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Thread: PornHub: Alleged Sex Trafficking and Rape Videos

  1. #41

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    Also, seems like nobody's talking about the fact that P-hub used to be a safe-harbor for completely non-porn content including political content that was getting blacklisted and censored off all other outlets, as well as intellectual property stuff.
    So this isn't just porn that's getting deleted, this is establishing precedent for enforcing iron-fisted copyright enforcement and speech deplatforming across the rest of the web.

    I'd be all for deleting abuse content like this, but remember, supposedly harboring a few ISIS recruitment vids was the excuse Ruppert Murdoch and the NYT used to attack YouTube for "platforming harmful content" in tiny amounts among a sea of good content, and all the good content was punished when YouTube was forced to trigger the Adpocalypse as damage control in response to that. I don't think people are wary enough that the Web itself is being chronically attacked by legacy media moguls.

  2. #42
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Ever heard the saying "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater?"

    A good change maybe as long as people don't use it as justification to attack, bully and subjugate healthy kinksters and sex lovers. Te/Fi verification systems can't be the be-end-all to morality though because Te is tied with Fi and the standards of what something needs to be "verified" needs to truly be fair to everybody otherwise it's a crappy system. I'm sure almost everybody would be grossly morally offended by other people's sexual provicilities if they knew about them- and I'm not just talking about the obviously dur dur stuff we find bad like pedophilia.

    But once again it seems like real pedos have ruined things for everybody lol. /sigh.

    and lol @ some people thinking I'm a sexual predator for merely having a crush on the same sex that's not even sexual, whilst their husbands tie them up upside down in the privacy of their bed and beat their boobs until they're red. But they're not viewing porn & hiding it better- so it's okay.

    My point is you can't properly look in your own Shadow in this topic like Jung told us all to do I'm not going to trust you, because we always do the crappiest things thinking we are most in the right. Even though yes of course, stopping real sexual abusers should be done. Fantasy obviously doesn't always lead to reality though, so society pretending even more like they're all Heterosexual Angels isn't the way to go about it.

    I want to stop sexual predators - but I don't support weird Thought Police people. Or people falsely accusing others of crap to look morally superior and gain power, and be a Karen.

    All sex is kind of a little 'abusive' anyway isn't it, if we really think about it - people are often turned on by Bad Boys because they're Bad and morally corrupt, even though being attracted to the Te-normative lawyer Chad is obviously not as morally corrupt as human sex trafficking. He's still a douche, and you're still a little bit of a douche for being turned on by him. As long as you realize that, I don't have a problem with stuff.

  3. #43
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Society also is very authoritative at times and punishes/tries to punish the abuser but doesn't actually do much to heal the victim.

    I think we need to be stronger in both areas - but especially when healing the victims. But many people in authority or first-responders such as official therapists already look down at people who have been molested as "damaged goods", or as pawns to manipulate. Or they got into therapy in the first place just so they could creepily bully people who have been molested, and hide being some bullshit Te credentials that don't mean anything. Which further Re-abuses them and makes them feel like it's their own fault.

    actually healing is better than punishment to me because many pedophiles were also victims themselves. As long as you're not a serial abuser I do believe redemption is possible in some cases. It depends on the evidence though.

    As for being stronger arresting real pedos- I think that is more of a Te/Ti logistics & mechanical thing I know nothing about so I will let a NT/ST type handle that stuff. lol.

  4. #44

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    no. all sex isn't a little abusive.

    and yeah, we need to improve our work with people who've lived through abuse and assault.

    and yeah, we need to improve our prison psychiatric and behaviorist care programs. We probably need to stop hiring certain people for prison and other police work, too.

  5. #45
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    >good content

    pick one

    Outside of maybe lesbian porn or masturbation e_e other stuff equates to essentially watching another dude shag a woman or something like that which is cuckoldry.. if you think about it.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-20-2021 at 11:37 AM.

  6. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    >good content

    pick one

    Outside of maybe lesbian porn or masturbation e_e other stuff equates to essentially watching another dude shag a woman or something like that which is cuckoldry.. if you think about it.
    I'd've hit "Likes" on this, but watching lesbians is also super cuckoldry, as you're whacking it off to something that can't even reciprocate your own attraction in theory.

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