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Thread: Types and art

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    Rusal's Avatar
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    Default Types and art

    How does any type do art?

    Or what does each type aspire to?

    There seems to be a small debate about IEs and art. It appears that there is a somewhat romantic notion that artists imprint their soul in art and that the lead function is the soul. Crazy nights of inspiration composing into the wee hours. If they are Si-lead but can’t put impressions on canvas, tough luck.

    But in model A the lead function is accepting. The one that is producing and verbal and my addition the most cherished of the producing and verbals is the activating, the HA of each type.

    I see it in NT artists of alpha: they release songs that tackle the feeling of physical discomfort, they publish statements about other artists congratulating them on how happy they made their audience, the highest achievement a public figure could aspire to. They feel they’ve tapped into something.

    So I mantain that the HA is what guides artist in their most cherished output. In accordance to their quadra. An INTj can write a song in Ti language and be OK with it or go into something more difficult to access and feel like he or she has accomplished something unique resignifying a genre of music when they create a song ‘people can dance to’. An INFP will want to bring Ti to make sense of their intuition of time. ISFps will never be sure of the full truth and consequently aspire to widen the scope something can be experienced or looked at, so there can be something phenomenological about their output, etc.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    But in model A the lead function is accepting.
    There are different _hypotheses_ in Socionics. Some of them deserve lesser trust.
    Accepting/productive functions hypothesis is among doubtful ones, as besides based on nothing has significant contradiction to Jung. Leading function is the main way to perceive the world and to act in it.

    Besides strenght, there is influence of valued functions - on average predisposition of tastes.
    For example. Se valued types (compared to Si valued) have more interest to dark/pain/disharmony/violence themes. Si valued types more like natural beauty themes. T types (compared to F type) are more attracted to abstract themes, which are lesser people/living beings accented. etc

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    persimmonism's Avatar
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    I've been thinking about what you proposed for a bit, but I can't think of how my art may be influenced by Ti. I'd characterize my art more as lacking in Te than as containing Ti.

    I play piano as well as sketch and paint. I see my artistic expression as mostly Ni/Fi/Fe with perhaps a hint of Se. Fluid, messy, with a bit of an edge. i like it when my art contains subtle drama and darkness.

    Some people I know:
    -ESE: very Ti-ish style, IMO. She prefers watercolor. It's a bit strange to me because watercolor is one of the loosest and most fluid mediums there are (I think), but she always paints perfectly in between the lines. This is a opposite from my style.
    -ESI: very Fi + Ni/Se. dark-ish. not Fe dramatic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    I've been thinking about what you proposed for a bit, but I can't think of how my art may be influenced by Ti. I'd characterize my art more as lacking in Te than as containing Ti.

    I play piano as well as sketch and paint. I see my artistic expression as mostly Ni/Fi/Fe with perhaps a hint of Se. Fluid, messy, with a bit of an edge. i like it when my art contains subtle drama and darkness.

    Some people I know:
    -ESE: very Ti-ish style, IMO. She prefers watercolor. It's a bit strange to me because watercolor is one of the loosest and most fluid mediums there are (I think), but she always paints perfectly in between the lines. This is a opposite from my style.
    -ESI: very Fi + Ni/Se. dark-ish. not Fe dramatic.
    Yes, quadra plays a role!

    What I’m arguing is that what a good number of artists will consider an accomplishment is not what is missing from their work but rather a valued function that is not easily within reach but that propels them. So, for example, neither Ni nor Si will be streamlined into art. It’s not that direct and is just not how the subject artist is formed.

    The case of ISFp is exemplary. Human passions and ‘hard times’ hold no luster for them for the most part in a healthy one. Si makes them look at those as if from behind a glass. Without these ISFp look at objects and try to apply mobilizing Ti to get something worthy. In a more playful alpha fashion the object of consideration is anything worth commenting on, concrete or abstract is the same if they can hold them as objects of reflection. Artiscally there can be hints of a formalistic persona about them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    Yes, quadra plays a role!

    What I’m arguing is that what a good number of artists will consider an accomplishment is not what is missing from their work but rather a valued function that is not easily within reach but that propels them. So, for example, neither Ni nor Si will be streamlined into art. It’s not that direct and is just not how the subject artist is formed.

    The case of ISFp is exemplary. Human passions and ‘hard times’ hold no luster for them for the most part in a healthy one. Si makes them look at those as if from behind a glass. Without these ISFp look at objects and try to apply mobilizing Ti to get something worthy (?). In a more playful alpha fashion the object of consideration is anything worth commenting on, concrete or abstract is the same if they can hold them as objects of reflection. Artiscally there can be hints of a formalistic persona about them.
    Personally, I can think of no instance when incorporating Ti in my work (in part because I'm not sure what it even means) has fulfilled me.
    Are you an artist? If so, can you give personal examples of experiencing this?

    I somewhat agree with what the first bolded sentence, but I don't think it's only for the HA.

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    Art is nice to look at. I enjoy it immensly. It tickles something in the back of my head sometimes. I don't collect much art, although I do collections. Most art I learn about is simply put to expand my understanding of a genre I enjoy. These genres don't conform to anything hard, it's just stuff that sounds the same. Like there's a distinct style to early nintendo big sellers. Kirby/Pokemon/Smash music.

    I also enjoy other music, like classical epics, and that's a larger genre than the more niche one I described earlier. I used to go through and study Fran's Liszt's Totentanz and a list of other works every day on schedule in highschool. Prokofiev's something in D minor was on that list. I considered that to be the transcendental music. Now, I don't know what type I represent, but that is supremely representative of something, so take that as an example.

    Also, currently, I discovered the beatles, but I'm in the midst of falling out of that, and into a period of boredom with what I listen to, and falling back on my childhood, hence why I meantioned pokemon and kirby.

    That's listening to music. On performing and creating, there's another sizable paragraph. I can't go off on it now, but just know I find it incredibly enjoyable.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Personally, I can think of no instance when incorporating Ti in my work (in part because I'm not sure what it even means) has fulfilled me.
    Are you an artist? If so, can you give personal examples of experiencing this?

    I somewhat agree with what the first bolded sentence, but I don't think it's only for the HA.
    It’s from observation in college. We carry our HA everywhere with us, so Ti mob. ISFp will have more attachment to works where they can ‘spin a new one’ on a object than an INTj. Mob. Ti should mean a different thing for beta. Maybe you’re working for yourself and haven’t felt the pressure to put out out something that taxing, where in competition you would feel activating Ti more. The ideal would be to enroll in an academy and be exposed to lots of theory and see what your Ti does with that.
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