Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
I'd say I grew up with mostly alphas and betas. My brother and stepsister might be gamma. I don't feel close to anyone in my family in a really mindmeld, perfect acceptance kind of way, unfortunately, seems like no matter what I did I was pressing somebody's buttons and so things I thought were light-hearted, teasing fun always dissolved into arguments. I think this was good training for the real world, unfortunately, where thick skin is rarer than not (and half of the people with thick skin are crazy and aggressive).
That's the benefit of growing up with opposing quadra values, at least. I had an alpha/beta household, too. ST betas aren't as immediately off-putting when I had to learn when it was actually worth it to stick up for myself and when to just "get over it" & keep the peace.

I moved around a lot, though, so I can't comment on local quadra values. I noticed more beta (or at least strong Se) in rural areas, maybe because there were less people in general so I just noticed what I didn't like more. Whereas urban areas...you find your own tribe, there's plenty of people.