Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
Wasting years on an obscure forum full of mentally ill ppl unable to reach any useful conclusion = a better solution.

@Northstar lmao, you actually agree with this idiot. I see you try to undermine ppl who got themselves typed.. at every turn. Maybe they are right, you actually do seem to value pragmatic logic aka Te.

Insecurity is a pathetic bitch. >muh money muh resources muh Te t.western yuropean first worlder for whom this is pocket change

e_e you fuckers could just type yourselves or don't and then reassert your own logic as to why you think you are x type regardless of results based on your own understanding.. and be done with it, flawed or not.. but to waste time on a system where you are too chikenshit to spend resources on and give reasons such as "muh wasted resources" or "muh charlatan Gulenko".. when you partially rely on model G and his information is incoherent bullshit!

This isn't the first time I see this garbage, ive fucking had it with your bullshit! Fuck your Te reasons. First few times it was annoying.. I'm unbelievably pissed now. I could strangle every Te user on this God forsaken forum.. starting with Adam.
YES!!!!! I support this!!! Adam is derpy and uses this forum to talk about his loserly sex life. North gaslights ppl who get typed cuz he knows he can’t trick G. Only ppl get scared of G cuz they’re afraid their delusions will shatter and they won’t get the type that they want. Pathetic.