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Thread: Democrats: What if?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Hi Nanashi, I started this earlier today and now I am finishing it. I just hunted for a video about election results but so many I have seen are removed now. This one discusses videos that they show but are somehow missing from this video. But I consider this a trustworthy source, and, for you, I found it. I saw the other videos that I just can't find now for some reason, one reason is probably they gotremoved like so many. So what's here I wrote mostly earlier today. More than you asked for but I was cooking all day and reflecting a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    what trustworthy source has you convinced that Trump was elected, Eliza? Or is it simply a hope?
    We are so steeped in propaganda through our media that often times the most trustworthy option is to consider the OPPOSITE of whatever is heavily fed to us. Truly we are the propaganda nation now.

    I remember the first time I learned what propaganda meant. I was in 7th grade, and our Social Studies teacher was young and hip, bearded, and well loved by students. One thing that I learned stands out in my mind, in a way almost nothing else standout from those middle school years. He explained the situation with Russia and propaganda, and I was shocked. That a nation would lie to it's people! Those poor people! Living a lie! I was inflamed over this. It hit me hard.

    Why did this standout in my mind so much, I don't know. But why did I react so strongly to that particular injustice, in such a deep and memorable way, when there are so many injustices in this world to react to? All these years later, I see that we are the propaganda nation now. I believe my guardian angel wanted me to notice what the teacher told us about because he knew it was going to be such a major part of the life I would live in the future. That future is now.

    It was a propaganda nation then, too, just not complete as now. When a person (or a nation) starts lying, they are careful at first, watching their audience to make sure the lie is well told and received. The more they lie, the more they know they can get away with. Getting away with it influences them to get bolder and bolder and bolder with their lies. We are steeped in lies now. It sure is true that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...but, as the saying goes, there is a limit to the fooling! I think we have reached the limit here in our nation, thank God. I think with the election lies it will soon be clear that this time, you can't fool all of the people. One issue is after fooling all of the people for so much of the time for so long, the liars have gotten pretty proud and sloppy. The other issue is that God will act.

    It is so bad now; we are so steeped in the muck that the prophets say we can do nothing about it on our own, so God will have to act. I feel such peace about that now, because I believe it is true. I have been living for some years with inner frustration, feeling there must be something I should do to help promote justice and truth in our nation, but feeling any step in that direction would lead to nothing (if I could even think of a reasonable step). Now the prophets are saying there is noting we can do, except pray for God to do it. (Which is no small thing! Prayer can certainly seem the weakest thing, but it is the MOST powerful!) So I have been doing that and so have countless, countless others. We are praying for the God of truth and justice to act. The media is corrupt, the politicians are corrupt, the courts are corrupt. There is plenty of evidence that Trump won by a landslide, and prophets are saying this evidence (which is out there to find despite all the media effort to hide and cancel it) will be out there soon for everyone to see. (not sure what soon means but I believe it and I will wait in faith).

    Part of the evidence is what I have seen with my own eyes. I did a lot of driving in whatever spare time I could fit it in this summer, straight through into January (the reason for that is another story). I drove all over CT, all over this half of NYS, and across the giant long state of Pennsylvania and back again by a different route. In my whole life I have never seen so many election signs on lawns and on trucks and they were at least 90% Trump signs! Probably over 95-98%. Really I can remember maybe 3 Biden signs all together, among dozens and dozens of Trump signs.

    I also came upon several roadside Trump rallies. Not a single Biden one. The most memorable was driving through a rural CT town on a beautiful fall day that makes you love America, and stopping for a rare light at a crossroads, and all crowded all around the intersection were peaceful Trump rally people with their flags and signs all around my car, and I got a good look at their faces. They were of every age, young to old, truly salt of the earth types. I was drawn to the goodness in them. They were a group anyone would feel comfortable walking through. Yes, even with a Biden hat on. I was struck with this same reflection when I saw footage of Trump rally folk at the White House on January 6th. This would have been censored by the regular Media, but I saw lots of footage on Lifesite News. People in groups praying or singing. Joyful, peaceful faces. It was a truly peaceful rally in good spirits - much like what I saw on the road.

    Especially memorable was returning from western PA in November. I had hoped to do all my driving during the day, but that morning I did not want to cut off the nice breakfast conversation with my old friend before I left. So now I'd been driving in the dark some time. But breaking up the monotony of nearing the end of this long drive was that I was directly approaching a strange, far off beautiful blue place ahead of me. Eventually I saw a sign that it was the Tappan Zee Bridge (or the something else they call it that most of us don't want to call it) and it was lit up blue.

    As I go closer to the beautiful blue sky structure I was passing more and more Trump cars, tons of them, in the right lane. Lots of cars with signs and lots of pickup trucks with multiple large flags waving in the back. Lots of honking in their support! It was such an amazing thing to be in the middle of! Lots of police, and all along this giant bridge, still passing the long Trump parade in the right lane, with all their amazing flags, so many of them! There were police cars stationed at very regular intervals, lights flashing, as if in support. It was a beautiful sight and I felt deeply touched.**

    So all fall I saw Trump support all over the country (well, my corner of it - supposedly Democrat-land,, too). We got up extremely early on election day to vote before work. We would get in line an hour before they opened! Well everyone had the same idea. I never saw so many people out to vote! Many lines of people in the pre-dawn darkness, disappearing down several blocks from the town hall. No way I would be able to get to work on time, so I left for the long commute. Nearing my work I realized I needed gas, so got off at a strange exit and had to drive a bit to find a gas station. On route I drove by a school packed with cars (it was getting light now) - so early in the morning! Lines and lines of people all around the whole school and parking lot! Police were there directing people where to park. I saw Trump signs on the cars parked by the road. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Trump that brought all these people to vote.

    After school, back home, we headed straight out to vote. The people we waited with were very extra nice. we didn't talk politics of course, but they felt like Trumpers to me. And leaving, yet another big Trump rally group! This time we were in the very middle of them, because they filled the intersection outside the big old brick historic town hall building where we voted. I must have been the proper legal distance from the polls because the police station is right there, too. So we waded into the middle of them (and their flags and signs) to wait at the crosswalk. we talked to them, and they were genuinely good folk, that you felt safe to be standing in the middle of. But not a Biden supporter in sight.

    So yes, I do think Trump won by a landslide. I believe my eyes, my own experience, over what I am told I should think and believe.

    A few years ago I was subbing at a big rural high school and was in the teacher lounge. One teacher dominated the conversation for the short lunch period going from one topic to the next, and towards the end she began to go on about things she saw on the news last night. I said I don't watch the news because I get tired of feeling like I am being told what to think. She said, "What? I never have felt that way watching the news!" I didn't answer because i wasn't going to try to convince her of something she didn't really want to know about. Anway it was just a realization I had on my own, and it never occurred to me that anyone else felt that way. But I noticed the history teacher, who had been quiet and uninvolved in the conversation, look up and at me for a bit after I said that. I sensed he got it. Now these days I notice so many other people have the same feeling. I like the JP videos I have posted here because he really gets the things that I thought I was experiencing only in my own mind; he makes a comedy of these things, and I relate to it all. It's comic relief I need.

    I have never been interested in politics until this year. I knew Trump had to be the candidate in 2016 because he proclaimed himself to be prolife while evil Hilary was clearly was not. I thought Trump was just a clown - preferable to evil), and at least he was saying he was prolife - a step in the right direction. But I did not believe he would do what he said.

    But I learned more about Trump this summer and was surprised to realize that the actually did keep pretty much all of his campaign promises (i can't think of one he did not). That has to be unprecedented for a president! He even kept his prolife focus, faithfully as promised. It wasn't just words, which I had expected of him, a politician. But then again, he is a political outsider, not a lifer in the swampy system. They hate him, with a demonic hate, for being an outsider.

    But this particular election, with the Biden/Harris team being disgustingly pro-abort, to the absolute most evil extreme - even kill the baby AFTER live birth! Truly I can see them amending that to up to two years old old! Parental choice! This election, more than any other. is a clear division: be for or be against God and the things of God. Truly things cannot go well for those who choose against God. But that is what is happening in our time. We live now in the days long foretold where good is called evil and evil is called good. God help us. And I believe He will! Meanwhile many pray for the deceived, who need our prayers.

    video from a trusted source:


    ** I found a video on that Trump parade! You can see the flags were impressive. I guess they stayed on til after dark when I saw it. If I had left earlier as planned, I likely wold have not gotten across the bridge. I am glad for the memory.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Hi Nanashi, I started this earlier today and now I am finishing it. I just hunted for a video about election results but so many I have seen are removed now.
    Why do you think they were removed, Eliza?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    Why do you think they were removed, Eliza?
    Canceled? If they can be found they are not easily found but as I explained I have not spent that much time looking. What stands out most clear is the video footage of a police officer at the capital madly waving people in while others stood around and just let them in. You questioned the six people killed at the Capital riots. I also questioned it, as it did not seem to me what I heard in the news at the time. I did not hear the new story of six. So some policemen committed suicide after? To me that is the big story, but you can't find that anywhere. The media is silent on that. It has been on my mind because WHY did they commit suicide. They were doing what they were told, certainly, helping to create the fake news story they were supposed to make happen, using the Antifa protesters whom they escorted in from the train. Then afterward, what drove them to suicide? Who treated them how, to drive them to suicide? Or maybe it wasn't suicide? A lot of questions there. I would like the whole truth of that to come out. But that will take a miracle. (But I believe in miracles).
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Canceled? If they can be found they are not easily found but as I explained I have not spent that much time looking. What stands out most clear is the video footage of a police officer at the capital madly waving people in while others stood around and just let them in. You questioned the six people killed at the Capital riots. I also questioned it, as it did not seem to me what I heard in the news at the time. I did not hear the new story of six. So some policemen committed suicide after? To me that is the big story, but you can't find that anywhere. The media is silent on that. It has been on my mind because WHY did they commit suicide. They were doing what they were told, certainly, helping to create the fake news story they were supposed to make happen, using the Antifa protesters whom they escorted in from the train. Then afterward, what drove them to suicide? Who treated them how, to drive them to suicide? Or maybe it wasn't suicide? A lot of questions there. I would like the whole truth of that to come out. But that will take a miracle. (But I believe in miracles).
    When Trump was on tv, he asked his allied protesters to fight. The people who stormed the govt buildings, afaict, have virtually all indicated they were there in support of Trump. Occam's Razor indicates that it makes sense if we believe the most simple of the reasonable explanations. That seems to be that the ppl who stormed the building were pro-Trump and not primarily against fascism in their beliefs.

    Would anti-fascism folks prefer to have Trump or Biden as president?

    Would anti-Biden folks prefer to have Trump or Biden as president?

    AFAIK, one police officer was killed by the mob (and I'm not saying you're into violence just because people who share your preference for Trump killed someone), and later another officer took his own life.

    Also, both police officers' deaths have been heavily reported on.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    When Trump was on tv, he asked his allied protesters to fight. The people who stormed the govt buildings, afaict, have virtually all indicated they were there in support of Trump. Occam's Razor indicates that it makes sense if we believe the most simple of the reasonable explanations. That seems to be that the ppl who stormed the building were pro-Trump and not primarily against fascism in their beliefs.

    Would anti-fascism folks prefer to have Trump or Biden as president?

    Would anti-Biden folks prefer to have Trump or Biden as president?

    AFAIK, one police officer was killed by the mob (and I'm not saying you're into violence just because people who share your preference for Trump killed someone), and later another officer took his own life.

    Also, both police officers' deaths have been heavily reported on.
    What does Ozcam's Razor say about the these Capitol rioters who are known Antifa members posing for the news cameras here as Trump supporters?

    Since the many Trump rallies have no history of violence, while Antifa are known for their violence, then would Occam's razor suggest it was an actual Trump supporter who did the killing of the police officers, or, one of the Antifa members that police escorted from the train that morning, posing as a Trump supporter? Hmm. I think I will go with the simple straightforward explanation.

    Try using Duckduckgo search for "Antifa at the Capitol riot" instead of Google Search. You'll get COMPLETELY different results. I wonder why?

    Nanashi, why do YOU think the top results on Duckduckgo were removed from Google search?
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 02-08-2021 at 10:25 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    But I consider this a trustworthy source,

    how can you personally separate out the trustworthy news sources from the untrustworthy ones?

    what is your process for reasoning it out?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    how can you personally separate out the trustworthy news sources from the untrustworthy ones?

    what is your process for reasoning it out?
    Well like I said, I go for the whole picture. It has something to do with holographic panoramic approach. Some things just don't feel right, like, the football game analogy below. Just like that actually. SO MANY things don't feel fright. The media lie, they actively band together against Trump, they are not AT ALL what they are SUPPOSED to be, that which we have NEVER seen of them in our generation, UNBIASED. They "bear false witness" ALL the time. We get half the news, or less! They tell us what we are supposed to think on any topic. Education truly dumbs us down. we are SUPPOSED to be stupid, we are supposed to be empty buckets to be filled with whatever they want to fil us with.

    But I did give you one link that outlines plenty of evidence for the election lies. I do NOT save videos to my computer as soon as I see them which would be wise for building a case since things get removed quickly by our censors. The best ones do get removed AND they are hard to find if they are not removed becasue Google Search hides them. I need to start searching with something else. But I am not trying to build a case because I am not trying to convince anyone because i do not feel I am supposed to do that because it is like trying to defeat the devil on your own two feet; it is not possible. I know and believe by faith that God will act and he will expose it for all to see. All will see the evidence. It will be exposed for all to see.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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