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Thread: List of remote typing services

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    Default List of remote typing services

    A list of Socionists that offer remote typing services. If there's a Socionist that I missed or I'm not aware of, please let me know and I'll add them here.

    Victor Gulenko - 120 USD
    Remote method: Send in two video recordings with each video answering a set of questions, and you are given a personalized written diagnostic.

    WSS - Varies Depending on Service, usually 50 or 130 GBP.
    Remote method: Most of his services require one on one video interviews.

    Timur Protskiy
    - 70 USD
    Remote method: Record an hour long video answering a set of their questions.

    Ibrahim Tencer - 45 USD
    Remote method: Record a 45-60 minute long video answering his questionnaire and send it to him. He has other services as well linked on his page.

    Olga Tangemann
    - 20 GBP
    Remote method: She goes into her method here.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
    Enneagram: 9w8 5w6 2w1
    AP: VELF 4231
    PY: FEVL

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    Tommy: $500 USD
    Remote method video recorded on spy cam and analyzed using AI intelligence.

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    Lmao people actually pay for this

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    To anyone who paid for these pm me, i can offer you great pyramid schemes

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    To anyone who paid for these pm me, i can offer you great pyramid schemes
    Wasting years on an obscure forum full of mentally ill ppl unable to reach any useful conclusion = a better solution.

    @Northstar lmao, you actually agree with this idiot. I see you try to undermine ppl who got themselves typed.. at every turn. Maybe they are right, you actually do seem to value pragmatic logic aka Te.

    Insecurity is a pathetic bitch. >muh money muh resources muh Te t.western yuropean first worlder for whom this is pocket change

    When attacked in the area of the first function, a Maxim becomes aggressive. It is easy to drive a Maxim to aggression, just tell them: “Your teacher has no idea what he is talking about!” Their reaction may be absolutely inadequate. And since their creative function is physical action, anything within their hand's reach may be hurled at you. I tried talking to a Maxim in the same manner and was nearly hit by a heavy object thrown at me.
    e_e you fuckers could just type yourselves or don't and then reassert your own logic as to why you think you are x type regardless of results based on your own understanding.. and be done with it, flawed or not.. but to waste time on a system where you are too chikenshit to spend resources on and give reasons such as "muh wasted resources" or "muh charlatan Gulenko".. when you partially rely on model G and his information is incoherent bullshit!

    This isn't the first time I see this garbage, ive fucking had it with your bullshit! Fuck your Te reasons. First few times it was annoying.. I'm unbelievably pissed now. I could strangle every Te user on this God forsaken forum.. starting with Adam.
    Last edited by SGF; 12-08-2020 at 05:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    @Northstar lmao, you actually agree with this idiot. I see you try to undermine ppl who got themselves typed.. at every turn. Maybe they are right, you actually do seem to value pragmatic logic aka Te.
    Constructive means I laughed at his joke, because people taking all of this paid typing business too seriously is not healthy imo. All those guys will offer opinions which probably disagree with each other more often than not. And none of them deserve to be called ”official”.
    If being a sober realist is Te, I’m fine with being Te. And I still have nothing against you as a person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I could strangle every Te user on this God forsaken forum.. starting with Adam.
    strangle me daddy

  8. #8
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    I feel like researching on your own helps a lot too. Opinons are useful, but only if you agree with them and the match pretty good to what you think yourself. I mean, you can use them to back your own claims up too. But I think having your own grounding in Socionics helps too.

    "Professional" typings can narrow things down if you really are stuck, but there's no point going into it completely blind and taking what X person said as gospel because you spent money on it. You need to think critically for yourself as well. Not saying that they can't help (they can help) but what I am saying is that they are a part of the analysis, not the whole. You know?

    Sometimes it's worth investing in, other times not. You need to know what you're getting yourself into. Weigh out the pros and cons and see if it will work for you. It's not a complete means to an end, but it's a tool than can help.

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    It's a list of payed typers which use English language.
    Non of them has an objective basis to suppose he types good. All of them should to have low real typing match between them. All of them should do significant % of mistakes. They can be better than random people who read about types, as generally have not bad theory knowledge, an experience in a typing and watching of people with known types. They may help to understand own type. Tests may do this also. To be sure in own type is useful to check it positively by IR effects with people IRL.
    The problem is that many novices who identifies own types do not know about low typing matches or do not understand the lack of objectivity of typing methods. That same data by today speculative methods can be interpreted to different types, even by same typer after a time. Novices redundantly trust to typers and underesteemate the need of own types studing to understand own correct type.

    The ones who uses for a typing a theory about types besides hypotheses of Jung and Augustinavichiute or methods which have no good link with those hypotheses (as physiognomy) - are not "Socionists". To trust in a usage of random baseless hypotheses is doubtful way. Socionics texts have doubtful parts too. That those are doubtful sometimes is said directly in texts alike for the most of Reinin's traits. It's better when doubtful parts are not used.
    The problem is that types are mainly identified by novices which do not know what theory is Socionics and what is not. They think as "Socionics" anything what uses this label.

    MBTI related typers may be useful too as they use same types as Socionics. They partly contradict to Jung and have theoretical mistakes, but mainly type by correct dichotomies theory. It's not even clear what is worse: cases of Socionics with intensive usage of its doubtful parts (as Reinin traits), random baseless hypotheses (as subtypes), baseless methods (as physiognomy), or a typing by MBTI related approach. I recommend to think MBTI related typers as comparable to many ones who claims to use "Socionics".
    The problem is that many novices are misleaded that MBTI uses other types than Socionics. Despite MBTI texts use types notation written by dichotomies only which are same and compatible with used in Socionics, and that MBTI typing practice is much centered on dichotomies.

    There is not much worse way to know own correct type than to ask "Socionics" payed typer, especially among the ones who derived from normal types theory or who uses baseless methods. It's to use tests (many of which are free) and opinions of people who know the theory (as on forums). It's better when those people know the theory for longer and typed more of people. Do not say them beforehand opinions of others about your type so to remove the conformism.
    The good way to know own correct type _also_ includes types studing and checking of own type by IR effects with people IRL. As it's risky to trust to a typer's opinions, same as to trust to a test. This info helps to understand own type, but is not enough. Typing mistakes even of an experienced typer which would use a correct theory can be tens % due to a speculativity of today typing methods.

    Last edited by Sol; 12-16-2020 at 05:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Wasting years on an obscure forum full of mentally ill ppl unable to reach any useful conclusion = a better solution.

    @Northstar lmao, you actually agree with this idiot. I see you try to undermine ppl who got themselves typed.. at every turn. Maybe they are right, you actually do seem to value pragmatic logic aka Te.

    Insecurity is a pathetic bitch. >muh money muh resources muh Te t.western yuropean first worlder for whom this is pocket change

    e_e you fuckers could just type yourselves or don't and then reassert your own logic as to why you think you are x type regardless of results based on your own understanding.. and be done with it, flawed or not.. but to waste time on a system where you are too chikenshit to spend resources on and give reasons such as "muh wasted resources" or "muh charlatan Gulenko".. when you partially rely on model G and his information is incoherent bullshit!

    This isn't the first time I see this garbage, ive fucking had it with your bullshit! Fuck your Te reasons. First few times it was annoying.. I'm unbelievably pissed now. I could strangle every Te user on this God forsaken forum.. starting with Adam.
    Thats not what i meant. BTW by the post count i can tell that you are one of those mentally ill people here. Also at this point socionics is nothing more than a pseudoscience. Also why are you so upset man?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    Wasting years on an obscure forum full of mentally ill ppl unable to reach any useful conclusion = a better solution.

    @Northstar lmao, you actually agree with this idiot. I see you try to undermine ppl who got themselves typed.. at every turn. Maybe they are right, you actually do seem to value pragmatic logic aka Te.

    Insecurity is a pathetic bitch. >muh money muh resources muh Te t.western yuropean first worlder for whom this is pocket change

    e_e you fuckers could just type yourselves or don't and then reassert your own logic as to why you think you are x type regardless of results based on your own understanding.. and be done with it, flawed or not.. but to waste time on a system where you are too chikenshit to spend resources on and give reasons such as "muh wasted resources" or "muh charlatan Gulenko".. when you partially rely on model G and his information is incoherent bullshit!

    This isn't the first time I see this garbage, ive fucking had it with your bullshit! Fuck your Te reasons. First few times it was annoying.. I'm unbelievably pissed now. I could strangle every Te user on this God forsaken forum.. starting with Adam.
    YES!!!!! I support this!!! Adam is derpy and uses this forum to talk about his loserly sex life. North gaslights ppl who get typed cuz he knows he can’t trick G. Only ppl get scared of G cuz they’re afraid their delusions will shatter and they won’t get the type that they want. Pathetic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    YES!!!!! I support this!!! Adam is derpy and uses this forum to talk about his loserly sex life. North gaslights ppl who get typed cuz he knows he can’t trick G. Only ppl get scared of G cuz they’re afraid their delusions will shatter and they won’t get the type that they want. Pathetic.

    Lol. I’ll take that. It’s up from “asshole”.

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    I'll take gulenko's test if anyone wants to pay for me xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I'll take gulenko's test if anyone wants to pay for me xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Constructive means I laughed at his joke, because people taking all of this paid typing business too seriously is not healthy imo. All those guys will offer opinions which probably disagree with each other more often than not. And none of them deserve to be called ”official”.
    If being a sober realist is Te, I’m fine with being Te. And I still have nothing against you as a person.
    Well Gulenko types Kiana and Trump as SEE, Jack types them as SLE. That is consistency there.
    Anyway I'm running on rage all day due to work related issues, its probably better if I take a break be4 I say regretful things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    Thats not what i meant. BTW by the post count i can tell that you are one of those mentally ill people here. Also at this point socionics is nothing more than a pseudoscience. Also why are you so upset man?
    Yeah, that's why I'm here as well. I'm nuts too e_e why else would I be here searching for answers, some sliver of meaning?

    Its a theory on how the human mind works on some level, Ti subjective logic. The mind is not accessible to the senses, its part of the noumenal. Behavior = / = cognition and the brain+physical processes = / = qualia. I fundamentally disagree with the materialist conception of the world as mechanistic and needing to be explained fully by "science". I guess thats why I enjoy the esoteric, philosophy, religion, traditions and other interesting systems that give some insight into "the unseen". Why else read Jung, Evola, Nietzsche, Kant, Heidegger and so on?

    I'm not and never was someone who strictly preferred practical logic aka Te, it has it's place, but the overall logic or structure of reality is more interesting, so I don;t need socionics to be objectively valid and proven science.

    This is a good description of Ti, one I fully relate to: I get very skeptical when i see people who are capable of Ti but don't seem to value it / want something where there is consensus or objectivity aka Te.

    Ti: Search for Universal Axioms

    While it might be said that all types seek truth of a sort, to the Ti user the quest for truth has a very specific meaning. He is not satisfied with the acquisition of information and indeed he generally avoids information, but is instead drawn to eternally narrow his search down to what he believes is the core of a thing – beyond the senses and beyond the confines of space or time. He’ll aim to get rid of as much as is unnecessary, until only the essence remains. To him, truth means landing upon some elusive and singular convergent principle or nexus which gives formulation, symmetry and justification to everything else in the conscious universe. The Ti user, it may be said, is on a quest for a philosopher’s stone. He will dig for it in all manner of philosophy and theories of the mind and this can cause them to become obsessive in their pursuits, and abandon all sense of context in their research. They may forget that they are not making tangible progress towards any scientific or objective aim, but instead are diving headlong into a conceptual challenge. Indeed it is an epistemological challenge with the bait of the One Truth at the end of it which they chase. And whether this truth is ever known by the Ti user is irrelevant to the visceral belief in its existence. Even if he has come to doubt all truth and has entered an existential dead end in his pursuit, so that he only knows that he knows almost nothing, he was lead into this territory by an inarticulated but deep rooted suspicion that something is there just waiting to be crystallized into knowledge.

    Ti: Reductionism

    For the Ti user the world is often seen as a place of incongruences and complexities; of paradoxes and mysteries. Everything is operating from unchecked assumptions on top of assumptions with no explanation given for why any such thing is to be believed. The world seems utterly chaotic and nonsensical, and this causes a great deal of stress especially as it relates to the pursuit of axiomatic truth. In order to alleviate this, Ti often executes a reductionistic methodology wherein all unjustified things are negated, in an effort to eliminate all untruths and see what is left. Ti in its purest sense will not wish to adapt any form of knowledge or information if it does not understand its underlying formation. It will feel that if the starting premise within them is not correct, then the entire foundation is faulty and all else that can be built from it will be askew. It therefore obsesses over the accuracy of the first few blocks and cornerstones of its epistemology, forcing Ti often times into an infinite regression loop of doubt. If told “go to school” then may think “what is school” and from there proceed to ask “what is a degree?” and “what makes knowledge gained at a school desk more valid than what is self-taught?” This can be terribly frustrating to family members as it may appear that the Ti user is rationalizing his way out of responsibility, when in reality he is contending with the existential questions of meaning, value and purpose – which often must be addressed for them first before a single finger can be lifted towards a task. This can be problematic as Ti will tend to reduce social norms/ideas/things down to parts, without putting them back together. These thoughts will occupy the Ti user’s mind continually and may cause things to lose their value as the process of reduction strips away all meaning. At its most extreme this can lead to to existential dilemmas and nihilism even when nothing in life would suggest a reason to be unhappy. As Ti is a subtractive process by nature, it acts as a diagnostic process that identifies misalignment in any system of premises. Hence it tends to be far better at identifying what things are not, than what things are. It is often up to the other functions to counterbalance Ti’s influence and provide positive affirmation for reasons, motivations and purposes.

    Ti: Castle Construction

    However, if enough of a theoretical foundation has been set in the mind of the Ti user, then what emerges is a crystalline structure at the core of their being. Like the growth of an ice crystal from water, a theoretical castle begins to form. Each block of this castle is a premise or argument that helps structure the incoming information of reality in such a way as to create an interpretive scaffold. For Ti, this scaffold serves as a sort of Rubik’s cube or kaleidoscope that allows the complexities of life to be viewed and understood from a convergent point. Should there ever be a mismatch between the reality outside of them and the kaleidoscope’s prediction, the Ti user hurries to try to reformulate and refine their instrument (to fix the Rubik’s cube), but an instrument they must use. The Ti user does not interface with reality directly, but does so through this instrument which acts as their proxy and go-between and allows them to make sense of things without needing necessarily to engage in the difficult task of materialism or empiricism. This leads inescapably to the formation of a personal theory, often beginning with phenomenology of the mind/consciousness. One such example of a crystalline theoretical structure is René Descartes’ “cogito ergo sum” which, through his efforts and thoughts, was the cornerstone he came to develop and which helped him make sense of all other premises that cascade from this first axiom. But each Ti user may place a different conclusion as their starting premise. For some, the fundamental principle may be consciousness, for others it may be bodily experience, and for others it may be God or love.

    Ti: Ontology & Linguistics

    The Ti function is inherently philosophical in nature, producing in the Ti user a gravitation towards what we might call ontology. It becomes important to the Ti user to define what things are in and of themselves. In this sense, Ti seeks to describe reality absolutely and almost as though they were to vanish themselves from existence. It must be able to be true without them in the picture, otherwise it is not true. By this metric Ti seeks for a sort of timeless abstract definition for everything. The Ti user usually seeks to encapsulate the essence of a thing through semantic precision; meticulously working out where the boundaries lie between two adjacent thought groupings. There is little more satisfying to them than when data suddenly clicks into perfect arrangement, revealing a fundamental truth. The Ti user lives for these rare and magic moments of clarity and by engaging in this differentiation process, they gain a firm mental grasp on the world; dissipating the fog of the unknown. The further the Ti user is from clarity of definition in his own thoughts, the more internal dissonance will be felt. This can also make the Ti user a bit of a grammar nazi and their semantic proclivities can lead them to spend hours discussing starting terms without ever making headway related to the real-world problem in question. The Ti user may be highly stimulated by such a discourse even though the original point of the discussion has been left far in the past. More than a few Ti users thus take to linguistics for their proximity to philosophy and their capacity to organize the very structure of our knowledge paradigms.

    Ti: Perfectionism

    Additionally, there is a perfectionist quality to the Ti user wherein their personal desire for purity of logos is at once a desire for purity of the self. Indeed, the Ti user’s success in building this logic framework is tied to their sense of identity, as they may view themselves primarily as a truth-seeker and truth-speakers. There will be an ethical quality to their pursuit which manifests in a valuing of neutrality, honesty, authenticity and clarity. Lack of neutrality, honesty or lack of clarity will be sensed as a transgression; one which they avoid in their own behavior and which they may also depreciate in others. As a compass function, Ti will strive for a type of nobility of character which it can sustain only if it feels it is being honest with itself and avoiding as many impurities as possible in its own thinking. This high personal standard can cause the Ti user to become entirely mute as their ignorance forces them to retract any opinion or utterance that they cannot firmly stand behind. The strong Ti user may be a very silent presence at school or in the workforce, speaking only occasionally and after minutes or hours of reflection on what he wishes to say. If their logical devotion is towards an art project or creative endeavor, the same bottleneck may appear, causing them to hesitate in publishing any works until everything feels entirely perfect. They may feel their works are never quite precise enough and will spend countless hours in the refinement process – aiming always for their writings, paintings or manifestations to capture their thoughts and intentions with no compromise. This can lead to negative feelings and self-blame forming for mistakes made or inaccurate information given.

    Ti: Stubborn Alignment to Framework

    While the Ti user may not know many things, he will stand firm by what he does know. The Ti user can be stubborn and difficult to negotiate with if they have fixated on certain ideas they feel are true, and so long as their idea remains in their head, their heels remain sunk in that interpretation. This can lead them to become impractical in many real-world situations when the consequences of their carefully crafted definitions collide with certain necessary actions and obligations. They’ll often refuse to participate in something that seems necessary to some, but misaligned to them. And while no amount of pressure, external circumstance or logistical necessities can bend their opinion, a properly aimed rebuttal can radically shift their entire stance in moments. The Ti user’s logical apparatus operates like a lock combination. When the right inputs (deductions) are received, suddenly the gates of their thoughts reconfigure and allow for a completely new mental trajectory to be possible and new actions to emerge from them. But without this reconfiguration, they may remain deadlocked in certain conclusions or philosophies even when those conclusions are negative and harmful to them. The strong Ti user must reason his way out of a certain conceptual hole and cannot simply ignore it or choose a more convenient path which doesn’t fit into the structure and rules of their self-made castle.

    Behaviors Under Stress:

    Aside from the aforementioned behaviors, functions also display compensatory behaviors when the individual is under stress. The following behaviors manifest in the Ti user when distressed or when accompanied by high levels of neuroticism.

    Ti: Emotional Shutoff

    When the stress and gravity of life cause a fall out of emotional health, the strong Ti user’s already faint emotional energies become even more deeply coveted. Unable to operate meaningfully in the environment, they will flee fully from the world and into a protective barrier of their own making. They will shut off emotionally and may become suspicious and avoidant of intrusions to their private space. This can lead to a very isolated experience where they feel they can only rely on themselves to figure out the answers to emotional problems which it often treats as intellectual problems. Driven equally by feelings of self-sufficiency and fear of emotional openness, they will aim to shoulder their pain entirely alone.

    They will meet the problem with callousness of feeling. What is not felt cannot hurt, and here their natural capacity for dispassion is repurposed and used to strip power away from the heart. They may sever their connection to others with surprising ease, and forget the magnitude of their inner affect. What is non-ideal is rejected as they continue their pursuit for the ideal both in themselves and others. Yet the content remains present but buried in the unconscious, and they may harbor unresolved feelings for years at a time – often freezing their heart in the process. Merciless as they may be, they will intellectualize their decisions, satisfying their need to act from just premises and retain a proper sense of self.

    Wailings and charged emotional reactions may be perceived as irrational and therefore inappropriate and to be avoided. However, as stress accumulates further, their logic will become gradually more distorted as they aim to rationalize what is essentially an emotional objection underneath. Unable to clearly and cathartically convey their heart’s voice, having stripped it of its power, their inner pains will emerge through distorted logical arguments and skewed claims. Their tendency to intellectualize matters of the heart will lead them to push the narrative into a form that aligns with their repressed feelings. As their stress furthers, they may disconnect themselves from others entirely and fall into schizoid tendencies.

    Ti: Hyper-Focus on Imperfections

    In another scenario, if the Ti user’s heart remains open, they meet the problem with honesty of feeling. In their pursuit for authenticity of self, they allow the full gravity of their situation to hit them and they familiarize themselves with their darkest disappointments, losses and despair. Because they are perfectionists by nature, they will turn their attention to themselves to understand what is wrong. They may come to feel responsible for all that is not going well in their life and will be prone to episodes of melancholy and deep ruminations about their shortcomings. Worse yet, if a conclusion emerges (“I’m horrible”, “I’m responsible”) that cannot be rationally refuted, be it true or not, they will need to continue believing it in order not to betray their compass, even if believing such a thing causes continual pain. Moving past certain damages can be challenging unless their paradigm changes to reinterpret their past in a way that puts them in a more merciful place. They will have trouble accepting positive emotions just for the sake of it, without cause to feel positive. They will feel dubious of any trajectory of healing that isn’t somehow also justified in a certain sense. In this way, they do themselves no service; holding onto their negative beliefs so adamantly can be the cause of their own demise.


    The spiritual experience of Ti is called Alin which is described more fully in this page. Alin is a psychological archetype or concept within the Ti user which appears in certain religions as the “Void” or the Śūnyatā. Alin is the myth of Silence, of Stillness, of Emptiness and of the No-Self. It is an invitation into a cessation of all striving, and a pure and clear awareness. Alin brings a spiritual awareness that things simply are, and no action is necessary. Things are neither perfect or imperfect and the illusion of meaning – which gives birth to expectations and disappointment – is disassembled. Alin brings with it an appreciation for the subjectivity of definitions, and simultaneously relinquishes and transcends all its own concepts. It also brings with it an unflappable demeanor; one that is stoic and entirely unphased by any hardships that may arise for themselves or others. This, however, can sometimes cause an acute loss of love for others as the notion of attachment is itself disassembled along with meaning.

    Light: Omniscience

    When the Alin myth is in its light form, there exists a belief that one’s consciousness is paramount and absolute; being the single defining attribute to one’s existence. A sense develops that “my mind is me, and my mind has the capacity to understand all.” Consciousness is elevated as an axiom of existence and may be seen as transcendent of one’s biological confines. To that effect, absolute detachment from one’s humanity and human emotions is sought in order to aide one’s transcendence. One might fantasize of leaving their bodily form, floating out into the cosmos as a disembodied being and encompassing all that can be known and understood. Efforts may be directed towards unlocking an unlimited awareness through it. Here Alin seeks a type of omniscience; to achieve godhood by becoming aware of all things. This may lead to an obsession with memory exercises and an interest in expanding one’s cognitive capacity through brain training. Multiplying and dividing large numbers in their mind, memorizing π to dozens of decimal places, or playing a chess game entirely in one’s head are examples of the sort of exercises that may be fantasized or achieved.

    Dark: Cynical Nihilism

    When the Alin myth is dark, the deconstruction of all essential ideas leads to a cynical nihilism where the meaninglessness of life is met with feelings of defeat and bitterness. The quest for truth is abandoned, now seen as simply a fable among many that momentarily motivates a finite existence to seek value where there is objectively only absence. The universe is felt as cold, indifferent, and hollow. The Ti user falls deeply into absurdism; seeing all thoughts, actions and aspirations as pointless Sisyphean nightmares. They may scoff at those who still believe in hope, truth, love and value – having lost all concept of them within themselves. “All is for naught” is the sentiment that saturates every waking moment, evoking in them perhaps just as much tears as laughter.
    Last edited by SGF; 12-09-2020 at 04:32 AM.

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    If people find it helpful to narrow down all the (sometimes crazy) types people thrown their way, then cool. If people find it fun to get typed for the hell of it, then also cool. If people are almost 100% sure in their own mind of their own personal assessment of their type without anyone else's input, then cool too. Either way it needs to provide something for you, yourself. Just cause something works for you or doesn't, doesn't mean it's the same for someone else. It's like most people here are just talking past each other.

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    @shotgunfingers That's a cool comparison. You're right on the Trump typing. That's interesting.

    I need to be less reactionary irl lately too, so I hope work goes smoother for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    Lol. I’ll take that. It’s up from “asshole”.
    I enjoy hearing your dating stories myself.

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    I’ve read that SEE is more visceral than SLE, instinctual and I believe this to be true even though both are Se leads and can easily appear similar, it’s the difference of creative function that is nuanced and it takes a trained eye to distinguish how it manifests. Ti is theoretical and philosophical, Fi visceral and present. It’s true that Fi is vastly reputed to be judgey and awful because there’s a lot of shitty Fi valuers.

    I don’t think Jack is wrong about me, because he saw me as a more gutsy SLE and Gulenko saw me as a more conservative SEE. What Jack didn’t notice but G understood perfectly is that I value a lot of what Ti represents, not because I actually embody it. My raison d’etre is actually Fi, and it’s due to this Fi that I’m a real life example of how an SEE can appear to think like SLE. So SGF is absolutely right that there’s consistency, I’m still Se base.

    I’m certain G is closer to being correct because he typed me SEE normalizing which means I have elevated Fi and Ti which makes my PoLR HARD to pinpoint. Ti PoLR doesn’t mean the person isn’t able to understand conceptual ideas or that they’re unable to handle abstraction. It’s actually got nothing to do that and Gulenko explained it perfectly what Ti PoLR means and how it manifests.

    It’s funny because Vex pointed out I’ve written some of the most thought out analysis on this board since my short time here, and now that I’ve been typed by G as SEE and I accept it and embrace it, suddenly people are quick to use Ti PoLR against me. Nothing has actually changed. I’m still the same person and my viewpoints that I constantly reiterate remains logically consistent. I don’t waiver and I don’t shift goals and I do truly understand socionics theory and value discipline and correct application of theory. But because this doesn’t sit well with so many narrow-minded people that as an SEE, I could be that way. Even SGF has said I have very good usage of Ti because I’m able to define and communicate clearly. My supervisor complimenting me is flattering.

    But the fact still remains, everyone on here is a hobbyist and this forum is rifled with misunderstandings and distortions on all levels- from theory to applications; definition of the concepts, how it manifests, and to what end is it used for. Gaining clarity by subjecting yourself to being analyzed from an objective but trained individual is scary and very revealing. You have to suspend your personal bias and ditch any iota of self-preservation to allow the typist to do their work and you must honor and respect the process.

    Conning a typist to get the result you want because you seek bias confirmation is pathetic and cowardly. If you want to stick with your self-typing, that’s perfectly fine but don’t be foolish and actually believe that your biased opinion of yourself is on equal footing to Gulenko who’s got over 30 years experience and has been trained by the originator of the theory. You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to him.

    Again. Getting typed is an optional process. No one who got typed told anyone else to get typed.

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    Honestly, personally, I thought being typed by the Big G was a lot of fun. I mean I’m into socionics and this opportunity won’t be around forever. I stated on here that I did it before I got my results. I knew I was going to have to tell everyone what I got and it’d follow me around this forum forever. So yeah I’m not going to lie, was kind of worried. I was expecting to get probably an introverted ethical type, but from that I wasn’t certain. I had no idea what methods he used. I’m still not sure. And I got a type I wasn’t expecting in the beginning (so I really don’t think this is cognitive bias on my part, because I wasn’t using it to confirm my existing beliefs). Anyway. Lots of fun. Threw me for a loop, flip flopped my perspective. Made me think about things differently. And don’t think I haven’t critically evaluated it. Geezus Christ. I don’t think I care about my type as much as some other people do, maybe. Anyway, it was a mental thrill ride, yes.
    Last edited by Aster; 12-09-2020 at 02:28 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    Honestly, personally, I thought being typed by the Big G was a lot of fun. I mean I’m into socionics and this opportunity won’t be around forever. I stated on here that I did it before I got my results. I knew I was going to have to tell everyone what I got and it’d follow me around this forum forever. So yeah I’m not going to lie, was kind of worried. I was expecting to get probably an introverted ethical type, but from that I wasn’t certain. I had no idea what methods he used. I’m still not sure. And I got a type I wasn’t expecting in the beginning (so I really don’t think this is cognitive bias on my part, because I wasn’t using it to confirm my existing beliefs). Anyway. Lots of fun. Threw me for a loop, flip flopped my perspective. Made me think about things differently. And don’t think I haven’t critically evaluated it. Geezus Christ. I don’t think I care about my type as much as some other people do, maybe. Anyway, it was a mental thrill ride.
    I do value improving the self because I believe in being better over time. I think that to do something as to subject the self to scrutiny under the lenses of a stranger is very gutsy, which is why I respect people who did go through G’s process. I wanted to know what it was like and subjected myself to it and I am very impressed! The worse part isn’t about being typed or the process, it’s the negative reactions from hobbyist naysayers battletyping you as a result that’s the most annoying. They want to protect their self-typing and run amuck in vagueness so they seek to denigrate anyone who got officially typed by G just so they don’t look so delusional. It’s a lot of the defamation, deflection, gaslighting, projecting; all forms of lies that seeks to undermine clarity and structure that’s the REAL problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    I do value improving the self because I believe in being better over time. I think that to do something as to subject the self to scrutiny under the lenses of a stranger is very gutsy, which is why I respect people who did go G’s process. I wanted to know what it was like and subjected myself to it and I am very impressed! The worse part isn’t about being typed or the process, it’s the negative reactions from hobbyist naysayers battletyping you as a result that’s the most annoying. They want to protect their self-typing and run amuck in vagueness so they seek to denigrate anyone who got officially typed by G just so they don’t look so delusional.
    Definitely! It almost seems like a game to me (that’s how I keep looking at it), one I’m not interested in playing. A lot of it feels narcissistic-abusive, how some are going about it.
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    Most people don’t understand the purpose behind typology, let alone how to honestly self-type. The reason why people don't often accurately self-type is due to personal bias. It’s really hard to look at yourself objectively and that's why people have the tendency to self-type as something they want to be, something flattering. The actual reasoning for cognitive typology is simple- to explore your mind and understand yourself. This is merely a tool for self improvement but to get there, one must go in eyes wide open to the reality that typology is extremely brutal. It is meant to strip away your defenses and expose your weaknesses because problems arises for the individual due to weaknesses; not from strength. The layperson almost always uses typology of any sort (MBTI, Socionics, Enneagrams, etc.) to coddle and validate their fixations of delusions rather than work on throwing away their delusions. The utility of typology ends up being abused and mishandled as security blanket.

    Having an objective but trained 3rd party analyze you takes away the bias and that person sees you not as what you want/claim to be, but what you are. Of course, most people don’t like this because it shatters their self-image, so they’ll find any reason, no matter how unwarranted, unfathomable, irrelevant those reasonings are; it’s all in the name of self-preservation.

    The option is crystal clear when it comes to getting typed: either you do it and you do it honestly or you don’t. There’s no philosophy or rocket science to it.

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    anyone know if there is anything like this for enneagram? (Remote typing service)
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    anyone know if there is anything like this for enneagram? (Remote typing service)
    I think Kat possibly does typings?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    I think Kat possibly does typings?
    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    Try Katherine Fauvre maybe?

    looked at it a little bit, but doesn’t seem as simple as the socionics methods, but probably doable. Think I saw a newbie say something around here about a one enneagram typing service, but I don’t remember who
    or where... I mean I could answer some questions here and offer myself up to the wolves if any certain number is fairly knowledgeable about enneagram and willing to pick my mind apart and help me out here without being turds
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    what are you looking into -types, wings, instincts etc?
    this cutie with base F and E9 seeks for dreams with pleasant emotions *sigh*
    anything what may support this state. just anything and by any ways

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    I thought you were already settled on a type...? is that not true? for enneagram

    what are you looking into -types, wings, instincts etc?
    not for enneagram. just anything enneagram related, really... I have an idea, but I wouldn’t mind having the opinion of someone who knows a lot about seems most people online think I’m either a 9 or a 4. I can see parts of myself in both, feels like a mesh of those types. less so the other ones but a little bit of 1,5,6, maybe 3...and even less so 2, 7 & 8

    pretty sure I’m so/sp, but could be other if I’m just misunderstanding it all lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    im not an expert but I don't mind having a conversation with you about this

    which types do you think might help you most in understanding parts of you that might be disavowed..?
    thank you, asd

    I appreciate it

    I think I’ll make a separate thread about my enneagram type here in bit, and quote you again there, if you don’t mind. Been thinking about making one anyway and don’t want to clog this thread up with all my personal baggage
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    It is so much better to learn the theory yourself, and type yourself correctly... it's not that hard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    I think Kat possibly does typings?
    Kat used to do Enneatypings but she has suspended her service as far as I know.

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    New typing service: Message me the type you want to be, and pay me $1000 and I will officially type you as the type you want to be

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    @Pirouette I am now offering typings again, at the reduced rate of 30 USD.

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    I don't think there is really a right answer to which typing services are better; pick one who's ideas you find interesting and who's typings mostly make sense to you and you'll probably also find the result interesting as well.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

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    I've always hated the procedure of "typing sessions" and have probably had like only 2 of those in my life precisely because A) i believe that even if you have the best theory, you can end up mistyping people in practice a lot (Gulenko; et al) and B) i think it's really weird for me to sit down and start talking to a stranger about.. myself and my life. The things i end up saying might not be completely accurate and/or i might have a hard time showcasing the 'full picture' when it comes to many subject matters re: my personality and how i react to things because of it and general shyness. I'd rather have someone actually get to know me first and then share an opinion about what my type could possibly be. But that's just me.





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    I’ll VI you in exchange for bobs and vegana photos
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    You guys forgot about EJ Arendee
    how to enlarge your dragon, click here

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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