Quote Originally Posted by Arfael
I don't think I'm close to INTP. It doesn't fit. In fact, I tried reading the alternative types given to me and I found out that the descriptions for ENTJ and INFP fit very very well also. I think it's like I'm a blend of 3 or something.
Okay. We are making progress. But from now on I suggest that you write "INTj" when you are referring to the socionic type and "INTJ" (with a capital J) when you are referring to the MBTI type. Otherwise we don't know which type descriptions you have in mind.

The test you took looks like an MBTI test of some sort, so we can't draw any clear conclusions based on the strength of your functions according to that test.

You say that you don't think that you are close to INTP. Do you mean MBTI type descriptions of INTPs or socionic type descriptions of INTps? Then you say that you fit both ENTJ and INFP (MBTI or Socionics?). That is impossible. You can't fit both ENTJ/ENTj and INFP/INFp descriptions well. Those two types are too different.

Quote Originally Posted by Arfael
I read the MBTI description for INTP and it doesn't fit. The INTJ fits me very well. I'm not sure about Keirsey, but is it the one with the 4 groups? If that's the one, my result was Rational.
My limited experience indicates that if you are an INTp, it is not unlikely that you can identify with both INTJ/INTj and INTP/INTp descriptions to some degree, but unlikely that you can identify with ENTJ/ENTj. On the other hand, if you are an INTj, it is not unlikely that you don't identify with INTP/INTp descriptions, and more likely that you can identify with ENTJ/ENTj descriptions.

As you know there are four Rational types in Keirsey's model. Test results doesn't say much if you don't read the type descriptions carefully.

Quote Originally Posted by Arfael
In most cases, I am not aware of what I feel. I once read there's a term to it: "Alexithymic". Or maybe the repression is so deep that I'm really not aware of what I feel.
That is an indication that you might be a T type.

Quote Originally Posted by Arfael
I also don't think I'm 5w6, although I'm thinking maybe I'm double-winged: 5w4 & 6. Could that be possible? I'm not suspicious of people, neither am I paranoid--probably because I have a very advanced intuition that tells me if that person can be trusted or not. It's 99% fool-proof. But I do crave for social contact, sometimes; and I have this innate need to be liked by people too.
It is possible to identify with both wings in the Enneagram. Which wing descriptions have you read. They can sometimes be rather different.