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Thread: Discussion regarding Self Typings or Professional Typing Services

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    Like think it twice but never, never learn. Vex's Avatar
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    Default Discussion regarding Self Typings or Professional Typing Services

    Take all arguments here or I'll shut down that thread until someone wants to post in there with their result and thoughts.
    Last edited by Vex; 01-30-2021 at 02:28 PM. Reason: ;)
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
    Stay out of my thread since it's meant as a list of resources if people want to get typed
    The discussion of value and use of "Professional Typing Services", including compared to other approaches, relates to that.
    Same as comments about quality of products relates to them, being useful for those who has an interest to those products.
    While without critical comments - that would be an advertising or a spam.

    Seems, you do not like to see the objective criticism against for what you paid money and to what was irrationally emotionally inspired to trust. By the wish of censorship against the useful info you are motivated by egoistic emotions, but not by the use for people.

    My comment there about the value of "dudes who take money for opinions about types, without having objective basis to suppose own typing skills as high and which have low typing matches with anyone else, some of which may use baseless hypotheses and mislead about Socionics usage".

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    One of traits which differ noobs in typology from a higher level is the understanding that taking money for typing does not mean good accuracy. As to think about good accuracy there should be objective experimental reason. Or, at least, good typing match with some of others, but not <50% of real match with anyone else, what is known still for typers which used behavioral methods. The other is just a blind trust, which has low chance to be correct in the existing situation.

    IR effects checking is the only good way to be highly sure in own type. As it's low possibly to get such good match accidentally.

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    Paying a person for typing services is like...paying for a session with a life coach. You're just paying someone to give you their objective opinion in the hopes that you can learn something from it. Nobody's getting forced to have their type tattooed on their forehead or anything.

    Also, I think I've mentioned this before, but intertype relations- I do have that issue with self-typing with regards to IR. Once you know about IR it becomes difficult to remove that lens when you type others. "This person seems very practical-minded, they seem to be an introvert, I don't see a lot of valued Se, and I personally have an easy time understanding them - SLI". But if I misunderstood the theory somewhere, or came to wrong conclusions about how certain functions work, then the whole thing is going to be off and skewed.

    IDK, personally, that's why I'm interested in the professional typing services. For me it's about self-development and understanding others better. Anything that widens my perspective and helps me understand other people's motivations and values better is going to further that goal. And that's whether I agree with their final conclusion or not.

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    So forgive me if this is misguided - but is the problem with unsolicited doubts and comments over how people self-type? Because I can see how that would be grating and unwelcome. Like I'm still fresh meat in this particular forum but when I see "battletyping" it reminds me of conversations like "well you said you're an IEE but I'm an LSE and I hate you so you're wrong" or something lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by megedy View Post
    So forgive me if this is misguided - but is the problem with unsolicited doubts and comments over how people self-type? Because I can see how that would be grating and unwelcome. Like I'm still fresh meat in this particular forum but when I see "battletyping" it reminds me of conversations like "well you said you're an IEE but I'm an LSE and I hate you so you're wrong" or something lol.
    Some people are sensitive to comments about their type. Maybe it's an identity thing, maybe they are tired of being told they are a little princess when they play linebacker for the local football team.

    In any case, what I've seen before is that sometimes one or more people will gang up on another and will say, "You claim to be YYY, but we know that you are really ZZZ."
    This could either be seen as the ravings of lunatics, or as a threat to one's public reputation, or as a reminder that your mother wanted you to be a pianist and you had to tell her to mind her own business.

    So a decent concern for the feelings of others dictates that a polite and considerate person will refrain from telling another that their type is such-and-so, unless the person whose type is in question specifically asked for opinions.

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    Popular psychology may not be good science but it is good business.

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    Well it's my Te polr in ways but I also know I'm right, most "professionals" are just narcissistic, self-serving sadistic douchebags who are full of shit. I know that cuz of real life experiences. I had a health issue once I had to visit four professionals to actually find one that knew what he was doing enough to fix me, objectively.

    With psychological and emotional mental health traumas I imagine it's kinda similar. Telling me you are a "professional" does not impress me in the slightest. I just don't care. How genuinely effective you are is what I want to know.

    Or I guess I'll put it this way: I don't look down on you if you pay to get typed by a "professional" but don't subconsciously think that means I will look up to you either (whoever you are) because you should still also valid the opinions of non-elitists, even if not 'as much.' The professional could be corrupt or narcissistic. If he or she truly isn't - then yeah, it was probably a good beneficial exchange. I just think there are more douches than truly good ones. You (general you) could be a naive deer they are preying upon- which makes me kind of disgusted as I don't really like deer or viscous wolves that much.

    No Te/Ti tests or study really ever prepares you for the Se/Si reality of anything. Most professionals are trapped logically inside something instead of looking outside of their own head (or others) at what is really going on- so they don't do much to fix anything.

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