With all you said I think 2D Fe sounds the most likely. I still don't think you have 1D Fe or Fe polr though- it's still too good to me even if it's not 3D or 4D. Fe polr to me is just... you don't make the type of jokes you make with that kind of tone. It's so much more dryer and serious and "meaner" or something. If you have Fe polr I'd have to really re-think what I think about Fe cuz it doesn't make any sense to me. SLI is like an Iceberg and ILI is like an icicle at your throat. You're... neither of those things. Unless you're pretending to have better Fe than you do to sadistically fuck with a Fe valuer at the right exact time but I don't think so? lol.

"charts and graphs" I actually like those things too lol & they often fulfill my hidden agenda function really well. I don't really use a lot of T to create them very often though.

I think I agree that managing people well is a high Fe thing though probably. I am actually quite good at this even though I'm shy, and easily get leadership positions because of it both online and in the real world. If I can stomach through the Te of things.