Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
I don't have Asperger syndrome, reading (body language and intention) and understanding other people is fairly easy tbh. TRUSTING other people is very difficult tho.

I wouldn't say I'm awkward in social interactions, I can be social and engaging for a limited time with new ppl or ppl I don't trust / like. One to one or in a more intimate setting with friends this becomes even more easy and I don't get drained of social energy as long as there are things to talk about and ppl are willing to do the back and forth interaction.

With that said I'm not the most outgoing or social of people and I'm not good at being the life of the party or entertaining people or maintaining the emotional atmosphere, much less acting or inspiring. In new situations I have mild to moderate social anxiety and deeply care about how other people perceive me, which makes it worse.

Routine is boring but comfortable tbh and rules are annoying unless they make logical sense. I just do what I like or seems fun/interesting. IF I need to do chores I can begrudgingly force myself to do those, even if it takes a long time and is tedious.

finding ppl I can trust and develop a relationship with is extremely difficult tho, so good relationships are very few. I'm very choosy about ppl and easily cut other people off if they fail in some major way by who they are as people. (very high standards). Generally I'm not inclined to go out of my way and be social. Typical introvert, but I can be social, charming even if I need to be and I DO LEARN things related to this, trying to improve my presentation, body language and so on.

t. LSI-H - 1DFe

I'm kinda like Adam Driver tbh.. its like him and I were cut from the same tree or something.

interesting, I'm very similar. I have very high standards irl. I can get along with many people, but they will be nothing more than acquaintances to me if I notice too many differences.I don't care how other people perceive me, though.