Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
This. To be perfectly honest, I agree with this.

Tons and tons of Si, enough so that you look like my SLI ex sometimes, and 4D Fi (cares for family.)

Looking back into the past to relive past actions. Si. Not Ni.

Enough Fe to seem extroverted, but not be extroverted. Seems to have lots of the "nice" function, whichever one that is.

From the words, I'd say ESI-Fi. From the look, including the comfortable clothes, I'll say SEI-Fe.

I just don't see Ni, not the way IEI's have it. Was Gulenko asleep when he did this typing?
SEI was my initial guess from the first still pic but after the video I think there are some visual details that point to SEI being less likely than IEI, although still possible.

I don't agree that looking into the past is always Si. Both Si and Ni look into the past. Si is more often reminiscing past experiences (this is something that often happened with my SEI ex of many years, she'd start talking about "remember back when we did this"). Whereas Ni is more about examining the consequences of past decisions to help them predict future outcomes. You can't make extrapolations without first observing a past trend.
Ni leads can often repeat past experiences because they have problems creating new ones themselves.