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Thread: How do I determine if I'm LII or ILI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    I don't known if the other ILIs are the same
    I am the same.

  2. #42
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    For typing seriously - rational vs irrational and quadra

    Now for some unserious typing:
    Years ago, if my memory serves, you mentioned that you thought Jim and Pam from the Office were a kind of ideal relationship. I hadn't watched the Office at that point, so it meant nothing to me. I have since, and they're very cute, Fe, alpha sorts. Silly pranksters, not Gamma business folks. And Adam thought your comment was "dickish" and well, ahem, Fi quadras sometimes take things a bit too seriously imo and believe things are rude or "dickish" when they're just normal. Your comment was fine.

    Disregard the Jim and Pam comment if you never actually said anything of the sort and I just imagined it. But I still think you're Fe>Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    For typing seriously - rational vs irrational and quadra

    Now for some unserious typing:
    Years ago, if my memory serves, you mentioned that you thought Jim and Pam from the Office were a kind of ideal relationship. I hadn't watched the Office at that point, so it meant nothing to me. I have since, and they're very cute, Fe, alpha sorts. Silly pranksters, not Gamma business folks. And Adam thought your comment was "dickish" and well, ahem, Fi quadras sometimes take things a bit too seriously imo and believe things are rude or "dickish" when they're just normal. Your comment was fine.

    Disregard the Jim and Pam comment if you never actually said anything of the sort and I just imagined it. But I still think you're Fe>Fi.
    @squark, I don't actually believe that ILI's being "dickish" is a bad thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me because I realize that they are mainly filtering for SEE's, for whom this doesn't bother, either, and this behavior generally keeps them out of bad intertype relationships, which is something that I could use more of myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @squark, I don't actually believe that ILI's being "dickish" is a bad thing. I mean, it doesn't bother me because I realize that they are mainly filtering for SEE's, for whom this doesn't bother, either, and this behavior generally keeps them out of bad intertype relationships, which is something that I could use more of myself.
    Point was that he wasn't dickish imo, even though you insist on calling him that. It's subjective. Not everyone agrees with your estimation.

  6. #46
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    What he said about SEE and ILI duals was also not true and putting waaaay too much of a pretty ribbon on the entire 'dual' thing. I've seen SEEs get upset at ILI before if they are too dickish. If somebody does something the other finds 'dickish' it's going to be a turn off/off-putting no matter how much "duals" you are.

    I suppose it might be safe to say that generally speaking - you might find other people maximizing/catastrophizing your dual's dickish behavior in ways you feel unfair and call them out on that. I think that's a more accurate thing to say. Growing up I thought people were taking some of what SLE did too seriously and trying to punish them too much to virtue signal and look morally superior- but I also couldn't really deny that a lot of it *was* in fact, dick ish.

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    Strong convictions are reason to be skeptical.
    Just be prepared for someone to talk out of their convictions, and essentially say nothing. I see it all the time.

    For example, calling someone dickish...

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Maybe this helps,

    I originally self-typed as ILI because I value my close friendships and have a kind of valuation towards harmony or helping people and positive relationships. And I felt that I'm much more intuitively attuned over being a rigid rational type.
    What changed my mind -> although Socionics typically defines Fi in many ways, including relationships and such (which I do value), when I'm around Fi egos I realized we don't really get along. For example, they will value things, such as religion or not saying things that might be seen as racist or insensitive to someone's suffering, things like that. But I like to poke fun at those things and make stupid/silly jokes about everything. I kind of see myself as an eternal kid in a way where I don't take those things seriously and just want to have "emotional fun", but that doesn't mean I don't take my positive friendships and relationships seriously. I mean I will even make fun of my own suffering because, I don't know, it's just funny to me for some reason. But it does mean I irk Fi egos. So that's something Socionics misses imo. But as an LII, minus Fi, I otherwise get along with almost anyone. Though I am enneagram 9, so that might factor into it as well.

    As for rationality vs irrationality, I was reading a book about Jung that mentioned towards the end of Jung's life he started to see types in terms of basic groupings, such as NT, ST, NF, SF. To him that came first. So LII have strong Te and Ni and ILI have strong Ti and Ne (though observing function should theoretically be subdued in favor of leading function). So they can be very similar. So for me the big takeaway is super id differences. ILI seem to like Se things, like taking risks on intuitive understandings or taking direct action based on their intuitive perception of things, which can bug Si-valuers. LII seem to like Fe things, like being silly and making jokes about serious things and doing things more for the emotional entertainment, things that can often irk Fi valuers. Of course both can like either too, but I think it's more what you default to. And I think it's a bit different between types.
    For example,
    LII can take risks based on intuition, but in my experience it's more a Ti thing, where I analyze risk and kind of know what I'm getting into before getting into it. Like investing, I will group into high-risk/high-reward (and subsequently low-risk/low-reward) or low-risk/undervalued (moderate reward). Moderate reward is almost guaranteed to make a decent amount of money, whereas low-risk/low-reward probably won't be a lot of money (but is still safe), while high-risk can make a lot of money, but you are more likely to lose money; and I also don't really believe in short-term investing. I like to balance them all so I have a chance to make a lot of money, while never putting myself in a position to lose money. So for me, it's all calculated. An ILI as an irrational, has more of a tendency to bet on pure perception of the situation, analysis comes as an after-thought or something to boost the legitimacy of their position and they might invest in short-term or long-term depending on their perception of things. For example, crypto used to be something that had the potential to replace the banks and credit companies; it never happened, but an ILI might have bet on that potential. I think they like high-risk/high-reward investing and are more likely to get rich, but also more likely to lose money as well and more likely to bet based on perception of circumstances, rather than logic and reasoning.

    ILI can also like positive emotional atmosphere, but they don't really need it. They can be fun to work with, but then you can irk them and they might blow up, but it's short-lived and they will just be normal afterward. As an Si valuer, it takes me awhile to get back to normal. I sometimes think this is Te/Fi in general, where they are focused more on the goal and see relationships as something important to help reach goals, so interpersonal conflict is almost accepted as normal and okay as long as it doesn't deter from the goal; it's like they share some kind of relationship vision and so conflict is okay in light of that. As an LII, this is actually pretty unacceptable. I will drop team participation if things get too negative and shitty overall and have no problem doing that; I don't care how much we all have to "lose" if I'm going to be treated like shit in a team, so I think I do value Si and Fe in that regard.

    And I could be wrong, but this is what I've learned throughout the years about people and myself, regardless of whether or not this is really socionics or just something else in terms of psychology. And so I no longer type ILI anymore.
    I relate to this so much. Is that a Yume Nikki avatar?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    Good morning, socionisticianaphiles.

    I am trying to go back to basics to figure out my type and it's highly probably one of the two classic Chad types that we know everyone loves: LII and ILI. Another option is ILE, but this would overlook my strong introversion.

    I'm also trying to pretend that I am a socionics noob so as to lose baggage I have about my typing. Do y'all have any type descriptions that you favor which could help me decide? What characteristics are type "deal-breakers" between LII and ILI?

    I think the main differences are as follows, keep in mind this is when a person is more or less healthy psyhologically.

    Mood: ILIs are often worrying, they often relive negative experiences, failures, unpleasant situations, etc in their minds. LIIs' moods are more stable, flat, or positive.

    Relation to the body: ILIs and LIIs are both somewhat out of touch with their physicality, but ILIs have "trainable" sensing, they can easily learn to do manual work, and are much more instinctive people than LIIs. LIIs have a difficult time learning physical stuff, it does not come naturally or instinctively to them. ILIs respond much better to listening to their bodies and going with their gut than LIIs.

    Relation to power: ILIs are energized by being around centers of power and influencing power. LIIs are aloof to these things. ILIs enjoy unambiguous signs of attraction from a partner, they want their partner to "choose" them. LIIs enjoy sings of caring from their partner and don't enjoy the sensation of power exchange in romance.

    Emotions: ILIs emotions can be easily hurt. LIIs have an easier time laughing at jokes in their address, ILIs may take them more seriously and be perceived as grouchier. LIIs have trainable ethics: they respond well to a partner that teaches them expression of their positive emotions. ILIs' emotions are more difficult for themselves to deal with.

    Intellectual: LIIs have analytical thinking, synthetic thinking takes longer for them and usually doesn't interest them. ILIs have very fast synthetic thinking, their minds automatically build a picture of a situation. LIIs thinking is more systematic and is more suited to theoretical scientific research. However, their minds don't actually "work" and they look ridiculous to others when they try to apply their knoweldge to real situations. ILIs have minds that actually work: their thinking is not systematic but they can, when faced with a real world situation come up with a solution to a problem through hands on experimentation, trial and error. LIIs cannot do this, their thinking is slow and they break down all the details in their minds and analyze the problem step by step, trying to understand the cause of the problem. ILIs may not always understand the causes of a problem but can find solutions naturally.

    Curiosity: LIIs want to understand the causes, to figure out why A leads to B and B to C. Their minds are fit for theoretical science. ILIs are applied scientists, they may also be interested in science, but contrary to LIIs mainly interested in exercising their knowledge, therefore ILIs mainly concern themselves with known facts. They prefer to anticipate future problems based on the information that is already known. ILIs therefore can baffle others, by pointing out what will happen where others don't see it, but often are not listened to by others and once the ILIs prediction come true, there are other, more pressing problems, and everyone has forgotten that the ILI was right to begin with.
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