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Thread: The videos I sent off for my typing assesment, curious to hear other people's thoughts

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    megedy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    SEI was my initial guess from the first still pic but after the video I think there are some visual details that point to SEI being less likely than IEI, although still possible.

    I don't agree that looking into the past is always Si. Both Si and Ni look into the past. Si is more often reminiscing past experiences (this is something that often happened with my SEI ex of many years, she'd start talking about "remember back when we did this"). Whereas Ni is more about examining the consequences of past decisions to help them predict future outcomes. You can't make extrapolations without first observing a past trend.
    Ni leads can often repeat past experiences because they have problems creating new ones themselves.
    I can see this more, that would make sense to me Ni-wise. I do like trying new things and taking risks sometimes, I just need a push from someone else I trust, & I like having a backup plan. The friend I described in the video? When I told her I couldn't stay in the pits of the midwest anymore after my divorce, and I was going to be miserable if I had to stay there, she invited me to stay with her in Los Angeles to see if I'd like it better there. I knew that even if I didn't like it in LA, it'd at least give me a few months to make a new plan to never have to go back to the Great Plains again. & it did! It gave me a chance to clear my head and get my shit together enough to move to the Northeast to be near my family! (also i never have to set foot in a square state again if i don't want to yaaaay~)

    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post

    Yeah, I too see why gulenko typed you IEI-C after watching the video. You do talk about Ni the way he describes it in his book and IEI profiles. Also the things you admired in your friend sound . I think you don’t stereotypically look the way people think of IEI’s looking and look like you could be more SEI or delta nf , but this is going by cognition imo. I can see why you thought EII for yourself, or IEE. And why some people think SEI. But the end of the second vid about your friend did make you sound dual seeking.

    I actually watched all of both vids and they were good ones. I can see why they wanted to use the second one! You are very cute and bubbly too (nothing weird lol) thanks for sharing!
    Aww dang haha I'm surprised someone watched all of both of them! Yeah I think that was part of my problem in seeing myself in IEI, too. I'm not very flashy. I like being understated & cute! X3 But I'm starting to see Se seeking more, too (especially now that I'm starting to *get* Se). I thought my admiration for ambitious people who are able to take charge and know what they want was Te. (& nothing weird taken, thank you, that was very kind and you made my day!! <3 )

    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    I lean towards IEI but could see why people are saying SEI. Your initial vibe is very positive and Alpha-like, and the talk about valuing family and moving to be near your grandparents sounds exactly like what the SEIs I know would do.

    Points for IEI:
    -The fantastical inner world you described imagining since childhood. None of the SEIs I know (and I know several very well, including my mom) have ever described constructing anything like that. My SEI roommate once said, "I was not an imaginative child." Not to say SEIs are all unimaginative, of course, but I would think even an SEI-C wouldn't be so involved in an abstract fantasy life. Their Creative subtype would manifest more in the physical world.

    -Predicting outcomes for others around the 7:40 mark in the second video. SEIs can give really good and wise relational advice but I rarely hear them warn about the future like "if you do this, then this could happen."

    -Positive, cheerful presentation could be related to enneagram type and instinct, not just quadra. Not all IEIs are moody type 4s

    Regardless of your type, glad you're around!
    -I've always been imaginative! I even wrote fanfiction when I was a kid hahaha. I actually came up with the first...oh god it's weird talking about this in public...axolotl mermaid creature...when I was 12, and it started with one story where it was one of them and they were trying to hide among humans and he fell in love with a human girl. It snowballed from there. Now I'm 28 and have this super huge binder hidden away, and a super secret world-building wiki, where I have all this writing on the different species, creatures, religions, etc...although the main plot, if I ever got around to writing it, would still center around the one main axolotl mercreature man and the noblewoman he travels the world with. hahaha I'm never going to do anything with it

    -ugh I didn't go into a lot of detail about it in the video but the worst is when my ex would ask for advice on his new relationship, with the girl he had been emotionally cheating on me with, and I would give it to him because I'm a complete pushover that puts other people ahead of myself. He wouldn't listen to me about how coming off strong and not being honest with her was going to ruin his chances with her. I told him she would find out he wasn't being honest, it was a small town. & sure enough, when she found out about everything he had lied to her about, he got despondent over it and tried to come back to me for advice after it fell apart on him. Flat out "I told you so, called it" moment right there hahaha. It's happened with other people too but that was the most satisfying time honestly.

    -& I still have no clue on enneagram honestly. I think 9 but eh. *shrug*

    But thank you!! Glad to be here!
    Last edited by megedy; 01-23-2021 at 12:04 AM.
    ~we're just out here havin a good time~

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    Quote Originally Posted by megedy View Post
    -& I still have no clue on enneagram honestly. I think 9 but eh. *shrug*
    I could see that! Social 9 maybe.

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