Quote Originally Posted by Yesein View Post
Oh jeez. Crushing of ideals. But yes, I agree. SLE riff raff exists.
I can't see an SLE being physically abusive towards a loved one. I just can't. I thought SLE's preserved their hostility for outsiders.
I have been around an unstable SLE before that had frequent anger outbursts, but they never harmed or punched a family member or significant other, just a wall, pillar, and even themselves in the form of self harm. Although that took a manipulative turn. . .

I do know an ILI that has been violent towards weaker and vulnerable people. Intuitives can be quite bad at managing their anger.

But yes, IEI's would be one type to stick around in an abusive relationship or even friendship.
I mean, if you had made the claim "most SLEs" are not like this, I might have been inclined to back down, but it seems that you are implying no SLEs are like this and honestly, that just doesn't mesh with demographics and probability - it would be easy to construct an argument against this at the population level. But I guess even then it seems like IEIs gravitate towards romantic, dramatic, broken things.