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Thread: The elephant in the room

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You made good points but I don't think socionics is good at appealing to the masses, at least not in how I understand Americans. That's more of MBTI's thing- which is more career and independent based. The inter type relationships in socionics is a lot more evolved and complicated/interesting/involved. We are taught and groomed in America to be completely narcissistic and self-serving and to not pay attention to others much at all. ((only insofar as how they can advance our own careers.)) So I think most institutions just default to teaching something shittier like mbti.... but socionics is more 'real' in the sense it pierces through to real identities and relationships and the type of people that people want to be romantic with.

    In MBTI you are taught to learn about infps through the lens of our careers as being artists. It works in an incredibly shallow way but yea, it is very corporate-based. ((it's also based on truth tho cuz stereotypically, hey, I'm IEI and I also like to make art.)) In socionics you learn much more about the nuances and personality mannerisms of an INFp, and also how an IEI tends to interact with all the other types. You learn why LSEs and IEIs tend to dislike each other as they get closer with each other and why IEIs/SLEs tend to like each other etc. It's just so much more Fi.

    Honestly most people don't give a shit about that, so it doesn't appeal to the masses much. People don't like to learn about other people usually unless they do something really fucked up and shocking so they can then feel morally superior to them. It's just too gay and soap opera-y for your average American?

    But I'm gay and soap opera-y, so I like it lol.

    The masses is kinda stupid anyway. I never liked the masses. Be careful when following the masses, as the M is often silent. I don't think I would ever want socionics to become mainstream. It can't. It makes Karen's heads explode and I kinda like it for that. Karens can go back to learn mbti if they want- but even that they would do only so very shallow-y.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-15-2020 at 05:43 PM.

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