Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
lol it wasn't rigged, Trump just failed to appeal to his original fan base. I think people mostly woke up that he wasn't really going to do anything to improve their own lives or to 'shake up the system' that they wanted. His narcissistic posts just got tiring after awhile - even in the beginning I was amused at them but I think it just got old.
I think it was very much and hugely rigged. I respect and understand that it does not seem so to you. I believe you have been deceived, like a massive number of Americans, and that you will soon see the actual truth for yourself, at the time everyone else sees it. That is, everyone who also stands with you believing that Biden won the election fairly. He did not, not at all, and I believe that soon everyone will see this truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There are always some who will not believe a thing because the power of their will not to believe what they do not want to believe will hold out, but, I personally expect that when God soon acts, it will become an extremely difficult belief to hold onto.

Also, I used to also believe, probably because of the across-the-board big media stories, that Trump did not do anything to improve our lives. It was actually not until this summer, when I began to pray in earnest over our president, the election and our nation did I completely change my mind on that. I believe he did what he said he would do, and I have never seen that so strong in any president. I believe he will go down in history, after his next four years, as the greatest president in our nation's history. (At least one of them! Our first was pretty exceptional!)

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
And I respect your faith,
I believe that and I appreciate that very much. Thank you. It is a gem in these times where basic disrespect is rampant. And I believe God will reward you for that respect.

In fact, I have a premonition (not a prophecy; I am not a prophet) that this means you will someday share my faith. : ) Because what comes to mind is a time when I showed respect for a faith I did not believe, years ago, at the time I was getting my Masters. I made, quite uncharacteristically for me, a very bold statement in class, defending the need to respect Catholicism. (I was a Christian at the time, but to me Catholicism was, at least, questionably even a Christian faith). I spoke boldly during a critique, in front of the whole class, and the professor leading it, who was hostile to my faith, turned shades of red and purple in silent fury when I made it, but there was nothing she could say in the face of the truth, a truth clearly and silently acknowledged by the rest of the class. Because the teacher had been praising and fawning over an artwork a fellow student had made disrespecting Mary - whom I did not consider a particularly important person - just a vessel God used for His purposes, I am ashamed to say now. Then years later, I most unexpectedly came to believe in the truth of Catholicism, when I didn't want to - because I loved my faith practice as it was, and becoming Catholic caused me much loss of what I held dear. It was a highly inconvenient belief at the time - yet, I felt great joy to discover the truth of Catholicism, and I could not say no. And at this time grief and great joy I remembered that long-ago statement I'd made in defense of Mary, a person unimportant to me at the time, and I felt my new treasure of faith was due to the grace of Mary, our Mother's powerful intercession. A reward. Because you can't out-give God.

I wish that joy for you someday, BndD. I believe you will have it.

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
but I highly doubt God is just going to come down and make everything right with a lightning bolt- sorry. I agree with you there are some really shady and duplicitous assholes in the upper echelons of society though. But I also refuse to see it as a left-right thing because I think doing that is a mistake.
That's okay, I don't expect you to believe, but I believe you will when God acts fast and strong like lightening, and justice truth and prevails, and everyone sees it. : )

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
And those same people you don't like and claim are left-wingers or "Democrats", in my experience there have been some creepy right-wing Republican 'Deep State' folks as well- one who emotionally and psychologically abused me and many others when I was a minor.
I don't like liars and deceivers in the media at all, or in politics, and certainly both parties have them. Yes Republicans too have lots of deeply creepy deep state folk. In the same way my beloved Catholic Church is overflowing with "deep church" bishops right now. Something is going to happen soon with all that, I do believe. And in the Republican party there is also a large group of RINO infiltrators. (DINOs being a much more rare breed).

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
Assholes are attracted to power- because they are assholes. Not democrat/republican or anything like that. Only God can truly judge- yet everybody else does it anyway. Everybody wants to play God, not many people want to truly do as Jesus commanded, eh?
Yes, politics are chock full of of power seekers. And power corrupts. So it really stinks in that arena. Only the exceptional can resist temptations and avoid corruption. I think Trump is one of those rare exceptions, and it is because God has chosen to assist Trump, to accomplish His purposes. Who knew a man with his past would become great? But I believe he will, in the end, be seen for the greatness I believe he has already manifested. God uses whom He wills. And we know, in the past, God has often used the most unlikely persons to accomplish His purposes. Prophets now tell us that God says, "Trump is My trumpet". I am believing that. I think later, after the truth comes out for all to see, many will also believe it.

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
And maybe you/we shouldn't demonize them either, even though they are so obviously demonic to us. Maybe they are just like you, trying to do what's right in their own way & failing miserable at it, as only God can do "right", but I guess that is too nicey-nice IEI/SEI like. Yeah just let God fry them all... it looks 'cooler' anyway than AoE healing. I don't know, sorry.
I like you nice IEI ways, BandD. : ) Yes, I agree, and also think that most of those who consider themselves left are people just like me, trying to do my best and often failing. Yes, only God can do "right". I also think there are those on both sides who are truly evil, especially because, as you point out, politics is full of corrupt power-seekers. But stealing the election from the American people - - and I respect that many folk genuinely do not believe, at this time, that this happened - - is a great evil that will take down our nation if that action is allowed to hold. But God is our help and He has heard our prayers and He will not let it happen! (In spite of appearances to the contrary, today).

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
Every human is like, sees the Pure Demon in other people but not themselves- because when you see it in yourself, you have to truly take responsibility ((hard and scary when it's so easy for everybody to just blame others and point fingers, myself included)) and you're not popular or liked at all, you have to be okay with being destroyed in the wrath of fires as Demons do etc- and not many people have the balls to do it, why do you think ethically conflicted and self-loathing SLE hunks are so hot?
Yes it's true we sure find it so crystal clear to see the faults of others while being blinded with a big plank in our own eye. And SLEs have their attractions to be sure. I dated one for awhile many years ago! He was a nice guy and not scary. I was also attracted to, but afraid to date, one or two others...

Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
left/right is usually too vague for me to understand what the person is referring to. If you mean you shouldn't abuse or torture somebody for being different or black/gay/woman/Owlkin or whatever- then I guess I'm very left-wing in that sense, but I don't think you should be all authoritative with your message either - especially if the situation doesn't really warrant it as that's pretty ass-y too.
Well I am not sure, either, but I know that being prolife automatically puts me to the right. And it is the issue that trumps all others, so, that is the pile I get put in.

The vast majority of folk in both piles are against torture and abuse of anyone, and despite what the media-liars are telling us to believe, the vast majority of both parties believe all persons should be respected for their life and existence, no matter their color, gender or orientation. So I don't believe there is a divide there. The clear divide is Anti-Abortion/Prolife vs. Pro-Choice-To-Abort/Anti-Life (for the weak who can't defend themselves).

Another divide we can see is a tendency to smaller gov't/more freedom vs. big government/less freedom. And these in recent days, especially since the start of covid when they removed all comments from all media stories, another agenda is becoming crystal clear: Free speech, vs. NOT.