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Thread: A Little Social Experiment

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    Default A Little Social Experiment

    Alright, so it's pretty clear now that the recent presidential election was rigged for anyone with half a brain cell that remained functional. Your thoughts and feelings about that? I require/desire data from everyone here. Would you be OK with Biden getting into office despite obvious fraud, or would you choke back your vomit and accept that Trump actually won and fully accept that?

    How about your predictions on what happens in either/many a case? I am curious. Let's see how diverse the thought actually is here .

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    I don't care much, but can you explain the "obvious fraud" for those of us who haven't been paying attention?

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Regarding the question of what will happen in either case, I believe that most Americans will accept the outcome and will just go on with their business. That’s what I did when Bush was declared the winner over Gore. I mean, not a single person I knew said they would vote for Bush, and yet he won. I could not believe it.

    But everyone just accepted the outcome because Americans believe in the rule of law and life went on. I imagine that will happen again this time, too. America has a lot of problems in the world it needs to deal with, and if Trump and Biden voters are fighting each other, someone else is going to be eating our lunch.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Alright, so it's pretty clear now that the recent presidential election was rigged for anyone with half a brain cell that remained functional. Your thoughts and feelings about that? I require/desire data from everyone here. Would you be OK with Biden getting into office despite obvious fraud, or would you choke back your vomit and accept that Trump actually won and fully accept that?

    How about your predictions on what happens in either/many a case? I am curious. Let's see how diverse the thought actually is here .
    Seems to be faulty premise.


    "The strategy may have played well in front of television cameras and on talk radio to Trump’s supporters. But it has proved a disaster in court, where judges uniformly rejected their claims of vote fraud and found the campaign’s legal work amateurish.In a scathing ruling late Saturday, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann — a Republican and Federalist Society member in central Pennsylvania — compared the campaign’s legal arguments to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” concluding that Trump’s team offered only “speculative accusations,” not proof of rampant corruption."


    "Trump’s efforts in Pennsylvania show how far he is willing to push baseless theories of widespread voter fraud, even as the legal doors close on his attempts to have courts do what voters would not do on Election Day and deliver him a second term."


    "Just heating up was Trump’s plan to subvert the election through litigation and howls of fraud — the same tactic he had used to stave off losses in the business world."


    "The president’s lawyers fought the three-day grace period for mail-in ballots to arrive. They complained they weren’t being let in to observe the vote count. They said Democratic counties unfairly let voters fix mistakes on their ballot envelopes. Everywhere they turned, they said, they sniffed fraud.

    “I felt insidious fraud going on,” Philadelphia poll watcher Lisette Tarragano said when Giuliani called her to the microphone at the landscaping company.

    In fact, a Republican runs the city’s election board, and has said his office got death threats as Trump’s rants about the election intensified. No judges ever found any evidence of election fraud in Pennsylvania or any other state where the campaign sued — not in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada or Georgia."

    It's rated as one of the LEAST BIASED RIGHT OR LEFT news sources and ranks "Very-High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record."

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    OP, it doesn't matter which one wins, they are both pawns.
    Also this shows why democracy is pure garbage always was.

  6. #6
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    There is no clear evidence at all, just suspicions which I'm more than happy to entertain. It would be foolish to fall for the "lack of evidence is evidence of abstinence" trap.

    I was actually rooting for Trump to find election fraud, it would only bolster the US belief in democracy and democracy as a whole. If Trump was cheated, who else was cheated, it would be interesting to put every election for the past 20-30 years under scrutiny.

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    bernie had it all figured out before the election.

    good example of strong Ni. glad trump is gone and I agree with Adam. don't think Biden will be that much better, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    I was actually rooting for Trump to find election fraud, it would only bolster the US belief in democracy and democracy as a whole. If Trump was cheated, who else was cheated, it would be interesting to put every election for the past 20-30 years under scrutiny.
    To the bolded - why do you think that?

    Wouldn't it actually weaken belief in US democracy and in democracy as a whole? If a system is found out to be broken, people lose their faith in it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Alright, so it's pretty clear now that the recent presidential election was rigged for anyone with half a brain cell that remained functional.
    There is no evidence of any such thing.

    I require/desire data from everyone here.
    Dude, the onus is on you to provide data here. You claim voter fraud, and yet all supposed "evidence" of this, such as ballots being burned, were confirmed to be false. There shouldn't even be a debate on this as long as noone can find serious proof of voter fraud.

    Republicans have been stewing in paranioa about voter fraud for ages now, when there is in fact very little evidence it exists, or that it makes any difference in the outcome of elections if it does. Note that when I say "Republicans" I am not taking the side of Democrats either, but I do think such claims are dangerous in the end.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    To the bolded - why do you think that?

    Wouldn't it actually weaken belief in US democracy and in democracy as a whole? If a system is found out to be broken, people lose their faith in it.
    It would signify that the system has the ability to correct itself and therefore be robust and worth preserving.

    If there was more evidence of election fraud without an investigation/cover-up it would just prove that the system is fundamentally broken.

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    :popcorn: Capitalist Pig's Avatar
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    I was open to the possibility of election fraud, but the more I wait the more unlikely it seems. I accept that Biden will be the next President of the United States of America, but I don't believe his administration will be any better or any worse than the Trump administration. His election has a net zero effect on how fucked our country is.
    Last edited by Capitalist Pig; 12-01-2020 at 04:18 PM.

  12. #12


    Maybe we add to the fraud by giving them more attention

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    For those of us with more than half of a brain cell, it's not so obvious.

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    From Kevin Drum:

    Why is President Trump continuing to loudly claim that the election was a fraud? Why is he filing lawsuit after lawsuit, each more ridiculous than the last? One possibility, of course, is that he’s unhinged from reality and truly believes he was robbed. But then again, there’s also this:

    President Trump has raised about $170 million since Election Day as his campaign operation has continued to aggressively solicit donations with hyped-up appeals that have funded his fruitless attempts to overturn the election and that have seeded his post-presidential political ambitions, according to a person familiar with the matter….Instead of slowing down after the election, Mr. Trump’s campaign has ratcheted up its volume of email solicitations for cash, telling supporters that money was needed for an “Election Defense Fund.”

    Of this haul, about $130 million has gone into a new leadership PAC, Save America, that’s essentially a Trump slush fund. There are few restrictions on what he can do with it, and it’s a good bet that practically none of it is going into his efforts to challenge the election. Trump just wants a big pile of money for his future use.

    But what will he do with this stash? If he were anyone else, I’d guess that he’s planning to use it to keep himself in the public eye and possibly set the stage for a future run at the presidency. But Trump being Trump, it’s also possible that he’s just interested in a quasi-legal way of paying for his personal jet and his personal staff and the upkeep on Mar-a-Lago. In other words, it’s a pure grift.

    It is worth remembering that Trump has a record of using campaign funds to pay hush money to mistresses. So all the people who are sending him money to "keep up the fight" have the gratitude of Trump's whores, past and present and future. YOU, people, are making all this possible. And I'm sure that Trump will thank you. Sometime. If he remembers.

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    ... And another person added my ignore list! These threads are getting pretty empty now. It feels so calm and pleasant to be rid of nonsense, like walking through a colorful New England forest in autumn.
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    For a moment I was hoping this thread was about Belarus, then the OP had to go and fuck it up by mentioning Biden.

    OP wouldn't last two seconds in a room with Corn Pop. He was a bad dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    There is no evidence of any such thing.
    Wow. I didn't think the brainwashing went this far. Well, rather, I did, but damned if I thought you'd claim such BS. See, at this point, most anyone who hates Trump can and does admit that the numbers don't exactly add up... right before they proclaim that it doesn't fucking matter so long as Bad Orange Man is no longer in office.

    Ponder that one for a mere moment. Are you really comfortable with a power elite that can officially rig any and all elections going forward on any and all levels to get whatever ends they're going for henceforth if that Faustian Bargain gets Donald Drumpf out of office? Are you totally OK with living under what amounts to a neo-feudal system with a farce of "democracy" covering that fact up if only the Orange... Well, it starts with an H and yet I'm sure I'll get insta-banned if I type it out.

    Point is, if you think this election is in any way legit you are the delusional one. Is your hate for the likes of me that absolute? Would you giggle with glee if you boiled me in excrement? I can tell you I would not were the situation reversed. Sadly, this is the current state of the left. They don't just want us conservatives to go away. They want us to die horribly in the most excruciating and humiliatingly ways possible. Yeah, forgive me for refusing that offer and offering the counter of dueling middle fingers. They don't even have the guts to prepare the vats of shit themselves...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    See, at this point, most anyone who hates Trump can and does admit that the numbers don't exactly add up... right before they proclaim that it doesn't fucking matter so long as Bad Orange Man is no longer in office.

    Ponder that one for a mere moment. Are you really comfortable with a power elite that can officially rig any and all elections going forward on any and all levels to get whatever ends they're going for henceforth if that Faustian Bargain gets Donald Drumpf out of office? Are you totally OK with living under what amounts to a neo-feudal system with a farce of "democracy" covering that fact up if only the Orange... Well, it starts with an H and yet I'm sure I'll get insta-banned if I type it out.

    Point is, if you think this election is in any way legit you are the delusional one. Is your hate for the likes of me that absolute? Would you giggle with glee if you boiled me in excrement? I can tell you I would not were the situation reversed. Sadly, this is the current state of the left. They don't just want us conservatives to go away. They want us to die horribly in the most excruciating and humiliatingly ways possible. Yeah, forgive me for refusing that offer and offering the counter of dueling middle fingers. They don't even have the guts to prepare the vats of shit themselves...
    That whole assertion is unsupported by you. Show us the concrete detail in reputable sources so that we can believe what you're asking us to believe.

    EVERY legal source and every reputable media source are indicating the exact opposite of what you are insisting all rational ppl believe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Wow. I didn't think the brainwashing went this far. Well, rather, I did, but damned if I thought you'd claim such BS. See, at this point, most anyone who hates Trump can and does admit that the numbers don't exactly add up... right before they proclaim that it doesn't fucking matter so long as Bad Orange Man is no longer in office.

    Ponder that one for a mere moment. Are you really comfortable with a power elite that can officially rig any and all elections going forward on any and all levels to get whatever ends they're going for henceforth if that Faustian Bargain gets Donald Drumpf out of office? Are you totally OK with living under what amounts to a neo-feudal system with a farce of "democracy" covering that fact up if only the Orange... Well, it starts with an H and yet I'm sure I'll get insta-banned if I type it out.

    Point is, if you think this election is in any way legit you are the delusional one. Is your hate for the likes of me that absolute? Would you giggle with glee if you boiled me in excrement? I can tell you I would not were the situation reversed. Sadly, this is the current state of the left. They don't just want us conservatives to go away. They want us to die horribly in the most excruciating and humiliatingly ways possible. Yeah, forgive me for refusing that offer and offering the counter of dueling middle fingers. They don't even have the guts to prepare the vats of shit themselves...
    so on one hand you write in the op how you are "curious how diverse the thoughts here are", then uncle ave writes a neutral sentence that is absolutely reasonable and you answer with an autsistic rant how he's brainwashed and the left wants you to die. ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Wow. I didn't think the brainwashing went this far. Well, rather, I did, but damned if I thought you'd claim such BS. See, at this point, most anyone who hates Trump can and does admit that the numbers don't exactly add up... right before they proclaim that it doesn't fucking matter so long as Bad Orange Man is no longer in office.

    Ponder that one for a mere moment. Are you really comfortable with a power elite that can officially rig any and all elections going forward on any and all levels to get whatever ends they're going for henceforth if that Faustian Bargain gets Donald Drumpf out of office? Are you totally OK with living under what amounts to a neo-feudal system with a farce of "democracy" covering that fact up if only the Orange... Well, it starts with an H and yet I'm sure I'll get insta-banned if I type it out.

    Point is, if you think this election is in any way legit you are the delusional one. Is your hate for the likes of me that absolute? Would you giggle with glee if you boiled me in excrement? I can tell you I would not were the situation reversed. Sadly, this is the current state of the left. They don't just want us conservatives to go away. They want us to die horribly in the most excruciating and humiliatingly ways possible. Yeah, forgive me for refusing that offer and offering the counter of dueling middle fingers. They don't even have the guts to prepare the vats of shit themselves...
    You're still not providing evidence.
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    @End you're assuming alot about my motives, really.

    You're right that I don't like Trump, because I think he is a shit human being, and it's interesting how Christians rally behind him as he's about the least Christian president I have seen in my lifetime (I'm not Christian, just pointing that out because it needs to be said). I do think some of his policies are not a total failure, and he was better for foreign policy than the establishment crowd, simply because he didn't start all these wars.

    I did largely prefer Biden to win, simply because he's not the type to deliberataly throw gas on the fire when it comes to all the divisions in America (which are not the fault of Trump but rather, the Trump movement came to be because of the social tensions in America).

    That being said, you're assuming alot about my motives, no? I just haven't seen any serious proof of voter fraud. All supposed proofs seem to come from Q-Anon style conspiracy sources, not serious ones. Over and over again, there is a pattern. "We" are not being lied to, you are being lied to when you look at these sources and believe them. In the early Trump days his campaign and followers would refer to "alternative facts". There is no such thing, facts are facts, they are not alternative, that's called bullshit.

    You're talking like I'm on some crusade to eliminate conservatives, don't you think that's a bit paranoid of you, no offense? The problem is that alot of conservative arguments, especially the ones concerning lifestyle choices and gender roles, don't really hold up to reason, and so I think alot of conservatives who hold onto these things feel obselete. What may have worked for generations past doesn't work too well for this generation, and so arguing certain things in the public sphere nowadays just isn't taken seriously because there is no reason to believe them. Same with alot of fundamentalist Christian arguments, when they try to challenge science. Yes, you have SJWs on one hand who are paranoid and aggressive and want to shut down the speech of conservatives, I'm not denying that, but it's important not to confuse SJW paranioa with reasonable arguments against your own position.

    I don't have anything against you personally, nor against "the likes of you" as you put it (other conservatives). I don't consider myself left-wing. I like to say I'm a libertarian at heart, but a centrist in the head.
    Last edited by Ave; 12-02-2020 at 07:55 AM.
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    Old sin casts long shadow.
    Last edited by khcs; 12-02-2020 at 03:09 PM.

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    I don't care. American politics will always be an indecent carnival of blood-soaked diarrhea and my soul is tainted for ever opining on it. Just Turn It Off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    @End you're assuming alot about my motives, really.

    You're right that I don't like Trump, because I think he is a shit human being, and it's interesting how Christians rally behind him as he's about the least Christian president I have seen in my lifetime (I'm not Christian, just pointing that out because it needs to be said). I do think some of his policies are not a total failure, and he was better for foreign policy than the establishment crowd, simply because he didn't start all these wars.

    I did largely prefer Biden to win, simply because he's not the type to deliberataly throw gas on the fire when it comes to all the divisions in America (which are not the fault of Trump but rather, the Trump movement came to be because of the social tensions in America).

    That being said, you're assuming alot about my motives, no? I just haven't seen any serious proof of voter fraud. All supposed proofs seem to come from Q-Anon style conspiracy sources, not serious ones. Over and over again, there is a pattern. "We" are not being lied to, you are being lied to when you look at these sources and believe them. In the early Trump days his campaign and followers would refer to "alternative facts". There is no such thing, facts are facts, they are not alternative, that's called bullshit.

    You're talking like I'm on some crusade to eliminate conservatives, don't you think that's a bit paranoid of you, no offense? The problem is that alot of conservative arguments, especially the ones concerning lifestyle choices and gender roles, don't really hold up to reason, and so I think alot of conservatives who hold onto these things feel obselete. What may have worked for generations past doesn't work too well for this generation, and so arguing certain things in the public sphere nowadays just isn't taken seriously because there is no reason to believe them. Same with alot of fundamentalist Christian arguments, when they try to challenge science. Yes, you have SJWs on one hand who are paranoid and aggressive and want to shut down the speech of conservatives, I'm not denying that, but it's important not to confuse SJW paranioa with reasonable arguments against your own position.

    I don't have anything against you personally, nor against "the likes of you" as you put it (other conservatives). I don't consider myself left-wing. I like to say I'm a libertarian at heart, but a centrist in the head.
    Trump may be a shit human being, but at least he's demonstrably a functional one. Biden is a dementia patient. Say what you will about Trump, at least his brain still works to a capacity that'd pass a universal standard. One would think that you'd rather have that leading your nation over a being that'd be all to easy to manipulate...

    Though, in regards to your contention that I am being a bit paranoid about the commies coming for me, well, let's conduct a little thought experiment. To drive this point home in hopefully an absolute sense.

    Say I just flat out shot a T-word who was hitting on my children in a sexual manner quite aggressively? How do you think CNN/the MSN would report on that story? Am I the hero or the villain?

    I do want to hear your answer. It'll tell me all I need to know about you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I don't care. American politics will always be an indecent carnival of blood-soaked diarrhea and my soul is tainted for ever opining on it. Just Turn It Off.
    If only it were that simple. Hardcore policy buffs like myself do greatly enjoy calling the European Nations "The Provinces". Though I'd also say said Anglo/Eurocentric asshats are damn close to re-enslaving their former most profitable colony to their empire.

    Here's hoping I'm wrong about that as one who will most certainly not survive if they succeed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Trump may be a shit human being, but at least he's demonstrably a functional one. Biden is a dementia patient. Say what you will about Trump, at least his brain still works to a capacity that'd pass a universal standard. One would think that you'd rather have that leading your nation over a being that'd be all to easy to manipulate...

    Though, in regards to your contention that I am being a bit paranoid about the commies coming for me, well, let's conduct a little thought experiment. To drive this point home in hopefully an absolute sense.

    Say I just flat out shot a T-word who was hitting on my children in a sexual manner quite aggressively? How do you think CNN/the MSN would report on that story? Am I the hero or the villain?

    I do want to hear your answer. It'll tell me all I need to know about you.
    I feel weird being "interogated" this way, given that it's such a trick-sounding question you ask. If there is something you want to know about me, you can ask me directly.

    I will just say that the MSM tends to portray people who have been victims of crimes of abuse on hand as saints and those who perpetrate them as villains, as if the two tendencies, abuser and victim, couldn't coexist within the same person (they often do, most abusers have at some point been victims, which isn't to excuse their behavior). I guess people need to classify what happens into neat little categories with no nuance in between. We've discussed this before, about heroes and villains, not specifically about how it applies to real people and how they tend to be presented in the media.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Trump may be a shit human being, but at least he's demonstrably a functional one. Biden is a dementia patient. Say what you will about Trump, at least his brain still works to a capacity that'd pass a universal standard. One would think that you'd rather have that leading your nation over a being that'd be all to easy to manipulate...

    Though, in regards to your contention that I am being a bit paranoid about the commies coming for me, well, let's conduct a little thought experiment. To drive this point home in hopefully an absolute sense.

    Say I just flat out shot a T-word who was hitting on my children in a sexual manner quite aggressively? How do you think CNN/the MSN would report on that story? Am I the hero or the villain?

    I do want to hear your answer. It'll tell me all I need to know about you.
    @End, by T-word, do you mean Trump grabbed your daughter by the p——y? And you shot him for it?

    I think that CNN would write that you shot the president and you’d be in trouble. I think that law enforcement would say you responded with more force than the situation called for. But personally, I’d post your bail.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I feel weird being "interogated" this way, given that it's such a trick-sounding question you ask. If there is something you want to know about me, you can ask me directly.

    I will just say that the MSM tends to portray people who have been victims of crimes of abuse on hand as saints and those who perpetrate them as villains, as if the two tendencies, abuser and victim, couldn't coexist within the same person (they often do, most abusers have at some point been victims, which isn't to excuse their behavior). I guess people need to classify what happens into neat little categories with no nuance in between. We've discussed this before, about heroes and villains, not specifically about how it applies to real people and how they tend to be presented in the media.
    Well, I got test for ya then. Y'know what it is. Ya don't have to be genuine, hell, you can say every last syllable in as sarcastic a tone as you can manage. And yet, I wager my literal nuts you can't do that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @End, by T-word, do you mean Trump grabbed your daughter by the p——y? And you shot him for it?

    I think that CNN would write that you shot the president and you’d be in trouble. I think that law enforcement would say you responded with more force than the situation called for. But personally, I’d post your bail.
    I tried to type out the actual word I was going for but it got auto-censored. Trump had nothing to do with it. Rather, follow that T with a double "R" and an "N" and than a "Y" and you ought to catch my drift. I shoot one of those because reasons. How do you think that story would unfold?

    This rather obvious unfolding of events is exactly the reason why you don't see the likes of me engaging in violence. Why the fuck would I ever fuel the narratives of my mortal enemies? Why the fucking hell would I give my enemies even a sliver of a scintilla of what they desire of me?

    No. Fuck em'. They can do their own damn dirty work. I'll stick to charity and the hope you'll come around to the truth...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I tried to type out the actual word I was going for but it got auto-censored. Trump had nothing to do with it. Rather, follow that T with a double "R" and an "N" and than a "Y" and you ought to catch my drift. I shoot one of those because reasons. How do you think that story would unfold?

    This rather obvious unfolding of events is exactly the reason why you don't see the likes of me engaging in violence. Why the fuck would I ever fuel the narratives of my mortal enemies? Why the fucking hell would I give my enemies even a sliver of a scintilla of what they desire of me?

    No. Fuck em'. They can do their own damn dirty work. I'll stick to charity and the hope you'll come around to the truth...
    So, if I read you correctly, you basically want to commit acts of violence against people, including transexuals because of their choices, and yet you are afraid to because of the fact you would have to answer for your acts? And so you stick to doing charity work instead of violence, not because you have a heart and because you consider that violence is wrong, but because, you know, charity work won't get you into trouble.

    What kind of a disturbing confession is this? I hope I misunderstood...your posts are not always very clear.

    Quote Originally Posted by End
    Well, I got test for ya then. Y'know what it is. Ya don't have to be genuine, hell, you can say every last syllable in as sarcastic a tone as you can manage. And yet, I wager my literal nuts you can't do that...
    I have no idea what this is about, I don't even want to know tbh.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    So, if I read you correctly, you basically want to commit acts of violence against people, including transexuals because of their choices, and yet you are afraid to because of the fact you would have to answer for your acts? And so you stick to doing charity work instead of violence, not because you have a heart and because you consider that violence is wrong, but because, you know, charity work won't get you into trouble.

    What kind of a disturbing confession is this? I hope I misunderstood...your posts are not always very clear.

    I have no idea what this is about, I don't even want to know tbh.
    While @End might be very conservative and he might not be OK with transexuals because of their choices, it's not accurate to further assume that he has no morals. According to this video, he might have more moral categories than liberals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    While @End might be very conservative and he might not be OK with transexuals because of their choices, it's not accurate to further assume that he has no morals. According to this video, he might have more moral categories than liberals.
    While I'm aware of this theory, and I think there is something to it, I didn't know what he meant, so I thought it fair to ask him.

    After all, agree with LGBT choices or no, most conservatives I know don't believe it is morally right to initiate violence against people.

    End's formulation is a bit weird, I am not sure what he means exactly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    While I'm aware of this theory, and I think there is something to it, I didn't know what he meant, so I thought it fair to ask him.

    After all, agree with LGBT choices or no, most conservatives I know don't believe it is morally right to initiate violence against people.

    End's formulation is a bit weird, I am not sure what he means exactly.
    @Uncle Ave, you are right. The best thing is to ask @End what he meant. I didn’t mean to try to interpret what you said, either. I’m sorry if what I wrote implied that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Uncle Ave, you are right. The best thing is to ask @End what he meant. I didn’t mean to try to interpret what you said, either. I’m sorry if what I wrote implied that.
    No worries, it didn't . You were just making a (fair) point about liberals and conservatives and their sense morality being different, I got you.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    While I'm aware of this theory, and I think there is something to it, I didn't know what he meant, so I thought it fair to ask him.

    After all, agree with LGBT choices or no, most conservatives I know don't believe it is morally right to initiate violence against people.

    End's formulation is a bit weird, I am not sure what he means exactly.
    I shall clarify then. I do agree, wholeheartedly (and with the conviction of my own faith to boot) that it is always wrong to initiate violence upon anyone Ceteris Paribus. Long story short, as we are all creations of the one true God I can't judge you in an absolute sense/kill you unless you force my hand. Like, say, if you're about to cap a baby (i.e. what abortion pretty much is), or about to summarily execute me because I dared to say that there are only two genders and they're both different. In that instance, I can waste your ass guilt/judgement free. For another fun example, look up how and why the Crusades actually got started. Those Muslims kept on poking us as one pokes a rock while failing to realize it's a bear in hibernation. If you manage to wake that bear up... Oh boy, you best believe that fuck up is 100 percent on you gosh darn it. To give a more scientific example, try banging on a nuke with a rock because you like the sound it makes. Do ya really find fault with the nuke for producing a mushroom cloud after you banged it for the thousandth time?

    If, however, you simply insult my faith or something else ultimately superficial my murder of you becomes a mortal sin on my part that damns me to the eternal fires of hell.

    Now let's take this instance of Sodomy and the claim I'd like to kill the whole lot of em'. No, I don't. Not most of them anyway. If you do the research on "the gay" you'll find quite a lot of pedophilia going on and oh yeah, gladly shooting those fuckers in the head because most of them are actually unrepentant (hence why it's a good filter for the PTB when considering who to admit into "the big club" as George Carlin so eloquently put it). If, however, you're just gay and engaging in a consenting relationship. I may find it distasteful, but I would never hurt you just because of that. Hell, I've even been hit on by gays. I was legitimately flattered, but I did inform them that while I was I just didn't swing that way.

    Like I've said many times before, you can't "force" a conversion. You can only await the opportunity to present itself. If and when you find a person in that state, then, and only then, do you try to convert them to the faith (however you may define it). Doing so before that event will not only result in failure, it'll only reinforce their belief in their own "heresies" as I'd put it. Counterproductive. I only wish I'd have realized that fact sooner...

    As I'm all about mental/social experiments, try that one out. Try to force a conversion and see what happens. I bet I'm right about that but hey, despite what ya might think I do actually relish the prospect of being proven wrong .
    Last edited by End; 12-04-2020 at 04:54 AM.

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    we are 99%

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    That's not a social experiment. Also Biden won Pennsylvania, which I expected. There's more Dems in the states he won the Reps by voter registration.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    With all these "outsider" candidates lately (Trump, Bojo, Macron, Orban, etc...), maybe it's about time for an insider to finally shake things up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Alright, so it's pretty clear now that the recent presidential election was rigged for anyone with half a brain cell that remained functional. Your thoughts and feelings about that? I require/desire data from everyone here. Would you be OK with Biden getting into office despite obvious fraud, or would you choke back your vomit and accept that Trump actually won and fully accept that?

    How about your predictions on what happens in either/many a case? I am curious. Let's see how diverse the thought actually is here .
    It was not rigged. Recounts were done by hand and the paper results matched the electronic results. Claiming people who don't agree with your opinion are stupid is just... Kinda stupid in itself.

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    This professor argues that the American religious divide is fuelled by the political divide rather than vice versa. It's normal for young people to drift away from religion only to come back once they start raising families. This is now happening much less because of the strong association between Christianity and the Republican party. Once a person's political identity is shaped (often in early adulthood), it goes on to circumscribe their religious choices—the religious identity is more malleable, and easier to change, than the political one.

    The ties between the Republican party and Christianity solidified during Ronald Reagan's presidency, but the politicization of religion and non-religion really kicked off during the cultural changes of the 1960's.

    Last edited by xerx; 12-11-2020 at 04:13 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    It was not rigged. Recounts were done by hand and the paper results matched the electronic results. Claiming people who don't agree with your opinion are stupid is just... Kinda stupid in itself.
    Perception>Reality and that didn't happen where it actually mattered. If it did, you'd see me grumble about Biden winning fair and square. It has not. Try doing some research yourself instead of blindly trusting the MSM like a good little slave for the PTB. Hope you like living in the pod and eating the bugs, because that's your/our future if you just refuse to see how obviously this election was rigged somehow.

    This is fast heading towards my second predicted outcome that, while I am fine with it, I didn't want at all because it means hot Civil War 2.0 is a go within the next year or two. I and my ilk did not and do not want that because we know and understand what war is when fought on a moral level like what's coming. It is a total war. A war to the blade, tooth, blood, and the last man, woman, and child. Anyone who looks forward to or relishes the prospect of that is just plain stupid and is likely some kind of sociopath.

    No sane person wants that to happen, but they also know that if they don't cut that cancer out in an absolute sense by going that far they're dooming their grandchildren to fight that same conflict on a possibly larger and more horrific scale down the line. I'd direct your attention to the election map by county in any recent presidential election. Splotches of blue, oceans of red. All my side has to do is stop sending you people food! Let's see how long you last without us feeding you. I'd wager it won't be long.

    I also know what that will cause to occur in your urban citadels and, believe it or not, I don't want that to happen as I'm not a sociopath. I'll still go through with it though. I'd like to think there's some common ground we can share but more and more it seems that the likes of me and the likes of you just simply cannot peacefully coexist under the same geopolitical power structure...

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