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Thread: Hey hey hey! What's up?

  1. #1
    trickle's Avatar
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    Default Hey hey hey! What's up?

    Heya, I'm new here! Not sure what my TIM is, but I've read quite a bit of theory thus far, especially descriptions by Stratiyevskaya. I can speak Russian fluently, which makes it rather easy to translate material - and if there's any material to translate, do let me know so I can help out!

    My enneagram is 8w7, sx/so subtype. For all you Fauvreites out there, my tritype's 873. So yeah, that probably screams Se - but I usually find that I resonate most with types where intuition is present in the program or creative function. I've been typed as ILE, ESE, EIE, LIE, and SLE by different people... kind of a mess, honestly. When I try to determine my Quadra values, I always end up stumped as well! While I do mimic the Betas' aspirations to achieve influence and their high-intensity atmosphere, I also tend to enjoy conceptual and comedically improvisational Alpha conversations too. I can be very bombastic and almost act as a social catalyst, but I'm turned off by ideologies entirely, and I tend to have a top-down view on identity and belief, treating it more as a playground and manipulating it, rather than viewing myself to be "inside" those systems. I've been told my rejection of ideology and concrete identity automatically rules out Beta, but I'm curious as to what you guys think!
    8w7 sx/so. Not sure about my TIM, so type me if you have any clues.

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    My initial impression is EIE or IEE. But my typing generally sucks.

  3. #3
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    for beginners I recommend books by Filatova in Russian language

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