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Thread: What factors contribute to the degree of focus on and competence of the hidden agenda?

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    Handler of Choronzon
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    Default What factors contribute to the degree of focus on and competence of the hidden agenda?

    Can anybody help me to understand? (wink)

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    by this muddy part of the theory -
    when you are among friends then you express your opinion much more by that agenda
    for example, ILE may joke much more by Fe

    the main factor is when you are using an info related to the function there

  3. #3
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Socionics (or Model A) can't really answer questions about intratype variation. (Subtype theories have the same problem since there are clearly more than 32 or 64 types of people.) My observations suggest that this is partly an inborn quality but that it can change over one's lifetime somewhat.

  4. #4
    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Exposure to domain of your HA when young
    I grew up with an ILI and LII and was regularly exposed to and encouraged to do well in Ti-ish domains (mostly math) from a very young age. I probably focus on my HA more than typical xIEs and used to be "pseudo-confident" in my abilities before learning Socionics.

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
    Can anybody help me to understand? (wink)
    Exposure growing up. Growth of one function stunts its opposite (Te-Fe, Ne-Se, Ti-Fi, Ni-Si)

    Example: So if one is IEI they have Ti for HA. If they were exposed to a lot of Ti from an LSI/SLE parent, it would be developed. If exposed to a lot of Fi from a EII/IEE parent, it would be stunted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Exposure growing up. Growth of one function stunts its opposite (Te-Fe, Ne-Se, Ti-Fi, Ni-Si)

    Example: So if one is IEI they have Ti for HA. If they were exposed to a lot of Ti from an LSI/SLE parent, it would be developed. If exposed to a lot of Fi from a EII/IEE parent, it would be stunted.
    Ok, now that is interesting.

    Would you say the same thing could happen with leading vs creative?
    I am wondering if being around a lot of ESEs may have influenced development of Ni subtype in that way.

    Do you think being raised by and around 2 ESE and an LSE would have stunted Ni and Fe development?
    For a time, I thought myself more competent in logic IEs than anything else, actually. I wonder if that could potentially be explained by ESE dual-seeking Ti. My Ni was dismissed, Fe askew, and I certainly didn't develop stellar Si or anything so I wonder if Ti was the next best place for me to go. I also used to feel very confident in my Te abilities, but I don't know where that would have come from except for LSE influence.

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
    Would you say the same thing could happen with leading vs creative?
    They talk mostly about developing suggestive/mob, and things that can stunt leading/creative early on in development, but who knows.

    Do you think being raised by and around 2 ESE and an LSE would have stunted Ni and Fe development?
    Being around ESE/LSE would most likely influenced/stunted some Ni and Fe.

    It's hard to say exactly how it all plays out since it's all very much theoretical (a lotta mental circle-jerking) and you have to account for other variables but it makes sense - you can't be a good sprinter and long distance runner at the same time, developing one hinders another.

    For example take Ti and Fi, you can't really evaluate something impersonally (Ti) and personally (Fi) at the same time, they are opposites.

    I thought myself more competent in logic IEs than anything else, actually.
    There might've been something else in the environment that triggered the development of those elements

    I know personally growing up in a household/environment where Fi was abundant, there was always a part of me that felt "suppressed." Not that I have anything against my parents, I love them to pieces, but I think a lot of people can relate to the feeling of leaving home for a while and then all of a sudden blossoming or finding their strengths and spreading their wings lol.

    I think this can also be related to finding a job that you ultimately love - one that utilizes your strengths / develops your weaknesses or finding an environment that doesn't stunt them at least.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 12-30-2020 at 01:56 AM.

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    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Being raised by someone who’s good at it will force you to develop it like other functions.

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    Subtypes influence HA strength (competence):
    Base subtype = Strengthens HA
    Creative subtype = Weakens HA
    (I'm making the assumption that whenever an element is overused, the complimentary element is weakened.)

    HA may be developed due to need, such as living in a country or working in an environment where a certain quadra or information element is more valued or pronounced. I see SEI/IEI who do very well in academia for instance.
    Having good "mentors" for a certain information element, makes you more capable of using it (potentially changing your subtype over the course of years). So when someone in your family has your HA as a strong and valued function, you'll naturally acquire some of that competence.
    When someone in your family values your HA but it is one of their weak functions, you may try to acquire competence in it to help them.
    When it is weak and unvalued, you will naturally devalue it.
    When it is strong but unvalued, it's a flip of a coin really.

    My own case (ILE):
    I gravitated towards Ti because my school environment was Ti/Se valuing. -> Ti+ (Fe-)
    Neither of my parents is Fe valuing. -> Fe- (Ti+)
    Parents stressed the importance of "using your head", "logical thinking", etc. -> Ti+ (Fe-)
    So I became creative subtype and my HA did not develop as much.

    Cousin of mine (SLI):
    Both her parents Si valuing. -> Si+
    Her mum is EII. -> Fi+
    Art major. -> Te- (Fi+)
    So she became a base subtype and her HA is quite strong.

    If we go by the dimensionality theory and the maths behind subtyping, then a strong base subtype should possess a HA function almost as strong as their Creative.
    On the other hand, a strong creative subtype should possess a HA function almost as weak as their Suggestive (which in turn could be unusually strong).

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    Well... like I said before, it's a realization that it's 2D which means you're actually a lot stronger in it than you realize, so just do it and stop being a pussy about it.

    2D functions are sooo underrated. I like talking about them. The socionics community likes to pretend that 2D functions are the same as 1D functions or even the PoLR but they're not at all lol.

    IEIs are capable of some base, mediocre logic. Enough so that we don't totally transform into a magical ball of fluff and float in the sky, turning into a useless wisp of magic. It's enough to get a lot of shit done that we need to do practically. So just use it.

    You don't need it from SLEs all the time. Don't just stay in bed all day thinking a SLE needs to fuck you with Ti, because it's 2D not 1 and you can use it yourself as well.

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