Quote Originally Posted by Cybel View Post
Frankly I genuinely think that self typing should be 90% your own journey and 10% the opinion of others. Fuck people who battle-type others. I am pretty young (personality still malleable) and not that mentally healthy, so it’s been mildly difficult with plenty of mis-steps but I feel confident with the end result, despite not really fitting a perfect stereotype. If I listened to the opinions of others this would never happen. Also I don’t really dislike the DCNH theory itself but the way it’s been applied to “stretch” a type has put me off it completely. Some forum practitioners who will not be named also reek of confirmation bias. Big G’s analysis and effort seem well-intended and thought out but the sheer length of time spent is just too short and impacts accuracy heavily. He is familiar in English but there is still a slight language barrier. His impressive expertise applies to theory only, “knowing” a person is another thing.
Self-typing does indeed start with individual interest to explore, however it doesn’t stay that way because it’s near impossible to remove yourself from the typing process and then give an unbiased assessment applying the theory to yourself. It’s really hard to look at yourself objectively and that's why people have the tendency to self-type as something they want to be, something flattering.

Cognitive type isn’t about “knowing” someone at all. It’s not about “personality” or behavior. It doesn’t measure intelligence or mental health or emotional health, either. It’s about determining the map of your thinking style and tracing the origins of how you think and motivations. For G who has 30+ years experience and he knows how to recognize the subtle nuances that laypersons don’t know about. That’s why he’s a professional and we’re hobbyists.

Quote Originally Posted by Cybel View Post
I would feel differently if these people did a lengthy contact process, even a week long, interview process like Filatova did with her wonderful portraits. But of course, the money would then only be affordable and willingly billed by rich eccentric quacks. So this is what we have. But I think a much better alternative would instead have a Ti ego write a lengthy guide on how to logically assess yourself and what areas should be payed attention to or ignored, basically a compilation of the most useful information off this site, for people who struggle in that area. Big G squad is funny as a meme but is encouraging it as a thousand times better than forum typing is kind of...meh. It is better, but still not great. This is the summary of observations.
But that’s an arbitrary amount of time from your POV. You don’t have the equal amount of experience G has in order to determine what’s sufficient time in order to determine cognitive type so how can you say that if he studied people for a weeks at a time that he’s more accurate than people submitting in their videos for an hour or under? He’s had 30 years experience and maybe he did actually start off that way. The point is, who the hell would anyone want a psychologist to follow them around for a week?! Which again, this isn’t about knowing someone on any deeper level like you’re gonna marry them or be their friend. This isn’t a personal thing. Cognitive mapping is actually more general than that.

Reyne just created this thread to get info. G squad is fitting.