Quote Originally Posted by returnofxenu View Post
At this point I only question the very feeling that there is something tremendously important about electing or not electing a given politician.
Sure there are arguments for or against - the cases are not nearly as clearcut at the end of the day as most of you like to pretend - but ultimately all this intense interest in politics is just a deferral of personal responsibility, as far as I can tell.
You want to tell me you're so compassionate for your being pro-immigrant - but you don't seem to notice the millions dead in the middle east, or the fact there has been resounding peace in the region for 4 years, do you? When was the last time you actually donated to a food bank? Probably never.
What do you actually do for volunteer work? I doubt most of you even take care of your kids.
I guarantee you that all the libs complaining about the prison system have at one point bought weed off a poor person.
And as far as the Trumpers - well... maybe you've never been on the receiving end of those in power abusing their power for their own benefit. It's the norm, not the exception. Your faith in the system is misplaced... the most powerful nation in the world cannot act purely out of self-interest, there is such a thing as global responsibility.
But of course there's no good alternative.
The only correct political attitude is complete withdrawal of your involvement in politics and focus on your life.
Please tell us more about how we don't take care of our kids and how irresponsible it is to take an interest in politics.