Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
hmm. In his defense he didn’t say it wasn’t possible, but that it wouldn’t make sense that they would “enjoy” it. I mean it doesn’t make sense that anyone would enjoy it either, that’s kind of implied by them being negative? Maybe I’m being too anal, but I don’t see the problem.

And I’m sorta confused. Are all those negative emotions supposed to just be Fe? Cause I can recall at least one relationship between LSE and SEI where the LSE did most of this and the SEI some too. I kind of think it was a conflict of Fi vs Fe and the SEI being Te polr when the LSE wanted someone that would work with them on things -> Te. He would just get mad and then snub her a lot like it was her problem to solve and eventually she divorced. Te lead seems kind of unbearable when they think everyone should align with their interests.
Mb you are deviating from the original questions:

Do you know Fe types who have never recurred to emotional abuse when expressing negative emotions?Is this most common in Fe types?

I know other types that can do this, but most Fe I know do it in the way described in the quotes I pasted. And yeah, Mb LxE do it too, after all they have Fe role.