so like imagine everyone just magically knows their type once they're like born

imagine socionics is taught in school

so anyways duality (or activator) is the new het now and anything else is basically avoided and looked down upon causing people only to reproduce within their own quadra, causing quadra to slowly, over thousands of years split off into different species, now all the betas die of/cause mass genocide and war. i think betas should cause AND die of mass genocide and war. against themselves perhaps, humanity sure does kill a lot of our own kind. or maybe against the deltas. but the deltas are a different species now so mayyybe they're not sentient so mayyybe it's acceptable to murder them.

due to their hArD wORk, gammas end up building an industrious space civilisation and exploits alien races for space oil and economic gain. alphas are so harmless and ineffective they party underground because a neighbouring star yeeted earth away from the solar system into open space so they now live off geothermal energy deep in Earth's mantle, stuck deep in earth's crust. homo delticus are either genocided by the betas or go off to colonise a planet or start a space station or invent a Beta repellent and a bunch of spaceships or stay on Earth digging up treasure and dead ancient people from layers of Earth's snow or living with those underground alphas, everyone went off to do their own shit. what do you expect, they're deltas. wonder how they stay one species lmao


anyway it's a bad idea, but do you have any built worlds based upon socionics?