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Thread: 2020 Disunited States of America Election

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    I don't know how long this video will remain up given how purge happy big tech is right now but this guy friggin' gets it:

    The left/PTB are playing a very dangerous game. Like I've said, the people they're fucking with are the people they rely on. Said people also have guns and ammo for days and also comprise the grand majority of non-coms and junior officers (i.e. Captain rank and below). That is to say, the people who actually see combat and actually do the "dirty" work of war.

    Fuck with them at thine own peril. Civil war is coming ceterus paribus. Lefties/Trump haters don't seem to be able to do the math on this one. Hence, once again, I'm not at all fearful or worried. I wanted to spare my enemies, it ain't my fault if they insist that they'd rather try to kill me over accepting my olive branch...

  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I don't know how long this video will remain up given how purge happy big tech is right now but this guy friggin' gets it:

    The left/PTB are playing a very dangerous game. Like I've said, the people they're fucking with are the people they rely on. Said people also have guns and ammo for days and also comprise the grand majority of non-coms and junior officers (i.e. Captain rank and below). That is to say, the people who actually see combat and actually do the "dirty" work of war.

    Fuck with them at thine own peril. Civil war is coming ceterus paribus. Lefties/Trump haters don't seem to be able to do the math on this one. Hence, once again, I'm not at all fearful or worried. I wanted to spare my enemies, it ain't my fault if they insist that they'd rather try to kill me over accepting my olive branch...
    The USA meets every statistical graph and pattern for civil war tbh, this isn't fortune telling or spooky prediction, the data just overlaps with previous patterns right be4 civil war broke out in other places including 1861. All the signs are present.. This sucks tho as the existence of the US as a global superpower is important, if it falls it will change a lot of things.

    I'm telling you man, the Delta winter is upon the western world.. there will be secession attempts all across the west, the UK leaving the EU was just the beginning, we will decentralize and break apart. This is how nations die and new nations are born.

    ... best prepare accordingly.
    Last edited by SGF; 01-22-2021 at 04:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I'm telling you man, the Delta winter is upon the western world.. there will be secession attempts all across the west, the UK leaving the EU was just the beginning, we will decentralize and break apart. This is how nations die and new nations are born.

    ... best prepare accordingly.
    I actually hope you're right. A "peaceful" breakup of this evil empire is among my avowed and hoped for "happy" endings to all this BS. Sadly, our rulers are both dumb and now, after having successfully stolen the National Election of this world's foremost military and economic superpower, to dare to attempt to outright subjugate the people they rely on. There's a scene in the movie "Fight Club" I reference a lot. Our elites are dumb enough to think the equation is reversed.

    We, the actual people they rely on, clean their houses, bus their tables, fix their plumbing, and watch them while they sleep. Case in point, the loyalty tests issued to the 25k+ National Guardsmen and the resulting fact that they are currently patrolling the capital sans bullets in their mags.

    Those fuckers ain't dumb enough to actually try something here and now. They are going to "follow orders" right up until the PTB fuck up their own plans in a major way. Maybe they declare that the 2nd amendment only pertains to muskets. Maybe they declare that uttering the word "TRA-(finish the rest)" is the result of a mental illness because anyone truly sane knows that gender is a construct and that one ought to instinctively understand, know, and just state what gender a given person is and to fail to do so indicates a deep and profound mental illness. No matter how you figure this will all play out, like I said before, the "Mandate of Heaven" is forfeit.

    The "left", that is, the hardcore progressive crazies who can't even into what philosophy in regards to what constitutes universal reality is, are the current rulers. They fail to see how and why they are opposed by, in the worst yet most conservative of estimates, is 50+ million Americans. Americans who more than likely own multiple firearms and are disproportionally likely to be members of the official military in the ranks that matter in a hostile occupation (i.e. non-coms and commissioned officers Captain rank or lower).

    Shit is about to hit the fan folks. I just pray that we get spared a "Fallout" future because our current elites would be more than willing to glass this rock if faced with the prospect of either doing that or facing the justice they know they deserve...

  5. #285
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    I don't agree that the US will experience a civil war any time soon. I don't think that the conditions are right.

  6. #286
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    There is not going to be a civil war, just a lot of agitation and hype until there's another Republican president. It doesn't even have to be Trump.

    We saw this with the "prepper" movement, which diminished while their man was in power. The entrenched deep-state conveniently lost control of the presidency during Trump's tenure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    There is not going to be a civil war, just a lot of agitation and hype until there's another Republican president. It doesn't even have to be Trump.

    We saw this with the "prepper" movement, which diminished while their man was in power. The entrenched deep-state conveniently lost control of the presidency during Trump's tenure.
    The authoritarians have always been with us.

  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The "left", that is, the hardcore progressive crazies who can't even into what philosophy in regards to what constitutes universal reality is, are the current rulers. They fail to see how and why they are opposed by, in the worst yet most conservative of estimates, is 50+ million Americans. Americans who more than likely own multiple firearms and are disproportionally likely to be members of the official military in the ranks that matter in a hostile occupation (i.e. non-coms and commissioned officers Captain rank or lower).
    Do Captains (or lower) have fully qualified access to heavy weaponry? Firearms are nice, but any rebel army will be fighting F16's, A10 Warthogs, Abrams main battle tanks, and cruise missiles launched from carrier battle groups (which are more or less unreachable). I'm genuinely curious about this, not trying to trap you.

  10. #290
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    I don’t think there is going to be a civil war, either. I’m sure the prepper movement will return again while the Democrats are in control. I personally think things are changing in our country and things are going to get worse before they get better. Eventually something drastic is going to have to happen. But I think this will be a while from now, maybe when I’m much older.

    I know a lot of people that believed the conspiracy theories (the storm is upon us thing) and I didn’t believe it would actually happen. A lot of disappointed people, though.

    anyway, not an expert, but just the way I’ve been looking at it
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Do Captains (or lower) have fully qualified access to heavy weaponry? Firearms are nice, but any rebel army will be fighting F16's, A10 Warthogs, Abrams main battle tanks, and cruise missiles launched from carrier battle groups (which are more or less unreachable). I'm genuinely curious about this, not trying to trap you.
    Military purges discourage revolts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yep. I remember watching a Tea Party rally where they spontaneously burst out singing the American national anthem. That's when I quickly realized how much b.s. there was to American Libertarianism. They only hate government when "woke Communists" are in charge.

    I don't mean to suggest that this is a simple principle. There are principled Libertarians in the United States whose chief preoccupation is economic matters. They are not Rush Limbaugh or Ben Shapiro.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Yep. I remember watching a Tea Party rally where they spontaneously burst out singing the American national anthem. That's when I quickly realized how much b.s. there was to American 'Libertarianism'. They only hate government when "woke Communists" are in charge.
    Most of the people taking welfare are white. A high percentage of these don't see the benefits they get as being handouts from the government.

    Farmers don't see price supports as government handouts, silicon vally moguls don't see access rights to the broadcast spectrum as handouts, doctors don't see their being shielded from foreign competition as handouts, real estate owners don't see depreciation rules as handouts.

    The surest sign of an asshole is that they will tell you they were self-made. They got theirs, and they resent that other people might get anything at all.

    Personally, I feel that it would be a great benefit to the US to teach the truth in high schools that government is not funded from personal taxes. It prints money.
    This would go a long way towards defusing the argument that "their hard-earned tax dollars" are being used to enable lazy people to not work.
    It won't do anything to fix their feelings that they deserve whatever they can get, and those lazy people over there don't deserve anything, but it will remove support from their feelings.

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  15. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Most of the people taking welfare are white. A high percentage of these don't see the benefits they get as being handouts from the government.

    Farmers don't see price supports as government handouts, silicon vally moguls don't see access rights to the broadcast spectrum as handouts, doctors don't see their being shielded from foreign competition as handouts, real estate owners don't see depreciation rules as handouts.

    The surest sign of an asshole is that they will tell you they were self-made.
    Yeah, pretty much. I'd add that any rich CEO who tells you to "work smart, not hard" is punting the hard work to someone else. Hard work doesn't disappear because of the decision to work smart; it has to get done somehow by someone.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-22-2021 at 08:41 PM. Reason: fixed typo

  16. #296
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    To me, the simplest solution to this debate is to create separate classes based on non-gender-specific biological differences. These could be similar to the weight classes used in boxing.

    People with wildly different muscle strengths / staminas / etc. wouldn't in the same class, irrespective of their status as cis or trans-persons. This way, you avoid the controversy inherent to classifying athletes as either male or female.

    It's just a thought, I'll gladly hear out counterarguments.

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    Only someone with a bias could go from "Including more people" and call it "erasing you".

    OK, that's my first, unconsidered liberal reaction. A more thoughtful response would be to ask "Is this going to help or harm the purpose of girls' sports?" And then I'd ask, "What is the purpose of girls' sports?" Is it to build lifelong habits of being active? Is it to teach hard competition? Is it to create a parade of scantily clad girls running around? I mean, start from first principles and go from there.

    Having people who are genetically male physically compete against people who are genetically female might not be so great, if you want to see how well a person who is genetically female can perform. It would be like genetically altering some wrestlers to have chimpanzee strength muscles. Everyone else might as well go home.
    But excluding someone from healthy activities seems wrong, too.

    Perhaps @xerxe's solution is best.

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Only someone with a bias could go from "Including more people" and call it "erasing you".

    OK, that's my first, unconsidered liberal reaction. A more thoughtful response would be to ask "Is this going to help or harm the purpose of girls' sports?" And then I'd ask, "What is the purpose of girls' sports?" Is it to build lifelong habits of being active? Is it to teach hard competition? Is it to create a parade of scantily clad girls running around? I mean, start from first principles and go from there.

    Having people who are genetically male physically compete against people who are genetically female might not be so great, if you want to see how well a person who is genetically female can perform. It would be like genetically altering some wrestlers to have chimpanzee strength muscles. Everyone else might as well go home.
    But excluding someone from healthy activities seems wrong, too.

    Perhaps @xerxe's solution is best.
    yes, well I do not agree with how they worded the headline and I think it was meant to be attention grabbing. And yes, possibly bias. it seems hard to find an article that isn’t, it seems like

    @xerxe’s solution doesn’t seem like a bad one imo and possibly preferable, but do you think it has the potential to change sports drastically, maybe far more & faster than people are ready for?

    I haven’t thought about it a whole lot, but I don’t agree with this executive order. Just feel there has to possibly be a better way to go about it. Was just curious about what you other fine people on here would think.
    I saw it last night and was a bit disturbed

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  19. #299

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    This is the comment you are looking for

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    Trump constantly lies about the effects of COVID on the country and it turns out he lied about having the best plan, the most beautiful plan, a plan so great that we’ll all get tired of winning. It turns out that there was no plan. Perhaps CNN thought its viewers might like to know what is actually happening.

    Now that we have a president who is actually doing something about a threat that has killed more Americans than most of our wars combined, CNN might not feel the need to keep bringing up the situation every minute.

    At some point, Dorothy, you should understand that the Great and Powerful Wizard is a blowhard who is all smoke and mirrors. If you don’t, you’re going to be walking that yellow brick road forever.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-23-2021 at 01:59 PM.

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    For me, Trump's biggest disappointment was that he wasn't president Charlie Sheen. I was anticipating a party-beast who snorts cocaine and publicly (and unapologetically) has threesomes with hookers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    For me, Trump's biggest disappointment was that he wasn't president Charlie Sheen. I was anticipating a party-beast who snorts cocaine and publicly (and unapologetically) has threesomes with hookers.
    Eating Big Macs and fried chicken in bed while paying off hookers wasn't good enough for you?

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    Odds are good that with just a slim majority in the Senate, the Democrats won't be able to pass anything major this year. Or next.

    Real change requires a super majority.

    Real change seems to happen at a glacial pace. Allowing women to own bank accounts (1960's), blacks to vote (???), gays to marry (2015), granting limited social security first to granny and then gradually to younger and younger cohorts (1940's), all took decades to implement. Generations, almost.

    Progress advances one funeral at a time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Eating Big Macs and fried chicken in bed while paying off hookers wasn't good enough for you?
    Eating Big Macs and fried chicken isn't particularly risqué. Having sex with hookers in secret is too cliché to be interesting. Charlie Sheen looked you straight in the eye and owned it.

  27. #307
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    I think people are tired of being talked down to, by hypocrites who want power. Let's not make it a left vs right thing- as we're all tired of that. Unfortunately I don't think things like raiding government buildings will do much to solve the issue though. The only way to fix things in my mind is a very Te polr thing that will never happen- is to get rid of people using institutional authority to abuse, bully and harass others. But the true assholes are just gonna try to get immunities for their asshole-ness and create a bunch of scapegoats.

    Not sure Trump provoked those people as much as their own living experiences did + "elites" kicking them when they are down and ignoring their cries for help whilst they continue to decadently sip Newborn Blood from their timely decorated homes. If you compare Trump with people like that- there are ways Trump looks out to be the good guy. There's really no denying that unless you have your head in the sand. But it's also having your head in the sand to think he's gonna save you from your rural class woes or fight the establishment - or to pretend he ain't in that same room drinking Blood with the Elites himself. The same establishment made him incredibly wealthy, as well as being spoiled on top of it from his own family. There's no way he'd bite off the hand that fed him as much as they hope for.

    Reptile Demons: Even though people are hateful, bigoted, troll-ish sexist and homophobic- you should still let people comment on Yahoo news. You just appear to be using that as an excuse and justification to mind control everybody anyway. You're being a lot like the season 1 villains of Supergirl lol. Cut out a man's tongue you just fear what he has to say after all.

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    Here is a recent picture taken in a Texas mall. You have to wonder what, exactly, is going on here?*

    Maybe the next time they threaten to secede, we could give them some assistance?

  29. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I don't agree that the US will experience a civil war any time soon. I don't think that the conditions are right.
    I'd disagree, especially with the obvious fraud that just happened. Everyone I talk to that isn't a radical progressive SJW agrees that something obviously wasn't right about this election. They doubt, if only a bit, that Biden actually won legit.

    That's all it takes. If Kamalamadingdong becomes President within the next year (smart money says she will BTW) she'll go full on death-cultist "Death to der Weiß" funny mustache man mode because her own faction of her party will demand it. Fun fact about most Americans, we all agree that the worst mistake those Jews made in regards to their wholesale slaughter was peacefully and meekly boarding those train cars.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn held a similar sentiment. See, they could have all fought the PTB. Futile it may have been ultimately, but he rose a good question. Would those enforcers of the state so eagerly persued their "duties" if they knew that they were rolling the dice on barging into the castle of a man who had booby trapped the whole damn house top to bottom? What if he feared that was barging into a room with a man wielding a crowbar hiding in the shadows with the full intent of cracking his skull wide open? He had bet no, yet the majority bet yes. As if the enforcers were essentially Space Marines from Warhammer 40k.

    Yeah, they were not, yet they submitted anyway. Like he said, they plain and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. Can't say I disagree. Bend the knee once in earnest, then bend it for all eternity. A house slave who intends to kill the master has a plan and a sense of admirable dignity. The house slave who only desires to make life easier upon themselves? Well, the other slaves hated them for damn good reason. Traitors get the first yet also last bullet over the enemy...

  30. #310

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Do Captains (or lower) have fully qualified access to heavy weaponry? Firearms are nice, but any rebel army will be fighting F16's, A10 Warthogs, Abrams main battle tanks, and cruise missiles launched from carrier battle groups (which are more or less unreachable). I'm genuinely curious about this, not trying to trap you.
    There's a funny thing about all those that can be summed up by something pretty much any military historian worth a damn will tell you: "Children study tactics. Men study logistics."

    The rebel army will start with de facto control of the countryside. Which immediately makes anything regarding logistics "fun" for the side holed up in the cities and the coastline. Furthermore, those things are highly complex machines that need equally complex logistical systems to keep them fueled up, full of ammo, and in a state of good repair. Yes, those things give the "loyalist" (I use that term ironically) army a significant edge... for about a week. The more complex a system, the easier it is to disrupt. Plus the people I mentioned also happen to be the people in charge of repairing and maintaining those war machines. If they think they're about to be used on "their" side I'd bet a case of sabotage is about to happen. Then there's theft to worry about. I don't think those F-16's and whatnot come equipped with a remote self-destruct system or emergency override codes that the top brass can turn to if a particular asset decides to give command the finger and just go fuck off with the thing. Hell, in an all volunteer force, the installation or existence of such things would keep most from ever signing up. (Plus, y'know, if the enemy ever got their hands on those things you're pretty much fucked so yeah, best to actually not have them at all).

    Point is, unless they intend to simply glass the country side with nukes and/or carpet bomb it back to the stone age they will quickly be reduced to fighting with small arms and infantry unsupported by air, naval, and armored assets against the side that also happens to grow all the food. I mean, you could import from other nations, but that gets expensive really quick and nothing tanks an economy quite like a good ol' Civil War. A civil war that, unlike last time, has no real moral impetus behind it in regards to the "loyalist" faction. Fighting to end slavery is a cause worth fighting family members and dying for. Fighting to keep those damned "privileged" proles in line, in the union, and paying their taxes a central government many view as illegitimate, well, I don't think the history books would lionize such a casus belli and nobody (except sociopaths) likes to be the obvious jack booted thug (i.e. the baddies) without a moral rationalization to cover for it.

    The "rebels" however, have the very American "fighting to overthrow a tyrannical government that won't allow them to be represented" moral cause to back them up. That gives them a huge morale advantage right off the bat. Folly it is to disregard troop morale in regards to determining the outcome of a conflict.

  32. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    There's a funny thing about all those that can be summed up by something pretty much any military historian worth a damn will tell you: "Children study tactics. Men study logistics."

    The rebel army will start with de facto control of the countryside. Which immediately makes anything regarding logistics "fun" for the side holed up in the cities and the coastline. Furthermore, those things are highly complex machines that need equally complex logistical systems to keep them fueled up, full of ammo, and in a state of good repair. Yes, those things give the "loyalist" (I use that term ironically) army a significant edge... for about a week. The more complex a system, the easier it is to disrupt. Plus the people I mentioned also happen to be the people in charge of repairing and maintaining those war machines. If they think they're about to be used on "their" side I'd bet a case of sabotage is about to happen. Then there's theft to worry about. I don't think those F-16's and whatnot come equipped with a remote self-destruct system or emergency override codes that the top brass can turn to if a particular asset decides to give command the finger and just go fuck off with the thing. Hell, in an all volunteer force, the installation or existence of such things would keep most from ever signing up. (Plus, y'know, if the enemy ever got their hands on those things you're pretty much fucked so yeah, best to actually not have them at all).

    Point is, unless they intend to simply glass the country side with nukes and/or carpet bomb it back to the stone age they will quickly be reduced to fighting with small arms and infantry unsupported by air, naval, and armored assets against the side that also happens to grow all the food. I mean, you could import from other nations, but that gets expensive really quick and nothing tanks an economy quite like a good ol' Civil War. A civil war that, unlike last time, has no real moral impetus behind it in regards to the "loyalist" faction. Fighting to end slavery is a cause worth fighting family members and dying for. Fighting to keep those damned "privileged" proles in line, in the union, and paying their taxes a central government many view as illegitimate, well, I don't think the history books would lionize such a casus belli and nobody (except sociopaths) likes to be the obvious jack booted thug (i.e. the baddies) without a moral rationalization to cover for it.

    The "rebels" however, have the very American "fighting to overthrow a tyrannical government that won't allow them to be represented" moral cause to back them up. That gives them a huge morale advantage right off the bat. Folly it is to disregard troop morale in regards to determining the outcome of a conflict.
    Honestly, man...... f--k it; just do it, you only live once. I support you as I support all violence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Honestly, man...... f--k it; just do it, you only live once. I support you as I support all violence.
    No violence. Not yet. There is one more thing that one must consider. The PTB, for all their power and whatnot, have a critical weakness. They are utterly
    disconnected from reality at this point (e.g. they've decided to say "fuck it" in regards to policy optics now that Biden's the Thief in Chief). I may hate Ayn Rand but she had some good quotes and one of them is this: "You can deny reality, but you cannot deny the consequences of denying reality"

    This means the PTB will make a critical mistake that will cost them everything. Nothing will happen on this front until they make said mistake. Once they do it's on like Donkey Kong and they'll eat what I've alluded to. The end of a Dynastic Cycle didn't end at all well for any "Emperor" and their entire friggin' court.

    Well, except for one Emperor, and he did the equivalent of repenting and sinning no more to manage the feat. He became a Buddhist monk after he fled to a monastery where he rightly concluded that nobody would ever think to search for his hedonistic and depraved ass. Score another one in regards to Christianity being true as demonstrated by history on that one .

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    Jeffrey Dahmer, upon being arrested. “It’s over. Let’s move on. A trial would just be divisive.”

    Other cannibal murderers agree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post

    Both Trump and Biden do word salad speeches. Both of them have declining vocabularies. Both of them are in their seventies.

    The important differences are in their intentions towards other people. One lends a helping hand, the other insults and demeans others.

    I wish I could talk to Pence to find out how he really feels about finding out that the guy he's served faithfully for years wanted him killed by a mob. Lol. I wonder if that was a wake-up call, or if he's still stupid?

    My guess is that he's still stupid, but is just a bit more cautious now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Both Trump and Biden do word salad speeches. Both of them have declining vocabularies. Both of them are in their seventies.

    The important differences are in their intentions towards other people. One lends a helping hand, the other insults and demeans others.

    I wish I could talk to Pence to find out how he really feels about finding out that the guy he's served faithfully for years wanted him killed by a mob. Lol. I wonder if that was a wake-up call, or if he's still stupid?

    My guess is that he's still stupid, but is just a bit more cautious now.
    I mean yeah, they both belong in a museum. he reminds me of my senile 96 year old granma, nothing she says makes any sense lol, like a random word generator.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I mean yeah, they both belong in a museum. he reminds me of my senile 96 year old granma, nothing she says makes any sense lol, like a random word generator.
    Better make your mark before you are 40, because after that, things start falling apart.

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