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Thread: Alpha SFs and politics (or making sense of khcs’ typings)

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    Rusal's Avatar
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    Default Alpha SFs and politics (or making sense of khcs’ typings)

    It seems it’s not that rare for @khcs to type people in a way that goes against some of the practiced wisdom in the forum at times. In the thread of examples of Alphas, while most are trying to single out IEs from the holistics of a video, khcs presented more atypical typings, such as ISFp for George Soros or Henry Kissinger. along with the epigraphs ‘liberal world order maker’ or ‘destroyer of Western civilization’ or such others. ESFj for Merkel. How did he get at those? I asked, but got no answer.

    Let’s see if we can track down his/her reasoning then. While I’m at it, I’ll write a thing or two about dispositions in Alpha SFs, regardless of whether khcs typings are correct or not.

    I might’ve have said this before, but Si in the lead position works like an antenna, with the receptor being a bit at the mercy of incoming information that is constantly flowing and finds no agent that functions as a subjective dam. Many ISFps might run into trouble if asked to complete a list of their favorite everything. Sure, favorable properties of objects can be observed but that’s about it in many cases. Ti mobilizing is constantly challenging absolute truths and subsequent courses of action. Take a second to think what kind of mentality this brings forward: impersonality backed by reason. ISFps entering the political field will, as anyone, project their ways of going about life as the best one. Ultimately, this mindset envisions peak-humans not as people with passions, strong subjectivities and grand-scale narratives but as interchangeable cogs guided by rationality. Personality and group interests are quaint pecularities in the broader impersonal container: liberal democracy. And any love child.

    This should be where khcs comes in: an argument could be made that he or she is typing based not (solely) on strong or weak functions but the preference that develops when survirvability has been accounted for. An attempt to grasp the spirit of a type (even if the examples themselves have not been correctly typed).

    In the case of ESFjs, I’ve seen people attribute their taking up of some causes as a sign of undirected Fe. Look closer. Mobilizing Ne enters the equation detecting the ways (that may bypass others) in which supression of opportunities could become normative or lead to distrust with the subsequent confrontantion that disipates further resources and eats away at society. Corporativism, for example, would be a hard pill to swallow for this type. With an Si/Fe narrative of “the world is your playground” in the background , ESFj would be inclinded to oppose senseless supression and uphold tolerance.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Or, khcs could be pranking us whenever he doesn’t feel like making an accurate typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Or, khcs could be pranking us whenever he doesn’t feel like making an accurate typing.
    I tell you I'm half-expecting khcs to post a reply like 'I just did it for the lolz'. Maybe s/he sees Si+Fe as the 'good vibes among people' and goes from there. But s/he displays ha peculiar and personal method for typing. I'll give him/her that.
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    I'm often amazed how he manages to get the complete opposite result of what I'm thinking about types. being an LII, it's very easy for me to see that Merkel has the same type. almost no emotional expressions. I scratch my head every time when he comes to conclusions like ESFJ for her. I guess he's just completely relying on his imagination for typings and ignoring real data, making me think that he might be an IEI with some kind of autistic tendencies.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    My typing results are made as accurate as possible. These results are not joke.
    I believe you. Could you share what information do you take into account when you type?
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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    It is necessary to take account the dark side of each personalities. Becoming expert in psychopathology helps.
    My photo database is also large. Hundreds of examples with thousands of images.
    In addition there are very interesting research results not available to the public.

    Typology is a very deep subject.
    You should share something in writing one day. A case study of one type, at least. Truth is, even if you don't care what others think of your typings, it'd be a shame if there is something to them but that remains inaccessible to others.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Also like to type criminal cases only to see what each type is capable to do.
    These "things" are completely omitted from publicly available type descriptions.
    Truth hurts. Hurts a lot. People can not handle the truth.
    I'm also curious to learn more about the reasoning behind your typings. Since it's been mentioned in this thread, why do you type Angela Merkel ESE?

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    > ESFj for Merkel

    close to correct ENFJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Rusal View Post
    It seems it’s not that rare for @khcs to type people in a way that goes against some of the practiced wisdom in the forum at times.
    khcs is close to common case of many typing mistakes. The additional negative can be if he uses physiognomy.
    Having generally low _real_ typing matches it's evident that the accuracy is not high, in common. Also there is no objective basis still that someone types good now.
    Besides that, the reason why he catched your attention is that he posts more of own opinions and is lesser touched by conformism. So his mistakes and mismatches with others are more seen. Typing skills of most others should be similar here, if to exclude possible physiognomy factor.

    > practiced wisdom in the forum

    Besides high speculativity of typing methods, the very majority on forums are incompetent noobs having the corresponding "wisdom" and high conformism.

    Your opinion about own type as "TIM ISFp" can be wrong. It's hard to understand types correctly until you mistake in own type.
    I recommend to make a typing videointerview.

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