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Thread: (rant) I feel depressed

  1. #1

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    Default (rant) I feel depressed

    I can't fuck no pussy till I'm married, that's 1. 2: getting married gonna be awkward cause I will probably only be able to marry within my faith as people of the book who meet islamic requirements are few and far between, and muslims are formal and cold when it comes to dating, at times, and supervision is required, and getting to know will be difficult as i am a complex person (or at least i feel complex things, yeah, more like the second one). 3: i cant touch even when im dating 4: i need a good income in order to date 5: even if, hypothetically i ditched the whole piety thing, i am so trauamtized i run from affection and run towards distant people and when i get affection unexpectantly i run. 6: following number 5, no one wants to date me at the moment, and we're in the midst of a global pandemic, and i can't do lickity squat, and im not in school or a job yet and 7: even if i was, id get overexcited, so i have to overcompensate by being extra modest and thus increase my stress and thus increase my libido and thus increase my counter reaction stress and thus increase my libido..... 8: i cant fucking drive 9: women keep blocking me online or ignoring me, and the men (platonically!) are starting to do the same, also on whatsapp and phone as well men are starting to ignore me, (i cant get girls numbers at the moment) 10: i cant fap, i want the benefits of nofap again in contrast to freelancepolicemans advice cause i want to be more attractive but 11: i doubt itll do much 12: im gonna divorce anyway and 13: that'll lead to intense depression and feminism taking over the divorce court cases, as sjw government is only gonna get worse in the foreseeable future BONUS: Global warming will kill us all ALSO: i feel afraid of contacting anyone for fear theyll complain or call the police again (like, flirting is illegal? hmm but not if youre a 30 year old alpha male dating a 20 year old female)

  2. #2

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    Alright you've got it framed.

    Now start.

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    all you need is love

  5. #5
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    You're literally depressed over nothing at all.

  6. #6
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Fake it (happiness) till you make it and feed your brain good data:

    --Self-affirmations; look into the mirror and talk about how awesome you are, plaster a fake smile on your face (change your physiology and all that, the smile eventually becomes real)

    --Reframe negative thought loops. Catch yourself when you’re in negative thought loops and purposely try to reframe them: "Ah man, I tripped over that banana today, but did you see how cool I looked when I caught myself, I looked badass!"

    --Re-Program your brain. Control the content you consume and pick content that puts you in a good state and keeps you in positive mindsets. Watch funny vids on youtube, listen to cool FF7 music or whatever you like to listen to. Positive content is better than some depressing weepy emo rant by some negative vblogger that’s going viral and everyone else is consuming.

    --Learn to socialize. When things open up, make it a game to socialize with people - you need to learn basic social skills with people. Make a commitment so you take pro-active steps to get yourself out of a negative zombie introvert mode and into a social positive extrovert mode. It’s on YOU to do that.

    You can turn your life around. Don't play the victim mentality and be a snow-flake. Getting better doesn’t just magically HAPPEN…it’s like the gym, most people don’t WANT to go to the gym when they wake up, but they find ways to get themselves there because they made a commitment and once they get there they put their headphones on and get in the zone.

    Don’t let society program your brain, it wants you docile and retarded and lethargic and self-doubting so you stay in line. Society’s programming is how you GOT here in the first place. Take pro-active steps to program it with good healthy positive shit. Save the zombie mode for lazy days.

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