Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
Seems more common among a Te-devaluing types
Propaganda of medias stimulates emotions and by this prevents objective thinking. Te types value facts. F types follow to emotions.
What types value objectivity in thinking, do thinking better and easier notice the lack of that?

What were there correctly made expriments to claim about high death rate among general population? Not how much of people died among of harder cases which came to medics, which could to had a predispositions as weaker immunity.

What is actual arise of death compared to previous year? What is this number?

What are reasons of those additional deaths (to have in a body a wide spreaded virus does not mean it was a reason of death of that human). Also taking into account that treatment of other diseases was worsened and people got worse life conditions by "protections".

What is the objective basis to think that the used protection methods which harm education and economy are reasonable - give more profit than harm in the situation? This basis should be very strong and have no doubts, as the done harm is terrific.

What is objective to suppose the vaccine will help much against mutating grippe alike virus? What is objective to think that new experimental type(!) vaccine is safe and not make worse? Where are standard mass, long years experiments to proof this, as they plan to use that for anyone! They say we do what we can in all this hurry? But there is nothing for that hurry except hysterics, baseless speculations, lieng, censorship and mute ignoring the facts as known mortality on Diamond Princess ship. Why they report "died the ones with a virus" while should report "died the ones from a virus" - they don't even care about why people died to their stats while they die from many factors every day. They report the virus is spreaded among tens % of people already but want to make them doubtful vaccines anyway despite that virus is weak for them. Why?

There is strong lack of objective medical reasons for what is done. While the illegal harm which happens now can be explained by political reasons - where for interests of some minorities (and mb some nations) are harmed interests of majorities.