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Thread: Signs Someone Is Not An IEI

  1. #1
    edgy princess eiemo's Avatar
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    Post Signs Someone Is Not An IEI

    IEI is a common mistype in the Socionics community. I briefly thought that I was an IEI because I am very creative, I am emotionally expressive, and when I briefly thought that I was Te PoLR was due to my perfectionism in being factual. My inner critic was berating me for the few times that I ignored facts (believing in astrology for a while, for example). I actually dwell in bodies of factual information, I am as much as (if not more so) of a doer than a dreamer, I am rather authoritative, and I struggle to read others' emotions.

    What are some signs that someone is not an IEI even though they think so?

    The Signs That I Am Not An IEI:

    • Dwelling in bodies of factual information and using facts to support arguments. I hate illogical people.
    • A naturally high work ethic.
    • Being naturally self-disciplined.
    • Not reading emotions well.
    • Being a task-oriented person.
    • Wanting to lead and doing it successfully.

  2. #2
    inaLim's Avatar
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    Basic signs would be tendencies and anxieties of a heavily rational person, being unable to tolerate Beta interaction style, and a history of inter-type relations that are way off with no psychological discomfort or fall-out. Other questionable signs would be detached, clinical, asexual vibe. If someone starts off with "I'm enneagram 1" then a laundry list of morals, values, dislikes, we're not off to a good start.

    Mistypes that stick out to me from most to least common

    Signs of IEE mistyping as IEI:
    Wild type switching
    Disregarding or redefining theory to preserve their self-image and the possibility that they could be IEI
    Treats IEI as a fantasy type, doesn't possess the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of EIE mistyping as IEI:
    More openly and consistently critical than IEI
    Narrative-driven thinking and explaining (Emphasis on narrative vs aimlessly poetic)
    Complex, but ultimately broad stroke understanding of people that rubs you the wrong way when it comes to individuality
    Not so nicely stereotypes others based on behavior, affiliation, status
    Semi-transparent elitism
    Scattered, dogmatic restatement of theory

    Signs of ESI mistyping as IEI:
    More judgemental
    More headstrong
    Doesn't do Fe
    Doesn't posses the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of SEI mistyping as IEI:
    More conventionally clear and to the point than IEI
    Quicker to say what they do or do not believe, or admit that they do not have any belief
    Less dismissive of Ti theory, more of a supporter, especially where Ti theory becomes overly symmetrical, reductionist, or universal
    Give off schoolteacher or "i'M sO RaNDoM" energy, not victim energy

    Signs of EII mistyping as IEI:
    "Nicely" stereotypes others based on interests, attitudes, look
    Odd understanding of Se and basic Beta traits
    Consistently off the mark typing IEIs & SLEs, Beta music, etc.
    Doesn't do Fe
    Doesn't possess the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of ILI mistyping as IEI:
    Blanket skepticism
    Radically personal type system based on the subset of behaviors relevant to Te/Fi/Fe PoLR
    Overconfident about understanding of how each type thinks and what each type values, projecting motives based on this

    Signs of ESE mistyping as IEI:
    Too agreeable, avoids conflict
    Not intuitive, keeps mouth shut to keep from being called out
    Seem unable to show any negative side openly (except when they completely snap). Too vanilla, positive, basic SF

    These are things that stick out relative to them calling themself IEI, not necessarily traits I would use to type someone cold.

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    when I did not typed to IEI

  4. #4
    edgy princess eiemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Basic signs would be tendencies and anxieties of a heavily rational person, being unable to tolerate Beta interaction style, and a history of inter-type relations that are way off with no psychological discomfort or fall-out. Other questionable signs would be detached, clinical, asexual vibe. If someone starts off with "I'm enneagram 1" then a laundry list of morals, values, dislikes, we're not off to a good start.

    Mistypes that stick out to me from most to least common

    Signs of IEE mistyping as IEI:
    Wild type switching (In MBTI, I actually have been confused between INFJ vs. ESTJ even though they are conflicting types lol)
    Disregarding or redefining theory to preserve their self-image and the possibility that they could be IEI
    Treats IEI as a fantasy type, doesn't possess the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of EIE mistyping as IEI:
    More openly and consistently critical than IEI (I have a tendency to be overly critical)
    Narrative-driven thinking and explaining (Emphasis on narrative vs aimlessly poetic)
    Complex, but ultimately broad stroke understanding of people that rubs you the wrong way when it comes to individuality
    Not so nicely stereotypes others based on behavior, affiliation, status (I unfortunately do this sometimes)
    Semi-transparent elitism (Sometimes I can come off as critical and even a bit arrogant)
    Scattered, dogmatic restatement of theory

    Signs of ESI mistyping as IEI:
    More judgemental ​​
    More headstrong
    Doesn't do Fe

    Doesn't posses the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of SEI mistyping as IEI:
    More conventionally clear and to the point than IEI
    Quicker to say what they do or do not believe, or admit that they do not have any belief

    Less dismissive of Ti theory, more of a supporter, especially where Ti theory becomes overly symmetrical, reductionist, or universal
    Give off schoolteacher or "i'M sO RaNDoM" energy, not victim energy

    Signs of EII mistyping as IEI:
    "Nicely" stereotypes others based on interests, attitudes, look
    Odd understanding of Se and basic Beta traits
    Consistently off the mark typing IEIs & SLEs, Beta music, etc.
    Doesn't do Fe
    Doesn't possess the Fe negatives of IEI in any meaningful way

    Signs of ILI mistyping as IEI:
    Blanket skepticism
    Radically personal type system based on the subset of behaviors relevant to Te/Fi/Fe PoLR
    Overconfident about understanding of how each type thinks and what each type values, projecting motives based on this

    Signs of ESE mistyping as IEI:
    Too agreeable, avoids conflict
    Not intuitive, keeps mouth shut to keep from being called out
    Seem unable to show any negative side openly (except when they completely snap). Too vanilla, positive, basic SF

    These are things that stick out relative to them calling themself IEI, not necessarily traits I would use to type someone cold.
    I think that a MAJOR red flag that I am not an IEI is that I can be very morally judgmental under stress. I have strong beliefs that I do not want to violate. That is a clear sign that I value Fi over Fe. I am expressive in the way that high Fe users are, but I do not keep tabs on "the emotional atmosphere" of the group. I am not great at reading people.

    I would say that another MAJOR red flag that I am not an IEI is that I respect Te in others and I am able to use Te fairly well. Someone generally does not like to see their PoLR function in other people. As for my use of Te, I use facts to support arguments, I have no trouble with saying something on a new factual topic that I am unacquainted with, and making sure that I am productive during most days. I have also been told that I lead others well (could also be a sign of Se-valuing and Fe leads often end up in leadership roles as well).

  5. #5
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    IEIs have strong moral judgements too. Come on, it's not like I'm going to invite John Wayne Gacy & Jeffrey Dahmer over my house for a party.

    It's just we're really good at spotting people falsely accusing others of being immoral to get more Te power for themselves.

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    I would say people tend to mistype "away from" IEI more than "towards", but these are all very valid reasons that it could be mistaken, particularly for Se creative vs suggestive.

  7. #7
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    Everyone gets typed EIE or IEI here. It's like a meme.

    You're guilty 'til proven otherwise.

    Come on, I, one of the most unintuitive [in many ways], practical and realistic person have been typed IEI before, unjokingly.

  8. #8
    edgy princess eiemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Everyone gets typed EIE or IEI here. It's like a meme.

    You're guilty 'til proven otherwise.

    Come on, I, one of the most unintuitive [in many ways], practical and realistic person have been typed IEI before, unjokingly.
    Mistyping as IEI, or frankly, any intuitive type, is quite common.

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    Quote Originally Posted by StarPath View Post
    Mistyping as IEI, or frankly, any intuitive type, is quite common.
    Or having it forced on you too is very common because you don't fit the "stereotypes" and "standards" of X type, which is very immature too. Like who are you to gatekeep?

  10. #10
    Alomoes's Avatar
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    Nobody is gatekeeping nobody. Let me put it this way, if you suddenly gained the ambition necessary to take a job at seafood and make a steady wage, it would surprise me. Same reason why my man IEI/EIE (I don't know what is what) suddenly teaching me about something unrelated to the work is unexpected.

    That being said, them being lazy isn't the best solution. Se is in their main stack, so they desire to be useful. This causes my main man be very hard working, even though he legit copies off me verbatim for things where factual information is required. We lean on each other on different things that are exclusive to each other's domain. "Like, should I put up the sign? It's a good idea." "Yes, but tell the manager first." Comparably, he copied off me so hard when I went and filled out a form on how the company was doing. They were almost identical.

    That being said, this is my lookalike, so if I ain't INTp or ENTj or whatever, then I'm wrong on this. Maybe he's ENFp and I'm ENTp. I don't know. His boss was obviously SeTi though, so I'm gonna guess NiFe, which implies I'm NiTe.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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