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Thread: One & only type me thread forever

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I have thought about this for a while and... Sorry, but no. Maybe I will come one day to those discords out of curiosity, but I don't feel sure enough that it will be safe or that it will be beneficial in any way (be it Te, Fi, whatever).

    There is one situation from my past that keeps ringing in my head, and I don't feel good about this. You can see it as chickening or what (hello 1D Se), but yeah, whatever, sure, but no. Sorry. Or not sorry. Maybe those Discords can be of help for you. For me, contacting like this is too much and this is where I draw my line.
    I don't know what you've been through, but I genuinely mean this when I say whatever it was I'm sorry. But I respect your decision, & I'm enjoying my interactions in one of the discords that you sent so thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Okay, some thoughts.

    I definitely shouldn't imply or say you are retarded. You probably aren't, in fact, I do believe you have some capacity to change, sigh. Even if some of your actions and words did very much come as so (and probably not only for me), it's not right to call anyone so. It's not really constructive nor leads to some development, especially if you were indeed Alpha SF, who need 'something else' to grow. Not insults. Sorry.

    You also didn't seem to target any forum members directly or indirectly (by, for example, clear racism). Or I didn't catch that. So you don't 'deserve' any 'lecturing' even by harsh Gamma terms, based on that either. You were just 'acting stupid' or 'being stupid' (that is not a unchangeable thing by the way), and although this was very irritating to me, I don't think that I should have done what I've done, and maybe I should have tried some different approach, and this might have been too harsh in how I was disapproving of your behavior (sigh). Even though I think deep down I still disapprove of what you've been doing - to be clear. Sorry again for my part, as it's leading nowhere.
    I appreciate your apology, & I apologize as well. I try my best to not hold grudges, so if you'd ever like to communicate with me (on something other than politics), you can feel free to.

    I've only been resisting people's ESE typing of me, because I'm not generally as emotive/silly/goofy as I showed in my first few videos, which I think has forever tainted people's impressions of me (from my own impression of me) in their mind. I'm not normally that scattered, & I talked so fast in my first video because I was trying to fit as much info in a 10 minute type video as I could because I didn't want to make an incredibly long video (& it would take forever to download on my phone).

    I definitely played up the goofy, because of my uncle's type of personality & what he finds funny. I should of made a solo more serious video. My actual humor is way more sarcastic, & my uncle has more of a childish? almost Robin Williams esque type of humor.

    I also got defensive, because I'm so used to people in real life sizing me up wrong & then thinking they can trample all over me. I'm really not intentionally trying to "act tough". I just get sick of my own looks at times, & get tired of people thinking that I must be a doormat looking girl.

    I'm sure if into your 20s you still got told that you look 12 yrs old & had some irl interactions that I've had with people, you'd get where my attitude at times comes from.

    I'd gladly welcome a more constructive conversation.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Edit: I have a habit of "pushing people's buttons" & not knowing when to let up. I'll work on it.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    Lol she's trolling you because you're so serious. It would be interesting what she types as when she's actually being serious. My guess is some sort of Ep type.
    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Fe/Ti trolling, great game 11/10 mate.

    See, I'm not interested. (∂△∂;)Because I'm quite serious. Like, a lot.

    And here I was, thinking Beta and Delta rational couples are that much different ... ..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    No, I'm saying that I'm quite sure you won't provide Jack with a whole picture (that is, your behavior over time, at this forum or in threads). I'm not sure whether he will find your facade believable or not, I hope not. You are a bad actress, but the question lies in whether Jack will see it, as Ni-types don't seem to have big problems with seeing it. But Jack is an ILE, and to add to that he may feel quite repulsed to type you the same quadra as he is (like Ryan ITT). We will see.
    What specifics do you think I won't provide him? I'm trying to genuinely gauge what info you think I would leave out? I'd like to point out that even irl I can "get in moods" with people & act quite erratic for a few days at a time. I get intense when stressed. I've been researching some symptoms up for myself, & although I do get anxiety that flares up from time to time, I also believe I quite possibly have pmdd & that my hormones get really wonky from time to time (& contributes to me acting especially agitated &/or depressed).

    If you could see some texts that I've sent friends before... yeah I'm not always in the best head space.

    My deleting of lots of posts is in no way deliberate either. It's very impulsive.

    If you ever want to have a one on one chat ever in the future, you can still let me know. Or a group chat.

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    @SojournInLimbo I'm interested in knowing that as well. Or am I the Delta?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    Silke quoted Duschia. Some people think he's actually LSE mistyped as ILI? I am glad she thinks that I am typed correctly though. Lol
    Interesting. Does he have a type me thread on here? He does seem good at recalling Si info.. hmm..

    Edit: nevermind I found his typing thread.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    I'm fine with you not liking me
    You are lying. I didn't even say I don't like you. But you are going to continue feeling this way regardless.

    You keep deleting threads because you don't think people judge you fairly on first impression.

    It's funny because there is a lot of authentic compassion that gets thrown your way that you don't acknowledge or readily dismiss.

    But I think I finally get it. Some types just hate it when people like/respect them. Even showing pity and compassion feels insulting to them. Cheap. It feels weird. As if they must be faking it because how could anyone possibly like them? And when they eventually ruin the relationship, and they really do ending up hating them, and it confirms their belief that people don't like them! Then that gives them energy and motivation, but it is truly a cycle of self-sabotage.

    It doesn't help that these same types doubt other people's judgement of them when they themselves have a real disconnect by how the world perceive them and how they feel they are.

    Whatever. This have been on my mind for a while. I'm done here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    You are lying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    This person just comes across as someone that haven't been told to "shut up" their entire lives. Nothing but bullshit comes out of her mouth.
    You too. You said you were going to leave the forum and never come back. Welcome back!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I have been typed as about every Te-ego type so far. People seem to have problem in determining whether I do value Si or Ni, but they are sure on Te - that alone should be pointing to me /not having/ either Ni or Si PoLR, but yeah. If you want to see arguments for ILI over SLI (and more for XLI > LXE), check out my sedecology profile (heh).

    Si here is not even close to what it is in MBTI ('detailed', 'memory' lol). Don't go that typing hole.
    I'll admit I relay on mbti definitions of functions a lot.

    Having a good detailed memory is a compliment tho, irregardless.

    What do you personally type as in mbti? Out of curiosity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Lol, go to wikisocion asap and read those information elements.

    MBTI descriptions have - in many places - little to do with socionics descriptions. As I don't really find MBTI as anything more useful than socionics, I don't really type. I can only say that I knew some MBTIers (not too closely) and IRL they were like 'hmmm, maybe ISTP?'. I remember getting INTJ on those funny letter-tests when I was a younger teen, but dunno. ILI doesn't really have a direct counterpart in MBTI (INTJ is more LIE/SLE, while INTP is more LII).

    Btw. as for memory, multiple types can have exceptional memory as a trait, but for ILIs it's often noted. Te-types may stereotypically also possess that 'encyclopedic knowledge'.
    I could definitely see mbti INTJ = LIE. SLE however I couldn't see them possessing that type of outward force/energy to impact their physical environment to that extent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    INTJs or SLEs?

    SLEs can be an incredibly forceful, powerful type, extremely in-environment and shaping it to their own will. See about every great conqueror (who was not SEE), starting from Alexander the Great, probably Napoleon (being wrongly? SEE namesake), Attila the Hun and so on.

    INTJs would maybe be those more introverted SLEs, for sure. I think INTJ in MBTI is such a weird type by description (a boogaloo mis-match) that some LIEs can land here, some SLEs, some LSIs, some ILIs, maybe others etc.
    INTJs in mbti being as forceful, impactful, pushy, & aware as SLEs by description.

    I could see LSI for INTJs.

    Could see INTJ being ILI, LIE, SLI, & LSI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SojournInLimbo View Post
    I could vaguely see e8 INTJs being sorta SLE but those people are usually on the border of ENTJ anyways. INTJs are usually 5,1, 6 with a sprinkling of 8, 9, and 3.
    I could see that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    I despise this kind of behavior
    I used to be really confused because something about it felt manipulative (im not commenting on silke here), like I was being taken advantage of, but couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. And then people around me told me this person is 'distorting argument' 'trying to make you sound bad' or whatever. To me it comes across as they can't stand being even remotely incorrect about something so they will (essentially gaslight - I mean technically, but some people might be more susceptible than others) their way into it. It's kind of amazing and...disgusting at the same time.
    Gaslighting - yes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    some people may not consider it gaslighting because they can dodge it easily and see it as commonplace. It's just that I can't, so to me it's wrong.
    Sounds like the definition of gaslighting to me. I can recognize that behavior in some people too.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Really dude, how Ben is anything factual? He purposefully;
    - presents only 'facts' that fit his ideology (cherry-picking)
    - ignores other people that try to correct him
    - uses eristics and logical manipulations in debates
    - creates a group-following around himself, so he can show that 'well, look how many people follow me'

    You can go out there and check 'the facts', and science is not about 'well just some people think'. And, for one, Shapiro surely negates climate science, for example. If you want, I can send you a lot of material on him and on people actually fact-checking him. And this is Gamma NT? A rigid Ti ideologue?

    And yes, I'm going to stay still in my high-moral-horse, lol. Fuck off.

    Here is a great analysis from safsom2 on him (Shapiro):

    I just want to say that it’s weird people say Ben Shapiro is Gamma when he’s trying to defend old conservative ideology. A big part of Gamma is social reform but he’s trying to revert everything back to like 1880s Civil War Reconstruction era which is going against social reform. I don’t care about political commentators and I don’t care about typing real people but even I recognized Shapiro is LSI. His ignoring Te is off the hook. He always ignores new information that comes in IF it clashes with his ideology and he will totally eject any information on the contrary. I think he needs an SLE to keep his Ti in check.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    There is nothing Ni/Se and nothing Fi/Te about OP.

    OP has poor Ni (and poor reflectional abilities), as shown even with that 'don't steal my money!' when confronted with a fucking existential threat that likely - if not stopped - will cost billions of dollars and lives, if not end human civilization as we know. Likes to be supplied with Ti (see peteronfireee, Northstar, and so on) - this is not how IEEs work. Poorly senses capabilities and abilities.

    OP's values reflect Alpha complex of closed mouth: (what Ave notes as 'Fi PoLR?')
    Actually, she’s got plenty of Fi (creative, makes judgment calls based off how things relate back to her and it only makes sense if it relates back to her), negative but strong self-serving usage of Fe (demo, trying to get attention over and over again about her which goes back to Fi), seeking Te (mob, good at mining information but totally shitty at understanding the context and inappropriately applies information and needs a ton of validation that she’s on the right track), and most of all, Ne (lead, talks about her boredom a lot and how she keeps bouncing around with everything- what she says, her lifestyle, interests, image, projects; and never sees anything through).

    IEE > SEE because of 2 big components.

    First, she doesn’t value Se, but puffs up what she believes Se to be (tough) but Se in both SLE and SEE is very visceral, and conflict is the heart of getting what we want. We will fight vigorously and won’t stop. She actually is rather avoidant of conflict and disturbed by any negative emotions thrown her way which is why she keeps erasing all the “type me” threads because people called her out.

    Second, an SEE will fight like a rabid dog for anyone they love, but if you insult them or challenge them, they don’t clap back at anyone and everyone, and they especially don’t give a fuck about anyone they don’t have a connection with (love, like, value). They’re very secure about themselves and don’t need validation so they don’t have to act out to draw attention to themselves. I have 3 SEE friends and they independently all behave this way. They will literally ignore what others say but if I say the same exact thing to them, because we’re friends, they trust me so they’ll listen to what I say. She needs constantly validation that she’s a “strong” type from a large variety of communities/sources (valued Ne) and currently, Se leads are heralded as such.

    IEE fits exactly for her because they have massive difficulty applying logically motivated categories to themselves which is why they keep saying such nonsense like they’re “logical but also emotional” and they can be anything they want to be and nothing can pin them down- all the attitudes were they show how little they understand the purpose of typology, let alone the mechanics of it. They often paradoxically (because of Ne) display a disregard for typology in general, because “you can’t fit individuals into a box”. Uh, yeah you can. This is all that typology is doing in fact, it doesn’t diminish individuality, it just structures it. Typology is just another structure and that’s a concept that Fi creatives stubbornly rebel against instinctively, while Ti egos types sees usefulness, grasps it, and builds upon it. She doesn’t have Se. She can’t maintain it and she doesn’t view the world through Se lenses. Otherwise she’d actually be realistic of herself and settle on a type already (which is something SEEs actually are good at) and not chase a bunch of butterflies that leads nowhere.

    BTW, her stressing that she likes people like her is aristocratic, and Deltas are extremely aristocratic and more collective than Beta. Beta values Se and fights each other, and the fights are not hostile, it’s merely challenging each other to see who’s strong enough to stand up to what they believe in. That’s why Betas usually accuse other Betas of not being Beta. Deltas don’t value Se so they stress that they all get along and work well together which is why they love it when people identify themselves as Delta regardless if they are or not.
    Last edited by Lolita; 11-11-2020 at 08:05 AM.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    No, I'm saying that I'm quite sure you won't provide Jack with a whole picture (that is, your behavior over time, at this forum or in threads). I'm not sure whether he will find your facade believable or not, I hope not. You are a bad actress, but the question lies in whether Jack will see it, as Ni-types don't seem to have big problems with seeing it. But Jack is an ILE, and to add to that he may feel quite repulsed to type you the same quadra as he is (like Ryan ITT). We will see.
    Actually, that’s my main concern because she obsessively studied typing videos, starting with mine and I think she’s rehearsing to sort of trick the system. If so, that’s a total waste of money and a very expensive trick to play on a bunch of strangers because Jack charges what? something like $130? That’s not a cheap price to pay for trolling. I think Jack is pretty fair and he approaches typing people on good faith and if there’s massive but valid questioning of a person’s type, he would consider to revisit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Actually, that’s my main concern because she obsessively studied typing videos, starting with mine and I think she’s rehearsing to sort of trick the system. If so, that’s a total waste of money and a very expensive trick to play on a bunch of strangers because Jack charges what? something like $130? That’s not a cheap price to pay for trolling. I think Jack is pretty fair and he approaches typing people on good faith and if there’s massive but valid questioning of a person’s type, he would consider to revisit.
    Why would I waste my money like that? When I'm not even working right now? & I don't plan to post my video on here either.

    Uhhhh I didn't "study" your video. You posted it here, so I watched it. I'm not going to try to act like you. Y'all got all these conspiracy theories, but I'm "paranoid".

    Everyone kept telling me to get professionally typed, because you guys thought I wouldn't really do it. Now that I set up an interview, you guys come up with the idea that I'm going to "fake my type".
    Last edited by SlytherinPower; 11-11-2020 at 01:12 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Actually, she’s got plenty of Fi (creative, makes judgment calls based off how things relate back to her and it only makes sense if it relates back to her), negative but strong self-serving usage of Fe (demo, trying to get attention over and over again about her which goes back to Fi), seeking Te (mob, good at mining information but totally shitty at understanding the context and inappropriately applies information and needs a ton of validation that she’s on the right track), and most of all, Ne (lead, talks about her boredom a lot and how she keeps bouncing around with everything- what she says, her lifestyle, interests, image, projects; and never sees anything through).

    IEE > SEE because of 2 big components.

    First, she doesn’t value Se, but puffs up what she believes Se to be (tough) but Se in both SLE and SEE is very visceral, and conflict is the heart of getting what we want. We will fight vigorously and won’t stop. She actually is rather avoidant of conflict and disturbed by any negative emotions thrown her way which is why she keeps erasing all the “type me” threads because people called her out.

    Second, an SEE will fight like a rabid dog for anyone they love, but if you insult them or challenge them, they don’t clap back at anyone and everyone, and they especially don’t give a fuck about anyone they don’t have a connection with (love, like, value). They’re very secure about themselves and don’t need validation so they don’t have to act out to draw attention to themselves. I have 3 SEE friends and they independently all behave this way. They will literally ignore what others say but if I say the same exact thing to them, because we’re friends, they trust me so they’ll listen to what I say. She needs constantly validation that she’s a “strong” type from a large variety of communities/sources (valued Ne) and currently, Se leads are heralded as such.

    IEE fits exactly for her because they have massive difficulty applying logically motivated categories to themselves which is why they keep saying such nonsense like they’re “logical but also emotional” and they can be anything they want to be and nothing can pin them down- all the attitudes were they show how little they understand the purpose of typology, let alone the mechanics of it. They often paradoxically (because of Ne) display a disregard for typology in general, because “you can’t fit individuals into a box”. Uh, yeah you can. This is all that typology is doing in fact, it doesn’t diminish individuality, it just structures it. Typology is just another structure and that’s a concept that Fi creatives stubbornly rebel against instinctively, while Ti egos types sees usefulness, grasps it, and builds upon it. She doesn’t have Se. She can’t maintain it and she doesn’t view the world through Se lenses. Otherwise she’d actually be realistic of herself and settle on a type already (which is something SEEs actually are good at) and not chase a bunch of butterflies that leads nowhere.

    BTW, her stressing that she likes people like her is aristocratic, and Deltas are extremely aristocratic and more collective than Beta. Beta values Se and fights each other, and the fights are not hostile, it’s merely challenging each other to see who’s strong enough to stand up to what they believe in. That’s why Betas usually accuse other Betas of not being Beta. Deltas don’t value Se so they stress that they all get along and work well together which is why they love it when people identify themselves as Delta regardless if they are or not.
    Look at your username & signature & see who is trying to "act tough". The hypocrisy is amazing.

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    @SnatchYourWeave briefly flipped through your blog in your signature. Agree on a lot of election things you said & about AOC. Also, she can feel free to stick me "on her list". Lol

  21. #101
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    I know OP is on ignore, and I haven't really been keeping up with this thread. All I will say is, getting typed is incredibly insightful to a person no matter who is providing the diagnostic service (WSS, Gulenko, Timur Protskiy, so on), and if someone is "studying videos to try and get a type" it's clearly a gamble, a waste of money and resources, and a misapplication of the theory. I would argue that it could do more harm to a person than good in the long run, and be damaging to a person's psyche, distorting it. I am not saying anyone here is doing this or has done this, but it's my 2c and a warning in general towards the people here on this forum.

    When you (SlytherinPower) have your interview and get your results, I hope you find it insightful. I'm not being firm in my typing towards you, but you self type as Exxx I think. I've heard extroverts in general have difficulty typing themselves since they're so oriented towards the outside world, and they don't reflect towards their inner world much. Whoever types you, I do hope you find it to be a reflective experience that brings the answers you seek.

    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

    Model G: IEI-CNHD
    Model A: Most likely ISFx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebony View Post
    I know OP is on ignore, and I haven't really been keeping up with this thread. All I will say is, getting typed is incredibly insightful to a person no matter who is providing the diagnostic service (WSS, Gulenko, Timur Protskiy, so on), and if someone is "studying videos to try and get a type" it's clearly a gamble, a waste of money and resources, and a misapplication of the theory. I would argue that it could do more harm to a person than good in the long run, and be damaging to a person's psyche, distorting it. I am not saying anyone here is doing this or has done this, but it's my 2c and a warning in general towards the people here on this forum.

    When you (SlytherinPower) have your interview and get your results, I hope you find it insightful. I'm not being firm in my typing towards you, but you self type as Exxx I think. I've heard extroverts in general have difficulty typing themselves since they're so oriented towards the outside world, and they don't reflect towards their inner world much. Whoever types you, I do hope you find it to be a reflective experience that brings the answers you seek.

    Thank you very much.

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    I don't know your type, but I like Wednesday.
    And I like the dialogue in this thread for some reason.
    And I like ice cream and expensive dark chocolate and peach wine too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Inconsistencies of the forum:

    Snatch: u can't question my type because I was professionally typed by Jack

    Also Snatch: u can't trust Jack's typing of SlytherinPower

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    Inconsistencies of the forum:

    Snatch: u can't question my type because I was professionally typed by Jack

    Also Snatch: u can't trust Jack's typing of SlytherinPower
    Snatch is retarded

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    Quote Originally Posted by PissholeMan View Post
    Snatch is retarded
    This person also genuinely thinks I’m delta NF lol and that I’ve been on the forum for 10 years when I’ve repeatedly told her that I haven’t.

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    it's interesting
    "One & only type me thread forever"
    there were alike 3 or more of her typing threads (with videos, questionnaire, significant text about her type). all that was deleted by mods and against the forum rules. typology censorship and mods' voluntarism progress

    1. misleading in the title (about the "only") fits to Fe type, which tend to respect objective truth in the least degree
    2. chaotic mess of during short time of making typing threads, closing them, reopening, making new ones - fits to P
    3. In her 1st questionnaire she mentioned among "expensive" things in the life she values the most is "food" (!) - that was on the 1st place in that list. Her nick was "Cupcakemonster" what contains a food name inside. This all points on Si value.
    sum: SEI

    Seems, the girl tries hard to convince in the type she has no. Up to the degree of corrupting mods to delete typing threads. This points good on F type - which tend to value emotions and wishes to be unicorns higher than reality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    Why would I waste my money like that? When I'm not even working right now? & I don't plan to post my video on here either.

    Uhhhh I didn't "study" your video. You posted it here, so I watched it. I'm not going to try to act like you. Y'all got all these conspiracy theories, but I'm "paranoid".

    Everyone kept telling me to get professionally typed, because you guys thought I wouldn't really do it. Now that I set up an interview, you guys come up with the idea that I'm going to "fake my type".
    1. Why would you waste your money? That’s what we’re all wondering. You don’t show sound reasoning in being able to make sound conclusions, and judging by the history of your chaotic behavior, this goes in line with what you’d do.
    2. Not this denial again. You studied my video and then tried to find argue with me on my typing and kept hounding me that I’m not SLE and something else. I didn’t even watch my own video.
    3. Again, you make such a mess of things. Most people have genuinely been kind and fair towards you, including me. We’ve suggested you get professionally typed because that should dispel your doubts on your type, NOT because we don’t think you’d do it. Now that you say you’ll do it, you’re fishing for more attention drawn on you. Why so much attention whoring? What are you looking for? People to hold your hand or congratulate you on saying you’re doing something which you may not do?

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    1. Why would you waste your money? That’s what we’re all wondering. You don’t show sound reasoning in being able to make sound conclusions, and judging by the history of your chaotic behavior, this goes in line with what you’d do.
    2. Not this denial again. You studied my video and then tried to find argue with me on my typing and kept hounding me that I’m not SLE and something else. I didn’t even watch my own video.
    3. Again, you make such a mess of things. Most people have genuinely been kind and fair towards you, including me. We’ve suggested you get professionally typed because that should dispel your doubts on your type, NOT because we don’t think you’d do it. Now that you say you’ll do it, you’re fishing for more attention drawn on you. Why so much attention whoring? What are you looking for? People to hold your hand or congratulate you on saying you’re doing something which you may not do?
    I don’t think I’ve seen you make a genuinely kind post towards anyone on here...

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    Quote Originally Posted by SlytherinPower View Post
    Inconsistencies of the forum:

    Snatch: u can't question my type because I was professionally typed by Jack

    Also Snatch: u can't trust Jack's typing of SlytherinPower
    1. Again, I never said people can’t question my type nor do I care what people think or say about me or my typing. The point is, I’ve been professionally typed by Jack so you or anyone else can question it but it’s going to be for your own edification by learning socionics. What you or anyone else thinks or say of my type means NOTHING to me. Don’t forget. You were the one hounding me that I’m not SLE and insisted that I’m LSE when my type wasn’t ever in question.

    2. No one is saying to not trust Jack’s typing. Dusch and I and plenty of other people legitimately have just cause for questioning your typing whether you get it done by Jack, Gulenko, or any other professional Socionics typing service. You fake and tailor your responses based upon what you perceive as being highly regarded and when people counter your fantasy with any ounce of realistic insight, you whine and cry victim. You have clearly and consistently shown a pattern of purposefully adjusting your behavior in order to seek out validation for what type you want to be and causing chaotic messes in response to anything contrary.

    Yet again, you piece together two points that have no relation and make illogical conclusions based off your personal feelings that you’re being attacked. The reality is: you’ve set yourself up for massive criticism so when people don’t tell you the things you want to hear about yourself, you pull a cry baby move by blame shifting and deleting threads.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    it's interesting
    "One & only type me thread forever"
    there were alike 3 or more of her typing threads (with videos, questionnaire, significant text about her type). all that was deleted by mods and against the forum rules. typology censorship and mods' voluntarism progress

    1. misleading in the title (about the "only") fits to Fe type, which tend to respect objective truth in the least degree
    2. chaotic mess of during short time of making typing threads, closing them, reopening, making new ones - fits to P
    3. In her 1st questionnaire she mentioned among "expensive" things in the life she values the most is "food" (!) - that was on the 1st place in that list. Her nick was "Cupcakemonster" what contains a food name inside. This all points on Si value.
    sum: SEI

    Seems, the girl tries hard to convince in the type she has no. Up to the degree of corrupting mods to delete typing threads. This points good on F type - which tend to value emotions and wishes to be unicorns higher than reality.
    “One and only” points to personal feelings of specialness, of being unique and individualistic which is actually Fi.

    Chaotic mess is Ne. She’s always trying to find patterns where none exists or whenever she tries to piece together points, it’s points that’s not related to each other.

    She constantly changes usernames, deletes threads, and then remakes threads but keep asking the same questions over and over again is chaotic Ne to automation Si seeking. She echos the same patterns in her behavior by saying she “don’t care” about what others say but gets mad and fight people when she don’t like what they say. She’s doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result, and the reasoning for wanting such results is to validate her identity and self worth (Fi).

    Demo Fe (drawing attention to herself) to execute Ne’s desires (wanting novelty) all for Fi reasons (self-validation) = IEE

    She’s more Delta than Alpha, infantile (Ne egos) not caregiving (Si egos). But since she’s made a mess of everything she touches, I can totally understand why no Quadra would want her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    1. Again, I never said people can’t question my type nor do I care what people think or say about me or my typing. The point is, I’ve been professionally typed by Jack so you or anyone else can question it but it’s going to be for your own edification by learning socionics. What you or anyone else thinks or say of my type means NOTHING to me. Don’t forget. You were the one hounding me that I’m not SLE and insisted that I’m LSE when my type wasn’t ever in question.

    2. No one is saying to not trust Jack’s typing. Dusch and I and plenty of other people legitimately have just cause for questioning your typing whether you get it done by Jack, Gulenko, or any other professional Socionics typing service. You fake and tailor your responses based upon what you perceive as being highly regarded and when people counter your fantasy with any ounce of realistic insight, you whine and cry victim. You have clearly and consistently shown a pattern of purposefully adjusting your behavior in order to seek out validation for what type you want to be and causing chaotic messes in response to anything contrary.

    Yet again, you piece together two points that have no relation and make illogical conclusions based off your personal feelings that you’re being attacked. The reality is: you’ve set yourself up for massive criticism so when people don’t tell you the things you want to hear about yourself, you pull a cry baby move by blame shifting and deleting threads.
    Every single post of yours is a chaotic mess.

    I just imagine you screaming violently throughout each one. LSE af.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    The funnies of you not accepting Snatch as SLE - while she is obviously one, even so typed - is hilarious. By no standards she has creative Si or has guardian-like romantic style. If anything, she should land on SLE benchmark, as 'quite obvious'.

    (No, I don't think Snatch is /always/ right, in fact I quite often disagree with her)

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    Everyone keeps saying "Snatch" and my brain can't help, but associate...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    The funnies of you not accepting Snatch as SLE - while she is obviously one, even so typed - is hilarious. By no standards she has creative Si or has guardian-like romantic style. If anything, she should land on SLE benchmark, as 'quite obvious'.

    (No, I don't think Snatch is /always/ right, in fact I quite often disagree with her)
    You’ve changed your type twice now at least since joining this site, using the same “logic” and self-assuredness you criticize shotgunfingers for each time. And you’re indiscriminately super biased and don’t care to filter yourself. As if anyone gives a fuck about what you think. Go back to bomb sniffing terrorists.

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    Dusch and I don’t agree on a lot of things, but it doesn’t make our observations of you invalid. Dusch doesn’t speak for me nor do I speak for him. We both have consistently voiced our independent but similar misgivings about how you approach socionics with your shenanigans. Dusch has genuinely shown what a Te ego is like (valued applied logic to seeking out solutions) by offering you countless links to reading materials to study, various professional Socionics typists and their estimated prices, and in this thread he’s even sent you links to various Discord communities and offered to help you with your typing. You should be grateful and thanking him for showing tremendous good will towards you but you snap back at him like he’s got some evil ulterior motive to making you a type that you don’t like. You’re just simply ungrateful and your indignant attitude needs to be seriously checked.

    It’s not that my explanations don’t have any validity, it’s because it has too much validity as to the truth of what type you are that causes you to get overly defensive. You don’t ever address the contents of I say, nor the content of what anyone else say if it goes against what you want to hear. Instead you dodge and evade addressing the topic at hand and derail the discussion by going off on tangents. So now I’m resorting to the root of it all. Socionics is based on Jung's principles of outer and inner object, so this is what Jung has to say (which backs up my very long but consistent analysis of you).

    Ne is characterized as being indecisive, constantly swapping options for another; seeking out novelty, rejecting structure.

    “The intuitive is never to be found among the generally recognized reality values, but he is always present where possibilities exist. He has a keen nose for things with future promise. He can never exist in stable, long-established conditions of generally acknowledged though limited value: because his eye is constantly ranging for new possibilities, stable conditions have an air of impending suffocation. He seizes hold of new objects and new ways with eager intensity, sometimes with extraordinary enthusiasm, only to abandon them cold-bloodedly, without regard and apparently without remembrance, as soon as their range becomes clearly defined and a promise of any considerable future development no longer clings to them.”

    Fi is characterized as being concerned with the idealized projection of their self-image and avoids any contrary remarks and fights against criticism with fake “I don’t care” attitude as it’s defense.

    "[Introverted feeling] is continually seeking an image which has no existence in reality, but which it has seen in a kind of vision. It glides over all objects that do not fit in with its aim. It strives after inner intensity, for which the objects serve at most as a stimulus. The depth of this feeling can only be guessed—it can never be clearly grasped. It makes people silent and difficult of access; it shrinks back like a violet from the brute nature of the object in order to fill the depths of the subject. It comes out with negative judgments or assumes an air of profound indifference as a means of defense."

    Think about this because it aptly describes you.

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    The above makes no sense cuz I have joined & talk to people on one of the discord links I was linked & get along with the people on it great. I've also been professionally typed (or I should say in the process of being). No, I'm not posting my video(s) here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    1) Once, and what the fuck
    2) ...what
    3) Okay
    4) ...what the fuck
    Douche-ia has been rendered speechless

    You claimed you thought you were LII or something at first then delta ST then ILI now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Good luck with finding evidence that I've ever claimed to be 'LII or something' as the one thing I knew since I've read about socionics when I was 15 or so was that I'm not a member of Alpha quadra. My whole thread was oscillating around' which Te-type am I', after it got more serious.

    Idk how responding to you is 'being rendered speechless' either.
    Well, it was unknown when you first joined and you were talking about it before in shoutbox. What the fuck.

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