Instincts vs duality, which one has the biggest impact when it comes to your relationships? The thing about Intertype relations is that I don't really feel any differences between the types whatsoever. However, I get along super well with people who share similar instincts. Honestly, I feel like socionics has more to do with value systems and social roles than actual compatibility. If I can get along with certain people, I can accept that they have different values than me if I see where it's coming from instinctually.

What do you guys think? Would you rather date a conflictor with the same stackings or a dual with opposing ones? Also, it seems to me that subtypes matter a hell lot more than people make it to out to be. I have different rational/irrational preferences depending on the type.

So based on my preferences:
Subtypes = 40%
Instincts = 40%
Socionics = 20%