Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
and even if they are ETNPs (which they are not)...that still proves my point that Extraverts may appear more introverted if they are a social last subtype.
This is true. What makes you think they are "very strict" and obvious J?
Knowledge and experience.
You should really stop thinking of youself as the "law". It may be hard to realize that everything you think is not right. You seem to ignore ANY imput, from anyone. Even from those who have an insurmountable amount of more "knowledge and experiece" than you. If you have an idea, you just can't claim it's right without anything else besides claiming that you are right %100 of the time. Some people have more experience in this than you have years to your life, and I don't even take their word as perfect without considering it for myself. Learn how to two-way communicate.