Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
Exposure growing up. Growth of one function stunts its opposite (Te-Fe, Ne-Se, Ti-Fi, Ni-Si)

Example: So if one is IEI they have Ti for HA. If they were exposed to a lot of Ti from an LSI/SLE parent, it would be developed. If exposed to a lot of Fi from a EII/IEE parent, it would be stunted.
Ok, now that is interesting.

Would you say the same thing could happen with leading vs creative?
I am wondering if being around a lot of ESEs may have influenced development of Ni subtype in that way.

Do you think being raised by and around 2 ESE and an LSE would have stunted Ni and Fe development?
For a time, I thought myself more competent in logic IEs than anything else, actually. I wonder if that could potentially be explained by ESE dual-seeking Ti. My Ni was dismissed, Fe askew, and I certainly didn't develop stellar Si or anything so I wonder if Ti was the next best place for me to go. I also used to feel very confident in my Te abilities, but I don't know where that would have come from except for LSE influence.