Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Steve Bannon banned by Twitter for calling for Fauci beheading


Remember, kids. The liberals are the terrorists.
During the administration of Obama more than 2,000 weapons were sent directly to the hands of drug cartels in mexico. I often think some americans are the most uninformed (desinformed?) people out there. The external policy of the US is often terrorist whatever party is in the presidency. But you guys just seem to love to live in a bubble and inside an echo chamber full of lies.

Let us remember that Mexico is no stranger to the above situation, since we have the experience of the "Fast and Furious" operation, which was conducted between 2009 and 2011 by the Office of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF, for its acronym in English) and “that the“ supervised ”illegal transfer of more than two thousand weapons from the United States to Mexico will arrive, as part of a United States operation against the Sinaloa Cartel. Most of the weapons ended up in the hands of organized crime. ”[11] Among those weapons were 34 caliber rifles, 50 for snipers - that number is what a regiment of United States Marine Corps carries into combat. [12] -.

The United States Department of Justice will release the documents of "Fast and Furious," the operation to track the illegal transfer of arms from the United States to Mexico.

"The Department of Justice reached an agreement with the Government Oversight and Reform Committee of the House of Representatives and will begin to produce additional documents related to Operation Fast and Furious," it said in a statement posted on its official website.

The agreement, presented in a federal court in Washington, would put an end to six years of litigation that arose during the administration of Barack Obama, which asked not to reveal the documents requested by said Committee.




Machiavelli how foreign press refers to Obama:

However, when it comes to evaluating its foreign policy, especially in relation to the Arab world, the justifications begin. Some say that the president "started as Carter and ended as Nixon," which means that Obama began his term promoting the spread of democracy and the protection of human rights, but that the situation in the region and the failure of revolutions Arabs, so close to achieving his desired goals, led him to finally end up like Machiavelli.

This is what happened to Nixon, who put the security interests of the United States before anything else, even if it meant sacrificing democracy and support for military coups, like the one in Chile, when American intelligence sponsored the overthrow. of the elected government of Salvador Allende to allow the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

The problem with this comparison is that not only does it not work as a justification due to difference in circumstances and lack of similarities, but it is also not exact and is based on lack of memory. From day one, Obama has adopted a foreign policy in which he only takes into account the interests of the United States, as seen by his administration, therefore, Obama did not hesitate to bury the democratic aspirations of the peoples of the region and crush their dreams of a decent life when it contradicted their interests.
source: https://www.monitordeoriente.com/201...l-mundo-arabe/

Most people from around the world is conscious of the nefarious external politics of the US, most ppl except american citizens.