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Thread: Sugar-Free

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    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Default Sugar-Free

    Last edited by persimmonism; 07-22-2021 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Anyone ever tried cutting (added) sugar? What was your journey like? What effects did you notice and when?

    Today marks my 9th day sugar-free and so far it's nice. After a month or two I'll loosen my control and occasionally indulge (parties etc..), but by then I expect my body to be too sensitive to sugar to be able to take too much at a time.
    Mind you I'm still eating fruits cuz those are the shit.

    (to those who are American, notice I started the day after the 31st lol.. it was kinda impulsive)
    Hi chocalate. I should mention I love chocolate. I have been sugar-free about as long as you have now. : ) It was also kind of impulsive, for me, too, - like, "What am I waiting for?" So I just started. I did sugar-free/low carb last year, with intermittent fasting, and lost 30 pounds quite easily, from Aug.-March, which I needed to lose. Then, when Wuhan-stay-home hit, and my online work was stressful and time-consuming, I started, "just for a bit", to eat a few carbs, intending every day to go back to the eating that made me feel better. (The road to hell is paved with good intentions). Well 8 months and 15 pounds later, I decided it will be easier to lose 15 than 30, so I am back at eating how I know I should. What I love about it is, I don't think so much about food; and I can wait for it. (Evil carbs have a different effect!). So after a couple of sugar-free weeks I feel ready to watch the scale again, so I will soon do a 2-3 day fast because that seems to give my metabolism a kick.

    I keep Lily's stevia-sweetened chocolate around, and if I ever miss chocolate I just plan it for the end of the next dinner. It's not as wonderful as sugar-chocolate, but I love that just a little satisfies. It also signals to me the end of eating for the day. Sugar-free gum does the same thing - and also my "special coffee".

    My special coffee which I love in the evening is cup of ganoderma coffee. I am picky about coffee, and distain instant, but I actually prefer this to fresh-brewed! It doesn't make me wakeful at night because the reishi mushroom counteracts the bad effects of the coffee itself. I actually think it is more delicious than regular fresh brewed coffee! I have it with cream and stevia or erythritol (the sweetener my naturopath recommends). Raw cream, when I have it, which I do now, so it is extra-healthy. A friend introduced me to ganoderma coffee a long time ago for help with stress after divorce, and it did help. So I recently re-discovered it. Then, I used GanoCafe, which is one of the best. But I researched (there are many brands) and found this alternative one - excellent quality for less:

    Just figuring if you like chocolate you like coffee. : )
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I'm doing this now. I'm going paleo / LCHF. I hate being addicted to sugar, I've had the bad habit of always eating chocolate/candy after work. Not good.

    I could have just avoided the sugar, but I prefer to go further and avoid all fast carbs.

    I'll come back and tell you my experience after a couple of weeks. That's usually the time it takes to adjust.
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    I tried cutting back drastically once when I was thinking about trying keto, on a whim. I think I may have cut back too much too quickly because I got the shakes and almost passed out
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  5. #5


    I started using agave syrup in coffee and can tell the difference in terms of glycemic index. Then I read that agave syrup is 80% fructose and should be consumed in moderation like all things. Or not.

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    A lack of sugar made the brain to work worse - to feel tired quicker.

    A _small_ amount of it is useful in case you have mental work in near time.
    Honey and fruits may replace a sugar. Some yogurts with bifi have a sugar. Tea with a little of sugar is also possible.

  7. #7
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Not exactly eliminating sugar, but I went on a 2-week fast with nothing but water, and to this day I still occasionally fast here and there. I think cutting down on sugar / carbs / or fasting is one of the most effective ways to better your health.

    If you're on a typical American diet, you likely have some increased insulin resistance. This means when your body breaks down food into sugars, your body has a harder time processing/storing it because your insulin isn't being responsive (aka insulin resistant). You keep this going, and you're on the road to getting type II diabetes. By giving your insulin receptors a break from sugar, you increase their sensitivity, thereby stabilizing blood sugar levels.

    The first thing I noticed was my waist getting significantly smaller; I think this was contributed to both losing fat via ketosis + getting rid of the excessive-bloating from all the carbs (The bacteria in the GI tract can have trouble digesting certain sugars, which can cause excess gas to be released)

    Next thing I noticed was improved energy levels and mental clarity; this was probably due to the fact that my body was again in mild state of ketosis, burning my fat reserves for fuel and stabilizing my blood sugar levels via reduced insulin levels

    So to anyone reading this, yeah, give those glucose-receptors a break once in a while
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 11-19-2020 at 08:19 PM.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    A lack of sugar made the brain to work worse - to feel tired quicker.

    A _small_ amount of it is useful in case you have mental work in near time.
    Honey and fruits may replace a sugar. Some yogurts with bifi have a sugar. Tea with a little of sugar is also possible.
    I agree - that is, if you are and always have been in moderation with regards to sugar. But I think @perteronfireee has a point below. It must be why sugar-free is so effective for me. I thought it would be hard to restart it, becasue it was hard starting the first time, but it is actually not hard (only a little sometimes, but I can easily talk myself into staying on it) because I like how I feel when I am sugar-free. I like not-wanting, it's a freedom-feeling, and I have a feeling of well-being about that..
    @Kalinoche buenasnoches, My naturopath actually recommended, besides stevia and xylitol in moderation, erythritol, because it doesn't spike blood sugar and he has not seen negative effects of it. I like that all these sweeteners let you enjoy an occasional sweet without making you want more. The blood-sugar spike is why agave and monk fruit, which sound healthy, are not recommended.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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