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Thread: One & only type me thread forever

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    Default One & only type me thread forever

    First of all
    This is going to be my one & only type me thread on this forum forever. I won't delete it, I won't make another, & I'm also not responding to people's typings of me.

    State a type below & keep it pushing.

    I don't care if you provide explanation, quotes, or anything else or not.

    Have at it

    My updated questionnaire
    1) Context:
    a) What is your age range and general location (Country so that cultural values can be taken into account)? Do you have any impairments that may affect the way that you answer this questionnaire? Any religious or political beliefs (or anything else along those lines) that also might have an effect?

    25 yr. old female. United States. Not religious but wouldn't call myself an atheist either. Right leaning libertarian.

    b) Which types are you currently considering? Why are you considering them and why haven’t you decided on one?

    Any & all Exxx types.

    2) What do you deem as your purpose in life?

    Adventure/experience as many things as I can, leave a positive impact on others, set & achieve personal & professional goals, bettering myself, being independent, & manifesting my desire to be higher up in a workplace & achieve better financial success into reality.

    3) Of the seven deadly sins, which one(s) do you relate to the most and the least and why?

    Greed is the 7 deadly sin I relate to the most, I would say. I like expensive food, clothes, cars, etc. and dream about working my way up a company and/or being a successful entrepreneur. I like name brand clothes, & I like to wear matching outfits (shirt, pants, shoes, etc. all the same brand & color). I'm a workaholic. I rarely take time off of work, and will happily work 60+ hours a week if it means making and saving more money for myself.

    I relate the least to envy. No matter how amazing other people's lives seem, everyone deals with life problems. I wouldn't want to trade my life for anybody else's. I see things I like in others or things they've acquired as something to strive for. I'm never mad for someone else's success. I'm more confident than that, & I don't have jealousy for others (or I quickly reason it out of my mind).

    4) Analyzing your relationships with others, briefly describe:
    a) The type of people you are drawn to

    Friend wise I'm drawn to funny laid back people that don't easily get upset or uptight. Relationship wise I want someone who matches my energy & is a lot like myself. I want an activity/adventure buddy who I can also have deep talks with & understands & relates to the darker things I've been through.

    b) The type of people who are drawn to you

    It varies, I suppose. People who get my sarcastic sense of humor are always a plus.

    c) The type of people you are repulsed by

    Self righteous people. People that take every little thing or joke personally. People that say they're "open minded" but dismiss anyone's thoughts/ideas/opinions that don't align with their own & don't care to reasses things based on new information. Selfish people. People that easily make value judgements about people, & likely in debates resort to calling you names like "heartless" instead of giving rational evidence/thoughts to debunk your stance. People that are easily offended or use that word a lot. People that can't see a grey area in thinking, everything's "good" or "bad". People that drown on & on about "morals" or being a "morally good person". Overly judgy people. The type of people that say "I would never do something like that". Hypocrites.

    5)What are the traits in others that you admire but you cannot emulate yourself? Elaborate.

    Letting people related stress roll off your back. Having lots of things to get done rarely stresses me & sometimes I even reveal in it & reveal at work related deadlines, but people drama always throws me for a loop. I have a hard time just walking away, saying nothing back, & forgetting about it.

    6) Describe your relationship with the following:
    a) Anger

    Definitely have had some anger issues. Had turbulent personal relationships that would cause me to throw cell phones against the wall & break them. Things like that.

    b) Shame

    I try not to dwell on personal decisions I can't change anymore, but honestly it's a work in progress. Beating myself up over things comes & goes. I do feel shame when I feel some information has hurt my reputation or the way people view me, if they had a high opinion of me. In that case, I've just wanted to disappear in thin air, because I feel like I had been working hard to come off a certain way for nothing.

    c) Fear

    I try not to fear. I don't easily think of ways things could go wrong. Maybe once or twice a year, I get a bad vision of the future & catastrophize how the rest of my life will be.

    d) Love/passion

    Never been in love. I have love for people I know & for humanity as a whole. It'd be nice to have someone to be in love with that I want but don't actually need to depend on them but choose to have them in my life.

    Passion sounds like lust to me, which I think all romantic relationships need a decent ounce of.

    e) Conflict

    I've gotten fired for arguments with people before. I give people the same energy back as they give me. I don't stand for bullying or intimidation. If you get in my face & yell, I'll let you know you picked the wrong person. I need to get better at walking away but walking away feels like letting them win to me. Conflict with friends or family I let go right away & don't hold grudges. We could argue & grab dinner an hour later like nothing happened.

    7) What are some of the themes that have played a prominent role in your life (ie. A struggle you’ve been unable to conquer, ect)?

    Not being so reactionary without thinking of consequences. I don't easily learn from past situations.

    8) Answer only one of the following:
    a) [College aged and above] What is your area of work/study? Why did you choose this and would you change it? If so, what would be your ideal?

    In college I took psychology, early childhood education, & communication classes. I couldn't decide what I wanted to major in and didn't finish my degree though. If I do ever go back to school, I'm going to take online classes for an associate's degree in business management & marketing. After that, I hope to get my bachelor's in communication studies & business. Honestly I'm in so much debt I don't see that happening & wish I didn't go to college.

    Most recent job has been working in a warehouse on the ship dock. I'm one of the people who trained the new hires, too.

    b)[Under college aged] What do you plan on studying/working as in the future? How did you go about deciding this? If this is not your ideal area of pursuit, what would be?

    9) When meeting a new person, what do you tend to focus on?

    Their general attitude & the vibe I get from them. I read people easily. Body language, tone of voice, temperament, & expressions.

    10) How do you feel about humanity as a whole? What do you feel are some of the biggest problems the human race faces and why?

    I feel like humanity is more bad/neutral than good. I think selfishness is the biggest problem the human race faces.

    11) What are some of your hobbies and interests?

    I have a lot of hobbies. Sports, physical activities, decorating, cooking, baking, reading about a ton of random things- astrology, different religions, psychology stuff, etc. I like politics (I'm a libertarian). I like the arts like going to see plays. Playing guitar. Playing basketball. Playing pool. Going to the gym. Hiking. Searching forums on a multitude of subjects. Watching YouTube videos, someone like Lilly Singh if I want something funny or if I want something more serious/political someone like Ben Shapiro or Dave Rubin.

    13) How do you usually “hang out” with your friend(s)? When answering, think about what activities you tend to choose, whether you hang out with one person at once or many, whether or not you initiate the interaction.

    What I like to do with friends depends on that friend(s). I'm usually down for any activity/social event, but I'm also cool with ordering a pizza & binge watching shows/movies & just talking one on one with someone or just going for a long walk/drive.

    Using my ENFP friend as an example. We would go hiking often, went to a karaoke bar & went back & forth picking shot drinks & sang together, went to a yoga class together, got palm readings at a psychic, go to restaurants & try new foods together, parties with people from work, been to an escape room, & went to see a Disney movie at the movie theater.

    14) What is more important, actions or words? Why?

    I'm compelled to say actions, but obviously interesting conversations are important too. I think they have to go together.

    15) Oh dear, you’ve been cursed by a witch! It’s ok though, you get a choice on which curse you will receive. Will you choose….
    a) To never be able to experience the sensation of taste
    b) To be immortal
    c) To lose your memories
    d) To be poor for the rest of your life
    e) Or to never experience passion
    Elaborate on why!

    If I was cursed by a witch I would like to lose my memories. I find that dwelling on past events holds people back from the present/future a lot.

    16) What do you hope to avoid being? If it helps, describe a person who embodies what you avoid/you as a villain, ect.

    A disappointment to myself. A failure. Unhappy. Static & constantly in the same place.

    17) How do you relate to obsession? Do you tend to "merge" with others or your interests? How do you feel about the idea of doing this?

    I can be an all or nothing person. Obsession with people is unhealthy though & it places a person on a pedestal, so it's illogical to do & will lead to problems or at very least disappoint.

    I think I can "merge" with other people. I find myself liking music, shows, etc. that people do around me. I'll get into new fashion styles because of people I'm around. Also, I'll start picking up people's phrases & the way they talk.

    18) Organized or messy? Plans and blueprints or impulse and surprises? What are you preferences and tendencies?

    I'm organized with my items usually. (Not OCD organized). However, I never use a planner or plan out my days off or anything like that. I don't mind a messy space at all, though.

    I'm impulsive. I want to get better at future planning though. I admire it greatly in others. I would actually like to maintain a balance of both.

    19) How do you subjectively view comfort and how do you create comfort in your life and surroundings?

    Comfort to me is being able to be completely relaxed with someone. Someone you don't have to hide the more negative aspects of yourself around.

    Comfort can be hindering if people get too comfortable in situations that hold them back from something better.

    1-what makes you angry?

    People irritating me, people being unnecessarily rude or smart to me, jealousy, people taking themselves or comments/jokes too seriously, people acting like I don't know how to do something that I'm good at, & people acting like they're better than anyone else.

    2-what do you like/dislike most about people?

    As someone who likes to psychoanalyze people, I love how complex yet simple people are. I like how different each person's lives and journey's can be, and learning all about them. I like how people can band together for causes. I like how funny people can be & laughing with them.

    I dislike a lot of people's general attitudes. I dislike when people are overly serious & have no sense of humor. I dislike when people can't laugh at themselves. I dislike how quickly people can go from being friendly to being mean/angry/ignore you without explaining why or for the littlest things. I dislike how selfish people can be.

    3-do you like animals? why?

    Yes. They're fun to observe & interact with.

    4-what do you like most about the favorite people in your life?

    I like how I can say any & everything to them & the fun times we have together. I like when they find new activities etc. for us to do.

    5-what do you like/dislike most about yourself?

    I like a lot about myself. I think I'm smart & know about a lot of different topics, I think I'm funny, I'm ambitious, I'm good with people when I want to be, I'm good at teaching people different things, & I catch on to things easily.

    I dislike how I overthink things so much. I can analyze any & everything to death. I dislike how impulsive & reactive I can be at times. I dislike my anger at times.

    6-do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?

    Yes. People including yourself have to look at your clothes all day long & appearances are probably the first thing people notice about you anyway, but that's not even why. It's just fun to buy things that you like & that look good. It's definitely cool when people comment on your clothes though. For example, a guy at work said "good sneaker game" to me because I wore new Nike's one day & new Puma's the next. I would happily drop $400+ on designer clothes if I felt I had enough money saved up from working hard & budgeting my money, too.

    7-do you prefer to fit in or stand out?

    I think, just like I'd assume most other people, I try to do a little bit of both. I wouldn't want to be "basic" or agree with other people just for the sake of fitting in, but I also don't see a reason to try to stand out just for the sake of being different. I feel like I can fit in with any group of people usually. I can be sporty, edgy, preppy, nerdy... my interest are all over the place. I like to put my own spin on things, though. For example, if I wear a basic item like Ugg boots they can't be the plain tan ones. They have to be purple or black ones with the bows on the back. idk if that's a good example lol but I'm sure you guys get the point.

    8-what activities do you enjoy?

    Sports, working out at the gym, other hands-on things like playing pool, watching YouTubers & getting creative ideas from them, trying new foods, traveling, watching TV, debating politics or watching political stuff, watching stand up comedy, & probably a million other things.

    9-what makes you feel secure?

    I don't want to feel secure. I want to keep pushing past my comfort zones & expand myself. I guess I'd say making & saving money.

    10-do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?

    I've never had a serious, long term romantic relationship, so it's difficult to say. I would like to find someone who I gel well with.

    11-what do you love and why? Could be people, things, places, etc...

    I love trying new things. I feel like I'd sound like an asshole if I didn't say I love my family. lol I love my friends. I love entertainment. Sports, the outdoors, exploring, movies, TV shows, books, music, plays, etc.

    12-what do you spend the most time thinking about?

    Analyzing things, things I want to do/try, the direction I want for my life, ways to make more money, career goals, where I see my future self headed, convos I wish I'd have with people, sarcastic comments, random things like what if we're living in the matrix, analyzing people, sex lol, & food.

    13-How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?

    I think I'm a lot more of a people person & outgoing than I was. I still have my defiant streak in me that I did as a kid.

    Personal concepts
    1. What is beauty? What is love?

    When I hear beauty, I think aesthetically pleasing. Something like clothes, a painting, flowers, etc. that looks good or a person or a trait that person has like their eyes that looks good. Beauty can be used to describe someone's personality too, like that person has a beautiful soul/heart.

    Love is compassion. Being outwardly kind, considerate, & generous to other people. Caring for people & wanting the best for them. You can have love for individual people, & you can just have love for mankind in general.

    2. What are your most important values?

    Freedom, not just for myself but others too. I don't think people should be controlled. Besides that the only thing I can think of is that I try not to ever be unnecessarily rude to anybody. As the saying goes, you catch more bees with honey!

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    Not really. I believe in free will. Besides that, I just like learning about different religions & beliefs. I find them more interesting/fascinating than anything else. It's also interesting how lots of religions kind of tie together or how they barrow things from each other. I find buddhism/Hinduism probably the most interesting. I used to look up things about past lives, karma, destiny/fate, soulmates, & twin flames. I don't believe in those things, though.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    People are greedy & crave power, control, & resources so unfortunately war & militaries are inevitable. I wouldn't think anyone would prefer war but it happens, so we might as well make sure we make our military strong. I believe more in using military for self defense than just deploying troops in any country people feel the need to get involved in when they don't need to.

    Power is having a leadership role over someone else. I wouldn't say power is a bad thing. Companies have managers who technically have power over their associates. Just because they're technically in charge of the people under them doesn't mean that they're mean to those people. Different people just use power in different ways. I would personally love to be a manager at a big company, so in a way I crave power/being in charge sometimes. My favorite thing to tell others though is that being a boss doesn't mean you're bossy.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    Any & everything. Pretty much whatever someone wants to talk about. I can hop into or keep a convo going on pretty much anything. I'll talk about shows, movies, books, friends, politics, funny stories, sports, psychology, life advice, people's dreams/fears, food, traveling, family.. every convo with me is probably a long convo because I love to talk. lol

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    Yes. I like talking about working out & fitness. I'll talk to people about different diets & get their opinions on them like pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, Mediterranean, paleo, keto.. When it comes to medicine, I've told people the bad side effects I've gotten from medicine & why I refuse now to take anything. I'll tell people the less crap you put in your body the better.

    I'm not often focused on pain or anything like that though. If something hurts I'll just take like 2 or 3 advil & put it out of my mind & keep on with my day.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?

    That they're not very daily. lol If I'm really bored sometimes I'll actually purposefully seek out chores around the house to do. It depends how busy I am with other things whether I see them as a pain or not.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    Haven't watched any movies lately. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Been watching Dexter & Hannibal on Netflix. Currently reading How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh (she's my fav youtuber) & Greg Gutfeld's book of monologues.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    The last time I cried was when I lost my job, because I felt like all the things I wanted to achieve in the future with the company had just been completely crushed.

    I smile all the time. I try to enjoy & make the best out of my day, & I love being funny & just joking around with other people. I'm usually smiling & laughing & clowning around with people. Don't misunderstand this though, I'm not perpetually bubbly (even if I can seem so at first glance). I can be pretty depressive/emoish quite often.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    I love all outdoors activities. Playing sports, theme parks, & hiking.

    Evaluation & Behaviour
    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I can make friends problems my problems sometimes. I don't like to see other people upset, & I like to try to fix their issues for them. My anger can be a weakness sometimes.

    I try not to dislike myself or things about me. I like to just hopefully improve. I dislike that I can be impulsive & don't think things through.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    A lot! I'm usually good with people, I can come up with better/easier ways to do things, I have a good sense of humor, I catch onto things fast, I'm helpful & never mind questions from people, & I'm ambitious & persistent but also kind & laid back with others.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Solutions to my persistent boredom with free time (I hate relaxing), conveying my feelings to people better, & not swaying from the life path I want for myself & staying on track.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes, often. I'm never moving at the pace that I want to be. I've gotten better at not getting discouraged about it.

    People & Interactions
    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    People's humor, their randomness, their achievements, their ambition/motivation, their kindness, their empathy, & their energy.

    I dislike when people are rude, too uptight, unwilling to try other people's ideas, have no sense of humor, get offended easily, are too sensitive or sulk too much, or don't realize their impact on the people around them.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex?

    What qualities do you want in a partner?

    Romance sounds nice, but I've never had someone be romantic with me. Never been in a long term relationship actually. Sex is fun & a nice experience to share with someone, & it's exciting to try new sexual things with them. I wish I had someone to be romantic with & also have frequent sex with.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I don't really have many worries about it. I think kids are fun. I would probably just treat them like a small playmate tbh. Anything else would probably just depend on things about them individually.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    Ask them a ton of questions, & see why they think the way they do. I don't need other people to agree with me, & I actually think it's more fun when they don't. I like to debate. Also, I just like to learn people's motivations & thought processes. Maybe I could also change their mind or they can change mine, but I don't bank on it. Always cool to try to get new information from others.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    Being realistic, I probably think of most people as being neutral. I try to give to charities whenever companies are raising money for the make a wish foundation or something like that. I do think society as a whole deserves voluntary compassion.

    Selfishness & being self absorbed. Also, people being judgy & trying to push their "morals" on others.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    I just meet people randomly tbh. I've meet friends at college in my dorm lounge, at school dances, at work.. whoever has good energy & that I enjoy talking to I'll be friends with.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?

    Outgoing & try to just be myself. It's a plus if they can get me talking on a topic that's not typical "small talk" if we end up in conversation.

    1. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

    I hate to fail, but I think you should always go after realistic things you want. If you don't attempt them, you can't improve or even know that something is not the path for you.

    2. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

    That everyone could live in a free society & no country to be ruled by a dictator. Free markets everywhere. People can strive for success, if they choose. Be entrepreneurial. Be whatever they want (with a bit of luck & talent).

    3. To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

    Some things are out of people's control like a 5 year old having cancer, but I think a lot of life is personal choice. People have a lot of control to change their life, if they want to. I don't think fate is set.

    4. What happens after we die?

    I've pondered that a lot, & I truly don't know. I can't really give a better answer.

    5. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?

    What makes something the "right" thing? Right by me? Right by someone else? Right by the law? Right by society?

    Same with "doing things right". Right by set standards? As in following directions?

    Umm.. idk.

    6. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

    Make your own success, regardless of anyone's actions around you or what they tell you.

    7. Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

    I don't equate the 2. Insanity to be is like being a serial killer, & that's not creativity. Lol

    8. What is true happiness?

    Feeling proud of yourself & generally having a positive outlook most days.

    9. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

    Yourself. It may take longer to make some things a reality than others but perseverance is what you need. Not taking the plunge will hold you back. You need to decide that you want to make it happen.

    10. What makes you, you?

    I'm struggling with this one. lol Many things? Everything about me comes together like a package, I guess?

    11. What is the truth?

    Sound logic backed up by facts found through research, probing & tough questions, & not clouded by personal feelings.

    12. If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?

    What someone doesn't know won't hurt them, right?*

    13. How do you know your perceptions are real?

    When it's backed up by logic that makes sense & can be explained. Helps if you can easily site statistics & such to back up your conclusions.

    14. What makes a good friend?

    Dependable, trustworthy, loyal, fun, & interesting to talk to.

    15. Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?

    Because they have a vision that they hope to turn into reality, & that things can turn out according to that vision.

    16. Who decides what morality is?

    imo society does, but that's probably because I struggle to judge things as unequivocally right or wrong myself. Many people I know would say, I'm sure, that it's defined by themself. Even killing, in a case of self defense, I would say is fine. Intentionally harming others is never a kind thing to do & should be avoided if possible. I think that's a pretty good rule of thumb to follow.

    17. What is the difference between living and being alive?

    Living is merely existing. Being alive is fully being present & revealing in the moment. Being adventurous, taking chances & risk, & cherishing exactly what's happening right now.

    18. Is a “wrong” act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

    As long as it only negatively affects yourself. Define wrong? For example, someone who's deeply religious might think sex before marriage is wrong, but to me & millions of other people we see no problem with it. I think just realizing that you're going to mess up & not be perfect is how you should handle it. I don't know if I'd say it's ok. If I murdered someone & no one found out about it, I wouldn't say it's ok. It's just hopefully something to not repeat, & "wrong" can exist on a wide scale.

    19. Is there a reason to life?

    Something I've pondered, but I still come up dry. Add advancement to the world?

    20. How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?

    You don't unless you ask. People judge & perceive the same things right in front of their faces as vastly different at times. People take & interpret things in different ways. It's a pretty hard thing to gauge at times.

    21. What is true strength?

    Having the cards stacked against you, but you proceed forward with your goal anyways & you make your own better future happen.

    22. What is true love?

    Someone that loves you unconditionally. Sometimes I think it doesn't exist.

    23. Is a family still relevant in the modern world?

    Statistically they say it's better for children's well being & development. I think it's always relevant, but not everyone wants or needs it for a fulfilling life.

    24. What role does honor play in today’s society?

    What role does it ever play in society? It's not a word I focus too much on, to be honest.

    25. If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?

    It doesn't per se buy happiness, because people need social interaction, a sense of belonging, a sense of achievement, etc. People are multifaceted & have many other needs besides money.

    A certain amount of money does make life easier & less stressful in ways. I don't think you could survive at all without money, so in actuality no you couldn't be happy with no money.

    26. How should people live their lives?

    However they choose & see fit. I have no desire to control other people's lives.

    27. How much control do you have over your life?

    A lot more than I think many people think they do. You just have to utilize your skills, talents, opportunities, etc. Personal drive can go a long way.

    28. What is freedom?

    To be able to make your own choices. No one controlling your life. Having free thought, free speech, freedom to do what you want to your own body, live the way you want to, do what you want with your own money, & running your own life.

    29. Isn’t one person’s terrorist another person’s freedom fighter?

    I can see that. An oppressive government would definitely see a freedom fighter as a terrorist. However, some people claim to be fighting for freedom but sometimes their ideas wouldn't bring true freedom for anyone.

    30. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture?

    Like almost most things with psychology from my research seems to suggest, I think it's truly a combination of both.

    31. What defines you?

    This question seems tough. I would say the things I achieve in life defines me. My thoughts definitely define me, too.

    32. What do people strive for after enlightenment?

    I strive to improve. I don't want to be stuck in the same place 5, 10, 20 yrs from now.

    33. Do we have a soul?

    Considering I believe in supernatural things, I'd say yes.

    34. What is intelligence?

    Having a high IQ can be intelligence, good at logical reasoning can be intelligence, creativity can be intelligence, & also being good at reading & understanding people's emotions can be intelligence (emotional intelligence & is important too).

    35. Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you?

    I may ask many people for their input or opinions, but honestly I make my own decisions.

    36. What is reality?

    Things you can clearly see with your eyes.

    37. Is trust more important than love?

    Yes, because you can love someone who doesn't treat you well & isn't good for you.

    38. Is it easier to love or be loved?

    I struggle with vulnerability, so this is a tough one for me. I guess to be loved is easier.

    39. Is it better to love and lose or never to love?

    Uggghhh the struggle to answer this is real. I'm not sure.

    40. Do aliens exist?

    Yes, the universe is way to big for them not to.

    Things I hate:
    • Idle time
    • Time indoors
    • Lack of adventure
    • Too much time alone
    • Being cut off from people outside of family/cut off from the world
    • Repetition
    • Routine
    • Lack of stimulation
    • Too much quiet
    • Lack of future goal(s)
    • Lack of productivity
    • No room to grow/improve
    • No room to advance self
    • Non constructive critiques/criticism
    • Misread motives

    Things I like:
    • Adventure
    • Sports/hands on activities
    • Variety
    • Trying new things
    • Activities out of the house in general
    • Working as many hours as possible (would happily work 80 hours a week at a job I am serious about)
    • Group dynamics
    • Advancing myself
    • Climbing work ladders
    • Money (does anyone not like money though?)
    • Traveling
    • Deep one on one conversations with trusted people
    • Learning new skills
    • Helping others learn new skills
    • Being productive
    • Suggesting ways to make things run easier/learning efficiency methods from others
    • Busy hands on work environment (that's more focused on action than people - aka warehouse jobs > restaurant/retail)
    • Working towards short & long term goals
    • Having a sense of where I want to be in 2, 5, & 10 years
    • Research
    • Data
    • Tangible advice > sympathy
    • Lack of judgment from others
    • Understanding of my intentions
    • Constantly being on the move
    • Getting things done/accomplished

    Both something I like & don't like:
    • Overanalyzing everything

    Selfies and/or videos to come for VI purposes. I dyed my hair a deep red & the color looks awesome asf (& fits my personality way better imo), so I'm excited about that because the blonde never felt like me tbh.
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-02-2020 at 01:03 PM.

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    You need ILE dual to assure you in your type!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You need ILE dual to assure you in your type!
    Didn't know SEIs dreamed of being people's boss & delegating work out to people?

    Of course @Duschia & @Ebony would like your comment. - Sarcasm btw

    If y'all wanna see a SEI I'll tape my grandpa for you. - Whoops I need to proof read better cuz I type fast on my phone & meant tape not type lol also sarcasm but I really could tho lol

    & Where you guys getting introverted from?!?!?
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-07-2020 at 11:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    You are really too paranoid.
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-07-2020 at 11:26 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    Anyways, ignoring your outbursts. Demo Fe with mob Te, Role Se "af". You're still Delta NF even with the dramatic appearance overhaul where you try to "tell" people about you in a short period of time rather than showing people over a longer period of time. This points to being static rather than dynamic. You've pointed to being Emotive in the chatbox, irrational in many lifestyle preference, ethical in most all posts, etc. Even with the role Se and Demo Fe, you don't really enjoy negative emotions or force, everything must be incredibly positive and you react negatively using Role Se if people show even the slightest otherwise. Don't know what else you want. Delta / ENFp would really be my guess.
    If I was Delta NF I'd enjoy relaxing & relaxing environments. I do not. My Delta NF uncle calls me too forceful, pushy, & energetic for him (even has jokingly called me bossy). He always seeks out ways to be more peaceful while I want excitement & to be productive. I tell my family resting makes me anxious. I want to be 100% on the go all day long for 12+ hours. That's my ideal. On negative emotions. I don't care for people to start shit with me. That is correct. Someone telling me to do 20 things would not stress me out at all. Someone yelling in my face would. So idk what that says, but there you go. On a list of Delta traits I texted my uncle the other day he related to everything on the list. I said I went down the list to see for myself & said no to every item on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    I haven't but I'll look into it. I've considered 278, 279, 378, & 379 in some order so doesn't sound far fetched.

    I'll give the link a thorough read tho.

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    I know I typed you as ILE before but now I'm seeing SLE more.

    My reasoning:

    I'll stick to my arguments I made in your other thread about you having Ti/Fe values.

    I haven't taken the time to read the whole questionnaire though, but your ambitiousness and desire for money that you describe yourself as having kinda rules out alpha/delta values.

    Beta, this seems to be your values.

    Extroverts are disconnected from themselves and may have a harder time typing themselves. I can safely rule out I in favor of E, based on the info that is available

    This leaves EIE and SLE, but you talk alot about concrete things in your answers, and in your posts and you seem to focus more on "real" things: money, power, your jobs, positions and so forth. I don't see EIE being this focused on real world matters.

    I'd bet SLE.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

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    Yeah. So an F type can seem like they know what they're doing. As such the above statement is dangerous.

    Take Trump. Did you know his policy was actually written by Stephen Miller? People blame Trump, but Trump basically did whatever Miller asked. Miller did all the stuff on immigration like the travel ban. Trump has been voted ESTp. I vote him as ENFj. Miller is ESTp or ISTj.

    Oh I responded to your signature. Bruh.

    SLE is fair, I couldn't say f or l. I've met a guy who is probably f who's been diagnosed as a psychopath. He spit on people he didn't like and we're available to be spit on. I then asked him why, which caught him off guard, and then he basically said I don't know in a bunch of idealistic words. He's definitely want for money and power type guy, but also probably emotionally driven, and poor at logical reasoning, which is why he asks people for help on easy logical problems. That and he makes assumptions that are not logically all put together. He seems very put together though, and is well liked there. Generally not the smartest person there.

    Yeah I have too much of a migraine to finish the top post. I'll do it later maybe.
    Last edited by Alomoes; 11-07-2020 at 07:58 PM.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Seen all the threads, watched the videos.

    Not Alpha. I know ESEs can be retards, but they are not usually Fox News fanatics, or controversial. They are the heart of Alpha, and Alpha is the most inclusive Quadra. This person just comes across as someone that haven't been told to "shut up" their entire lives. Nothing but bullshit comes out of her mouth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    1) That's like, a fourth thread? Fifth? With some of these - if not all - deleted at your own wish (as you seemed ashamed of how people called you out on your posturing and 'overhauls')
    2) That's like, another ping for drama
    4) That's like, still Fe-ego, leaning alpha SF over EIE, as EIE would probably make themselves more believable (those are the real actors, bro)

    (there is no 3)

    (but you have cp-6 in your tritype)

    It's bad to type you on how you try to present yourself, it's the best to... Just observe your behavior. You don't have a lot of Ti, you look for Ti.

    (reminding you your uncle looked at descriptions and saw EIE at first, not SLE)
    Cuz he said I fit the leadership part of EIE. That's the only explanation he gave. Lots of types can be leaders.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Seen all the threads, watched the videos.

    Not Alpha. I know ESEs can be retards, but they are not usually Fox News fanatics, or controversial. They are the heart of Alpha, and Alpha is the most inclusive Quadra. This person just comes across as someone that haven't been told to "shut up" their entire lives. Nothing but bullshit comes out of her mouth.
    Thank you Don't forget a Ben Shapiro fan too!

    Edit: Who the hell said I care about being inclusive anyway?

    Anyone not a Democrat/Socialist/Communist = Retard
    Ok, bro. Have fun with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    I guess their main argument is that you don't use Ti? But have you really ever posted like a serious thread pertaining to your actual thought process other than the type-me threads?Right now to them drama + intensity = Fe.
    I've responded to political threads here before. Also, I'm on typologycentral & personalitycafe where I've never had drama with anyone & have had better discussions with people on typologycentral.

    I actually hate drama in general, but people on the forum started seeking me out for it, & I'm not about to cave to bullying & shy away so here we are. Whatever they type me as makes no difference to me anyway.

    I don't consistently spend time on the forum, but I could type out my thoughts on more subjects. Do you have any particular subjects in mind?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    I guess their main argument is that you don't use Ti? But have you really ever posted like a serious thread pertaining to your actual thought process other than the type-me threads?

    Right now to them drama + intensity = Fe/lack of Ti.
    I'd like to also point out that the EIE lady who's Fe>Ti herself is the one who likes to pick "drama" with me, so idk how people attribute that to me tbh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    I don't think anyone said you specifically cared about being inclusive. So this is an odd jab.

    Why do you watch Ben Shapiro? Given your stance on premarital sex, which he's critical of? Morals differ from person to person but I'm curious on your thoughts and why he appeals to you. I don't think I've ever caught your thoughts on him before on the forum, if there are any.
    Good question! He has many stances I disagree with. Mainly his beliefs held from his religion. He disagrees with homosexuality too, so obviously since I'm bisexual myself I don't agree with him on that. He's definitely more traditionally conservative than I am. I always say I'm a libertarian.

    What I like is he's hugely into empirical data, which means besides these few "moral" views to him that he holds, he mainly debates & centers his podcast on proven or sited facts > his subjected feeling or experience on subjects (which is not something I can say for many media or news people).

    I mainly like that I can accumulate new actual facts from him. Besides that, I agree with him on his views on capitalism, guns, freedom & freedom of speech, economics, personal choices defining your future instead of how you grew up, & some social issues like his videos he's done on BLM & exposing their communist agenda as opposed to helping black neighborhoods or changing laws in policing through legal methods.

    He supports the war on drugs, which I do not. I think all drugs should be legal & regulated just like alcohol is.

    I just find his thought process easy to follow, & he's not insufferable imo unlike I find many members of the media who are SJW types. I don't need to 100% agree with some to greatly appreciate their thoughts/show/podcast.

    I disagree at times with Tucker Carlson too, but I also enjoy watching his show often.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    You truly are paranoid.
    Huh?? You finally ask me a good, substance question than accuse me of this again. *facepalm*

    Edit: Your name calling makes me feel all warm & fuzzy
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-08-2020 at 12:26 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    What is your take on morality? How should we deal with people who do questionable things? Is it our duty to dole out punishment or let the forces of nature run its course?

    What qualities make you stand out as a leader IRL? And what is the image that you want to portray to the world?
    The only thing I see as immoral are things that directly physical harm others & not just the person themselves. The only things then that I see as immoral are unjustifiably killing someone else (as in not self defense against an immediate life threatening attempt) or repeated physical abuse, child abuse, or sexual abuse (not a comment to someone either. Actual rape, attempted rape, or grouping/other extremely inappropriate physical contact). Locking those people up in prison is fine by me.

    I don't believe in the death penalty, because it's more costly & people have been wrongly put on death row. I don't think people need punishment for nonviolent crimes such as drug addicts facing possession charges.

    I like to talk to people, I'm fast at hands-on jobs, I catch onto things quick, I team work well & can teach others to work as a team, I'm good at explaining things to others & rewording things for them, I'm observant, I'm good at delegating task to people & playing to different people's strengths with what I ask them to do, I'm patient with people on learning new things, I can easily correct people on how to do something on the spot, I'm good at establishing relationships with the people I train past just small talk, I multitask well, I find quicker/easier ways/methods to get things done, I like to stay busy & prefer busier days, I'm good at setting things up to make jobs run smoother, I can tell if people are catching on just by looking at them, I keep good well established work relationships with the people around me that I work with on jobs, I'm reliable & always say yes if I get asked to help with something & don't take time off of work, I'm always willing to learn new skills & will ask a manager how to do something I see them doing (like computer work at my warehouse job), & I'll ask about a 100 times if people have any questions on the job I'm teaching them & always answer & even re answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    >Ben Shapiro
    >Science and facts

    You may only choose one.

    (you are sucking his Ti)
    He seems Te/Fi to me. He actually took the mbti test on one of his videos too, so you can look up & watch it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    Really dude, get off your moral high horse. Some people actually think Ben Shapiro is Gamma NT, especially LIE.
    100%. Thank you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Really dude, how Ben is anything factual? He purposefully;
    - presents only 'facts' that fit his ideology (cherry-picking)
    - ignores other people that try to correct him
    - uses eristics and logical manipulations in debates
    - creates a group-following around himself, so he can show that 'well, look how many people follow me'

    You can go out there and check 'the facts', and science is not about 'well just some people think'. And, for one, Shapiro surely negates climate science, for example. If you want, I can send you a lot of material on him and on people actually fact-checking him. And this is Gamma NT? A rigid Ti ideologue?

    And yes, I'm going to stay still in my high-moral-horse, lol. Fuck off.

    Here is a great analysis from safsom2 on him (Shapiro):

    Shapiro is LII?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Really dude, how Ben is anything factual? He purposefully;
    - presents only 'facts' that fit his ideology (cherry-picking)
    - ignores other people that try to correct him
    - uses eristics and logical manipulations in debates
    - creates a group-following around himself, so he can show that 'well, look how many people follow me'

    You can go out there and check 'the facts', and science is not about 'well just some people think'. And, for one, Shapiro surely negates climate science, for example. If you want, I can send you a lot of material on him and on people actually fact-checking him. And this is Gamma NT? A rigid Ti ideologue?

    And yes, I'm going to stay still in my high-moral-horse, lol. Fuck off.

    Here is a great analysis from safsom2 on him (Shapiro):

    I also like Jesse Watters, Shawn Hannity, Laura Ingraham, & Greg Gutfeld among others. Are they all LII too?

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    An LII would not keep up with me. Would an LII go skiing or snowboarding with me? Would they play basketball with me? Would they go hiking with me? Hit the gym & push themselves to lift more & more weight & keep reaching new physical goals? - All thing I enjoy!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    He is not, if you can, look it up (someone saying 'FAAAKTS' is not enough to declare Te-ego). Taking an MBTI test means shit, and you should know this if you know that it doesn't mean shit (or: it doesn't help) in your own case.

    (Special cheers for that one EIE admin in one of groups I was in, who typed themselves as ENTP )

    Also, if you /seriously want to get typed/, go for someone professional or visit one of those typing discords (visit sedecology first). This forum is of no help at this point with all this drama and you changing your 'face' with each thread. You won't see anything new, some people may start to defend you (quite likely Fe/Ti like you), some people will still react as they do. You won't achieve admiration or cool-group-feelings, that's for sure. There is no point in this if you actually want to receive some more pragmatical gain.

    I've thought you said you were going for Jack Oliver Aaron? Why didn't you go?
    I don't care about cool-group-feelings. Never belonged to a group or clique (besides the group of people I've trained at work as in it being my job to train a group of 5 new people on certain days/weeks).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    He is not, if you can, look it up (someone saying 'FAAAKTS' is not enough to declare Te-ego). Taking an MBTI test means shit, and you should know this if you know that it doesn't mean shit (or: it doesn't help) in your own case.

    (Special cheers for that one EIE admin in one of groups I was in, who typed themselves as ENTP )

    Also, if you /seriously want to get typed/, go for someone professional or visit one of those typing discords (visit sedecology first). This forum is of no help at this point with all this drama and you changing your 'face' with each thread. You won't see anything new, some people may start to defend you (quite likely Fe/Ti like you), some people will still react as they do. You won't achieve admiration or cool-group-feelings, that's for sure. There is no point in this if you actually want to receive some more pragmatical gain.

    I've thought you said you were going for Jack Oliver Aaron? Why didn't you go?
    I did, but I owe $21k in student loans still after paying around $15k & I put $1000 towards that a month plus other expenses, so I couldn't bring myself to waste my money at the moment. I did email him. My dad also had a stroke that week I contacted him, so I had family things going on too.

    I also don't care that deeply what my type is. If I had less free time you'd never see me on this forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    You can't read screens? This dude types Shapiro LSI (and I hold similar opinion). Congrats on not passing reading test again (not the first time).
    I didn't give a shit to read it. I don't give a fuck about anything you have to say man. Why don't you find something to do in the real world instead?

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    Gotta love how open & accepting "liberals" are

    Democrats be like: We welcome everyone. You have the right to think exactly how I do!

    Don't forget cLiMaTe ChAnGe is rEaL. It's not made up by dudes with mansions & private jets to fear monger you into making them richer. Give to my climb change fund here so I can buy a summer home. Those people in power talking about climate change do not practice what they preach, whether it's real or not. They're hypocrites.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    If you /really don't care/, then why do you make those threads all over again? Why do you have to tell me (us) each time you don't care? Why had you a very sad meltdown last time (after our discussion), and deleted all threads, saying 'you are sorry', only to get back to this now?

    You deleting threads and messages doesn't remove them from memory of ours. We've all seen it. You can't change this.

    You don't want an accurate typing, you want someone to tick your ego and someone who will assure you that you can be 'what you want to be', or be 'whatever you want to be'.

    (also, 'SlytherinPower' arhghgh look how bad girl I am Sigh.)
    Cuz I deleted the others, & I just wanted one singular one to stay here forever for when anyone has something productive to contribute to it, if they so choose to.

    I've tested as a Slytherin 3 times over many yrs, so I like my user name. idc if you don't. I've had Slytherin listed in my signature on another site for almost an entire yr too.

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    For anyone triggered by my political views: I am not a conservative or a Republican. I am not religious. I am a libertarian.

    I have zero problem with gay, bi, transgender people, etc. I'm bisexual myself.

    I'm just against big government & higher taxes or honestly taxes at all.

    I'm literally the most do whatever you want type of person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    An LII would not keep up with me. Would an LII go skiing or snowboarding with me? Would they play basketball with me? Would they go hiking with me? Hit the gym & push themselves to lift more & more weight & keep reaching new physical goals? - All thing I enjoy!!!!!
    This was completely ignored by everyone. Would an LII or SLI be into these things? I like people with similar interests as me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post

    I didn't call you any names either.
    Called me "paranoid". More than once. It's ok. I'm not paranoid & I'm not bothered by it. I'd like to just move along. Let's stop being stuck on this silly back & forth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    Well yes.

    You are falling back into old patterns.

    You openly say that you don't "give a shit" what others say on your typing thread. However, you have a history of making a mess of your typing threads, making a mess of other threads, and have a habit of treating threads like this. So... what makes you think others are going to "give a shit" about what you say when you treat input like this, especially when you've admitted this on old threads? Of course they're going to ignore your posts except when you're dragging them into your circus, arguing and picking fights with them, all because you feel ashamed that after nobody cared to type you on your 5th or so typing thread... ridiculous.

    You're on ignore. Everything you say and do is nonsensical and pointless, you can't even take an grain of salt when it comes to criticism. Most everyone who has witnessed your tomfoolery remembers what you've said and done. I'm sure you remember that.
    Him specifically that was aimed at. Not everyone on the forum as a whole. You keep misreading that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    No, you follow the facts. If facts, data and science show otherwise, you change your 'thinking'. This is Te. If you had read that bit on Ben Shapiro, or read this (it clearly shows how you prefer Fe/Ti, right /now/)

    Also, whether 'people in power' (mind it, Republicans as of last four years in the US) 'practice' is not an issue to whether it's real or not. If they are hypocrites and are endangering us, well, time to change people in power. That doesn't change that climate change is real and is not going anywhere without action.

    If anything, it's coal and oil companies (and alike) that pay for climate deniers. (they paid him to deny change)

    Less pop on funding climate deniers:

    Maybe this will make something clear:

    Or this:

    (an actual Te-valuer that in the video is)

    If you wished so… You could be doing your own reading now. Educating yourself, looking at facts and improving, you know. But you don't want to read.
    Even if it is real, I don't care to stop climate change or to want it to be slowed. Our energy is way cleaner than other countries like China anyway. So tell them not America. I choose jobs > climate change efforts. We are finally energy dependent. Gas prices are down. Yes, we can invest in different, cleaner energy, but the government shouldn't have the right to ban others. If they cared about cleaner energy that was reliable & cheap, we'd have nuclear energy for the whole country.

    Since you're so fact based, have you read the green new deal? Do you know how much that raises taxes? Sorry, I don't care to be robbed of the money I earn for causes someone else cares about that I don't. I should be free to completely spend my money how I want.

    Edit: Not caring or prioritizing climate change is different than believing it to be true or not. All of Ben's views are not my views either. Someone's views that are closer to my own would be someone like Kat Timpf.

    2nd Edit: Never said I wasn't a Fe & Ti user either. Vex or Ebony or whatever is who said Fi & Te for me suggesting ENFP. I don't want a dual either. I currently like my IEE (ENFP) friend & I'm obvi not a SLI.
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-08-2020 at 02:42 AM.

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    Extroverted ethical Ne valuer, based on everything seen so far seems more like IEE > ESE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Extroverted ethical Ne valuer, based on everything seen so far seems more like IEE > ESE
    If I like to have plans for where I want to be in 2, 5, 10 yrs. & I'm always like I want to figure out all my life today (& drive my family members crazy with that) & talk about wanting to manifest things that I envision for myself into reality. It doesn't sound like Ni PoLR to me. Neither does having many opinions available to me making me stressed (unless it's things like having many sports/activities to do in my free time).

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    If I like to have plans for where I want to be in 2, 5, 10 yrs. & I'm always like I want to figure out all my life today (& drive my family members crazy with that) & talk about wanting to manifest things that I envision for myself into reality. It doesn't sound like Ni PoLR to me. Neither does having many opinions available to me making me stressed (unless it's things like having many sports/activities to do in my free time).
    The greater than symbol meant that I saw IEE as more likely now than ESE. However, Ni PoLR actually do like to plan things, strong Ni users don't need to make concrete plans for the future because they can sense where things are headed naturally. Liking many options is a facet of Ne valuing, yes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    The greater than symbol meant that I saw IEE as more likely now than ESE. However, Ni PoLR actually do like to plan things, strong Ni users don't need to make concrete plans for the future because they can sense where things are headed naturally. Liking many options is a facet of Ne valuing, yes.
    But I said I don't like having many opinions. It's stresses me & causes me anxiety. I rather have a linear path. That's what I was saying. Y'all don't listen.

    & relaxing makes me stressed. I rather have no time to rest in a day at all, which doesn't seem like the Ne & Si users around me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    The greater than symbol meant that I saw IEE as more likely now than ESE. However, Ni PoLR actually do like to plan things, strong Ni users don't need to make concrete plans for the future because they can sense where things are headed naturally. Liking many options is a facet of Ne valuing, yes.
    I agree with this. My ESE cousin for example planned things out for her career in a rather carefully executed way, step by step. And personally, I never cared to plan things out too much because I know I'd either have to be anal about things and there would be zero spontaneity, or plans would have to be adapted and changed anyways.

    That said, @SlytherinPower, I'm not sure what this means about your socionics type, if anything, you do seem like an e3 to me, and plannings out seems typical of e3.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I agree with this. My ESE cousin for example planned things out for her career in a rather carefully executed way, step by step. And personally, I never cared to plan things out too much because I know I'd either have to be anal about things and there would be zero spontaneity, or plans would have to be adapted and changed anyways.

    That said, @SlytherinPower, I'm not sure what this means about your socionics type, if anything, you do seem like an e3 to me, and plannings out seems typical of e3.
    I don't plan out my free time or day to day activities (tho I been wanting to to get more done) but as in big future plans.

    They don't have to be step by step either. More like if I don't end up blah blah blah in 3 yrs from now I'll be disappointed in myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    But I said I don't like having many opinions. It's stresses me & causes me anxiety. I rather have a linear path. That's what I was saying. Y'all don't listen.

    & relaxing makes me stressed. I rather have no time to rest in a day at all, which doesn't seem like the Ne & Si users around me.
    Your questionnaire indicates the opposite. In fact, there are many things that point to Ne valuing, likely Se role and Te mobilizing. The DS function is not something you typically consciously know you need until later in life. Give it 10 years or so. IEE are often stressed out but don't know how to relieve it themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Your questionnaire indicates the opposite. In fact, there are many things that point to Ne valuing, likely Se role and Te mobilizing. The DS function is not something you typically consciously know you need until later in life. Give it 10 years or so. IEE are often stressed out but don't know how to relieve it themselves.
    I'm not stressed out tho. I'm stressed out if I'm sitting around the house not doing anything. Or if people wanna act up with me cuz I can't stand that shit.

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