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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djinn View Post
    I did take an 8g dose of psilocybin once. Unfortunately, nothing too trippy happened, so I was kinda disappointed.
    One thing interesting to note though would be how it pretty much seemed to increase my IQ. By a lot. I didn’t even need to think to come up with ideas and solutions to problems, the results just kinda happened. I had been working on a tricky puzzle at the time that had stumped me for a few days, but I went up to it to have another go while on these 8g and I just solved it instantly without effort. It felt like child’s play. You know those educational toys for infants where like, they have peculiarly shaped blocks that have to fit into a certain hole? It was as if this puzzle which had stumped me became as simple as that. It would be interesting to actually take an IQ test under that effect.

    edit: yes, it was 8g, and on an empty stomach. I used lemon tek. The content may have degraded somewhat by the time I took them. No, I don’t know why it didn’t fucking blast my brain into an alternate dimension or some shit. It was pretty tame.

    I’m looking forward to trying between an 8-13 gram dose next time. Hopefully, something worth talking about happens.
    8g is alot. I think they were most likely degraded. I wouldn't recommend doing that high of a dose you mention (8-13g) unless you are Terrence Mckenna lol.
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    0.5g-20g doses of psilocybe cubensis

  3. #43
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    And why do you want to take such high doses? (8-13g)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It was a gift, thanks.

    If I were recommending psychedelics, which I'm not, I'd say to start with a low dose of mescaline, maybe from the peyote cactus with the tufts removed, because it enhances feelings and colors and is kind of relaxing and it doesn't fuck your head like acid does. I mean, if the highest you've ever been on weed is 100 mm, then acid is about one or two meters. Mescaline might be 300 mm.

    I should add that the acid I took was very pure. It even had a brand name. The first hit was about 900 or 1000 micrograms and I easily reached ego dissolution. If you're an explorer, this can be fascinating. If you are not, this can be terrifying.
    I initially bought 100 hits of the stuff and besides giving it away to friends, I threw acid parties where a bunch of people would drive out to a friend's cabin in the central hills of Ohio and we'd all take acid for the weekend.
    I kept increasing the dose I took, trying to open that portal, until I got to 3500 micrograms and boredom set in. "Yep. The walls are melting again and I'm unable to look like a functioning human for the next six hours. Boring. That's it."

    After coming down from acid, I'd be a bit jangly and would smoke a few joints just to settle my nerves. Smoking that much didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever on my being high.

    I'd also recommend being in a safe place with people you completely trust, because the unconscious defenses that you've built up since infancy against the intrusions of other people simply tend to come down, and you can imagine that neutral people could be bad and you couldn't defend yourself. Or maybe that's just my reaction. But a safe place is important.
    I always found weed/hash rather strong in its effects tbh. It was sometimes pleasant, sometimes not, and for me it depends very much on set and setting. Note that coke, uppers, downers, and opiates never felt "strong" to me. Alchohol feels strong, but only when I am really drunk, which never happens these days, but did when I was like 19-20. Combining weed and alchohol is very strong imo and I don't recommend mixing anything, really. I also once tripped on DXM, but it was an unpleasant experience, though not a "bad trip". It also felt strong to me.

    Feels to me like stimulants and depressants are fairly straightforward in their effects. Not so with cannabis. It varies alot on set and setting and "tripping" is energy consuming because certain thoughts whirl around in your head repeteadly. That's probably why tripping feels strong to me, whereas everything else does not.

    I've had many closed eye visuals on weed.

    Like I posted above, I once had San Pedro, which supposedly contains mescaline. I felt nothing, nada, and I'm very sensitive to changes in my awareness. I've read in Jim Dekorne's Psychedelic Shamanism that many people report San Pedro not affecting them. Peyote buttons should contain more mescaline, I would imagine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    And why do you want to take such high doses? (8-13g)
    The psychedelic experience has always appealed to me, even when I was just a toddler, and even comforted me. I would stare at patterns on objects around me until my vision became distorted and I would see the patterns shifting and dancing around, and I would do this for hours at a time. I would stare into mirrors until I hallucinated. I would push my fingers against my eyes until I started seeing phosphenes, which I just could not get enough of. My dreams always felt vivid to me, and I have a history of being able to recall my dreams down to the finest details. The dreamworld felt more exciting, lively, and in some ways more real to me than waking life did. I loved dreaming so much that I would abhor having to wake from them. I still do, and I try my damnedest to remain in a dream state as long as I can. I would rather dream than be awake. When I was infected with H1N1 virus I experienced delirium and hallucinations, which I admittedly loved.

    As I have grown up, I went through a phase of pursuing deep revelatory experiences and was able to have those experiences without psychedelic aid. When I researched these insights I had, I learned about people called psychonauts, and that's when I became interested in the psychedelic substances themselves. I had had a plethora of experiences as intense as those up to a typical 5g dose. Experiences like the 2g trip I wrote about (which was my first time), I've had just from visceral highs listening to music, but without the entities lol. I even discovered a trick to induce DMT-like visuals without taking substances, and I have learned how to exploit alcohol to achieve mind-fucking experiences even though it isn't even a psychedelic. I have even experimented with combining different tricks which caused me to experience ego dissolution, and it didn't frighten me, I rather enjoyed it.

    The psychedelic experience has been a constant presence in my life, but like faded white noise in the background, suppressed, and I feel as if it is my calling to bring it forth in full swing. It really feels like I belong in that white noise, like it is my home.

    and no, I ain't schizophrenic

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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    For my psychedelic finale, I am planning to "Netflix and trip" with my dual friend. He seemed intrigued by the idea. Excited to cross that one off the bucket list.
    The last time I did acid, I was incredibly bored. But the first time I did acid, I seemed to have no defenses against scary noises.

    What are you planning to watch on Netflix?

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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    Spiderman lol
    I was just asking.

    I recall that my emotional defenses were non-existent when I first did acid. I'm pretty sure that parts of Bambi would have terrified me. Your mileage may vary.

    Just sayin'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I was just asking.

    I recall that my emotional defenses were non-existent when I first did acid. I'm pretty sure that parts of Bambi would have terrified me. Your mileage may vary.

    Just sayin'.
    I had a pretty rough experience with mushrooms. We went up into the woods to an abandoned cabin and ate our mushrooms. Turns out this girl Anna's dad had been physically abusing her. She started physically attacking all of us and calling us Anna. I had enough of that, so I started to walk down the hill through the forest by myself in pitch black.

    The trees creaking sounded horrifying and I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I just started running into trees and bushes the whole way. I knew I had to eventually cross a log that had fallen over a creek. I could just see it in the moonlight. I crossed and kept making my way down the hill. I saw a flash light coming up the hill and I ran to it. It was my dad! He had found me. He said "ChrisCorey you were not at your friend's house and I informed her parents that she wasn't at our house." He knew where I was because I always use the giant rope swing deep in the woods. It's tied to the mid-section of two redwood trees and flies out over a dry creek bed. You'd die if you fell off it.

    I told my dad "Daddy I did mushrooms!" He said "hmmm, you're grounded from seeing your friends for two weeks." He brought me home, sat me in my room, and put Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon on my stereo. It was a long night. He told my friend's parents where she was etc...

    The next two weeks I stayed in my room and painted my mushroom trip. It was very van Gogh-esq.
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    ^Lol. I also listened to Pink Floyd on my first acid trip. I had it on repeat for hours.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    Spiderman lol
    What are going to do for the other 11 hours?

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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    Lol, you shouldn't plan too much or it's a surefire way to get a bad trip.

    Chill music and relax probably.
    I used to keep mdma and booze on hand just in case things go west. Although with that sort of cocktail you run the risk of turning a trip into a party.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I started taking drugs because I wanted to explore different dimensions in space and time. I was never able to open the portal to different lands, but I did find out a lot about how the human mind works. Basically by selectively turning off parts of it.
    Pssh, we all know you need round corners in your rooms now.

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    Anyone here go swimming (in a pool or ocean) while on mushrooms? Was it fun?

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    My LSE friend and I went to a psychic convention and this EII said we should stay away from drugs. I asked if that included shrooms and she said yeah. I'm probably still going to do them tho when I have fewer bills. I have microdosed shrooms before and it was a mostly good experience. My wife's SEE friend who got out of prison gave me some chocolates with golden teacher shrooms and it was a very pleasant high. But I've never tripped or anything except when I smoked way too much cannabis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Anyone here go swimming (in a pool or ocean) while on mushrooms? Was it fun?
    Yeah tho I wasn't tripping but I had taken some shrooms and was at the beach. I really noticed how the light sparkled around my reflection in the water and it was quite pretty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Anyone here go swimming (in a pool or ocean) while on mushrooms? Was it fun?
    I've done a lot of drugs, including mushrooms, but I've only gone swimming on weed. For the record, I lost my fear of drowning and I felt like I was one of those swimmers in a movie spectacular from the 1920s, one who makes swimming look effortless. I was swimming in the middle of a lake at 2 AM, around and under a buoy-supported platform. I couldn't see anything underwater but I knew where everything was. It was great.

    Mushrooms are a bit stronger than weed, but they are very calming, so I'd expect the overall effect would be similar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    To use psyche active substances for entertainment is not reasonable. Besides the ones with known predictable results in mass usage as alcohol.

    Forbidden substance can be not safe themselves, not only in long usage and a dependency. Also there is a problem of not good control when it's produced illegaly. The substance may have additions, the doze mb too high. You may accidentally mix a substance with something what changes its effect.
    Check about people which accidentally died after usage of drugs. Other harm is not excluded too, especially for the brain.
    Even unofficially sold alcohol sometimes results people to death or chronic health disorders.
    If you are comparing the harmfull physical effects of alcohol with magic mushrooms, it would the same as comparing cocaine with baby aspirin.

    One is legal the other is not. It's absurd.

    As to the other things you mentioned, mixing drugs is dangerous, and it can lead to dangerous, risk taking actions.

    Operating heavy machinery, or a motor vehicle is also dangerous, for yourself and others.

    But to focus solely on physical effects of the drug directly on the body, psylocibin is safer than most other drugs available, legal, or otherwise. It's also demonstratebly NOT addicting. Meaning you cannot form a chemical dependence on it. Even caffeine is more addicting.

    Overall these worries and fears over this substance are unfounded and downright shameful, in regards to the archaic and unnecessary illegality.

    As far as relying on the criminal justice framework as reason enough not to pursue mushroom use, on a societal level, mushroom use will clearly, CLEARLY, change, given the mountain of peer reviewed, clinical trialed evidence that they are beneficial for many mental health issues plaguing modern society. PTSD, addiction, non-respondent depression, anxiety, fear, ect are to name a few. Further, deep spiritual, nearly mystical epiphanies as await anyone. All the Ivy Universities are coming up with their own studies.

    Marijuana consumption, propagation, traffic and exportation was once illegal in Canada, and now the Government became the dealer and sells in Marijuana Stores in virtually every town and city in the Country. Which just goes to show how useless and destructive prohibition was, and that government knows that. I can go to any town and buy whatever type of weed I want and pay for it's overpriced duty taxes. Or, I can go to a Native reserve and buy cheaper, more superior quality weed (and magic mushrooms - as the Federal Government quietly decriminalized their sales for mental health issues, same legal grey zone weed was for a decade before it was legalized).

    The same for psychedelics.

    And I find it a bit rich, coming from a Russian, home of the largest, most complex, state sponsored sport steroids doping program on Earth. How many times have you guys been kicked out of the Olympics? Lmao. But obviously you can have different views than your countrymen, or Government, or is that even allowed in Russia? I can't tell, I mean is it a special operation, or an unprovoked attack on a peaceful neighboring country? Lmao.

    Anyway, in 50 years, mushroom use will be common, ubiquitous, and without hype. We've been eating mushrooms since before memory and I would argue it's played a part in the development of civilization.

    If coffee fueled the Enlightenment, then psychedelics, like mushrooms, will fuel the psychedelic renaissance.

    People think that mushrooms are like opium, cocaine, meth. They are nothing like those drugs at all. Those drugs are disgusting and turn people into human shells. Psychedelics do not turn people into wraiths. They are a systems reorganizers, not singular neuronal chemical systems like the "single track" drugs.

    People do not end up selling their houses, vehicles, for another hit. Nor does it tear families apart, or leave people with damaged organs.

    Come on.
    Last edited by timber; 08-25-2022 at 04:58 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Anyone here go swimming (in a pool or ocean) while on mushrooms? Was it fun?
    I have gone swimming in pools , lakes, and now the Pacific Ocean (surfing) on mushrooms. You definitely feel extremely graceful and fluid. The senses mix somewhat, so the sunlight reflecting on the surface of the water becomes vibrant. Further, mushrooms is not something that makes you "hide", or become stupidly euphoric, like other popular drugs, such as alcohol.

    Meaning, the perception of danger is not lessened, nor is your misperception of your skills and abilities to handle the element changed.

    You won't be doing stupid things.

    The pool was fun in the sense that it's interesting to be around other human beings of all ages, and in all their groups, from families, to teenagers, to old people. You observe everything. It's like, Se to the Nth degree.

    The only downside is that with higher doses it becomes more difficult to focus on singular tasks to the exclusion of everything else. So in a sense, Te becomes more difficult.

    One thing that is enjoyable is going back and forth between the pool and steam room. You really observe the central nervous system changes. It's a technology that mankind invented centuries ago. You appreciate everything, every bit if effort and thought that got us here.

    As to the ocean. The default thinking mode takes a back seat. All your little petty thoughts and concerns become back ground noise. The sunlight, the surf, the pull of the current, the waves, the salty water, the heat, the cold, your body moving though it, it's like Adam, sort like marijuana, but with more Se effects as opposed to Si ones. You are a creature amoung the elements, with Will. How do I swim from here to there? Can I? If I move faster will I catch this next wave? Ect.

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    I fell in love but kept denying it and made myself almost violently sick during my last trip. Then reality hit…
    Last edited by EIE H; 09-08-2022 at 12:39 PM.

  21. #61
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    I basically wouldn’t ever try drugs of any kind unless they were for medicinal/psychotherapeutic purposes.
    If I don’t need then, I’d rather not take the risk. My main vices are coffee and sweets already, and I’d rather keep it that way.

    Partly though is that I’ve heard psychedelics can sometimes be very frightening/harmful for neurodivergent folk, not all of them but I’ve heard about some really horrifying trips for some people that took them at least a couple weeks to fully recover from. Not keen on that kind of experience.

    Also, there’s always the risk of addiction (though not all psychedelics are not that bad in that regard).

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    I think I am at the end of my psychedelic journey. They definitely aren’t wonder drugs, but they helped me to work through a lot of inaccessible emotions related to my childhood traumas. My mind constantly focused on who I could trust, emotional and physical safety, how I define my values, and being my own hero. I also learned what “love” is to me and got a glimpse into how to give love and receive it. It helped me to release the spiritual, emotional poison that trauma has held over me for way too long.
    Last edited by EIE H; 10-02-2022 at 01:28 PM.

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    The CBC has published an article about the link between schizophrenia and cannabis use. There is a slight risk of developing schizophrenia from smoking cannabis (about 2%), but it exists, and may or may not be innocuous depending on your point of view.

    Personally, as someone who probably falls more on the civil libertarian side of the political spectrum, I'd hate to deny virtually anything to people that aren't adversely affected. But this is definitely a conversation that we should be having with all the facts.

    From his work in public health and as a researcher, Myran said people, mostly young men, commonly show up in emergency departments after using cannabis because they're experiencing withdrawal or are intoxicated but not displaying cannabis-related psychosis. Myran said they are at risk — slight but there — of developing a serious mental disorder.

    "They have almost a two per cent risk of developing schizophrenia within three years," said Myran. In comparison to the general population, the risk is well below one per cent.

    Cannabis-induced psychosis had the largest relative increase for hospitalizations, the study said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    The CBC has published an article about the link between schizophrenia and cannabis use. There is a slight risk of developing schizophrenia from smoking cannabis (about 2%), but it exists, and may or may not be innocuous depending on your point of view.

    Personally, as someone who probably falls more on the civil libertarian side of the political spectrum, I'd hate to deny virtually anything to people that aren't adversely affected. But this is definitely a conversation that we should be having with all the facts.
    Does cannabis cause reefer madness, or are people who are already predisposed to psychosis more likely to use and abuse cannabis? I don't think it's completely innocuous no matter what, but my personal impression is that it takes sustained use and essentially an addiction for people to develop mental disorders from it. I don't think people smoke a joint once and then see themselves turn into a werewolf and their stash jar starts talking to them and the hallucinations never go away for life. Of course the industries pushing this act like people can smoke as much as they want and have no adverse effects since it's not physiologically addictive like alcohol or heroin, but they also promote video games and television and look how that's worked out. I think video games, television, and probably most of commercial culture probably cause serious mental illnesses for the exact same reasons as cannabis which rules out that it's just the THC frying people's brains in the toaster. People dissociate and go crazy once they realize they aren't doing anything with their lives in my opinion.

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    I’ve never tried psychedelics. But I’ve always wanted to. It’s a shame really, I feel like I’m passed that time in my life that would have been the appropriate time to take them. I wouldn’t try them at this time in my life. But…regrets.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    There is a slight risk of developing schizophrenia from smoking cannabis (about 2%), but it exists
    Schizophrenia to appear needs biology predisposition.
    If that small % was calculated by a correlation then the explanation _can_ be in higher interest to that drug among those who was higher prediposed to that disorder. There are researches that people with some psyche disorders use drugs more often, as those temporarily may reduce their symptoms (even for nicotine of tabacco exists the link). A disorder to clinical state may develop in a time, so some symptoms exist earlier and in softer form what predisposes to drugs usage.
    By other words it can be not a reason, but co-existing factor.

    Also is possible, that some drugs develop symptoms which can be with some psyche disorders. As drugs have toxic effect on the brain. For example, amphetamine may lead to paranoid symptoms, including similar to paranoid schizophrenia.

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    Psychedelics won't make you understand Socionics better but they will give you visions of constructs too implausible for Reality, and so make you more willing to accept Augusta's teachings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pseudomorph View Post
    Does cannabis cause reefer madness, or are people who are already predisposed to psychosis more likely to use and abuse cannabis?
    Yeah, correlation isn't causation. This stuff is pretty complicated to study, and I don't have the answer.

    it takes sustained use and essentially an addiction for people to develop mental disorders from it.
    Yep, that's the idea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Schizophrenia to appear needs biology predisposition.
    If that small % was calculated by a correlation then the explanation _can_ be in higher interest to that drug among those who was higher prediposed to that disorder. There are researches that people with some psyche disorders use drugs more often, as those temporarily may reduce their symptoms (even for nicotine of tabacco exists the link). A disorder to clinical state may develop in a time, so some symptoms exist earlier and in softer form what predisposes to drugs usage.
    By other words it can be not a reason, but co-existing factor.

    Also is possible, that some drugs develop symptoms which can be with some psyche disorders. As drugs have toxic effect on the brain. For example, amphetamine may lead to paranoid symptoms, including similar to paranoid schizophrenia.
    Sure. If we're going to be as clinically scientific about it as possible, we should be examining every possibility.

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    My husband and I used mushrooms together last year. I won’t describe what it was like, other than to say it was a bonding experience. I got pregnant a few weeks after we last used them.

    I don’t think I’ll have the opportunity to use them again anytime soon. I’m not sure that I’d want to even if I could make arrangements for someone to watch the baby. I still have some mushrooms safely hidden away (I noticed that my husband was using them while I was pregnant and took them away because I was jealous that he was using them without me lol). Maybe I’ll give them back to him this weekend, idk.

    I absolutely detest weed, though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    My husband and I used mushrooms together last year. I won’t describe what it was like, other than to say it was a bonding experience. I got pregnant a few weeks after we last used them.

    I don’t think I’ll have the opportunity to use them again anytime soon. I’m not sure that I’d want to even if I could make arrangements for someone to watch the baby. I still have some mushrooms safely hidden away (I noticed that my husband was using them while I was pregnant and took them away because I was jealous that he was using them without me lol). Maybe I’ll give them back to him this weekend, idk.

    I absolutely detest weed, though.
    That’s so funny lol

    I tried mushrooms once my friends and I got from a cow field. We thought they were the ‘right’ kind, but I got nothing from them. Friends said they got something from it, but I think it was the placebo affect.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    That’s so funny lol

    I tried mushrooms once my friends and I got from a cow field. We thought they were the ‘right’ kind, but I got nothing from them. Friends said they got something from it, but I think it was the placebo affect.
    IEIs and mushrooms. Something something about Jung telling about shamans and Ni....

    Of course an IEI

    Apparently she got some help from Sami people who used to use it a lot apparently.
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    I don't want cannabis legal, but having it illegal probably leads to increased harm, because the cannabis is unregulated and the variants are far too strong and/or unpredictable - the strength significantly increases the chances of people developing schizophrenia.

    The UK's starting to phase out tobacco so that it basically becomes gradually impossible to buy (they're going to increase the age limit you can buy it by one year every year), so I don't really see cannabis being made legal.

    I've never taken psychedelics myself, and I doubt I ever will unless prescribed by a doctor. I'd probably like to, but probably too much of a risk to me and I have no strong desire to take any.

  35. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    I’ve never tried psychedelics. But I’ve always wanted to. It’s a shame really, I feel like I’m passed that time in my life that would have been the appropriate time to take them. I wouldn’t try them at this time in my life. But…regrets.
    I feel the same way about weed

  36. #76
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Of course an IEI

    Apparently she got some help from Sami people who used to use it a lot apparently.
    To me she could be EIE, that's what comes to mind. But I am not sure.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I've never taken psychedelics myself
    What is named as "psychedelics" are substances in some of their _quantity_ which make specific brain malfunction, alike hallucinations. You could to get such substances, but not in quantities which make such disorders. For example, some of used chemistry as paints (with substances spreaded through the air), which are not used for "entertainment" as also may quickly harm the health.

    Making a substance illegal to produce/keep/sell significanly reduces its usage and hence the harm. By economy and psychological reasons. If also to forbidd the usage (with then social isolation and obligate treatment), the reduction is additonally much more.
    Even if to forbid high % alcohol, the social usefulness would be noticed (in case is not allowed other harmful alternative). On the quanitity of some disorders, at least.

    Nicotine and other doubtful mess is popularized in RF, including among kids, by new its kind - vape.
    This is not safe for health, for sure. Just a way to bypass some laws, their control and to use more attractive shell for toxins.

    To say it's useful to allow forbidden drugs is close as to say the same about crimes, by the consequences. People will do that more. Much more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    What is named as "psychedelics" are substances in some of their _quantity_ which make specific brain malfunction, alike hallucinations. You could to get such substances, but not in quantities which make such disorders. For example, some of used chemistry as paints, which are not used for "entertainment" as may quickly harm the health.

    Making a substance illegal to produce/keep/sell significanly reduces its usage and hence the harm. By economy and psychological reasons. If also to forbidd the usage (with then social isolation and obligate treatment), the reduction is additonally much more.
    Even if to forbid high % alcohol, the social usefulness would be noticed (in case is not allowed other harmful alternative). On the quanitity of some disorders, at least.

    Nicotine and other doubtful mess is popularized in RF, including among kids, by new its kind - vape.
    This is not safe for health, for sure. Just a way to bypass some laws, their control and to use more attractive shell for toxins.

    To say it's useful to allow forbidden drugs is close as to say the same about crimes, by the consequences. People will do that more. Much more.
    I think vaping may be safer than normally tobacco (I'm not sure), but it may be causing more harm by people thinking it's acceptable because it's less risky. And children frequently have access to the, from what I understand.

    Portugal and the Netherlands decriminalized drugs (or at least, they stopped prosecuted people who had small quantities with them, and only prosecuted drug dealers), and they focused more on support services to make people give up the harmful drugs. The drug consumption rate went down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    To me she could be EIE, that's what comes to mind. But I am not sure.
    She has Ni base eyes. Look at those pupils. Of course when the person is using amanaita muscaria it could give you those eyes.
    I think if you listen to her she seems to go into her own sensing experiences in somewhat nuanced way as well.

    Some people after some self help have claimed that they have cured their suicidiality and dependency problems. They all seem to look quite euphoric and hence they come off more extroverted.

    NOTE: Some people after their heavy use ("aimed for psychedelic trips") have claimed to got trapped in a thought repeating hell. When it comes to personal amateur use a person should do a very good research on it and be personally responsible.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    That’s so funny lol

    I tried mushrooms once my friends and I got from a cow field. We thought they were the ‘right’ kind, but I got nothing from them. Friends said they got something from it, but I think it was the placebo affect.
    If you ate real psylocibin mushrooms, you would know it. lol.

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