectively. But because our mother had a monopoly on violence (she hit us all the time), my little sister would arrange to hit me first out of her sight, and then she'd be sure to be where our mother could see me hitting her back. Our mother would then beat the daylights out of me, while my sister, nursing a bruised arm, would be laughing at me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    I found this pretty interesting. The guy the movie Wolf of Wallstreet was based on says what WSBs is doing is similar to what he used to do - So apparently this is illegal, despite the fact that stocks don't really have any inherent value other than what people are willing to buy and sell for.
    Absolutely not true. Stocks have intrinsic value in the sense that they can either yield dividends or can be sold for real cash. Stocks are not like a poem.
    Maybe you mean that they are not like food or oxygen, but just because they, like all things, derive value from what you can get from them and how much you value what you can get, you could say that in that sense, their value is relative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    God, the more I learn about finance, the more sketchy it all seems. It's feeling more and more like owning real property and renting is the best way to make money; but I have moral objections to the way people overcharge on rent. I think if I go that route, I'd be more selective about who I rent to and how much I'm charging them based on their finances and not the market. And I'd probably add a stipulation that they have to do yard work or something for the lower price and be okay with me possibly sleeping at the house during work days. But I know sometimes that's untenable when property taxes or maintenance costs are too high.
    Really, if this is your attitude, don't rent. You will inevitably lose money.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Sometimes I just wish I could cryofreeze myself and awake thousands of years from now to hopefully a human race advanced away from all this petty shit or convert my flesh into an AI that I can backup, modify, and reproduce at will. Then I wouldn't have to be constrained with all this depressing society that humans create for each other. It's old and boring always thinking about and worrying about money. I wish people could just be happy (including myself), but I know that's a complicated thing in the end.
    The Ni is clear, but the Te is absent. Are you IEI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Very often, people will sacrifice their own good in order to punish someone who is not treating them right. This is well-documented in game theory.
    My mother created a very unhealthy environment for her kids, where we were expected to compete with each other for her affections. I was the oldest and endured this the longest, but I also had no healthy points of reference to understand that what I was being encouraged to do was wrong. I'd hit my younger sister when she's break my toys, and she was too little to hit back effectively. But because our mother had a monopoly on violence (she hit us all the time), my little sister would arrange to hit me first out of her sight, and then she'd be sure to be where our mother could see me hitting her back. Our mother would then beat the daylights out of me, while my sister, nursing a bruised arm, would be laughing at me.
    I don't think that's really the same thing though; you were children and didn't know any better and a bruised arm isn't really a big deal. She baited you into mommy, lol. That's just kids playing around, even if unhealthy.

    But anyway, I did the same shit too, I remember when I was forced to play sports when I was younger and didn't really want to. I remember pissing of the biggest guy on the hockey team and targeting him and knocking him over many times because it was fun to be the little guy taking on the big guy, only to have him hit me much harder when I did. One time he hit me in the arm so hard it left a giant yellow and blue bruise. But I just laughed at him and it made him madder and it was more entertaining than anything else.

    But this whole thing is premeditated and a lot more deliberate. So, yeah, it's hard to believe most of them are just being The Joker. But okay, maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, how does "Game Theory" apply here exactly?

    Absolutely not true. Stocks have intrinsic value in the sense that they can either yield dividends or can be sold for real cash. Stocks are not like a poem.
    Maybe you mean that they are not like food or oxygen, but just because they, like all things, derive value from what you can get from them and how much you value what you can get, you could say that in that sense, their value is relative.
    If they pay dividends, I agree with you, but most don't anymore. And the value only depends on whether people want to buy it or not because all people want is to buy low and sell high. Same with Bitcoin, same with stocks. It's sketchy as fuck. Do you seriously deny that?

    Really, if this is your attitude, don't rent. You will inevitably lose money.
    It was just a thought. I'm sure you are right and I probably won't do it. I'd rather build my garage with a lift and fix cars for cheap instead. Then I don't really have to deal with people. Machines are fun to deal with, you can see exactly what's wrong and fix it and most of the time it doesn't cost a lot, just requires a some form of schematic and a desire to investigate, think about its understanding, and repair.

    The Ni is clear, but the Te is absent. Are you IEI?
    Maybe, that is possible, actually. When I first got into typology and MBTI (and knew nothing about it) for that matter, INFP was the first thing I got on a test, but that always seemed more superficial. But if I am, I'm a bit jaded one and mostly don't want much to do with people. No matter how much older I get, there's always one constant, it never seems to change that most people are hedonistic brats that will use any means to justify their own behavior, as long as it suits them.
    I was once depressed for a couple days when I realized that if I had the kind of power to wage war or cause destruction to the human race in an attempt to wipe them out, I would do it, without really having to think about it because I don't think we deserve much if we can't get passed just thinking about ourselves - and then there's that part of me that knows how unhealthy that is, so I let it go, but deep down it is always going to be there and I suppose I wish I could change that feeling. I feel like every Te money thing I've done in my life, making money and not being poor is motivated by this. Kind of like the Joker from the Batman movies, but I also know an LIE that identified with Joker too, so that probably doesn't mean much. And that would be weird if Te was my polr when I'm really good at it. Maybe that the same for the WSBs people? But if they are willing to hurt themselves to hurt other people, they still look like hedonistic brats to me, just like the criminals they are hurting. And it's lame. They really aren't any better then.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    So I looked around and maybe you're right. But this all seems kind of stupid then if people are hurting themselves to hurt others. I guess I'm skeptical that that's what's going on. I bet the reddit WSB aren't representative of the majority and most of them were looking to profit off the short-sellers and not screw themselves over too, but I don't know, that's a guess, maybe you're right.
    I mentioned Machiavelli for damned good reason. If you hate your ruler you will gladly and eagerly sacrifice anything up to and including your own life if it means fucking over the object of your hatred in the process. Old Nick accurately perceived a fundamental truth. A ruling class can hate those it rules over with relatively little consequence... But if the plebs truly and fully hate the noble? Well, the noble's well and truly fucked. Damnable fucker can't even trust his house... Well, you get the idea. Starts with an N, don't force me to spell it out and in this situation the "master" can't ever sleep with both eyes closed if ya know what I mean. The top priority of any ruler/ruling class is to avoid being hated.

    The whole WSB fiasco is just the beginning by extension. Money for the lowest classes is now the equivalent of ammo. Ammo gets expended. So far, now that it has been demonstrated that the instant the rules don't work for the Billionaire globalist fucks they can and will just change them? Yeah, money/ammo well spent there I'd say. Force the dumb fucks who still believe in the system to abandon their naïve hope? Since the PTB need those dumb fucks to continue to be so very dumb and blind...

    I am very happy to see that they're moving from strength to strength. The Precious Metal markets make the short positions on GME and AMC look like absolute baby mode. Give that a few more months. If they can fuck over the fiat banking system... Well, here's me hoping they can .

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    Lol, it's back up again. Over 100%, since Wednesday.
    Wish I had the balls to put money into a meme stock like this and hope for the best, but I probably really don't.
    “This is the equivalent of the hack on Sony, ” said Bob Sloan, managing partner of S3, referencing the 2014 hack of the Hollywood studio that brought down its email and leaked sensitive data. “Everyone has looked around and said, ‘Wow, this could be me.’

    GameStop’s resurgence this week—its stock price more than doubled over the course of a few trading hours Wednesday and Thursday—highlights the risks. As of Feb. 12, 30% of GameStop shares were shorted, down from more than 100% in January, according to Dow Jones Market Data. The stock, however, remains among the most heavily shorted on Wall Street.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    I have a bunch of crypto and no actual investments and I'm a goofy ass SF and I don't want information I just want a trustworthy person to have all my money. Don't respond to this

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