Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
Homeless, Dictator, Normie, Cool Kid.

You can win over people by getting handouts. H for example can up their social game, if they get lucky and find some good types, spread their work around or support them, for some reason these people would just treat them or have a cut from the work. And like I've said Creatives can also just take and adopt them without realizing it, that resources wouldn't matter much anymore and maybe they can work on their own shit. Also H also stands for harmless. You already know Dominants can land on their feet so better to just make them work their life out on their own, but Harmonizers just have that cuteness in them that you kinda wanna help them out. Now this could be an advice to Harmless Harmonizers - if you are too weak, give your love to a strong person and be there for them. Don't ask much for return but you'll get help anyway. Just make sure they aren't the Dbag types. If you can't produce your own shit because you are too tired and weak for this world, be a support instead.

Homeless and Hungry --> Harmless Helpful Healer --> Hip, High-Profile and Happy af.
I assume this all means you type as H type.