Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
Relations isn’t a hard rule. Take it as a general guideline, because it’s vastly dependent upon the individual. Some benefactors will throw scraps or not at all, but some could take a liking to you and teach you how to focus better with the demo (which is the benefit). Then it also depends upon the beneficiary if they wanna listen to the benefactor. Beneficiaries can turn it around and make their benefactor “need” them. So although the psychological set up is more in favor of the benefactor and supervisor, it doesn’t mean it can’t be flipped on them. Irl there’s more relationships that have conflicts which is what keeps it going rather than be “peaceful” and stagnant.
Yes, my benefactor is an SEI, who also happens to be my boss. It's a weird dynamic. I know people here don't like associating Si with food, but I think the SEI boss provides me Fe by telling me jokes and bringing food, providing comfort in that way. Sometimes, I get a sense that he's getting nothing back IM-wise, but in return I try to hustle and help him understand that I'm indispensable. Hopefully that will stack the odds in my favor, I'm not one to kiss-ass to move up the career ladder.