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Thread: How people with each TIM might have distinct facets of EQ to work on.

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    Default How people with each TIM might have distinct facets of EQ to work on.

    What does each type likely have an easier time with? What about their challenges?

    Genos model of emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour

    disconnection versus presence
    insensitivity vs. empathy
    untrustworthiness vs. genuineness
    limited vs. expansive
    temperamental vs. resilient
    indifferent vs. empowering

    Rachel Green has about half the TIM's EQ styles written up as she sees them:

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    To EQ relates only to T/F.
    The strenght of both E/I kinds of a function is similar. valued variant has better skills due to higher interest to that.

    Also there can be indirect relation of S/N. N types better understand the whole situation. Not only emotions but also why they are and hence this may improve understanding of people and ways to influence on their emotions.

    > insensitivity vs. empathy

    All T types have similar issues with EQ.
    Weak functions may be developed and skills there improved. It's easier to do through valued weak regions. Close psyche distance with F types and practice help to develop that.

    > untrustworthiness vs. genuineness
    > disconnection versus presence

    This relates to any of functions. The stronger a function is - the more you perceive, may better deal with that region, express it with more assurance etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    To EQ relates only to T/F.
    The strenght of both E/I kinds of a function is similar. valued variant has better skills due to higher interest to that.

    Also there can be indirect relation of S/N. N types better understand the whole situation. Not only emotions but also why they are and hence this may improve understanding of people and ways to influence on their emotions.

    > insensitivity vs. empathy

    All T types have similar issues with EQ.
    Weak functions may be developed and skills there improved. It's easier to do through valued weak regions. Close psyche distance with F types and practice help to develop that.

    > untrustworthiness vs. genuineness
    > disconnection versus presence

    This relates to any of functions. The stronger a function is - the more you perceive, may better deal with that region, express it with more assurance etc.
    You started with a statement that excludes other IE being involved beyond F and T. Then you listed the ways those other IE are, in fact, involved.

    But T types aren't consistently worse with EQ. LIE are great at cheering up ESI, for example. The ability to rouse/rally someone is largely an EQ skill. And many a thinker does that

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    This is obvi overgeneralizing so not to be taken *extremely* seriously

    but say an ability test assessing cognitive empathy (along with affective) - biased towards general understanding of *humanity*, human beings, the mental world of someone in all its glory - not just “empathy,” but a deep and vast ranging cognitive/emotional “ability” - well that might be more biased towards the NFs as compared to the IQ test that seems to lean NT

    - kind of a tangent on the EQ stuff
    it just surprised me that this ability, which I see as having a strong cognitive component doesn’t seem to figure into the idea of “intelligence” that much - that have I come across anyway - and if indeed IQ is NT biased does it really measure ‘general’ intelligence

    perhaps I also don’t know enough about this… but some thoughts based on what I do gather

    now ofc NTs also have this ability it’s not either/or but theirs is a more mechanical bent and I don’t know this best approximates what I would call the human realm; but ofc they are different types of insights

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    What does each type likely have an easier time with? What about their challenges?

    Genos model of emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour

    disconnection versus presence
    insensitivity vs. empathy
    untrustworthiness vs. genuineness
    limited vs. expansive
    temperamental vs. resilient
    indifferent vs. empowering

    Rachel Green has about half the TIM's EQ styles written up as she sees them:
    this is really rough but just some ideas

    S could correspond with attuned to observing the physical or tangible self as it relates to "reading the mind" (affective empathy/mentalization being sort of the other side of cognitive)
    N could correspond to theorizing motivations/emotions/desires etc. beyond what is directly perceivable (all humans do it but N types may be especially biased towards this)
    F could correspond to being especially sensitive to feelings/emotions the "intangible" or non-mechanistic self, cues
    T could correspond to being sensitive to the cognitive side of mentalizing, perhaps relying on it to suss out emotion-related mentalizing as well

    I know it doesn't directly address every aspect of "EQ" more so hints at it

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    100% discount theum nathair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    this is really rough but just some ideas

    S could correspond with attuned to observing the physical or tangible self as it relates to "reading the mind" (affective empathy/mentalization being sort of the other side of cognitive)
    N could correspond to theorizing motivations/emotions/desires etc. beyond what is directly perceivable (all humans do it but N types may be especially biased towards this)
    F could correspond to being especially sensitive to feelings/emotions the "intangible" or non-mechanistic self, cues
    T could correspond to being sensitive to the cognitive side of mentalizing, perhaps relying on it to suss out emotion-related mentalizing as well

    I know it doesn't directly address every aspect of "EQ" more so hints at it
    quite a good start

    to return with another rough analysis (I want to do this justice, but it's nearly time to leave, and if I wait I'll never reply lol)... your descriptions are good for Si, Ne, Fe, and Te

    Ni by contrast might have an idea of what one will do... so an Ne ignoring type (IXI) might not mentally register the why so much although they've perhaps collected similar data -- and the knowledge may lead to action or inaction where convention and indeed personal praxis would ordinarily raise objections. Ni also -- all Ni ego types-- will sacrifice themselves, the comfort of the group (even beta) and other aspects to create a temporarily-worse situation that exposes a problem or has the potential of aligning things better in future
    Se has a type of 'read' on people as well. It would be good for someone else to elaborate on this; it's not really mental imo... it's actually sort of emotional intelligence -- if you follow an Se-base's eyes, when someone is getting cold feet the Se-base might be looking straight at them lol
    Fi isn't so much about feelings (ephemeral) but the way humans have connected, which can lead to more static insights, e.g., Person A will always forgive Person B because they've that sort of relationship. Fi-seeking behaviour in LXE is characterised by a constant, sometimes nonverbal, stream of 'what type of relationship have we got here' lol
    Ti idk it has little emotional intelligence. It adheres to rules -- justice over compassion sometimes -- so it is at least impartial which can be the best course in many situations

    This is an interesting thread and my post hasn't done it justice. An EIE might lure the team into a state of improved morale and cohesiveness, but an SLI might only see this as more work, and the lack of response might be interpreted coolly by the EIE, whose small hints might be taken by the SLI as emotional blackmail... Everyone on the planet could probably improve EQ by increasing in flexibility

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