I don’t tend to become friends with either of these types although I have enjoyed their company as part of larger groups of friends. I had a good isfj friend at uni but when we left uni the relationship fizzled a bit. I remember feeling a bit like I had to make all the effort with convo and ideas for what to do..but after seeing her I would sort of think but why didn’t I just stop making all the effort and let her speak haha. So exactly what people have described above..I have also had isfj managers who I admired but found their advice exhausting and confusing after a while..

Atm I’m in a writing group and two of the people are entj and isfj. It’s a really nice opportunity to interact with them on a more intellectual level and I think we are able to all understand each other better through sharing our art and discussing our work. The other day it was just the three of us and pretty special being with them two as a dual pair and me reading my little poem. The isfj seemed totally moved and inspired by it and this really made me happy of course haha