Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
True Story #1

SLE's are good at performing tasks in the here-and-now, but have some trouble with Ni and seeing where some of the things they are planning will lead.

SLE: " Hmm, I'm in my car in this gas station and I need some money. I have a gun in my glove compartment. There is money in the gas station. Problem solved."
Three minutes later, the SLE is back in his car, counting the money and thinking that he can now buy a new tire that he's needed for a while. Suddenly, three police cars with flashing lights pull into the station and surround him. He thinks, "WTF?"

IEI, who wasn't there three minutes ago to say "Don't do that, Marcus."

True Story #2

LIE meets SLE at class reunion.
LIE: Hi, SLE. You look good for a guy your age.
SLE: Yeah. Thanks. I'm teaching little league. It keeps me busy.
IEI zooms in from nowhere and says to LIE "Hi, have we met?" LIE sees that she's IEI, is happy for his friend who finally has a GF.
LIE: "No. Are you guys together?"
IEI, happily: "For three months!"
LIE: "Well, I think you guys are a perfect match."
SLE, dully: "Huh"
IEI, smiling: "Do you really think so?"
LIE: "I'm sure of it. There are only a couple of things that could come between you guys."
IEI moves between LIE and SLE, with a worried look: "Like what?"
LIE: "Well, you have a hard time in the real world. It's like you have one eye on the future and you miss what's happening around you. SLE can probably send you to the grocery store with a list for milk and steaks and you'll come back with two bathrobes."
SLE starts laughing. "That's totally true."
LIE, turns towards SLE buddy: "And you, your problem is that you might cheat."
IEI looks sharply at him, he demurs. "Yeah, I could see that."
LIE: "But you shouldn't. Because this woman is really fucking rare and the fact that you guys are together at all is kind of a miracle and if you screw it up, she's not going to give you a second chance and you'll never, ever find another woman who will love you like she does."
IEI and SLE look at each other, say nothing. LIE goes to get a drink.

That was four years ago. They are still together.
Hahaha your first reference - they don't know how to stick to a narrative, consider plan b's. Very scattered.
I can see how IEI can help with this.

To your second reference -
"SLE, dully: "Huh" - this is the entire type summarised
Getting distracted by shiny things at the grocery store and spending money like it is video game currency - yeah, this is a big problem, and unfortunately for IEI, something they can't wriggle themselves away from and bluff their way out. It is also why semi-duality with an SEE is not ultimately desirable for IEI, as SEE has no patience for this frivolous and uneconomical spending .
I think IEI's are prone to cheat, too, but yeah, I can't see them cheating on an SLE, maybe other types. Creative Fe makes it all to easy for that situation to escalate.
Together 4 years, good on them. That's awesome