Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
If you cared about the truth, you wouldn't be parroting the "6 people died" line. That number is counting officer suicides that happened after the fact. Sadly, officer suicides are a daily occurrence this year, and really shouldn't be included in this number. There were some Trump supporters with medical conditions who died during the rally. And there was a woman shot in the neck by capitol police (Ashli Babbit). None of the Kavanaugh protestors were shot, so using her in this to show how the protests are different only shows how the protestors were treated differently. There also was a police officer who died (Brian Sicknick) and his death is being investigated. As of now nobody knows who was responsible for his death.

There's truth, and there's narrative. Narrative is driven by partisans, and it helps them to ignore the truth. And I'm talking partisans of all political parties. It's really hard to talk to partisans, regardless of what side they're on. I haven't read the book this link summarizes but it sounds interesting: LINK Here's a quote from it:
It doesn't logically follow that misunderstanding or mishearing a sixth death somehow connected to the ra-ra! as a death caused during the riot indicates a person 'DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE TRUTH!'

That's not how caring about the truth works