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Thread: I can't stop being racist, what should I do?

  1. #1

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    Default I can't stop being racist, what should I do?

    I am racist towards indians and chinese people, chinese people mostly over what their government does to uighurs in a genocide, and indian hindus for what they do to kashmiris and muslims in india, and their scam calls, and other stuff im not get into cause i dont wanna justify it. i have tried to stop, but no matter how much i try, it's so bad i literally celebrate the spread of covid and other disasters like economic hardship and recession in india and china, hoping it will "stop them"

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    I am racist towards indians and chinese people, chinese people mostly over what their government does to uighurs in a genocide, and indian hindus for what they do to kashmiris and muslims in india, and their scam calls, and other stuff im not get into cause i dont wanna justify it. i have tried to stop, but no matter how much i try, it's so bad i literally celebrate the spread of covid and other disasters like economic hardship and recession in india and china, hoping it will "stop them"
    it's good you want to change. that's the biggest hurdle.

    it's completely false that you can't stop. It just feels true.

    it's something you should pursue with a behavioral therapist and counselor.

    saying it on this forum where people are indian or chinese is not considerate of their being victims of that kind of racism against them. They have enough to deal with.

    This is your shit. Go handle it.

  3. #3
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    I am racist towards indians and chinese people, chinese people mostly over what their government does to uighurs in a genocide, and indian hindus for what they do to kashmiris and muslims in india, and their scam calls, and other stuff im not get into cause i dont wanna justify it. i have tried to stop, but no matter how much i try, it's so bad i literally celebrate the spread of covid and other disasters like economic hardship and recession in india and china, hoping it will "stop them"
    Based upon what I have seen you post on this forum, in other threads, this is really the least of your problems.

    I think social isolation is a bigger problem for you, it causes you to get lost in all these fantasies and thoughts which border on the obsessive. I suggest perhaps socializing more, to go towards groups, activities, and one on one relations with people in real life, all easier said than done of course, but I suspect even small doses of social interaction will help you get out of your head, which also help you to stop thinking about how much you hate the Chinese and Indians.

    Remember also these obsessions and ruminations don't "define" you - they just feel like they do because you are living in them. You are probably not even really racist, just obsessing over a certain percpetion of reality as you see it now. I don't think you should be so hard on yourself.

    Good luck.
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    You should do not make a harm without serious reasons, where a race is not such. Your sympathies you may leave as is.

    Some people you like more and other ones lesser. It's normally. Race factor is a part of this too, as we generally prefer the ones who is similar to us - in a look, by a culture, by values, etc. As it's a factor among other ones - you may like more or lesser some people of other race, similar as with own one.

    If you'll deal longer and positively with people having some traits, - you'll adopt to some degree.
    If you'll accent more of the attention on traits which you like, - you'll accept the whole easier. Sexual attraction is an example.
    If you'll pay more of the attention on similarities with you, - that will improve the perception too.

    Seems, political propaganda affects you strongly. To reduce it you may visit "bad" countries, to see real situation and people there. You'll understand that the difference with people of your own country is lesser and something of other culture you may like more.

  5. #5
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    Just disassociate what the government does from your neighbor. Is your neighbor the government? Now how about some random guy in Hong Kong? What about some random guy in Bejing? The answer to those questions is probably not. As such why would you want to hurt them? Hurting the people does not hurt the government, as the government is not the people. Flipside is also true. Helping the people does not help the government either. So in conclusion? How do you hurt the Chinese government? Start protesting outside China and spreading awareness of things you can do to help the cause.

    Also, for the same reason, not all Indians scam call. This is actually what they do.

    That's their most profitable ventures. As you can see, the main source of profit is manufacturing.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  6. #6
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    Get to know some real people from those countries. They aren't all the same.

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    Think of how Muslims are treated unfairly by other because of the actions of a few.

    You wouldn't want to be treated horribly by others for that reason, so don't do it to others.

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