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Thread: O.o am I SOCIAL first...?

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Default O.o am I SOCIAL first...?

    I've been thinking, I used to have social anxiety.. which means I am preoccupied with how other people, groups of ppl and so on perceive me, acceptance and rejection on both their and my side. I mainly occupy my time with things related to the social realm on a bigger scale, such as philosophy, political systems of thought, psychology and I'm highly observant / very good at reading other people's body language and intentions.. which in my case is a kind of subconscious compulsion, so I have decades of practice.

    My fave poetry is from this hungarian 1848 EIE highly political and passionate poet who died in the war. A hill to die on, to sacrifice for a good cause is pretty much the only thing that gives me energy and drive. Without it I always feel lethargic and "stuck in a bog".

    So I think I'm SO/SX e6 looking for an external system to latch onto and sacrifice for.. ppl on the other hand tend to constantly disappoint and my attitude towards them seems to be on-off depending on whether they are on my side of the fence or not. Its kind of like I want a faction to join, but groups of ppl seem to constantly disappoint and I want the faction to mainly be small and tightly knit, more intimate.

    having 1D Fe and 2D Fi combined with introversion however means that I'm fairly bad at being social, despite my perceived ambiversion in this area. I can run out of energy fast IF the emotional environment isn't being managed by someone with good Fe or I'm not among ppl I like and trust.

    hmm.. this explains why I like Rome so much.. he writes some of the best SO/SX songs.

    probably why I like Muse as well.. e_e Muse is super So/Sx a lot of the time..

    Last edited by SGF; 12-19-2020 at 10:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I'm highly observant / very good at reading other people's body language and intentions
    what is good Ne. and not what LSI think about themselves

    > combined with introversion

    you have extraverted type with more possibility

    > I can run out of energy fast IF the emotional environment isn't being managed by someone with good Fe or I'm not among ppl I like and trust.

    You may feel an anxiety among people by different reasons, what leads to feel tired.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    what is good Ne. and not what LSI think about themselves

    > combined with introversion

    you have extraverted type with more possibility

    > I can run out of energy fast IF the emotional environment isn't being managed by someone with good Fe or I'm not among ppl I like and trust.

    You may feel an anxiety among people by different reasons, what leads to feel tired.
    This is a enneagram subforum, stick to the appropriate system. Derailing the thread will lead to me closing it. Understand? Deviations from the original subject will not be tolerated.

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    Heaven and Hell Samson's Avatar
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    Being "highly observant / very good at reading other people's body language and intentions" is Se anyway. Ne people suck at that. SLE and SEE are the experts at reading people, but ask an ILE for his read on a person and you'll get a bunch of ??????? Solomon got that one wrong, though it's a common confusion of Ne and Se in typology.

    Yeah, there's plenty of social in what you say. Intellectually strategizing about one's position in the world is very much head type. To me, they are the same thing: head type = social type. Type is instinct as they are inherently linked together. One stems from the other (instinct leads to ego type), in this case the social instinct leads to the head type identification. The idea of an "Sx 6" or "Sp 7" is 'heresy' (lol) to the Enneagram. If one's sexuality is of major preoccupation above all else, then you may consider a heart type core. Same with self preservation, same with the social realm. I think you are accurate in your assessment. You can further delineate the types, using sub-types, but the monikers of "Sp 5" or "Sx 7" have little to nothing to do with the instinct they are claiming. The head types are inherently social types (may include 'antisocial,' but only as distinct from the clinical diagnosis), regardless of one's introverted or extraverted proclivities.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Yeah, there's plenty of social in what you say. Intellectually strategizing about one's position in the world is very much head type. To me, they are the same thing: head type = social type. Type is instinct as they are inherently linked together. One stems from the other (instinct leads to ego type), in this case the social instinct leads to the head type identification. The idea of an "Sx 6" or "Sp 7" is 'heresy' (lol) to the Enneagram. If one's sexuality is of major preoccupation above all else, then you may consider a heart type core. Same with self preservation, same with the social realm. I think you are accurate in your assessment. You can further delineate the types, using sub-types, but the monikers of "Sp 5" or "Sx 7" have little to nothing to do with the instinct they are claiming. The head types are inherently social types (may include 'antisocial,' but only as distinct from the clinical diagnosis), regardless of one's introverted or extraverted proclivities.
    Since one's instinct seems to be defined by one's preoccupation with either one of the 3 areas of life, it occurred to me that despite me not being a party going social person.. my focus does seem to be on the social realm.. and yeah I think that gives it away, especially the focus or need for a "system" in this area.

    Due to negative experiences as a child, the negatively identified social instinctual type sees himself or herself as somewhat of a loner and often wants to avoid grouping of any kind because he or she feels that others will exclude him or her or that he or she will be cast out. This negatively identified social instinctual type is more inclined to be misanthropic. He or she may report that he or she hates people, parties or groups. They usually do not realize that they are the social instinctual type because they are unaware that their attention is focused on people and what others are doing rather than their resources or their designated favorite.
    ^ the above is true for me imo.

    Quote source:

    Interesting thought tho, hmm SX does seem to fit heart triad, SO head triad and SP the gut triad. Its what one would expect by default due to similarities.
    Last edited by SGF; 12-19-2020 at 08:31 PM.

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    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    This is a enneagram subforum, stick to the appropriate system. Derailing the thread will lead to me closing it. Understand? Deviations from the original subject will not be tolerated.
    LSI vs LSI

    I think you probably are social instinctual because you do exhibit concerns for the social atmosphere and what’s appropriate, what’s not, and you seem energized and seek out groups and willing to consider others’ take. I don’t know if you’re concerned about where you fit into groups or what your role in the various groups are but that’s a major concern for this variant. I think that social types are primarily concerned with social cohesion, not necessarily harmony but what socially works and upholding social traditions (like etiquette, cooperation, etc.).

    I’m a social 8 which is also countertype, so that’s a mixed bag already but I have a heavy preference for general socializing and I get energized more when I’m dealing with all sorts of people. That doesn’t mean I like everyone I interact with nor does it mean that I specifically like all the people I interact with, just that I gravitate towards “society at large” and I find one-on-one intimacy to be ultimately crippling (I’m sx blind). That may sound funny considering I have high dimensional Fe and Fi, but that’s just how it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Being "highly observant / very good at reading other people's body language and intentions" is Se anyway. Ne people suck at that. SLE and SEE are the experts at reading people, but ask an ILE for his read on a person and you'll get a bunch of ??????? Solomon got that one wrong, though it's a common confusion of Ne and Se in typology.
    Many ILE-Ti are actually quite observant and good at reading body language. And most ILE-Ti are females.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Many ILE-Ti are actually quite observant and good at reading body language. And most ILE-Ti are females.
    That's because they have a more complete HA, + better Role than ILE-Ne's.

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    O.o maybe

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